

单词 pardon

Definition of pardon in English:


noun ˈpɑːd(ə)nˈpɑrdn
mass noun
  • 1The action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offence.


    he obtained pardon for his sins


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Give love, give money, give pardon, give knowledge, and give whatever best you have without expectation of any return.
    • It's a system, the dream of sin and pardon, and not pardon.
    • Let us rejoice in the reality of God's pardon of all our sins.
    • The religion of love lives now, the Torah of forgiveness and pardon rules among the people… Now you'll see what glad tidings I will bring to you.
    • ‘As I ask pardon of those whom I have offended, I freely forgive whatever has seemed to be unfair to me,’ he said.
    • He is talking here about the thirst and hunger of the soul, a desire to know God and his pardon of our sins.
    • Every New Yorker is forgiven for acting like a wide-eyed tourist for at least a couple months per year, and I take my pardon and run with it…
    • I can understand the Day of Atonement, because it is a day of forgiveness and pardon and on it the second Tablets of the Law were given.
    • Jesus came to Jerusalem offering its people true liberation and a peace that no earthly ruler could give: pardon from sin and reconciliation with God.
    • I smile, as I used to do with the hard men who worked for my mysterious but powerful father, and ask their pardon in my broken Arabic.
    • They both beg God for mercy and pardon at this book's end.
    • These foreigners who ask pardon from us, we will hand them over to the United Nations.
    • Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.
    • The branches hereof are pardon of sin, and personal acceptance.
    • Beseech me, they seemed to say, throw your arms about me and bury your head between my knees and seek pardon for your great sin.
    • The Pope is asked more and more to be more specific in his asking for pardon, for forgiveness, vis-a-vis, the Jews.
    • It is human nature to indulge in sin and then pray to God for pardon.
    • He turned from his sins to Christ and found pardon and power through His death and resurrection.
    forgiveness, absolution, remission, clemency, mercy, lenience, leniency, condonation
    historical indulgence
    1. 1.1count noun A cancellation of the legal consequences of an offence or conviction.
      he offered a full pardon to five convicted men


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The death penalty may only be imposed for the most serious crimes with sentenced persons enjoying the right to seek a pardon or other commutation of the sentence.
      • He could grant full or partial pardons; he could make them conditional or unconditional.
      • There was public feeling that notwithstanding the granting of the pardons the conviction should be quashed.
      • To be sure, governors do sometimes exercise quasi-judicial functions - for example, in granting pardons to convicted offenders.
      • Thirdly, it was conceded by the applicant's own witnesses that a decision by the President of Singapore on the advice of cabinet to comply with the undertaking and grant a pardon was not justiciable in Singapore.
      • She left jail after two years and ever since has been seeking a full pardon.
      • On May 15, 1997, before he requested the transfer of the property, David obtained a pardon from his criminal convictions.
      • The bills that legislators failed to deliberate upon last session included a resolution of industrial disputes, a commission on corruption eradication, electricity, legal pardons and property rights.
      • It turns out that New Square leaders lobbied for full pardons but did not get them.
      • His successor, Gerald Ford, offered him a full pardon.
      • The previous day, the governor granted full pardons to four other death row prisoners, based on overwhelming evidence that Chicago police had coerced false confessions from them through the use of physical torture.
      • Would it not have been better for the remaining millions of British people if our all-powerful law machine had granted him a full pardon, together with an order never to set foot on British soil for the rest of his lifetime?
      • The Australian Government says Indonesia has an independent judiciary and a pardon is only appropriate after a conviction.
      • The pattern of pardons indicates that grand larceny, for which twenty-eight women were pardoned, was the one category of offence worthy of clemency.
      • The old man wants to arrange a meeting with the governor of the state and get a full pardon from killing 21 men.
      • The Court has not yet addressed the impact of Article 6 on proceedings evaluating applications for pardons.
      • Ideally, those imprisoned could make it out, and there was the promise of a full pardon upon making the exit.
      • The King conferred revised sentences - notably four full pardons and a reinstatement - on the group, which included three majors and two lieutenant colonels.
      • Such cases were specifically excluded from the amnesty laws and the presidential pardons.
      • He added that in light of extradition requests and anti-terrorism conventions, the pardons were illegal under international law as well.
      reprieve, free pardon, general pardon, amnesty, exoneration, exculpation, release, acquittal, discharge
      rare oblivion
    2. 1.2Christian Church count noun An indulgence, as widely sold in medieval Europe.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In medieval times a practice of dealing in pardons developed.
      • According to Geoff Egan, a medieval finds specialist at the Museum of London, the seals were most likely attached to papal indulgences, which could be corruptly bought from the Church as a pardon for a lifetime's sins.
      • An arrested Christian could receive a pardon simply by offering incense on a Roman altar, but many refused to do so, citing scripture passages urging faith in the one God.
      • Christians are to be taught that he who sees a man in need, and passes him by, and gives [his money] for pardons, purchases not the indulgences of the pope, but the indignation of God.
verb ˈpɑːd(ə)nˈpɑrdn
[with object]
  • 1Forgive or excuse (a person, error, or offence)


