

单词 inquiring

Definition of inquiring in English:


  • another term for enquiring
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He just continued looking at him with silent inquiring eyes.
    • This survey focused on promotion and administration of the early and late phases of the degrees from two perspectives external to each university - the inquiring student and the potential external examiner.
    • Completed in 1815, Friedrich's image shows an inquiring lone figure withdrawn and contemplating the new world.
    • He raises an inquiring eyebrow as I stab a series of winking buttons in the armrests, attempting to raise shields, open a channel or simply fire some phasers.
    • He turns an inquiring eye on you and it is obvious he has gone through the drill many times before.
    • The green cat eyes of the red head, the inquiring dark eyes of the one with the chocolate coloured braid, the jewel-blue ones of the blonde all turned at the same time and faced the front, as if they were puppets controlled by the same master.
    • Humaneness is as appealing an aspect of him as his inquiring intelligence.
    • He is an artist who seamlessly fuses his acute aesthetic sensibility with his inquiring intellect to produce works that are reflective, engaging, sad and also very beautiful.
    • His eyes faltered at her inquiring gaze, but the rest of his body did not betray him.
    • But there are occasions when the commentaries are arguably too reticent and when his approach is perhaps less inquiring than might be wished.
    • In other words, they just might become the inquiring, striving, empowered-by-your-teaching students that you always dreamed of.
    • She was bubbling with energy, except for the few cracks in confidence that surfaced every time an inquiring scribe insisted on reminding her that she was yet to make it big.
    • The kids would have been very inquiring about that sort of thing so we had to keep it out of the way.
    • Kevin is one of those pesky, obsessive, inquiring types.
    • Disagreements arise as to what is meant by the temporal and cultural aspects of Islam, but she believes that this inquiring attitude is a healthy phenomenon.
    • This time, only Val raised an inquiring brow, as if saying: you don't?
    • The white man is still troubled by primitive fears; he still has in his consciousness the perils of this frontier continent, some of its vastnesses not yet having yielded to his questing footsteps and inquiring eyes.
    • Some newspapers and journalists, of the less inquiring variety, have since rewritten the history of their own approach to Iraq.
    • This should not be read as an invitation to work unmethodically, or in a disorderly fashion, or not to let an a priori method curtail the inquiring spirit.
    • ‘Do tell,’ says Lord Cheney in an inquiring tone.

Definition of inquiring in US English:


(British enquiring)
  • 1Showing an interest in learning new things.

