The practice of seeking to reduce consumer waste by buying unpackaged, reusable, or recyclable products, using one's own bags, etc.
precycling aims to get people to think about packaging and products before making their purchases
Example sentencesExamples
FPA makes the distinction between recycling and "pre-cycling" - reusing an existing packaging versus using less material at the source.
Precycling represents the stage before recycling and, unlike recycling, it expends little energy.
New York's State Department of Environmental Conservation offers a number of online educational and information publications on waste reduction, addressing topics including precycling, reuse, and composting.
In addition to reusing waste, adopting a policy of "pre-cycling" - that is, reducing waste generation altogether - can help any frame shop save money.
It's not just about how you dispose of products and packaging anymore: it's about being conscious about products you buy in the first place. That's the idea behind precycling.
Definition of precycling in US English:
The practice of seeking to reduce consumer waste by buying unpackaged, reusable, or recyclable products, using one's own bags, etc.
precycling aims to get people to think about packaging and products before making their purchases
Example sentencesExamples
In addition to reusing waste, adopting a policy of "pre-cycling" - that is, reducing waste generation altogether - can help any frame shop save money.
Precycling represents the stage before recycling and, unlike recycling, it expends little energy.
It's not just about how you dispose of products and packaging anymore: it's about being conscious about products you buy in the first place. That's the idea behind precycling.
FPA makes the distinction between recycling and "pre-cycling" - reusing an existing packaging versus using less material at the source.
New York's State Department of Environmental Conservation offers a number of online educational and information publications on waste reduction, addressing topics including precycling, reuse, and composting.