    I know Catherine will pardon me
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Is it ever possible for another person to pardon sins when the guilt remains?
    • The imbroglio is eventually cleared up; Belcour discovers his mistake, is pardoned by Louisa and obtains her hand, and is acknowledged by his father, Stockwell.
    • Pardon the pun, but I don't think that'll fly.
    • Kindly pardon our errors and shortcomings in reciting the above Gurbani.
    • This new system was, pardon the pun, going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
    • You must cry to him that he will have mercy on you and pardon your sins and become your Lord and Saviour, and keep asking him until you know that he has heard you.
    • Seated down to dinner at a long communal table, the events of the previous day were humorously dissected, indiscretions were excused and pardoned.
    • Pardon my bluntness but neither of you is a spring lamb anymore.
    • Please pardon the delay in my response to your response to my inquiry regarding Fr.
    • So pardon my sneaker color alert system, and excuse my laughter at the expense of ready.gov.
    • It is easy to excuse incompetence, it is unacceptable to pardon impropriety.
    • Please pardon any errors in this chapter and future ones.
    • I hope you'll pardon my interruption, but you look so familiar.
    • However, that may be a little conservative - if you'll pardon the pun.
    • But we are out here in the middle of the desert, and somewhere in Kuwait, so, I think our viewers will pardon us.
    • I do not really know where to start, but firstly Xiaxue, do pardon my limited vocabulary and spelling mistakes if there were any.
    • But it does seem in passing strange that one, albeit powerful, racecourse company can drive a coach and horses, if you'll pardon the pun, through a system that had served British racing so well for so long.
    • If this is true, it is, pardon the term, political dynamite.
    • Yet he couldn't pardon her vulgarity, and corrected the grammatical errors she made while she egged him on in bed.
    • Please pardon the less than stellar posts that have taken over this space this week.
    forgive, absolve, have mercy on, be merciful to, deal leniently with
    excuse, condone, overlook
    rare remit
    1. 1.1 Release (an offender) from the legal consequences of an offence or conviction, and often implicitly from blame.
      he was pardoned for his treason


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was pardoned for all three convictions and one was expunged, yet husband and wife lived apart for more than two years.
      • No one who has been finally acquitted or convicted of, or pardoned for, an offence shall be tried or punished for it again.
      • Two ringleaders convicted of treason were pardoned by Washington.
      • Defence chiefs were last night under renewed pressure to pardon hundreds of soldiers executed for cowardice during the First World War after it emerged that several officers were spared the firing squad for the same offence.
      • When these men appear in leet records it is often to intervene in cases to persuade bailiffs to pardon offenders.
      • Eventually the defendants were released and pardoned by the state governor.
      • By the end of the 1990s, there had been only 10 people convicted - all of whom were subsequently pardoned and released.
      • Victims and survivors attended amnesty applications and have the right to know if persons denied amnesty have now been pardoned.
      • ‘He will be given an amnesty, pardoned, after being judged guilty,’ he told the newspaper during a recent visit to Rome.
      • But those measures do not benefit the Swiss citizens who have now been pardoned.
      • Forgiving is not identical with simply forgetting about an offense, finding an excuse or justification for the perpetrator, or even displaying mercy to the offender and pardoning him or her.
      • Her parents claimed she was taken by a dingo: her mother was tried, convicted, pardoned, and finally acquitted, on a charge of infanticide.
      • The President declares a proclamation of amnesty that will pardon any Confederate state that supports the union, but both the North and the South criticize it.
      • A Japanese photojournalist on Wednesday again expressed remorse to victims and their families of a blast at Amman airport in May after being pardoned and released from prison in connection with the fatal blast.
      • Five successive British governments have rejected appeals to pardon the soldiers and the Ministry of Defence refuses to re-open the court martial files, even on the youngest troops.
      • However, they were later pardoned and amnesty laws now protect most officers from trial.
      • Pressure has been building on the British Government to pardon the Irish soldiers for more than a decade.
      • Pursuant to English common law, the King had flexible powers to pardon offenses either before or after indictment, conviction or sentencing.
      • So let us make the best of it by pardoning the lawbreakers and gate-crashers, legalizing the coming invasion, and welcoming the entire family of any ‘guest worker’ who can find a job.
      • Veterans groups are hoping for an Act of Parliament that would officially pardon the soldiers, victims of an unforgiving time.
      exonerate, acquit, amnesty, exculpate
      let off, grant a pardon to, reprieve, release, free, spare
    2. 1.2be pardoned Used to indicate that someone is justified in doing or thinking a particular thing given the circumstances.
      one can be pardoned the suspicion that some of his errors were deliberate


