

单词 monster

Definition of monster in English:


noun ˈmɒnstəˈmɑnstər
  • 1A large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature.

    a monster with the head of a hyena and hindquarters of a wolf
    a world of fable, inhabited by other-worldly monsters
    Example sentencesExamples
    • From the mountain chain before them emerged a terrifying creature, a monster, a demon to be precise.
    • It's an ugly monster that feeds on the fear of the unknown.
    • Now five of the ugly monsters were upon him, he wasn't fairing to well.
    • Megan was at that stage where she was afraid to sleep in her own bed-she was seven, and still afraid of monsters and creatures of darkness.
    • There was a gargle of noise, it was scary, my image blurred, the noise was deafening and frightening, as a monster was emerging.
    • The pathetic creature that the monster had attacked was now being ravenously consumed by the large bug.
    • In the book you'll also find magic and monsters, angels and demons, magical swords and forbidden books.
    • He saw a man lying on the ground, about to be run through by the blade of one of the ugly monsters.
    • One day, a villager suggested firing off fire crackers, bang loud gongs and fly red banner to try to frighten off the monster.
    • Green-eyed monsters reared their ugly heads long enough for the Captain to attempt decapitation.
    • It will, however, provide you with an hour and a half of ugly deformed monsters eating innocent people.
    • A family sleeping together is safe from things that go bump in the night, whether imaginary monsters or real predators on the savannah.
    • I started running away from the ugly monster but it started chasing me and growling.
    • He also helps to show that some mysterious creatures are not terrible monsters.
    • Terrible creatures had come - monsters made of stone, taller than a Rikath, with shiny black and purple skin and no faces.
    • These are horrid creatures, beasts and monsters.
    • They loved to tiptoe dramatically across the bridge grimacing in anticipation of waking their imaginary monster.
    • They were the metallic monsters that frightened generations of children into hiding behind the sofa.
    • In a cave lives the ugliest monster in the world.
    • She was made into a horrid, ugly monster.
    fabulous creature, mythical creature
    giant, mammoth, colossus, leviathan, behemoth, titan, Brobdingnagian, monstrosity
    informal jumbo
    1. 1.1 An inhumanly cruel or wicked person.
      he was an unfeeling, treacherous monster


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She wanted to comprehend what made people into unfeeling monsters who took life without a care.
      • How could he have been such a monster, how could he have been so cruel?
      • She was a fraud, a monster, and a cruel mean beast.
      • However, as soon as they become troublesome teenagers, they are monsters who need locking up for life.
      • What hideous, heartless monsters these voters are!
      • Don is neither the monster nor the beast that James makes him out to be.
      • Marina is a monster, selfish and manipulative and sulky.
      • For a long time we wanted to believe that here we were dealing with abnormal monsters, psychopaths, or mentally defective, even psychotic individuals.
      • He became a monster, a cruel and crafty invader who was stopped only by epic courage and perseverance.
      • They feel that if the world considers them a monster they might as well behave like a monster.
      • Denzel Washington, especially, feasts upon this role and creates a tragic monster.
      • As a result, people who seem normal, your everyday Joe, suddenly become these sadistic monsters who will stoop to anything to achieve the end.
      • Now, I think the guy is a monster of the first order and would be very happy to see him sent packing: but does anyone have a clue what would happen if he got forced out?
      • They find a little place in the country, far away from monsters and bullies.
      • I pondered that thought and raised my head to see the green eyed monster, my boss.
      • But she would not give these monsters the satisfaction of breaking her down.
      • Does calling these men beasts and monsters ignore the fact that, on some level, many of them are also victims?
      • Interestingly, the only one not making her out to be some inhuman monster is her husband, who has stood by her throughout the mess.
      • People were getting stuck into him, saying he was the cause of all our troubles, that he was a scoundrel and a monster.
      • Please don't be as uncivilized, thoughtless, and cruel as the monsters who committed these senseless acts.
      brute, fiend, beast, ogre, devil, demon, barbarian, savage, villain, sadist, animal, bogeyman
      informal bastard, swine, pig
      Scottish informal radge
      vulgar slang shit
    2. 1.2humorous A rude or badly behaved person, typically a child.
      he's only a year old, but already he is a little monster


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Aidan, as you may imagine, had become a little monster in the years.
      • As for Buffy's sister, I predict she turns into a monster of some description within three weeks.
      • So no ducking under the duvet, then, when your little monster threatens to waken the neighbours, if not the dead, with his wee-small-hours wake-up call.
      • Do you know what that little monster did last time he was here?
      • I looked over my shoulder and saw that the little monster I called my brother had indeed returned to the room sometime while I was asleep.
      • I smiled unconsciously it was a weird name but somehow it actually suited my little monster perfectly.
      • If your little monster wants to look even more scary, there are face painters to give them the ultimate Sunday makeover.
      • The little monster just sat and asked for more, more, more!
      • What if she was a monster, rude and abrasive like some other girls I knew?
      • After the better part of an hour I think the little monster was getting tired, finally.
      rascal, imp, wretch, mischief-maker, rogue, devil
      informal horror, scamp, scallywag, tyke, monkey
      archaic rip, scapegrace, rapscallion
      British informal perisher
      British informal, dated pickle
      North American informal varmint, hellion
  • 2A thing of extraordinary or daunting size.


