

单词 park

Definition of park in English:


noun pɑːkpɑrk
  • 1A large public garden or area of land used for recreation.


    a walk round the park


    a country park
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Youth workers and community leaders want to build an ambitious recreation area in the park but the priority seems to be to give residents their say in the project.
    • As the sun is shining I will also take a walk around the town with its parks and gardens.
    • Our tour of the city began with a trip to the Menara Gardens, a public park containing a reservoir and a huge olive grove, popular with locals for weekend picnics.
    • Work includes care of public parks, gardens, painting of signs, sowing of flowers, shrubs, care of the graveyards, repair of paths etc.
    • This includes private gardens, parks, buildings, working quarries and arable land.
    • Meanwhile, down on the beaches and in the parks and gardens of the nation, there seems a remarkable readiness to accept the dictates of the safe sun crusaders.
    • Yesterday police spoke to residents who live near the park, searched gardens and sealed-off the park as they looked for clues.
    • The water department is trying to recycle these sources of waste water for further use, such as watering parks and public gardens or street-cleaning.
    • For many people, walking or sitting in public parks without fear at night is a treat.
    • Flying kites has been forbidden in public parks and gardens throughout the city since the beginning of this month.
    • In the afternoon, to distract myself I went for a walk round the park.
    • He would like to see more public parks and gardens where he could go to feed the ducks with his children; more facilities for younger people - and more child-friendly pubs.
    • The mayor spray-painted the pansies planted in public parks so they'd match the visiting nations' flags.
    • Some years ago we saw these developers build a lot of flats right next to our public park, Canbury Park Gardens, down by the riverside.
    • It was in the 18th century that rulers in Europe saw the deteriorating health situation of people and started to establish public parks for recreation.
    • With springtime dawning once again it's hard not to thinks of parks, gardens and being outdoors in nature.
    • The Board of Supervisors will consider a proposal today to ban smoking in the city's public parks, squares, gardens and playing fields.
    • Myrna and David visited a hillside azalea garden in a nearby park to walk the trails and get a feel for the different grades of slope.
    • The most striking ones are connected with the illegal giveaway of some public parks and gardens, he said.
    • To this end, vacant plots of land, broad boulevards, thoroughfares, public gardens, and parks are used.
    public garden, recreation ground, playground, play area, public/municipal park
    1. 1.1 A large enclosed piece of ground attached to a country house.
      the house is set in its own park


      parkland, grassland, woodland, garden(s), lawns, grounds, estate
      literary greensward
    2. 1.2 A large enclosed area of land used to accommodate wild animals in captivity.
      penguin chicks are reared regularly at the park
      a panda cub is drawing the crowds at a wildlife park
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And the wildlife park with over 900 native animals gives one the feel of communicating with nature and a free environment.
      • The old prison is now a museum, and the nearby wildlife park has rare Scottish wildcats as well as silver foxes, badgers, deer and wallabies.
      • It turned out that this was no ordinary deer, but a young orphan - appropriately enough, called Rain - who had been reared from birth by the good folks at Porfell Animal Land wildlife park, near Looe.
      • Thrigby began a new era in 1979 as a wildlife park, and today has a key role in the worldwide network of zoos which are becoming a last refuge for threatened species.
      • Now the North Yorkshire woman has won a court battle for compensation - four years after being mauled by the beast in a wildlife park in South Africa.
      • The judges say the Town Park and the wildlife park in Glendowns are both providing opportunities for wildlife appreciation.
      • His favourite day trip would be a visit to a wildlife park or to the zoo.
      • Paths wind through the dense foliage built through the vastness of a national wildlife park and the darkness magnifies all six senses resulting in a nature walk that will be long remembered.
      • Dr Gaille Parry from the Australian Veterinary Association, and Jo-Anne Youngleson seemed to have recorded that story in between a kennel and a wildlife park.
      • The park that is the home for the Big Five Animals i.e. lions, elephants, leopards, black rhinos and Cape buffalo, is supposed to be the largest wildlife park in the world today.
      • Rural Ireland is a place where people work and make a living, and is not a private wildlife park.
      • Another part of the ‘real’ Cyprus is the Akamas peninsula, a protected wildlife park in the west of the island.
      • Tame and refusing to eat anything other than cat food, the puma, later named Felicity, lived out her days at a wildlife park.
      • The residents will now make submissions on the upcoming review of the Naas Development Plan looking to have the wetlands area formalised as a wildlife park.
      • It is in the east of the diocese and borders Kruger National Park, which is the biggest wildlife park in the world (about the size of Wales).
      • I found a site next to an existing graveyard where we made a wildlife park and they were happy about this.
      • Three are from a wildlife park on the Isle of Wight, and three from an attraction on the South Coast.
      • ‘I also got chased by an emu, which is like a giant bird that doesn't fly, at a wildlife park in Australia once’.
      • In an effort to perk them up and persuade The Smugglers that Australia wasn't the criminal-infested place its historically known as, their tour manager took them to a wildlife park.
      • Now if the Greens were in charge of the wildlife park, what's the bet they would punish the rangers?
      meadow, pasture, paddock, green, pen, grassland, pastureland, sward
    3. 1.3British A children's playground.
      Marcus had the park's swings and slides to himself
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We don't let them go up to the park nearby because older kids sit on the swings drinking up there.
      • Um, one thing, not a good idea to take kids to the park and spin on things straight after ice creams.
      • Christine set up the Action Group after Lancaster City Council took down swings and slides in a local park.
      • It was a beautiful day and I decided to take the kids to the park.
      • A group of children were close to tears after walking to a park only to find dog dirt smeared over the slide and bottles smashed on the floor.
      • As I child I would go to my neighborhood park and swing for hours when I was mad or upset.
      • Danielle chats idly to Tim as they twist and turn on the kiddie's swings at a local park.
      • He saw her alone at the park, sitting on the swings.
      • In the area of Bromley, there are parks with swings and slides, but that can be a bit boring for older kids.
    4. 1.4the parkBritish informal (in soccer) the pitch.
      he was the liveliest player on the park