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One could be pardoned for thinking, your Honours, that in 1988 the New South Wales Parliament thought that they were getting rid of those.
      • Before the great auk became extinct in the 1840s, you could have been pardoned for making the classic mistake and supposing there were penguins in the Arctic as well as the Antarctic, the cold north as well as the cold south.
exclamation ˈpɑːd(ə)nˈpɑrdn
  • A request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it.


    ‘Pardon?’ I said, cupping a hand to my ear


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's best known for its fresh seafood, but, yes, you can get French fries - pardon, pommes frites.
    • In droves, they left the ship - pardon, the hall - before the SPD chairman had finished his speech.
    • Excuse me, sorry, excuse me, sorry, pardon!
    • Claudia Kramatschek gives a very instructive insight into Pakistani literature - pardon, into Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Punjabi and Balochi literature.
    what did you say, what, eh, i beg your pardon, beg pardon, sorry, excuse me, say again


  • I beg your pardon

    • 1Used to express polite apology.


      I beg your pardon for intruding


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In need of emotional support, Aidan clung to Ellen's hand and carefully maneuvered through the sea of tables, saying, ‘Excuse me, pardon me,’ left and right.
      • Right, I thought it was magnifying, I beg your pardon, I am sorry.
      • And that's exactly the fish we can expect to catch with our thoroughly feminine lure - pardon me, madam.
      • I am sorry, I beg your pardon - it is not referred to in the prospectus.
      • Oh, pardon me, I'm not too coordinated, I'm afraid.
      • We don't know precisely what happened - pardon me - OK, my apology.
      • He basically offers surety, your Honour - I am sorry, Cummins - I beg your pardon, your Honour, I am thinking ahead.
      • I beg your pardon Sir, please excuse me.
      • It was stupid, I have no excuse, and I beg your pardon.
      • ‘Oops, pardon me,’ she excused herself from a conversation with Michael and Mr. Fincher and stepped outside the door.
      what did you say, what, eh, i beg your pardon, beg pardon, sorry, excuse me, say again
      1. 1.1Used to indicate that one has not heard or understood something.
        I beg your pardon—I'm afraid I didn't catch that
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Now, the three of them are Pakistani or four of them are Pakistani, or of Pakistani descent, pardon me?
      2. 1.2Used to express one's anger or indignation at what someone has just said.
        ‘I beg your pardon!,’ Beecham snapped
  • if you'll pardon the expression

    • Used to apologize for having used or being about to use coarse or offensive expressions.

      four of those years I spend in a bloody prison camp—if you'll pardon the expression
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was chomping on metaphorical toes, if you'll pardon the expression.
      • Now we're getting warm, if you'll pardon the expression.
      • It doesn't stick with you as a whole, though some moments glisten from the happiness the actors find in, if you'll pardon the expression, stretching.
      • Event number 4 was another text message saying that Jenny's guy had, if you'll pardon the expression, sealed the deal.
      • The storyline is a trifle thin, and the supporting characters not very well fleshed out, if you'll pardon the expression, but the film is brimming with a very British sense of charm and style.
      • As the author explains, it is quite difficult to invest in sex through the public securities markets; most porn companies are privately held, if you'll pardon the expression.
      • This can make any sort of naughtiness a highly risky affair, if you'll pardon the expression.
      • And in fact we launched, if you'll pardon the expression, a mission to planet Earth that involved and is still involving, a series of spacecraft that are designed to continue those investigations looking back at our own planet.
      • Like all well-known facts, this one bears, if you'll pardon the expression, a germ of truth.
      • She liked them at first, but they soon drove her bananas, if you'll pardon the expression.
  • pardon me for —

    • Used to express in a sarcastic way one's indignation at being criticized for doing something.

