

单词 rifle shot

Definition of rifle shot in English:

rifle shot

  • 1A shot fired from a rifle.


    a cracking sound like a rifle shot
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The ball left the bat of Stanford's Chris Carter dead on a line, like a rifle shot, and went right over the pitcher's head, rising with the roar of the NCAA college baseball Super Regional crowd.
    • It was thoughts of this nature that filled Will's mind as he walked, when, up ahead, there was the sound of a rifle shot.
    • Suddenly, the night was rent with screams of ‘Banzai’ and other war cries answered with rapid machine gun fire and staccato rifle shots.
    • Then, on April 4, a rifle shot ended the life of Martin Luther King.
    • The 13-year-old was struck by a single rifle shot fired by his stepfather during a lamping expedition.
    • His brother, who looked like him, was killed with a rifle shot, but nobody ever found out who did it.
    • Gardai believe that any one of five people could have died after a rifle shot was fired into a house in Stephen McDonagh Place at the weekend.
    • That star is nearly fifty times brighter than the Sun; coincidentally, our Solar System is moving toward it at the stately pace of twenty times the speed of a rifle shot.
    • She sat alone in her prison cell each day, listening to the crack of rifle shots as bullets tore into the bodies of her comrades and dearest friends.
    • The shot, when it's fired inside a vehicle doesn't produce the rolling report of a rifle shot in most people's mind.
    • I then heard rifle shots and a flurry of grenades bursting.
    • It sounded like a rifle shot, and it came from a long way off.
    • Whenever he snapped his large fan open, it sounded like a rifle shot!
    • She said: ‘We hear a lot of what sounds like air rifle shots in the area but it's hard to tell where they are coming from.’
    • Suddenly an electric crack sharp as a rifle shot split the air, rattling the dishes in the cabinets and setting off car alarms all over the neighborhood.
    • Another rifle shot careened, grazing him in the shoulder.
    • The sound of the rifle shot echoes through the canyons, alerting Cody that something is amiss, which is confirmed when Dobie's horse gallops through the canyon, dragging Dobie's corpse along the ground, his foot twisted in the stirrups.
    • In each incident, a single rifle shot was fired from a distance.
    • Throughout the morning, rifle shots cracked across the usually quiet southern Russian town of Beslan, with the occasional blast of a grenade echoing among apartment blocks.
    • And we were all of four miles out of harbour when a balloon popped like a rifle shot and McVeigh was into a fish.
    1. 1.1mass noun The range of a rifle.
      the schooner had escaped out of rifle shot


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This sight gave everyone the greatest pleasure, and our leading troop trotted and cantered forward to a small grove of trees which stood within rifle shot of the conical hill.
      • It seemed only moments before the natives withdrew to just outside rifle shot range.
      • I try to see my biases for what they are and keep them in check, but nonetheless I confess that I have reservations about being within rifle shot of at least some of the people who might be walking about with six-shooters under their ponchos.




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