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His presence was enough to send opposing fans into a frenzy - one of the true bad boys of soccer on the park.
      • Once the accountants have trimmed the playing squad to a leaner, more financially efficient unit, they can turn their attention to the number of players on the park on match days.
      • ‘True, home advantage should help but it will come down to the players on the park producing the goods,’ Brewster says.
      • Solidity in the centre of the park is supplied through Smith's conversion into a midfielder, a role where he did not expect to perform.
      • After the break, however, England came more to the fore in the centre of the park and the Rovers midfielder spent most of the half on the back foot as his team came under siege.
      playing field, football field, field, pitch
    5. 1.5North American An enclosed sports ground.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Not to mention he accomplished this playing his home games in Yankee Stadium, a difficult park for righthanded hitters.
      • The ball had plenty of depth to reach the park's famed left field fence.
      • It appears that in most big league parks, the inside vertical line (closest to home plate) of the batter's box is not outlined.
      • In 1998, Gonzalez played in the old Detroit ballpark, a park where home runs were plentiful.
      • That happened even though RFK Stadium was a big park, and the humid air in Washington didn't help the ball carry.
      • He's moving from a hitters park inhabited by a wretched Royals squad to a neutral park with a good defensive team and pitching coach Leo Mazzone.
      • Spink never left his office in St. Louis, but if you read his ghostwritten column, you'd think he was visiting all the major league parks.
      • Right field at the park faces east, toward Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
      • Among those 163 players, Tony Womack is one of 94 who also hit a grand slam out of the park during their big league careers.
      • He has not been that productive at Dolphins Stadium, a park considered unfriendly to lefthanded power hitters.
      • The old parks had short fences, so it was easy to hit home runs.
      • The Southern League has favored pitching dramatically of late, though the Georgia outfielders will be playing in historically neutral parks.
      • At most major league parks, there's enough padding out there so you don't have to worry about killing yourself.
      • Thus far this season, the number of homers in RFK is 36 percent lower than in other major-league parks.
      • When we first sat in the seats, I noted to my Dad just how similar the park was to Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City.
      • First, he was a child following his father around big league parks.
      • There's still a long way to go, it's my dream to see a skateboard park next to every basketball court.
      • The shape of the park challenged left and right fielders in playing caroms off the walls on long drives by opposing hitters.
      • Bleachers surround the court, and the park is packed for every game.
      • This should not happen in a park where the right field wall is 307 feet down the line.
      stadium, amphitheatre, theatre, coliseum
  • 2with adjective or noun modifier An area devoted to a specified purpose.


    an industrial park


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The council has just purchased an industrial land bank linked closely to the existing industrial park in the town.
    • It is thought to be one of the few municipal parks in the country dedicated to the employees of a single company, and it is the only known public park designed by architect Fred Rowntree.
    • You'd think you were entering an industrial park when you visit New Brighton Park.
    • Since the beginning of 2001, 230 multinationals have piled into the city's industrial parks.
    • In the amusement parks on the outskirts of Chennai, huge crowds queue for a water ride.
    • We're here at the new aerotow flight park in western New York and the place is jumping.
    • Plans came and went that included high-rise apartments and an amusement theme park, however nothing materialised.
    • A series of pilots are set to begin at regional and national theme parks.
    • While they were in Montreal, they visited this huge amusement park called La Ronde.
    • Officers spent the day visiting retail parks, shops and pubs as the high-profile initiative continued.
    • A new paintball and BB park opened on the property last Sunday morning with hardcore players turning up to take part in the specials on offer.
    • Incongruously, The Lost World is located in a bowling alley in a retail park on the outskirts of Croydon.
    • Business leaders have welcomed plans to transform a patch of derelict land into an eco-friendly town centre business park.
    1. 2.1British with modifier An area for motor vehicles to be left in.
      a coach park


