

单词 endemic

Definition of endemic in English:


adjective ɛnˈdɛmɪkɛnˈdɛmɪk
  • 1(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.


    complacency is endemic in industry today


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Unfortunately TB, Hepatitis B and HIV are all endemic in these parts of the world.
    • The new president inherited an economy in ruins and corruption so endemic it had become a way of life.
    • Malaria is endemic and is a cause of premature death.
    • Parasitic infections are endemic among this population.
    • Shortages have become endemic to many regions, as record drought and population sprawl sap rivers and aquifers.
    • The district records one of the country's highest suicides rates, mainly due to endemic poverty.
    • In fact the problem is so endemic that it hardly bares thinking about it, particularly by politicians.
    • Malaria was endemic and contributed considerably to the degree of anaemia observed.
    • I can hardly describe the sense of anger and betrayal and sheer disillusionment now endemic in the staff.
    • Poverty is endemic in the South and it is spreading to the North.
    • The vast coastal swamps caused by centuries of deforestation made malaria endemic in many parts of central and southern Italy.
    • The disease is still endemic in many Latin American countries and large epidemics of rubella occur periodically.
    • Of course, it is not the only country to suffer from endemic corruption.
    • Why is political stability so elusive, and why are violence and rights violations so endemic?
    • Individual ineffectiveness, indiscipline and corruption remain endemic among modern police officers.
    • And there is no doubt the endemic poverty in the country is a barrier to innovation.
    • Rocky Mountain spotted fever is endemic in North, Central, and South America.
    • Again, it would be insane to pretend that everything is OK: poverty remains endemic.
    • Diseases endemic in Europe, such as typhoid and influenza, became major causes of morbidity and death.
    • When the eradication initiative was launched in 1988 polio was endemic in 125 countries.
    • The mistake has been endemic in this country when you would think we should know better.
    widespread, prevailing, frequent, usual, common, general, universal, pervasive, extensive, ubiquitous, ordinary
    1. 1.1attributive (of an area) in which a particular disease is regularly found.
      the persistence of infection on pastures in endemic areas
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Using drugs that simply kill off the worms in the human host, but do not prevent re-infection may seem futile when re-infection is almost inevitable in endemic areas.
      • In highly endemic areas, at most 20 to 30 percent of deer ticks are infected with B. burgdorferi.
      • Other countries may require proof of vaccination if a person is traveling from an endemic area to prevent introduction of the disease.
      • In patients from endemic areas, Lyme disease may be diagnosed on clinical grounds alone in the presence of erythema migrans.
      • Therefore, daily self-examination is recommended for persons who engage in outdoor activities in endemic areas.
      • Typhoid fever immunization is recommended for travelers going to highly endemic areas in Central and South America, the Indian subcontinent, and Africa.
      • Because travellers to endemic areas are also at risk, healthcare providers should have an understanding of the spectrum of infection, how to diagnose it, and what the appropriate treatment is.
      • However, travelers visiting endemic areas may be affected by this disease if they do not take proper precautionary hygienic measures.
      • In contrast, many individuals who reside in endemic areas have fibrotic calcified nodes that are of no clinical importance.
      • It is indicated for use in laboratory workers involved with the virus and in persons planning to travel to endemic areas.
      • Resistance in V. cholerae is being encountered in most of the endemic areas 37,38.
      • In endemic areas the World Bank and others widely promote routine regular mass treatment of children with anthelmintics
      • Andaman Islands is a highly endemic area for leptospirosis 4,5-8 with more than 50 per cent seroprevalence.
      • Attempts to control infection and disease in many endemic areas have not been uniformly successful.
      • Examples calling for immunization include travel to endemic areas or intravenous drug use during pregnancy.
      • The shaded area indicates the endemic zone of Argentine hemorrhagic fever
      • Most cases of cutaneous myiasis in the United States occur in persons returning from these endemic areas.
      • Leishmaniasis should be considered in any person from an endemic area who has chronic localized skin lesions.
      • In one study, researchers found that these patients constitute 18 percent of Lyme disease cases in endemic areas during the summer months.
      • Malaria should be the first consideration in a febrile traveler who has returned from an endemic area.
  • 2(of a plant or animal) native and restricted to a certain place.


