My dependancy is my computer and the old Interweb.
I've become slightly addicted to books describing the state of the Interweb about a decade ago.
Why am I wasting a little space on the Interweb with meditations on forgotten things?
The Interweb was the right choice over virtual reality.
Work laptop doesn't seem to like my Interweb connection at home and is now blocked.
The many-varied colors of the Interweb rainbow!
How can these companies and the Inter-web in general survive if they are continuing to be so generous in nature?
However, I firmly believe I witnessed enough to gather a subjective series of objective opinions, thereby allowing me to comment on the current state of the Inter-web.
My father finally got on the Interweb last month.
Calling the Internet by a different name Yes, it was very cute to call the Internet the Interweb, but really, we'd grown tired of it.
Look on the Interweb for dates and details.
Wow, a thriller unfolds on the Interweb!
How could the Inter-web, which has brought so much information and chunks of steaming joy to so many people, be a failing business model?
So there is my critical assessment of why this Inter-web is currently failing.
I couldn't agree more that is the most hilarious stuff I have spied on the Interweb in months.
So I throw myself upon the mercy of the Interweb.
With this second coming of iPhone, a name change makes sure it get's even more attention around the Interweb.
You, dear reader, can own this piece of literary history by the wonders of Interweb mail order.
Because they're knowledge-based, the Interweb guarantees leaks sooner or later.
And lets you search the pages from the Interweb.
Definition of Interweb in US English:
The Internet.
Example sentencesExamples
You, dear reader, can own this piece of literary history by the wonders of Interweb mail order.
However, I firmly believe I witnessed enough to gather a subjective series of objective opinions, thereby allowing me to comment on the current state of the Inter-web.
So there is my critical assessment of why this Inter-web is currently failing.
My father finally got on the Interweb last month.
I couldn't agree more that is the most hilarious stuff I have spied on the Interweb in months.
Why am I wasting a little space on the Interweb with meditations on forgotten things?
How could the Inter-web, which has brought so much information and chunks of steaming joy to so many people, be a failing business model?
My dependancy is my computer and the old Interweb.
So I throw myself upon the mercy of the Interweb.
Wow, a thriller unfolds on the Interweb!
The Interweb was the right choice over virtual reality.
Calling the Internet by a different name Yes, it was very cute to call the Internet the Interweb, but really, we'd grown tired of it.
Work laptop doesn't seem to like my Interweb connection at home and is now blocked.
How can these companies and the Inter-web in general survive if they are continuing to be so generous in nature?
The many-varied colors of the Interweb rainbow!
I've become slightly addicted to books describing the state of the Interweb about a decade ago.
With this second coming of iPhone, a name change makes sure it get's even more attention around the Interweb.
And lets you search the pages from the Interweb.
Because they're knowledge-based, the Interweb guarantees leaks sooner or later.