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Visiting coaches are allowed to drop off and collect passengers at one specific spot, within walking distance of the town centre, and then go to a coach park on the perimeter of the town.
      • Householders and traders fear that a move to relocate a city centre coach park in York will trigger a spiral of decline in a street which has been revived after years of planning blight.
      • But there were reports of further violence in a coach park and in traffic jams where United supporters again came under attack.
      • There is a tea room with a coach park, where you can sit on a plastic chair and look out over the water while your child plays an involved game of throwing a tiny bouncing ball into the troughs of geraniums.
      • It means the car and coach park would need to be sold in a package with the actual building, suggesting a huge development venture in the centre of York.
      • Five children have been arrested in connection with a £30,000 wrecking spree at a Rochford coach park.
      • Sadly, this will lead three-quarters of the audience to go on a murder spree as they head back to the coach park, but that's a price worth paying.
      • He describes his most notable achievements as getting the tourists' car park and coach park built.
      • The sports hall, bowling green and coach park is likely to be lost, and council officers are already looking at the possibility of moving them elsewhere in the city.
      • Even ‘one-horse, whistle-stop’ towns such as Tadcaster have a proper off-the-road coach park.
      • Union Terrace car park will lose more than half its existing spaces so a new coach park and toilet facilities can be built.
      • Charges for the coach park will be £3 for up to four hours and £6 for longer.
      • One cannot help but observe that instead of it being used as a travel point, quite often the bus station is being used by the coach company as a glorified coach park.
      • He said Kent Street coach park was an essential and well-used feature of the city.
      • The current coach park at the racecourse could be a possible site.
      • A coach park was removed in a multi-million-pound revamp of parking facilities outside terminal one last year.
      • It has been suggested that the Clarence Street coach park could be banished out to a Park and Ride site which would fit in with the council's advocacy of Park and Ride.
      • Officers are now looking at considering the design of any coach park, with the aim of reducing the risk of flooding.
      • However, £26,000 is already committed to fund temporary works at Ripon Auction Mart for a long-stay car park and coach park.
      • The first scheme is to extend the Lord Mayor's Walk campus of the College of Ripon and York St John on to the Clarence Street coach park.
  • 3mass noun (in a car with automatic transmission) the position of the gear selector in which the gears are locked, preventing the vehicle's movement.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She turned the key, the engine letting off a bit of a rumble, than she shifted the car from park to first gear, and turned it back around.
    • He set the gear in park and turned off the engine.
    • They arrived at school in record time and Amy disappeared as soon as the jeep was in park.
    • When still he didn't respond, she herself put the gear into park.
    • He struggled to push the gear shifter into park, but he finally heard and felt the needle click over to the large P.
    • She stopped the Cadillac and shifted the gear into park before turning to face me with a softened look of concern shining through her dark brown eyes.
    • Josh quickly pulled into an empty parking space and put the car's gear into park.
    • He put the Jeep into park just as I saw Jones turn down the street in the rearview mirror.
    • Or you can pull over, put the vehicle in park, unfasten your belt, stick your head between the front seats, and grope for a spell.
    • I shifted the Anglia back into park then climbed out and went over to Jill's vehicle.
    • He turns off the car's ignition, puts the gear into park, takes out the keys, gets out of the vehicle and shuts and locks the door.
    • The gearbox is single ratio with park, neutral, reverse and drive.
    • He threw the transmission into park and switched off the engine.
    • I jammed the gear shift into park and jumped out of the car, wiping my pants off.
verb pɑːkpɑrk
[with object]
  • 1Bring (a vehicle that one is driving) to a halt and leave it temporarily, typically in a car park or by the side of the road.