    a marsupial endemic to north-eastern Australia


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Ornithologists describe them as endemic, birds that have evolved into distinctive species because of the insularity of their habitats.
    • Thus, it appears that this species also may be nearly endemic to cedar glades of the southeastern United States.
    • If domesticated flocks are worthy of eagle protection, surely nearly extinct endemic taxa are as well.
    • This species is endemic to Crete and has stunning large flowers, tinted with warm purple.
    • About half of the species are endemic to these islands and are found nowhere else on Earth.
    • Many of the genera that evolved in the tropical and subtropical Americas remained endemic to the region.
    • Researchers will determine if the species is endemic to Kalimantan.
    • However, many other species are endemic to the North and many more seasonal migrants depend on northern environments for a significant part of their life history.
    • However this is a highly endemic fauna, and may represent an ecological succession.
    • The endemic bryozoan genera tend to be more poorly sampled than the cosmopolitan genera.
    • The Nene (also called Hawaiian) goose is Hawaii's state bird and endemic to the islands.
    • Yet it is also a global hot spot of biodiversity, with scores of endemic species of amphibians, birds, mammals, plants, and reptiles.
    • All four species are endemic to Madagascar and are found primarily in rainforests.
    • Distributional patterns of the 78 most endemic genera are shown in Table 3.
    • Five percent of the flora is endemic to the Southern Appalachians.
    • About 221 plant species are endemic to this peninsular state.
    • During the past decades the health of the endemic species has been seriously threatened.
    • The Albertine Rift harbors more endemic mammals, birds, and amphibians than any other region in Africa.
    • Most of the Chinese Impatiens species are endemic to the country or are restricted to a number of provinces.
    domestic, home-grown, home-made, home, local
noun ɛnˈdɛmɪkɛnˈdɛmɪk
  • An endemic plant or animal.


    there are three types of island endemics
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Despite these recent studies, however, detailed investigations of the effects of fire on most scrub endemics have not been carried out.
    • They also reported that many of the limestone cedar glade endemics grow well under cultivation in a greenhouse mixture of calcareous topsoil and river sand.
    • The origins of these island endemics are unknown.
    • Many endangered endemics of the Florida scrub are specialized for gaps.
    • Thus, low temperatures have led to selection for a high proportion of local endemics and species endemic to mountain peaks.
    • The endemics have been estimated to originate from about 120 successful original colonization events.
    • Some of the endemics may always have been rare, but most are suffering from the loss of habitat, owing to the creation of citrus groves and other forms of development.
    • Many rare scrub endemics are associated with mechanical disturbances to the soil such as fire lanes, plow lines, sandy roads and gopher tortoise burrows.
    • Island endemics arise frequently from mainland ancestors in many taxonomic groups, so large numbers of phylogenetically independent comparisons can be made.
    • Madagascan endemics include Cophylinae and Scaphiophryninae; the former are predominantly tree frogs, the latter are terrestrial and semi-fossorial.
    • These could be due to the fact that most of the non-endemic species within this group have adapted to ruderal areas, while none of the endemics occupies this kind of habitat.
    • The plant communities of southern Appalachian wetlands include endemics that exist in the unique microhabitats of the region.
    • Most species of Metagentiana are herbaceous local endemics growing in alpine scrub, meadows and coniferous forests.
    • There are 2,827 natives, 1,318 non-natives, and 228 endemics.
    • Divided by geographic region, local experts describe the climate, geology and soils of each community as well as the flora and fauna with special attention to endemics.
    • Schizoendemic taxa are vicariant endemics with identical chromosome numbers.
    • Island populations and insular endemics thus appear to be especially vulnerable to extinction due to genetic factors.
    • The prairies of the central plains likewise contain few endemics.
    around, in circulation, in existence, current, going on, prevailing, prevalent, widespread, pervasive, endemic, happening, in the air, abroad


  • endemically

  • adverbɛnˈdɛmɪk(ə)liɛnˈdɛmək(ə)li
    • The result is stagnation; with endemically low economic growth, and excessive government.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ever since my first encounter with French literature in my teens I have always thought French culture was endemically corrupt and devoid of any morality.
      • Many of the indigenous peoples were endemically rebellious and hard to contain, and the colonizers were endemically brutal in their determination to maintain control over them.
      • We're saying this money saved is to be spent on health and education when we know it's going to countries that are institutionally and endemically corrupt.
      • It's politics are still rooted in endemically corrupt factional patronage.
      • Crucially, it provides an account of why humans are so endemically prone to addictive behaviour.
  • endemicity

  • noun ˌɛndɪˈmɪsɪtiˌɛndəˈmɪsədi
    • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that Americans traveling to certain areas of high endemicity be vaccinated with hepatitis A vaccine.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Among healthy persons living in a region of low endemicity, the false-positive rate with serology is about 2 to 5 percent.
      • The main method of spread in areas of high endemicity is vertical transmission from carrier mother to child.
      • Some advised restrictions on clinical practice in areas of high HIV endemicity or poor standards of supervision or infection control.
      • Areas with high endemicity include the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East, Central Asia, Chile, and Argentina.
  • endemism