      ‘Well, pardon me for breathing!’
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Well, pardon me for not packing a huge can of Raid, but the only other way to get rid of an insect problem is to step on 'em!
      • So you'll pardon me for not taking West's feigned outrage seriously.
      • So you'll pardon me for not buying the administration's story at this point.
      • ‘Well, pardon me for being so caring,’ Darren said sarcastically.


Middle English: from Old French pardun (noun), pardoner (verb), from medieval Latin perdonare 'concede, remit', from per- 'completely' + donare 'give'.

  • This comes from medieval Latin perdonare ‘concede, remit’ from per- ‘completely’ and donare ‘give’. Use of the word in I beg your pardon dates from the late 17th century; the shortened usage pardon meaning ‘excuse me’ is found from the late 19th century.


Baden, Baden-Baden, Coloradan, garden, harden, lardon, Nevadan

Definition of pardon in US English:


  • 1The action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.


    he obtained pardon for his sins


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘As I ask pardon of those whom I have offended, I freely forgive whatever has seemed to be unfair to me,’ he said.
    • Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.
    • Jesus came to Jerusalem offering its people true liberation and a peace that no earthly ruler could give: pardon from sin and reconciliation with God.
    • Every New Yorker is forgiven for acting like a wide-eyed tourist for at least a couple months per year, and I take my pardon and run with it…
    • The branches hereof are pardon of sin, and personal acceptance.
    • It is human nature to indulge in sin and then pray to God for pardon.
    • These foreigners who ask pardon from us, we will hand them over to the United Nations.
    • They both beg God for mercy and pardon at this book's end.
    • I can understand the Day of Atonement, because it is a day of forgiveness and pardon and on it the second Tablets of the Law were given.
    • Let us rejoice in the reality of God's pardon of all our sins.
    • He turned from his sins to Christ and found pardon and power through His death and resurrection.
    • Give love, give money, give pardon, give knowledge, and give whatever best you have without expectation of any return.
    • The religion of love lives now, the Torah of forgiveness and pardon rules among the people… Now you'll see what glad tidings I will bring to you.
    • The Pope is asked more and more to be more specific in his asking for pardon, for forgiveness, vis-a-vis, the Jews.
    • Beseech me, they seemed to say, throw your arms about me and bury your head between my knees and seek pardon for your great sin.
    • It's a system, the dream of sin and pardon, and not pardon.
    • He is talking here about the thirst and hunger of the soul, a desire to know God and his pardon of our sins.
    • I smile, as I used to do with the hard men who worked for my mysterious but powerful father, and ask their pardon in my broken Arabic.
    forgiveness, absolution, remission, clemency, mercy, lenience, leniency, condonation
    1. 1.1 A remission of the legal consequences of an offense or conviction.
      he offered a full pardon to five convicted men