    he parked his car outside her house


    no object he couldn't find anywhere to park


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Police have been using the Polebarn Road offices to park vehicles since May.
    • We rushed out to move our cars which were parked in the road in front of the house.
    • It happened when a row broke out about cars being parked on either side of the road.
    • I drove along the street I was on for a while and pulled off to the side and parked my car.
    • Shiny luxury cars were parked all along the sides of the streets, stretching six blocks down.
    • Motorists who park their vehicles at bus stops are making it impossible for disabled passengers to climb aboard, a disability organisation claimed today.
    • The car park of Morrisons often suffers from overflow car parking with shoppers having to park on side roads close to Morrisons which creates more congested local roads.
    • They should park their vehicle by the side of the road and then attend to the call.
    • Where you park your vehicle overnight is also very important to the insurers.
    • We had stopped a block behind the taxi and pulled over to park the car.
    • I arrived there and parked my car along the side of the road in front of the building.
    • Does free parking mean one can park vehicles anywhere and on any road?
    • But we noticed long lines of cars either forced to park by the side of the road or diverted for security checks.
    • Cars were parked across the road, and traffic was already beginning to back up.
    • He then turned into a street where cars were parked on both side of the road and could not get past.
    • Vehicles are also parked haphazardly outside of designated spaces in the car park.
    • Moves should be put into action to get a new car park and especially to accommodate workers who must park their vehicles on the west side of Teeling Street all day long.
    • The car was driven to Bolton Abbey and was parked in the car park near Cavendish Pavilion.
    • He led her to the very back of the backyard, where a car was parked on the other side of the fence.
    • So, where possible, drivers should park their vans off the road, on a drive or preferably in a locked garage.
    leave, station, position
    stop, pull up
    1. 1.1informal with object and adverbial of place Leave (something) in a convenient place until required.
      come on in, and park your bag by the door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He wanted to park the euro, pretend it didn't exist as a troublesome issue, and try to win the Conservative top job without showing the card he knows could cost him not just a hand but the entire game.
      • I suggest you park the money in an instant-access or short-notice bank or building society deposit account for the time being.
      • Financial transactions and accounts are being tracked and scrutinised very closely, making it difficult to park funds abroad.
      • The separatist Party in Quebec won a lot of seats not because people are voting vote separation but as a place to park their votes and not vote for the Liberals.
      • Its 10 cm of extra length allows for a roomier interior and it also provides somewhere to park the wet umbrella and a rear passenger footrest.
      • I need to do a nifty leftward swerve right where you've parked your eight year old child!
      • At the moment we have just parked the domain and will sort out hosting services later.
      • But there would have to be ‘safe harbour’ products where those who job hop continually could park their benefits.
      • Equally, if Stringer was lost for any period of time then you could park any notions of grandeur until he returned.
      • Which is sweet of them, except that these crèches are not to park your baby in - they're for men.
      • While my proboscis was never truly petite to begin with, neither did it require me to have a face the size of Montana on which to park it.
      • The aim is to allow customers to park money there, content they will receive a decent rate of interest, while they are making investment decisions as well as actively trading.
      put, put down, place, deposit, set, set down, leave, stick, shove, dump, plump
      informal plonk, plunk
      British informal bung
    2. 1.2park oneselfinformal Sit down.
      after dinner, we parked ourselves on a pair of couches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 9 P.M. EST, millions of people stopped what they were doing and parked themselves in front of the television for the next 90 minutes.
      • I was so bad about parking myself there all afternoon ingesting caffeine and ‘B’ movies that R. actually bribed my baristas with Krispy Kreme doughnuts to cut me off at two ‘real’ shots a day.
      • Which I suppose is fine, except for the fact that they set their little picnic table up in the shade and did not move the entire time. They parked themselves behind this table, drank tea from a thermos and ate fruitcake.
      • Past the Roll of Honor and beyond the stand holding new copies of The Upper Room, our ministers always parked themselves at the front door.
      • Much to Alec Robertson's amusement, he parked himself on a back seat occupying himself munching a crumpet with his morning tea!
      • My Dad drops me over to Ruth's and I park myself down in the comfy seat and wait for the gang to arrive. Katie, Ryan and their gorgeous daughter, Lydia, arrive first, and I enjoy having cuddles while Abbi and Ruth slave away in the kitchen.
      • Regardless of the hot afternoon sun, over 100 tree-lovers parked themselves on the remains of an axed tree, raising slogans against the felling order issued by the BMP of over 700 trees for the purpose of road widening.
      • The woman who had been standing directly in front of the empty seat for the last seven stops moves a metre further up the carriage and parks herself in another empty spot.
      • Pulling up a chair for me (white, naturally), she parks herself on the edge of a table and starts to fill me in on the inspiration behind her latest paintings.
      • So, I've started watching and sure enough, about that time every afternoon she parks herself in that harvest gold easy chair and stares fixedly at the intersection for an hour or so, then goes back in the house.
      • At the start of a routine home fixture he parks himself in a seat high in Ibrox's Main Stand.
      • At the command every student in the room hurriedly parked themselves in their specific seats and waited for instructions from the teacher, Madame Besson.
      • Even after I got up, covered up the light, and eliminated the blinking, the boys parked themselves on guard duty at the foot of the bed and were still sitting there when I fell asleep.
      • They just parked themselves on the edge of their box and played off scraps.
      • But I would feel like a hypocrite parking myself in the evangelical church over the road every Sunday just to get her into the school, when it isn't something that I believe in myself.
      • I had nine minutes to park myself on a seat in my homeroom class before I ran out of time, and it was still a good twelve minutes until I arrived at school.
      • After dinner Jesse and Danny parked themselves on the couch in the family living room.
      • I promptly told my mind to shut up and strolled across the floor to the bar, parking myself in a seat.
      • It was battlestations after that as we dashed back into town and tried to get a decent view of the Mardi Gras parade itself, parking ourselves south a bit from Taylor Square.
      • Children parked themselves on their fathers' shoulders.
      sit down, seat oneself, settle (oneself), install oneself, plant oneself, ensconce oneself, plump oneself, plop oneself, flump, perch
      informal plonk oneself
    3. 1.3informal Postpone consideration of (an idea or plan) until a later date.
      could I suggest we park that suggestion for the moment?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He tentatively floated the idea with one of the senior fitters a few months ago but met with fierce resistance and parked the idea.
      • The government parked the idea by referring it to an all-party committee looking at the reform of the structures of the Oireachtas.
      • Plans for the development have been parked until after the general election, following a highly critical consultants' report.
      • Mr. McCann goes on to say that the Sligo element of the proposal should be parked for another three years when it could be reviewed again.
      • Fearful of another damaging "Tax Bombshell" campaign by the Tories, Brown parked the idea until after the next election.
      • The banks are celebrating rumours that plans to reform the banking sector have been parked until after the next general election.
      • The issues were parked for reference to the Law Commission.
      • I did have ideas for an 'Engage' page up front which links users to blogs, discussions, and questions but I've decided to park that for now and focus on other requirements.
      • In all likelihood, that idea has also been parked.
      • Mr Haughey suggested all these issues should be parked until the tribunal completed its work.
      • Unless a compromise can be crafted to include thorough safety and security inspections of all tractor-trailers crossing the border, the plan should be parked indefinitely.


  • park the bus

    • informal (typically of an away team) play in a very defensive way.

      sometimes we do struggle at home against sides who park the bus
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When teams come to park the bus it's always difficult.
      • We have been able to win consistently against the mid and lower table teams if we park the bus, but we have not had the firepower in the last 13 months to win consistently any other way.
      • Chelsea didn't exactly park the bus to pull off a 1-0 win at Manchester City.
      • All that has to be done against Arsenal is to park the bus and counterattack.
      • I don't know what your standards are for football but all they did was counter and park the bus.
      • It has been common for teams to "park the bus" against Spain in recent years.
      • Can Rodgers deliver a team that can keep the ball rather than parking the bus?
      • Jose didn't just park the bus when Chelsea took on hosts Atletico Madrid in the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, he parked the train, plane and every automobile he could lay his hands on.
      • We need a more clinical striker who can score against teams that park the bus.
      • Ross County parked the bus and got exactly what they deserved out of the game.


Middle English: from Old French parc, from medieval Latin parricus, of Germanic origin; related to German Pferch 'pen, fold', also to paddock. The word was originally a legal term designating land held by royal grant for keeping game animals: this was enclosed and therefore distinct from a forest or chase, and (also unlike a forest) had no special laws or officers. A military sense 'space occupied by artillery, wagons, stores, etc., in an encampment' (late 17th century) is the origin of the verb sense (mid 19th century) and of sense 2 of the noun (early 20th century).

