It is possible to display or generate a map image which can easily be understood intuitionally by a user who is moving.
At many schools, reading tests have been constructed intuitionally without the precise mutual discussion and agreement among teachers on which item tests which type of skill.
Therefore, with the map, the tourists can intuitionally get an overview of all the relevant spots with locations and icons representing their corresponding rates.
The first five factors intuitionally make sense to us, and the factor loadings connected to them are also strong.
The almost mystical relationship existing between the primitive and the objects of his environment is based on a subject-object identification by which he is intuitionally informed of objects, apart from cognition.
Definition of intuitionally in US English:
See intuition
Example sentencesExamples
The almost mystical relationship existing between the primitive and the objects of his environment is based on a subject-object identification by which he is intuitionally informed of objects, apart from cognition.
The first five factors intuitionally make sense to us, and the factor loadings connected to them are also strong.
It is possible to display or generate a map image which can easily be understood intuitionally by a user who is moving.
At many schools, reading tests have been constructed intuitionally without the precise mutual discussion and agreement among teachers on which item tests which type of skill.
Therefore, with the map, the tourists can intuitionally get an overview of all the relevant spots with locations and icons representing their corresponding rates.