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It turns out that New Square leaders lobbied for full pardons but did not get them.
      • The Court has not yet addressed the impact of Article 6 on proceedings evaluating applications for pardons.
      • The bills that legislators failed to deliberate upon last session included a resolution of industrial disputes, a commission on corruption eradication, electricity, legal pardons and property rights.
      • His successor, Gerald Ford, offered him a full pardon.
      • The King conferred revised sentences - notably four full pardons and a reinstatement - on the group, which included three majors and two lieutenant colonels.
      • Such cases were specifically excluded from the amnesty laws and the presidential pardons.
      • Thirdly, it was conceded by the applicant's own witnesses that a decision by the President of Singapore on the advice of cabinet to comply with the undertaking and grant a pardon was not justiciable in Singapore.
      • The pattern of pardons indicates that grand larceny, for which twenty-eight women were pardoned, was the one category of offence worthy of clemency.
      • The Australian Government says Indonesia has an independent judiciary and a pardon is only appropriate after a conviction.
      • There was public feeling that notwithstanding the granting of the pardons the conviction should be quashed.
      • Ideally, those imprisoned could make it out, and there was the promise of a full pardon upon making the exit.
      • To be sure, governors do sometimes exercise quasi-judicial functions - for example, in granting pardons to convicted offenders.
      • He could grant full or partial pardons; he could make them conditional or unconditional.
      • Would it not have been better for the remaining millions of British people if our all-powerful law machine had granted him a full pardon, together with an order never to set foot on British soil for the rest of his lifetime?
      • He added that in light of extradition requests and anti-terrorism conventions, the pardons were illegal under international law as well.
      • On May 15, 1997, before he requested the transfer of the property, David obtained a pardon from his criminal convictions.
      • The previous day, the governor granted full pardons to four other death row prisoners, based on overwhelming evidence that Chicago police had coerced false confessions from them through the use of physical torture.
      • She left jail after two years and ever since has been seeking a full pardon.
      • The death penalty may only be imposed for the most serious crimes with sentenced persons enjoying the right to seek a pardon or other commutation of the sentence.
      • The old man wants to arrange a meeting with the governor of the state and get a full pardon from killing 21 men.
      reprieve, free pardon, general pardon, amnesty, exoneration, exculpation, release, acquittal, discharge
    2. 1.2Christian Church An indulgence, as widely sold in medieval Europe.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Christians are to be taught that he who sees a man in need, and passes him by, and gives [his money] for pardons, purchases not the indulgences of the pope, but the indignation of God.
      • In medieval times a practice of dealing in pardons developed.
      • An arrested Christian could receive a pardon simply by offering incense on a Roman altar, but many refused to do so, citing scripture passages urging faith in the one God.
      • According to Geoff Egan, a medieval finds specialist at the Museum of London, the seals were most likely attached to papal indulgences, which could be corruptly bought from the Church as a pardon for a lifetime's sins.
[with object]
  • 1Forgive or excuse (a person, error, or offense)


    I know Catherine will pardon me
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Please pardon the less than stellar posts that have taken over this space this week.
    • Please pardon any errors in this chapter and future ones.
    • I do not really know where to start, but firstly Xiaxue, do pardon my limited vocabulary and spelling mistakes if there were any.
    • The imbroglio is eventually cleared up; Belcour discovers his mistake, is pardoned by Louisa and obtains her hand, and is acknowledged by his father, Stockwell.
    • It is easy to excuse incompetence, it is unacceptable to pardon impropriety.
    • Yet he couldn't pardon her vulgarity, and corrected the grammatical errors she made while she egged him on in bed.
    • So pardon my sneaker color alert system, and excuse my laughter at the expense of ready.gov.
    • Is it ever possible for another person to pardon sins when the guilt remains?
    • Pardon the pun, but I don't think that'll fly.
    • I hope you'll pardon my interruption, but you look so familiar.
    • You must cry to him that he will have mercy on you and pardon your sins and become your Lord and Saviour, and keep asking him until you know that he has heard you.
    • If this is true, it is, pardon the term, political dynamite.
    • But it does seem in passing strange that one, albeit powerful, racecourse company can drive a coach and horses, if you'll pardon the pun, through a system that had served British racing so well for so long.
    • Kindly pardon our errors and shortcomings in reciting the above Gurbani.
    • This new system was, pardon the pun, going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
    • Seated down to dinner at a long communal table, the events of the previous day were humorously dissected, indiscretions were excused and pardoned.
    • However, that may be a little conservative - if you'll pardon the pun.
    • Pardon my bluntness but neither of you is a spring lamb anymore.
    • But we are out here in the middle of the desert, and somewhere in Kuwait, so, I think our viewers will pardon us.
    • Please pardon the delay in my response to your response to my inquiry regarding Fr.
    forgive, absolve, have mercy on, be merciful to, deal leniently with
    1. 1.1 Release (an offender) from the legal consequences of an offense or conviction, and often implicitly from blame.
      he was pardoned for his treason