  • Park is from Old French parc, from medieval Latin parricus. It is probably of Germanic origin, related to German Pferch ‘pen, fold’, which is also the source of paddock (mid 16th century). The word was originally a legal term for land held by royal grant for the keeping of game animals: the area was enclosed and therefore distinct from a forest or chase, and (also unlike a forest) had no special laws or officers. A military sense ‘space occupied by artillery, wagons, and stores, in an encampment’ (late 17th century) is the origin of the verb ‘to park’ (mid 19th century). The British slang term parky, ‘cold’, dates from the 1890s. It probably comes from perky, ‘lively, sharp’ (see perk).



arc, ark, Bach, bark, barque, Braque, Clark, clerk, dark, embark, hark, impark, Iraq, Ladakh, Lamarck, lark, macaque, marc, mark, marque, narc, nark, Newark, quark, sark, shark, snark, spark, stark, Vlach

Definition of park in US English:


  • 1A large public green area in a town, used for recreation.


    a walk around the park


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Youth workers and community leaders want to build an ambitious recreation area in the park but the priority seems to be to give residents their say in the project.
    • This includes private gardens, parks, buildings, working quarries and arable land.
    • In the afternoon, to distract myself I went for a walk round the park.
    • As the sun is shining I will also take a walk around the town with its parks and gardens.
    • To this end, vacant plots of land, broad boulevards, thoroughfares, public gardens, and parks are used.
    • Meanwhile, down on the beaches and in the parks and gardens of the nation, there seems a remarkable readiness to accept the dictates of the safe sun crusaders.
    • The mayor spray-painted the pansies planted in public parks so they'd match the visiting nations' flags.
    • For many people, walking or sitting in public parks without fear at night is a treat.
    • Our tour of the city began with a trip to the Menara Gardens, a public park containing a reservoir and a huge olive grove, popular with locals for weekend picnics.
    • He would like to see more public parks and gardens where he could go to feed the ducks with his children; more facilities for younger people - and more child-friendly pubs.
    • Flying kites has been forbidden in public parks and gardens throughout the city since the beginning of this month.
    • Yesterday police spoke to residents who live near the park, searched gardens and sealed-off the park as they looked for clues.
    • The water department is trying to recycle these sources of waste water for further use, such as watering parks and public gardens or street-cleaning.
    • Myrna and David visited a hillside azalea garden in a nearby park to walk the trails and get a feel for the different grades of slope.
    • Work includes care of public parks, gardens, painting of signs, sowing of flowers, shrubs, care of the graveyards, repair of paths etc.
    • The Board of Supervisors will consider a proposal today to ban smoking in the city's public parks, squares, gardens and playing fields.
    • The most striking ones are connected with the illegal giveaway of some public parks and gardens, he said.
    • With springtime dawning once again it's hard not to thinks of parks, gardens and being outdoors in nature.
    • Some years ago we saw these developers build a lot of flats right next to our public park, Canbury Park Gardens, down by the riverside.
    • It was in the 18th century that rulers in Europe saw the deteriorating health situation of people and started to establish public parks for recreation.
    public garden, recreation ground, playground, play area, municipal park, public park
    1. 1.1US A large area of land kept in its natural state for public recreational use.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The village is situated in the midst of a national natural park.
      • The opening leg takes competitors south to the slopes of Monte Tepilora and Punta sa Donna and the natural park of Monte Olia.
      • State officials work to balance recreational use with efforts to enhance and protect the park's abundant natural resources.
      • The park, a World Natural Heritage Site, is comparable in stature to Yellowstone in the United States.
      • We'll leisurely base camp and visit three of the most beautiful areas of this park, one of Alaska's best-kept secrets.
      • It is an unusual landscape abundant with both cultural and natural scenes with two provincial-level scenic areas and one forest park.
      • More than 2500 hectares of park and Commonwealth lands were burnt out, however no buildings were lost or persons injured.
      • Her plan would allow up to 1,300 snowmobiles to roar past Old Faithful and the rest of the park's natural wonders every day.
      • Some of the finest natural areas in the park are not easily accessible except by boat, but others are crisscrossed by hiking trails.
      • Thousands of snowmobiles roared past Old Faithful and the rest of the park's natural wonders on weekends.
      • Over 3,000 reptiles, birds and mammals live in the park in their natural habitats.
      • Since the 1988 fire, researchers believe that the park has achieved a natural balance.
    2. 1.2 A large enclosed piece of ground, typically with woodland and pasture, attached to a large country house.
      the house is set in its own park


