The former are non-countable nouns, and the latter is a countable noun.
Note also that ‘counter + uncountable noun’ is used in the same way as a countable noun.
In the singular, a countable noun cannot be used without a determiner or a possessive: a book, one book, my book, that book, John's book, but not book alone.
A singular countable noun usually must have an article preceding it, as in A dog is friendly, or The fire roared.
Do not use an article before a plural countable noun unless you are restricting the interpretation of the noun in some way.
In most cases countable nouns form their plurals by adding an s.
In general, when a countable noun refers to two or more things, it must be put into the plural.
Normally countable nouns have both singular and plural forms.
An is used because the initial sound of the noun is pronounced as a vowel. a meeting: meeting is a countable noun in this context and is singular.
When using ‘more’ to describe abstract nouns, you would first have to convert such nouns to something countable by adding a countable noun in front.
Corresponding to the indefinite article with singular countable nouns, we find the zero article with uncountables and with plural countable nouns.
Every singular, countable noun in English must have an article, whereas non-countable nouns and plural nouns do not require an article, as in.
Non-specific plural countable nouns never have articles; we will never use a with plural countable nouns.
Furthermore, you should know that a singular countable noun must have an article (a, an or the) in front of it.
You can make a countable noun plural and attach it to a plural verb in a sentence.
However, they are often counted by using another countable noun signifying a group, a container, and so on.
Use both ‘some’ and ‘any’ with countable nouns when speaking about specific objects.
In the examples below, the countable nouns are shown in bold.
Plural countable nouns and all non-countable nouns do not require an article.
The is used with non countable nouns that are made more specific by a limiting modifying phrase or clause.