In the days ahead we shall make clear, in words and in actions, our commitment to ensuring that intercommunity relations in our city do not become another victim of this war.
Based on findings demonstrating an inverse relation between home-range size and intercommunity competition, we expected to find a similar relation in our study.
Islamic activism and terrorism is not so evident in mature democracies where Islamic communities live in relative harmony, with perhaps the occasional intercommunity squabbles.
This reflects the general insulation of the community, where there are specific delineations between northern and southern Thais and where intercommunity outreach with other groups has been almost nonexistent.
The low frequency of accords involving more than two communities reflects the lack of intercommunity or regional organization, especially during the period covered by this study.
Within the islands, there was intercommunity trading and even warring networks.
State governments continue to attach a high priority to maintaining law and order and monitoring intercommunity relations at the district level.
Methods such as commemoration and healing, archiving, monuments and intercommunity interactions are suggested.
The onus for initiating this particular intercommunity communication is on Dalits.
The Great American Dream in recent times has become somewhat sterile, a colorless and neutral legal administrator of intercommunity conflicts.
Peru has benefited from over 30 years of development of native titles and territories in the context of a sometimes-supportive government and strong intercommunity organizations.
Our technological advances have increased exponentially over a few centuries, but our intercommunity and interracial skills have improved little.
The primary finding of the TF was the need for clear, consistent intercommunity and interagency coordination of the counterdrug-related intelligence effort.
The attacks were accompanied by intercommunity divide on the ground that new followers of Jesus are abandoning their old communitarian norms, causing conflicts.