A quantum-mechanical state corresponding to an eigenvalue of a wave equation.
Example sentencesExamples
Mathematica aside: it is fairly easy to see that superposing two eigenstates of O corresponding to different eigenvalues will give a state that cannot be a simple eigenstate of O.
The unperturbed eigenstates should be calculated over a set of different configurations.
The reader should take note that an important visual component of both images is the representation of the electron eigenstates - wavelike structures - within the corrals.
The effect of the protein is modeled as an external field acting on the unperturbed eigenstates of the chromophore.
You will clearly hear more than you ever wanted to know about wave functions and eigenstates in the course of this book.
Definition of eigenstate in US English:
A quantum-mechanical state corresponding to an eigenvalue of a wave equation.
Example sentencesExamples
Mathematica aside: it is fairly easy to see that superposing two eigenstates of O corresponding to different eigenvalues will give a state that cannot be a simple eigenstate of O.
The effect of the protein is modeled as an external field acting on the unperturbed eigenstates of the chromophore.
The unperturbed eigenstates should be calculated over a set of different configurations.
The reader should take note that an important visual component of both images is the representation of the electron eigenstates - wavelike structures - within the corrals.
You will clearly hear more than you ever wanted to know about wave functions and eigenstates in the course of this book.