      parkland, grassland, woodland, garden, gardens, lawns, grounds, estate
    3. 1.3 A large enclosed area of land used to accommodate wild animals in captivity.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I found a site next to an existing graveyard where we made a wildlife park and they were happy about this.
      • Three are from a wildlife park on the Isle of Wight, and three from an attraction on the South Coast.
      • It turned out that this was no ordinary deer, but a young orphan - appropriately enough, called Rain - who had been reared from birth by the good folks at Porfell Animal Land wildlife park, near Looe.
      • In an effort to perk them up and persuade The Smugglers that Australia wasn't the criminal-infested place its historically known as, their tour manager took them to a wildlife park.
      • Now if the Greens were in charge of the wildlife park, what's the bet they would punish the rangers?
      • It is in the east of the diocese and borders Kruger National Park, which is the biggest wildlife park in the world (about the size of Wales).
      • His favourite day trip would be a visit to a wildlife park or to the zoo.
      • Paths wind through the dense foliage built through the vastness of a national wildlife park and the darkness magnifies all six senses resulting in a nature walk that will be long remembered.
      • ‘I also got chased by an emu, which is like a giant bird that doesn't fly, at a wildlife park in Australia once’.
      • Another part of the ‘real’ Cyprus is the Akamas peninsula, a protected wildlife park in the west of the island.
      • And the wildlife park with over 900 native animals gives one the feel of communicating with nature and a free environment.
      • Now the North Yorkshire woman has won a court battle for compensation - four years after being mauled by the beast in a wildlife park in South Africa.
      • The residents will now make submissions on the upcoming review of the Naas Development Plan looking to have the wetlands area formalised as a wildlife park.
      • Thrigby began a new era in 1979 as a wildlife park, and today has a key role in the worldwide network of zoos which are becoming a last refuge for threatened species.
      • The old prison is now a museum, and the nearby wildlife park has rare Scottish wildcats as well as silver foxes, badgers, deer and wallabies.
      • Rural Ireland is a place where people work and make a living, and is not a private wildlife park.
      • The park that is the home for the Big Five Animals i.e. lions, elephants, leopards, black rhinos and Cape buffalo, is supposed to be the largest wildlife park in the world today.
      • The judges say the Town Park and the wildlife park in Glendowns are both providing opportunities for wildlife appreciation.
      • Dr Gaille Parry from the Australian Veterinary Association, and Jo-Anne Youngleson seemed to have recorded that story in between a kennel and a wildlife park.
      • Tame and refusing to eat anything other than cat food, the puma, later named Felicity, lived out her days at a wildlife park.
      meadow, pasture, paddock, green, pen, grassland, pastureland, sward
    4. 1.4North American A stadium or enclosed area used for sports.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Among those 163 players, Tony Womack is one of 94 who also hit a grand slam out of the park during their big league careers.
      • Not to mention he accomplished this playing his home games in Yankee Stadium, a difficult park for righthanded hitters.
      • He's moving from a hitters park inhabited by a wretched Royals squad to a neutral park with a good defensive team and pitching coach Leo Mazzone.
      • At most major league parks, there's enough padding out there so you don't have to worry about killing yourself.
      • That happened even though RFK Stadium was a big park, and the humid air in Washington didn't help the ball carry.
      • Bleachers surround the court, and the park is packed for every game.
      • When we first sat in the seats, I noted to my Dad just how similar the park was to Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City.
      • Spink never left his office in St. Louis, but if you read his ghostwritten column, you'd think he was visiting all the major league parks.
      • There's still a long way to go, it's my dream to see a skateboard park next to every basketball court.
      • The Southern League has favored pitching dramatically of late, though the Georgia outfielders will be playing in historically neutral parks.
      • The ball had plenty of depth to reach the park's famed left field fence.
      • This should not happen in a park where the right field wall is 307 feet down the line.
      • In 1998, Gonzalez played in the old Detroit ballpark, a park where home runs were plentiful.
      • The shape of the park challenged left and right fielders in playing caroms off the walls on long drives by opposing hitters.
      • It appears that in most big league parks, the inside vertical line (closest to home plate) of the batter's box is not outlined.
      • Thus far this season, the number of homers in RFK is 36 percent lower than in other major-league parks.
      • First, he was a child following his father around big league parks.
      • The old parks had short fences, so it was easy to hit home runs.
      • He has not been that productive at Dolphins Stadium, a park considered unfriendly to lefthanded power hitters.
      • Right field at the park faces east, toward Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
      stadium, amphitheatre, theatre, coliseum
    5. 1.5US (in the western US) a broad, flat, mostly open area in a mountainous region.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The park is open year around however, the summer temperatures can get very hot in this beautiful high desert.
      • The park is open from mid-April to the end of October and is accessible by float plane and boat.
      • Although the park is open year-round, I don't believe that we would want to ride during some of those cold northern winters.
  • 2with adjective or noun modifier An area devoted to a specified purpose.


    an industrial park


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A new paintball and BB park opened on the property last Sunday morning with hardcore players turning up to take part in the specials on offer.
    • We're here at the new aerotow flight park in western New York and the place is jumping.
    • Business leaders have welcomed plans to transform a patch of derelict land into an eco-friendly town centre business park.
    • In the amusement parks on the outskirts of Chennai, huge crowds queue for a water ride.
    • The council has just purchased an industrial land bank linked closely to the existing industrial park in the town.
    • A series of pilots are set to begin at regional and national theme parks.
    • Since the beginning of 2001, 230 multinationals have piled into the city's industrial parks.
    • Officers spent the day visiting retail parks, shops and pubs as the high-profile initiative continued.
    • While they were in Montreal, they visited this huge amusement park called La Ronde.
    • It is thought to be one of the few municipal parks in the country dedicated to the employees of a single company, and it is the only known public park designed by architect Fred Rowntree.
    • Plans came and went that included high-rise apartments and an amusement theme park, however nothing materialised.
    • You'd think you were entering an industrial park when you visit New Brighton Park.
    • Incongruously, The Lost World is located in a bowling alley in a retail park on the outskirts of Croydon.
    1. 2.1British A parking lot or garage.
      a coach park