    an open, inquiring mind
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Perhaps there's an interesting story there for enquiring journalists.
    • Over the years David and his enquiring mind have sought out many new hobbies - some examples being i-ching, handwriting analysis, runes, astronomy and the famous ‘art course’ to name but a few.
    • Those who did attend had little choice but to furnish inquiring minds with plausible excuses.
    • Approach your work with an inquiring mind - there is a researcher in every nurse.
    • It covers current technical topics at a sufficiently deep level to satisfy the educated enquiring mind.
    • For a soldier who spent most of his life on horseback, Tipu was a man with a keen, enquiring mind and a desire to learn and move ahead.
    • They raise so many questions for the enquiring mind…
    • Hill's sense of humour, enquiring mind and competitive spirit had made him ‘the stuff of legends.’
    • Progress requires an enquiring mind and that can't readily exist without the willingness to change with the times if necessary.
    • But there's nothing in the books about how to respond to the more topical questions parents are suddenly fielding from inquiring toddler minds.
    • He had no qualifications except boundless energy, courage, a capacity to take risks and an enquiring mind.
    • For the inquiring mind there is so much still left to discover.
    • Pupils at the college are encouraged to adopt an active investigational approach to their learning, designed to stimulate an enquiring mind.
    • But much of the relevant information he drew from appears to have been declassified, and made available for inquiring minds.
    • The next level features the Invention Factory with plenty of interactive games and experiments where enquiring minds will find out about the great inventions of our time.
    • There is a definite relationship between having an enquiring mind and a general suspicion of journalists and reading news intelligently.
    • This extraordinary volume for an unusual man is a treasure trove for the inquiring mind.
    • His quick enquiring mind took him deeper into the subject than the other students around him.
    • The need to develop self-esteem and inquiring minds among our youth has never been more necessary.
    • I started wondering about this some time ago when my delightful and then small children used their enquiring minds to read the UN Declaration of Children's Rights.
    • Psychology cannot thrive without encouraging our most intelligent and inquiring young minds.
    • I don't know why - the kindest explanation is an inquiring mind - but I've either always got something to say or a question to ask.
    • Nothing was safe from that inquiring mind and those agile hands.
    • Aside from the obvious things such as hard work and passion, business success stems from imagination and an enquiring mind.
    • He had a rare artistic vision and an enquiring scientific mind and does deserve the title as the father of photography!
    • I found him a person who was very easy to speak to, very knowledgeable and with very much an inquiring mind.
    • For the inquiring minds that want to know, DJ's team is now 7-1.
    • The inquiring minds of investors want to know that, and more.
    • The books are a good cover-to-cover read for the recommended age group (seven- to nine-year-olds), with enough detail to pique the interests of inquiring young minds.
    • Tell all, as enquiring minds want to hear your story.
    • We all want to believe that an inquiring mind, clear-eyed logic, and an unshakeable commitment to the truth is all we need to right wrongs, serve justice and solve the vexing puzzles of our time.
    • First we have enquiring open minds, like three year olds, constantly asking.
    • The development of flexible, inquiring minds has rarely been the main concern in the design of educational systems.
    • Alex is noted for her smart mouth and inquiring mind.
    • These cities had lain undisturbed until an inquiring mind combined with cutting edge marine archaeology techniques revealed them to the world again.
    • Ever the inquiring mind, the Scot was intent on explaining the existence of giants.
    • His enquiring mind made itself obvious very early on, when he put together the forerunner to AM stereo radio in a crystal set at home, when he was only 11 years old.
    • I am objecting only to their being used to stifle inquiring young minds.
    inquisitive, curious, interested, questioning, probing, investigative, analytical, analytic, exploring, searching, scrutinizing
    1. 1.1 (of a look or expression) suggesting that information is sought.
      he sent her an inquiring glance
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At the paybox I would be given enquiring glances as to my appearance, but this was of no concern as I had three pennies in my hand to enter a new world of adventure, escape and make-believe.
      • She fixed him, suddenly, with a steady, inquiring look.
      • A strange, inquiring look appeared on her face.
      • This solicited a enquiring look from Jeanette and Dave.
      • ‘One condition’ spoke Eve suddenly, and he turned an enquiring look on her.
      • Anticipating Corissa's question and inquiring gaze, Magdalena looked to the side and shrugged a little.
      • I shot Mike an inquiring look, to which he nodded.
      • He pulled into a parking lot and I gave him an inquiring look.
      • He walked over to help, and the enquiring look she gave him got answered with a wink.
      • He gave me an inquiring look and I glanced at the door.
      • He nodded as the herald shot an enquiring glance at him.
      • When they were at the barbecue pit, she picked up a plate of chicken wings and stood there for awhile, silently contemplating Jim, who stood there unmoving, an inquiring expression on his face.
      • She gave Michael an inquiring glance, but he refused to meet her eyes.
      • Some returned his inquiring gaze by shaking their heads, others by looking down.
      • As we positioned ourselves on the couch, with Cordelia sitting close enough to me to make me more than a bit uncomfortable, Giles caught my eye with an inquiring look.
      • Greg explained after I'd given him an inquiring look.
      • Ellen turned an inquiring glance towards him, raising her eyebrows slightly in question at him.
      • The teacher was looking at them with inquiring eyes and frowned eyebrows.
      • I walked over to Jeremy, and he gave me an inquiring look.
      • Darryl smiled mysteriously, and cast a half shy, half inquiring look at his brother.
      • Don, however, did not move, and I threw him an enquiring glance.
      • ‘You knew I was going to try to get away from him,’ I said hotly to his inquiring expression.
      • The other two gave him an inquiring glance, and he opened the door.
      • Michael raised an eyebrow and gave her an inquiring glance.
      • He gave her an enquiring look, but she ignored him, and motioned for him to follow her toward the horses.
      • Tash didn't miss the enquiring glance her mother threw her, either.
      • She noticed her uncle gave her an inquiring look.
      • Betty was playing with the other children and she looked up at me with an inquiring raise of her eyebrow.




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