    this is a monster of a book, almost 500 pages


    as modifier a monster 36lb carp


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A monster of a fish for most English anglers and a sad loss but there is plenty more time.
    • Certainly, if early press reviews are anything to go by, King Kong should become another box office monster itself.
    • He got to the turn in 35 two under par and then canned a monster of a putt of around 70 feet at the 10th to move to three under.
    • Horrible metal monsters, they were, and loud.
    • ‘Cinderella is a monster of a production and a fitting way to end this year,’ he says.
    • She had a monster of a van ready and was waiting for us.
    • In front of them sat a monster of a car, and within it a tiny old lady drove, her head hardly even reaching over the dashboard.
    • There was a monster of an oak off to her right that hovered right next Chase's window.
    • We saw electric rays, soles and at one point a monster of a greenback turtle in the distance, the biggest of our stay and warier than most.
    • Zelda had come back, late in the evening, running home with as much energy as she could muster, with a monster of a bruise bang smack near his eye.
    • Also, Tony scored a monster of a point after 28 minutes, following an excellent pass from Michael.
    • Since then, the rodeo has grown to a monster of an event with an international reputation, a gigantic prize purse and an Air Force pulse heating throughout.
    • For my money I got a monster of a sandwich, complete with a side serving of salad and dressing.
  • 3A congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Museums and private collectors have for centuries preserved specimens of monsters and mutants.
    • Many of these aquatic monsters are thought to be seriously threatened by overfishing and habitat destruction.
verb ˈmɒnstəˈmɑnstər
[with object]British informal
  • Criticize or reprimand severely.


    my mum used to monster me for coming home so late


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The time to monster the poor man is when he's got it wrong.
    • Clearly, anything short of Section 28 restated was going to be monstered.
    • As a result of that process, the bill was quite monstered at the select committee stage.
    • However, they fear that if this was attempted they would be monstered for being too open or too uncertain about critical areas of public concern.
    • Or would he have been monstered for settling for defeat?
    criticize, censure, condemn, castigate, chastise, lambaste, pillory, savage, find fault with, fulminate against, abuse


Late Middle English: from Old French monstre, from Latin monstrum 'portent or monster', from monere 'warn'.

  • monitor from early 16th century:

    Today's familiar uses of monitor, for a computer or TV screen or for checking the progress or quality of something, date only from the mid 20th century. A much earlier sense was ‘a reminder or warning’, reflecting its origin in Latin monere ‘to warn’, the source also of admonish (Middle English), monster (Late Middle English), and monument (Middle English). A monitor lizard is a large tropical lizard, in Australia also called a goanna (a L19th corruption of iguana), whose name derives from the way its reactions can warn people of the presence of a venomous creature. In schools from the 16th century a monitor was a pupil with responsibility for supervising and disciplining other pupils, who in the past might have done some teaching.

Definition of monster in US English:


  • 1An imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It will, however, provide you with an hour and a half of ugly deformed monsters eating innocent people.
    • Green-eyed monsters reared their ugly heads long enough for the Captain to attempt decapitation.
    • Now five of the ugly monsters were upon him, he wasn't fairing to well.
    • He saw a man lying on the ground, about to be run through by the blade of one of the ugly monsters.
    • They loved to tiptoe dramatically across the bridge grimacing in anticipation of waking their imaginary monster.
    • I started running away from the ugly monster but it started chasing me and growling.
    • Terrible creatures had come - monsters made of stone, taller than a Rikath, with shiny black and purple skin and no faces.
    • It's an ugly monster that feeds on the fear of the unknown.
    • A family sleeping together is safe from things that go bump in the night, whether imaginary monsters or real predators on the savannah.
    • He also helps to show that some mysterious creatures are not terrible monsters.
    • One day, a villager suggested firing off fire crackers, bang loud gongs and fly red banner to try to frighten off the monster.
    • Megan was at that stage where she was afraid to sleep in her own bed-she was seven, and still afraid of monsters and creatures of darkness.
    • These are horrid creatures, beasts and monsters.
    • From the mountain chain before them emerged a terrifying creature, a monster, a demon to be precise.
    • They were the metallic monsters that frightened generations of children into hiding behind the sofa.
    • In the book you'll also find magic and monsters, angels and demons, magical swords and forbidden books.
    • There was a gargle of noise, it was scary, my image blurred, the noise was deafening and frightening, as a monster was emerging.
    • She was made into a horrid, ugly monster.
    • In a cave lives the ugliest monster in the world.
    • The pathetic creature that the monster had attacked was now being ravenously consumed by the large bug.
    fabulous creature, mythical creature
    giant, mammoth, colossus, leviathan, behemoth, titan, brobdingnagian, monstrosity
    1. 1.1 An inhumanly cruel or wicked person.
      he was an unfeeling, treacherous monster