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Visiting coaches are allowed to drop off and collect passengers at one specific spot, within walking distance of the town centre, and then go to a coach park on the perimeter of the town.
      • Officers are now looking at considering the design of any coach park, with the aim of reducing the risk of flooding.
      • The sports hall, bowling green and coach park is likely to be lost, and council officers are already looking at the possibility of moving them elsewhere in the city.
      • There is a tea room with a coach park, where you can sit on a plastic chair and look out over the water while your child plays an involved game of throwing a tiny bouncing ball into the troughs of geraniums.
      • A coach park was removed in a multi-million-pound revamp of parking facilities outside terminal one last year.
      • It has been suggested that the Clarence Street coach park could be banished out to a Park and Ride site which would fit in with the council's advocacy of Park and Ride.
      • Five children have been arrested in connection with a £30,000 wrecking spree at a Rochford coach park.
      • He said Kent Street coach park was an essential and well-used feature of the city.
      • But there were reports of further violence in a coach park and in traffic jams where United supporters again came under attack.
      • The first scheme is to extend the Lord Mayor's Walk campus of the College of Ripon and York St John on to the Clarence Street coach park.
      • Charges for the coach park will be £3 for up to four hours and £6 for longer.
      • However, £26,000 is already committed to fund temporary works at Ripon Auction Mart for a long-stay car park and coach park.
      • Householders and traders fear that a move to relocate a city centre coach park in York will trigger a spiral of decline in a street which has been revived after years of planning blight.
      • Sadly, this will lead three-quarters of the audience to go on a murder spree as they head back to the coach park, but that's a price worth paying.
      • One cannot help but observe that instead of it being used as a travel point, quite often the bus station is being used by the coach company as a glorified coach park.
      • Even ‘one-horse, whistle-stop’ towns such as Tadcaster have a proper off-the-road coach park.
      • The current coach park at the racecourse could be a possible site.
      • He describes his most notable achievements as getting the tourists' car park and coach park built.
      • It means the car and coach park would need to be sold in a package with the actual building, suggesting a huge development venture in the centre of York.
      • Union Terrace car park will lose more than half its existing spaces so a new coach park and toilet facilities can be built.
  • 3(in a car with automatic transmission) the position of the gear selector in which the gears are locked, preventing the vehicle's movement.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I jammed the gear shift into park and jumped out of the car, wiping my pants off.
    • She turned the key, the engine letting off a bit of a rumble, than she shifted the car from park to first gear, and turned it back around.
    • Or you can pull over, put the vehicle in park, unfasten your belt, stick your head between the front seats, and grope for a spell.
    • She stopped the Cadillac and shifted the gear into park before turning to face me with a softened look of concern shining through her dark brown eyes.
    • When still he didn't respond, she herself put the gear into park.
    • He put the Jeep into park just as I saw Jones turn down the street in the rearview mirror.
    • They arrived at school in record time and Amy disappeared as soon as the jeep was in park.
    • He set the gear in park and turned off the engine.
    • Josh quickly pulled into an empty parking space and put the car's gear into park.
    • The gearbox is single ratio with park, neutral, reverse and drive.
    • I shifted the Anglia back into park then climbed out and went over to Jill's vehicle.
    • He threw the transmission into park and switched off the engine.
    • He turns off the car's ignition, puts the gear into park, takes out the keys, gets out of the vehicle and shuts and locks the door.
    • He struggled to push the gear shifter into park, but he finally heard and felt the needle click over to the large P.
[with object]
  • 1Bring (a vehicle that one is driving) to a halt and leave it temporarily, typically in a parking lot or by the side of the road.


    he parked his car outside her house


    no object he couldn't find anywhere to park


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So, where possible, drivers should park their vans off the road, on a drive or preferably in a locked garage.
    • I arrived there and parked my car along the side of the road in front of the building.
    • The car park of Morrisons often suffers from overflow car parking with shoppers having to park on side roads close to Morrisons which creates more congested local roads.
    • Shiny luxury cars were parked all along the sides of the streets, stretching six blocks down.
    • Cars were parked across the road, and traffic was already beginning to back up.
    • I drove along the street I was on for a while and pulled off to the side and parked my car.
    • Motorists who park their vehicles at bus stops are making it impossible for disabled passengers to climb aboard, a disability organisation claimed today.
    • But we noticed long lines of cars either forced to park by the side of the road or diverted for security checks.
    • It happened when a row broke out about cars being parked on either side of the road.
    • Vehicles are also parked haphazardly outside of designated spaces in the car park.
    • They should park their vehicle by the side of the road and then attend to the call.
    • Police have been using the Polebarn Road offices to park vehicles since May.
    • Where you park your vehicle overnight is also very important to the insurers.
    • Moves should be put into action to get a new car park and especially to accommodate workers who must park their vehicles on the west side of Teeling Street all day long.
    • Does free parking mean one can park vehicles anywhere and on any road?
    • We rushed out to move our cars which were parked in the road in front of the house.
    • He then turned into a street where cars were parked on both side of the road and could not get past.
    • The car was driven to Bolton Abbey and was parked in the car park near Cavendish Pavilion.
    • He led her to the very back of the backyard, where a car was parked on the other side of the fence.
    • We had stopped a block behind the taxi and pulled over to park the car.
    leave, station, position
    1. 1.1informal Deposit and leave in a convenient place until required.
      come on in, and park your bag by the door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I need to do a nifty leftward swerve right where you've parked your eight year old child!
      • At the moment we have just parked the domain and will sort out hosting services later.
      • I suggest you park the money in an instant-access or short-notice bank or building society deposit account for the time being.
      • Its 10 cm of extra length allows for a roomier interior and it also provides somewhere to park the wet umbrella and a rear passenger footrest.
      • While my proboscis was never truly petite to begin with, neither did it require me to have a face the size of Montana on which to park it.
      • Financial transactions and accounts are being tracked and scrutinised very closely, making it difficult to park funds abroad.
      • But there would have to be ‘safe harbour’ products where those who job hop continually could park their benefits.
      • Equally, if Stringer was lost for any period of time then you could park any notions of grandeur until he returned.
      • He wanted to park the euro, pretend it didn't exist as a troublesome issue, and try to win the Conservative top job without showing the card he knows could cost him not just a hand but the entire game.
      • The separatist Party in Quebec won a lot of seats not because people are voting vote separation but as a place to park their votes and not vote for the Liberals.
      • Which is sweet of them, except that these crèches are not to park your baby in - they're for men.
      • The aim is to allow customers to park money there, content they will receive a decent rate of interest, while they are making investment decisions as well as actively trading.
      put, put down, place, deposit, set, set down, leave, stick, shove, dump, plump
    2. 1.2park oneself in/oninformal Sit down.
      after dinner, we parked ourselves on a pair of couches