  • noun ˈɛndɪmɪz(ə)mˈɛndəˌmɪzəm
    mass noun
    • 1The degree to which the plants and animals of a particular area are both native and restricted to it.

      extreme endemism makes them exceptionally vulnerable to changes in their habitat
      1. 1.1 The state or quality of being native and restricted to a certain area.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Those mountains are biogeographically complex and exhibit high species endemism.
      • The floral and faunal endemism is a high 20 per cent.
      • We are the only tropical island group with this high rate of endemism.
      • Madagascar has a high level of grass endemism


Mid 17th century (as a noun): from French endémique or modern Latin endemicus, from Greek endēmios 'native' (based on dēmos 'people').


academic, alchemic, epidemic, pandemic, polemic, totemic

Definition of endemic in US English:


  • 1(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.


    complacency is endemic in industry today


    areas where malaria is endemic
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Individual ineffectiveness, indiscipline and corruption remain endemic among modern police officers.
    • The new president inherited an economy in ruins and corruption so endemic it had become a way of life.
    • The mistake has been endemic in this country when you would think we should know better.
    • The vast coastal swamps caused by centuries of deforestation made malaria endemic in many parts of central and southern Italy.
    • Poverty is endemic in the South and it is spreading to the North.
    • And there is no doubt the endemic poverty in the country is a barrier to innovation.
    • Of course, it is not the only country to suffer from endemic corruption.
    • Shortages have become endemic to many regions, as record drought and population sprawl sap rivers and aquifers.
    • Malaria was endemic and contributed considerably to the degree of anaemia observed.
    • I can hardly describe the sense of anger and betrayal and sheer disillusionment now endemic in the staff.
    • Diseases endemic in Europe, such as typhoid and influenza, became major causes of morbidity and death.
    • Again, it would be insane to pretend that everything is OK: poverty remains endemic.
    • In fact the problem is so endemic that it hardly bares thinking about it, particularly by politicians.
    • The disease is still endemic in many Latin American countries and large epidemics of rubella occur periodically.
    • Unfortunately TB, Hepatitis B and HIV are all endemic in these parts of the world.
    • When the eradication initiative was launched in 1988 polio was endemic in 125 countries.
    • Rocky Mountain spotted fever is endemic in North, Central, and South America.
    • Why is political stability so elusive, and why are violence and rights violations so endemic?
    • Malaria is endemic and is a cause of premature death.
    • The district records one of the country's highest suicides rates, mainly due to endemic poverty.
    • Parasitic infections are endemic among this population.
    widespread, prevailing, frequent, usual, common, general, universal, pervasive, extensive, ubiquitous, ordinary
    1. 1.1attributive Denoting an area in which a particular disease is regularly found.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Because travellers to endemic areas are also at risk, healthcare providers should have an understanding of the spectrum of infection, how to diagnose it, and what the appropriate treatment is.
      • Andaman Islands is a highly endemic area for leptospirosis 4,5-8 with more than 50 per cent seroprevalence.
      • In patients from endemic areas, Lyme disease may be diagnosed on clinical grounds alone in the presence of erythema migrans.
      • In contrast, many individuals who reside in endemic areas have fibrotic calcified nodes that are of no clinical importance.
      • Leishmaniasis should be considered in any person from an endemic area who has chronic localized skin lesions.
      • In highly endemic areas, at most 20 to 30 percent of deer ticks are infected with B. burgdorferi.
      • Malaria should be the first consideration in a febrile traveler who has returned from an endemic area.
      • Attempts to control infection and disease in many endemic areas have not been uniformly successful.
      • Examples calling for immunization include travel to endemic areas or intravenous drug use during pregnancy.
      • The shaded area indicates the endemic zone of Argentine hemorrhagic fever
      • Most cases of cutaneous myiasis in the United States occur in persons returning from these endemic areas.
      • Therefore, daily self-examination is recommended for persons who engage in outdoor activities in endemic areas.
      • In one study, researchers found that these patients constitute 18 percent of Lyme disease cases in endemic areas during the summer months.
      • Resistance in V. cholerae is being encountered in most of the endemic areas 37,38.
      • It is indicated for use in laboratory workers involved with the virus and in persons planning to travel to endemic areas.
      • Other countries may require proof of vaccination if a person is traveling from an endemic area to prevent introduction of the disease.
      • However, travelers visiting endemic areas may be affected by this disease if they do not take proper precautionary hygienic measures.
      • Using drugs that simply kill off the worms in the human host, but do not prevent re-infection may seem futile when re-infection is almost inevitable in endemic areas.
      • Typhoid fever immunization is recommended for travelers going to highly endemic areas in Central and South America, the Indian subcontinent, and Africa.
      • In endemic areas the World Bank and others widely promote routine regular mass treatment of children with anthelmintics
  • 2(of a plant or animal) native and restricted to a certain place.