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Please don't be as uncivilized, thoughtless, and cruel as the monsters who committed these senseless acts.
      • They find a little place in the country, far away from monsters and bullies.
      • Now, I think the guy is a monster of the first order and would be very happy to see him sent packing: but does anyone have a clue what would happen if he got forced out?
      • She wanted to comprehend what made people into unfeeling monsters who took life without a care.
      • He became a monster, a cruel and crafty invader who was stopped only by epic courage and perseverance.
      • People were getting stuck into him, saying he was the cause of all our troubles, that he was a scoundrel and a monster.
      • Don is neither the monster nor the beast that James makes him out to be.
      • Marina is a monster, selfish and manipulative and sulky.
      • As a result, people who seem normal, your everyday Joe, suddenly become these sadistic monsters who will stoop to anything to achieve the end.
      • I pondered that thought and raised my head to see the green eyed monster, my boss.
      • For a long time we wanted to believe that here we were dealing with abnormal monsters, psychopaths, or mentally defective, even psychotic individuals.
      • She was a fraud, a monster, and a cruel mean beast.
      • Does calling these men beasts and monsters ignore the fact that, on some level, many of them are also victims?
      • They feel that if the world considers them a monster they might as well behave like a monster.
      • But she would not give these monsters the satisfaction of breaking her down.
      • Denzel Washington, especially, feasts upon this role and creates a tragic monster.
      • What hideous, heartless monsters these voters are!
      • However, as soon as they become troublesome teenagers, they are monsters who need locking up for life.
      • Interestingly, the only one not making her out to be some inhuman monster is her husband, who has stood by her throughout the mess.
      • How could he have been such a monster, how could he have been so cruel?
      brute, fiend, beast, ogre, devil, demon, barbarian, savage, villain, sadist, animal, bogeyman
    2. 1.2humorous A person, typically a child, who is rude or badly behaved.
      Christopher is only a year old, but already he is a little monster


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After the better part of an hour I think the little monster was getting tired, finally.
      • So no ducking under the duvet, then, when your little monster threatens to waken the neighbours, if not the dead, with his wee-small-hours wake-up call.
      • Aidan, as you may imagine, had become a little monster in the years.
      • What if she was a monster, rude and abrasive like some other girls I knew?
      • I looked over my shoulder and saw that the little monster I called my brother had indeed returned to the room sometime while I was asleep.
      • Do you know what that little monster did last time he was here?
      • The little monster just sat and asked for more, more, more!
      • I smiled unconsciously it was a weird name but somehow it actually suited my little monster perfectly.
      • As for Buffy's sister, I predict she turns into a monster of some description within three weeks.
      • If your little monster wants to look even more scary, there are face painters to give them the ultimate Sunday makeover.
      rascal, imp, wretch, mischief-maker, rogue, devil
    3. 1.3 A thing or animal that is excessively or dauntingly large.
      this is a monster of a book, almost 2,000 pages


      as modifier a monster 120-mm gun
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There was a monster of an oak off to her right that hovered right next Chase's window.
      • For my money I got a monster of a sandwich, complete with a side serving of salad and dressing.
      • Also, Tony scored a monster of a point after 28 minutes, following an excellent pass from Michael.
      • ‘Cinderella is a monster of a production and a fitting way to end this year,’ he says.
      • In front of them sat a monster of a car, and within it a tiny old lady drove, her head hardly even reaching over the dashboard.
      • Zelda had come back, late in the evening, running home with as much energy as she could muster, with a monster of a bruise bang smack near his eye.
      • Certainly, if early press reviews are anything to go by, King Kong should become another box office monster itself.
      • Horrible metal monsters, they were, and loud.
      • Since then, the rodeo has grown to a monster of an event with an international reputation, a gigantic prize purse and an Air Force pulse heating throughout.
      • We saw electric rays, soles and at one point a monster of a greenback turtle in the distance, the biggest of our stay and warier than most.
      • He got to the turn in 35 two under par and then canned a monster of a putt of around 70 feet at the 10th to move to three under.
      • She had a monster of a van ready and was waiting for us.
      • A monster of a fish for most English anglers and a sad loss but there is plenty more time.
    4. 1.4 A congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many of these aquatic monsters are thought to be seriously threatened by overfishing and habitat destruction.
      • Museums and private collectors have for centuries preserved specimens of monsters and mutants.
[with object]British informal
  • Criticize or reprimand severely.


    my mother used to monster me for coming home so late


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Clearly, anything short of Section 28 restated was going to be monstered.
    • However, they fear that if this was attempted they would be monstered for being too open or too uncertain about critical areas of public concern.
    • Or would he have been monstered for settling for defeat?
    • As a result of that process, the bill was quite monstered at the select committee stage.
    • The time to monster the poor man is when he's got it wrong.
    criticize, censure, condemn, castigate, chastise, lambaste, pillory, savage, find fault with, fulminate against, abuse


Late Middle English: from Old French monstre, from Latin monstrum ‘portent or monster’, from monere ‘warn’.





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