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Which I suppose is fine, except for the fact that they set their little picnic table up in the shade and did not move the entire time. They parked themselves behind this table, drank tea from a thermos and ate fruitcake.
      • The woman who had been standing directly in front of the empty seat for the last seven stops moves a metre further up the carriage and parks herself in another empty spot.
      • At the start of a routine home fixture he parks himself in a seat high in Ibrox's Main Stand.
      • Pulling up a chair for me (white, naturally), she parks herself on the edge of a table and starts to fill me in on the inspiration behind her latest paintings.
      • Regardless of the hot afternoon sun, over 100 tree-lovers parked themselves on the remains of an axed tree, raising slogans against the felling order issued by the BMP of over 700 trees for the purpose of road widening.
      • After dinner Jesse and Danny parked themselves on the couch in the family living room.
      • I had nine minutes to park myself on a seat in my homeroom class before I ran out of time, and it was still a good twelve minutes until I arrived at school.
      • Even after I got up, covered up the light, and eliminated the blinking, the boys parked themselves on guard duty at the foot of the bed and were still sitting there when I fell asleep.
      • It was battlestations after that as we dashed back into town and tried to get a decent view of the Mardi Gras parade itself, parking ourselves south a bit from Taylor Square.
      • Children parked themselves on their fathers' shoulders.
      • Much to Alec Robertson's amusement, he parked himself on a back seat occupying himself munching a crumpet with his morning tea!
      • But I would feel like a hypocrite parking myself in the evangelical church over the road every Sunday just to get her into the school, when it isn't something that I believe in myself.
      • I was so bad about parking myself there all afternoon ingesting caffeine and ‘B’ movies that R. actually bribed my baristas with Krispy Kreme doughnuts to cut me off at two ‘real’ shots a day.
      • My Dad drops me over to Ruth's and I park myself down in the comfy seat and wait for the gang to arrive. Katie, Ryan and their gorgeous daughter, Lydia, arrive first, and I enjoy having cuddles while Abbi and Ruth slave away in the kitchen.
      • I promptly told my mind to shut up and strolled across the floor to the bar, parking myself in a seat.
      • At the command every student in the room hurriedly parked themselves in their specific seats and waited for instructions from the teacher, Madame Besson.
      • On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 9 P.M. EST, millions of people stopped what they were doing and parked themselves in front of the television for the next 90 minutes.
      • They just parked themselves on the edge of their box and played off scraps.
      • So, I've started watching and sure enough, about that time every afternoon she parks herself in that harvest gold easy chair and stares fixedly at the intersection for an hour or so, then goes back in the house.
      • Past the Roll of Honor and beyond the stand holding new copies of The Upper Room, our ministers always parked themselves at the front door.
      sit down, seat oneself, settle, settle oneself, install oneself, plant oneself, ensconce oneself, plump oneself, plop oneself, flump, perch
    3. 1.3informal Postpone consideration of (an idea or plan) until a later date.
      could I suggest we park that suggestion for the moment?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In all likelihood, that idea has also been parked.
      • The government parked the idea by referring it to an all-party committee looking at the reform of the structures of the Oireachtas.
      • Fearful of another damaging "Tax Bombshell" campaign by the Tories, Brown parked the idea until after the next election.
      • Unless a compromise can be crafted to include thorough safety and security inspections of all tractor-trailers crossing the border, the plan should be parked indefinitely.
      • Plans for the development have been parked until after the general election, following a highly critical consultants' report.
      • I did have ideas for an 'Engage' page up front which links users to blogs, discussions, and questions but I've decided to park that for now and focus on other requirements.
      • The banks are celebrating rumours that plans to reform the banking sector have been parked until after the next general election.
      • Mr. McCann goes on to say that the Sligo element of the proposal should be parked for another three years when it could be reviewed again.
      • Mr Haughey suggested all these issues should be parked until the tribunal completed its work.
      • He tentatively floated the idea with one of the senior fitters a few months ago but met with fierce resistance and parked the idea.
      • The issues were parked for reference to the Law Commission.


  • park the bus

    • informal (typically of an away team) play in a very defensive way.

      if they decide to park the bus and we don't score early on, then it may be a boring drawn-out game
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jose didn't just park the bus when Chelsea took on hosts Atletico Madrid in the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, he parked the train, plane and every automobile he could lay his hands on.
      • We have been able to win consistently against the mid and lower table teams if we park the bus, but we have not had the firepower in the last 13 months to win consistently any other way.
      • Can Rodgers deliver a team that can keep the ball rather than parking the bus?
      • We need a more clinical striker who can score against teams that park the bus.
      • It has been common for teams to "park the bus" against Spain in recent years.
      • When teams come to park the bus it's always difficult.
      • I don't know what your standards are for football but all they did was counter and park the bus.
      • All that has to be done against Arsenal is to park the bus and counterattack.
      • Ross County parked the bus and got exactly what they deserved out of the game.
      • Chelsea didn't exactly park the bus to pull off a 1-0 win at Manchester City.


Middle English: from Old French parc, from medieval Latin parricus, of Germanic origin; related to German Pferch ‘pen, fold’, also to paddock. The word was originally a legal term designating land held by royal grant for keeping game animals: this was enclosed and therefore distinct from a forest or chase, and (also unlike a forest) had no special laws or officers. A military sense ‘space occupied by artillery, wagons, stores, etc., in an encampment’ (late 17th century) is the origin of the verb sense (mid 19th century) and of park (sense 2 of the noun) (early 20th century).





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