    a marsupial endemic to northeastern Australia


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All four species are endemic to Madagascar and are found primarily in rainforests.
    • Thus, it appears that this species also may be nearly endemic to cedar glades of the southeastern United States.
    • Distributional patterns of the 78 most endemic genera are shown in Table 3.
    • The endemic bryozoan genera tend to be more poorly sampled than the cosmopolitan genera.
    • Yet it is also a global hot spot of biodiversity, with scores of endemic species of amphibians, birds, mammals, plants, and reptiles.
    • The Albertine Rift harbors more endemic mammals, birds, and amphibians than any other region in Africa.
    • Researchers will determine if the species is endemic to Kalimantan.
    • About half of the species are endemic to these islands and are found nowhere else on Earth.
    • If domesticated flocks are worthy of eagle protection, surely nearly extinct endemic taxa are as well.
    • Ornithologists describe them as endemic, birds that have evolved into distinctive species because of the insularity of their habitats.
    • However this is a highly endemic fauna, and may represent an ecological succession.
    • Most of the Chinese Impatiens species are endemic to the country or are restricted to a number of provinces.
    • This species is endemic to Crete and has stunning large flowers, tinted with warm purple.
    • About 221 plant species are endemic to this peninsular state.
    • During the past decades the health of the endemic species has been seriously threatened.
    • Five percent of the flora is endemic to the Southern Appalachians.
    • However, many other species are endemic to the North and many more seasonal migrants depend on northern environments for a significant part of their life history.
    • The Nene (also called Hawaiian) goose is Hawaii's state bird and endemic to the islands.
    • Many of the genera that evolved in the tropical and subtropical Americas remained endemic to the region.
    domestic, home-grown, home-made, home, local
  • An endemic plant or animal.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some of the endemics may always have been rare, but most are suffering from the loss of habitat, owing to the creation of citrus groves and other forms of development.
    • There are 2,827 natives, 1,318 non-natives, and 228 endemics.
    • Island populations and insular endemics thus appear to be especially vulnerable to extinction due to genetic factors.
    • The plant communities of southern Appalachian wetlands include endemics that exist in the unique microhabitats of the region.
    • The origins of these island endemics are unknown.
    • Many rare scrub endemics are associated with mechanical disturbances to the soil such as fire lanes, plow lines, sandy roads and gopher tortoise burrows.
    • Despite these recent studies, however, detailed investigations of the effects of fire on most scrub endemics have not been carried out.
    • Divided by geographic region, local experts describe the climate, geology and soils of each community as well as the flora and fauna with special attention to endemics.
    • Many endangered endemics of the Florida scrub are specialized for gaps.
    • The endemics have been estimated to originate from about 120 successful original colonization events.
    • Most species of Metagentiana are herbaceous local endemics growing in alpine scrub, meadows and coniferous forests.
    • The prairies of the central plains likewise contain few endemics.
    • Schizoendemic taxa are vicariant endemics with identical chromosome numbers.
    • Island endemics arise frequently from mainland ancestors in many taxonomic groups, so large numbers of phylogenetically independent comparisons can be made.
    • They also reported that many of the limestone cedar glade endemics grow well under cultivation in a greenhouse mixture of calcareous topsoil and river sand.
    • Madagascan endemics include Cophylinae and Scaphiophryninae; the former are predominantly tree frogs, the latter are terrestrial and semi-fossorial.
    • Thus, low temperatures have led to selection for a high proportion of local endemics and species endemic to mountain peaks.
    • These could be due to the fact that most of the non-endemic species within this group have adapted to ruderal areas, while none of the endemics occupies this kind of habitat.
    around, in circulation, in existence, current, going on, prevailing, prevalent, widespread, pervasive, endemic, happening, in the air, abroad


On the difference between endemic, epidemic, and pandemic, see epidemic


Mid 17th century (as a noun): from French endémique or modern Latin endemicus, from Greek endēmios ‘native’ (based on dēmos ‘people’).





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