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘He will be given an amnesty, pardoned, after being judged guilty,’ he told the newspaper during a recent visit to Rome.
      • Eventually the defendants were released and pardoned by the state governor.
      • He was pardoned for all three convictions and one was expunged, yet husband and wife lived apart for more than two years.
      • Pressure has been building on the British Government to pardon the Irish soldiers for more than a decade.
      • Veterans groups are hoping for an Act of Parliament that would officially pardon the soldiers, victims of an unforgiving time.
      • Victims and survivors attended amnesty applications and have the right to know if persons denied amnesty have now been pardoned.
      • Forgiving is not identical with simply forgetting about an offense, finding an excuse or justification for the perpetrator, or even displaying mercy to the offender and pardoning him or her.
      • The President declares a proclamation of amnesty that will pardon any Confederate state that supports the union, but both the North and the South criticize it.
      • Defence chiefs were last night under renewed pressure to pardon hundreds of soldiers executed for cowardice during the First World War after it emerged that several officers were spared the firing squad for the same offence.
      • Her parents claimed she was taken by a dingo: her mother was tried, convicted, pardoned, and finally acquitted, on a charge of infanticide.
      • Five successive British governments have rejected appeals to pardon the soldiers and the Ministry of Defence refuses to re-open the court martial files, even on the youngest troops.
      • So let us make the best of it by pardoning the lawbreakers and gate-crashers, legalizing the coming invasion, and welcoming the entire family of any ‘guest worker’ who can find a job.
      • By the end of the 1990s, there had been only 10 people convicted - all of whom were subsequently pardoned and released.
      • However, they were later pardoned and amnesty laws now protect most officers from trial.
      • No one who has been finally acquitted or convicted of, or pardoned for, an offence shall be tried or punished for it again.
      • Pursuant to English common law, the King had flexible powers to pardon offenses either before or after indictment, conviction or sentencing.
      • A Japanese photojournalist on Wednesday again expressed remorse to victims and their families of a blast at Amman airport in May after being pardoned and released from prison in connection with the fatal blast.
      • Two ringleaders convicted of treason were pardoned by Washington.
      • But those measures do not benefit the Swiss citizens who have now been pardoned.
      • When these men appear in leet records it is often to intervene in cases to persuade bailiffs to pardon offenders.
      exonerate, acquit, amnesty, exculpate
    2. 1.2be pardoned Used to indicate that the actions or thoughts of someone are justified or understandable given the circumstances.
      one can be pardoned the suspicion that some of his errors were deliberate


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Before the great auk became extinct in the 1840s, you could have been pardoned for making the classic mistake and supposing there were penguins in the Arctic as well as the Antarctic, the cold north as well as the cold south.
      • One could be pardoned for thinking, your Honours, that in 1988 the New South Wales Parliament thought that they were getting rid of those.
  • A request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it.


    “Pardon?” I said, cupping a hand to my ear


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Claudia Kramatschek gives a very instructive insight into Pakistani literature - pardon, into Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Punjabi and Balochi literature.
    • In droves, they left the ship - pardon, the hall - before the SPD chairman had finished his speech.
    • It's best known for its fresh seafood, but, yes, you can get French fries - pardon, pommes frites.
    • Excuse me, sorry, excuse me, sorry, pardon!
    what did you say, what, eh, i beg your pardon, beg pardon, sorry, excuse me, say again


  • pardon me (or I beg your pardon)

    • 1Used to indicate that one has not heard or understood something.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now, the three of them are Pakistani or four of them are Pakistani, or of Pakistani descent, pardon me?
      1. 1.1Used to express one's anger or indignation at what someone has just said.
  • beg someone's pardon

    • Express polite apology.


      I beg your pardon for intruding


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am sorry, I beg your pardon - it is not referred to in the prospectus.
      • Oh, pardon me, I'm not too coordinated, I'm afraid.
      • We don't know precisely what happened - pardon me - OK, my apology.
      • ‘Oops, pardon me,’ she excused herself from a conversation with Michael and Mr. Fincher and stepped outside the door.
      • He basically offers surety, your Honour - I am sorry, Cummins - I beg your pardon, your Honour, I am thinking ahead.
      • I beg your pardon Sir, please excuse me.
      • Right, I thought it was magnifying, I beg your pardon, I am sorry.
      • It was stupid, I have no excuse, and I beg your pardon.
      • In need of emotional support, Aidan clung to Ellen's hand and carefully maneuvered through the sea of tables, saying, ‘Excuse me, pardon me,’ left and right.
      • And that's exactly the fish we can expect to catch with our thoroughly feminine lure - pardon me, madam.
      what did you say, what, eh, i beg your pardon, beg pardon, sorry, excuse me, say again


Middle English: from Old French pardun (noun), pardoner (verb), from medieval Latin perdonare ‘concede, remit’, from per- ‘completely’ + donare ‘give’.





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