

单词 blunt

Definition of blunt in English:


adjective blʌntblənt
  • 1(of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.


    a blunt knife


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Cut small pieces of copper tooling foil (available at crafts stores), and write plant names on them using a blunt pencil or bamboo skewer.
    • However, to your great dismay, you find that the assistant is as much help as a poke in the eye with a blunt needle… and about as much fun as well!
    • He was hit over the head with a blunt implement and was found unconscious, suffering from a fractured skull, minutes later lying on a grass verge.
    • Either our knives were blunt or the panini was tough.
    • If you prod the meat with a blunt implement, you will discover cooked meat has a different feel to uncooked meat.
    • All he saw was a blunt knife but that would have to do.
    • Use a really sharp knife. A blunt knife will ‘bruise’ the onion and let more juices out, therefore more tears.
    • Swords of the bronze age were characteristically short in blade length, heavy for their size, and with a relatively blunt cutting edge.
    • Unfortunately, her cutting edge has become blunt.
    • And if they had hoped to tidy up their beards they would have had to make do with a blunt razor they should have changed weeks ago.
    • Beth almost wished she could find that culture and live the rest of her days without worrying about blunt razors or empty shaving cream canisters.
    • A referendum is a blunt tool, and in many cases gives only a false sense of democracy, especially when the questions are worded poorly or in a biased manner.
    • My pencil was blunt as I was not allowed sharp ones in case I deliberately poked my self in the eye, or something.
    • To prepare scallops, ease open the shells by inserting a blunt knife.
    • The scans showed that only brain areas associated with the sensation of touch were activated when volunteers were touched with blunt needles.
    • The best you can do is to remove most of the substance from the carpet using a blunt knife.
    • Remove the scallops from their shells by gently scraping and prising them away with a blunt knife, leaving on the roe (alternatively, ask your fishmonger to do this for you).
    • Shovels, spades, and hoes hold up best with blunt cutting edges, since they are used for digging.
    • No one wants to do this either, so we emerge relying on a too blunt tool or a rather too sharp one - with no other easy alternative that I can see.
    • Hold the oyster with a thick cloth and insert a blunt knife firmly into the hinges at the side of the shell.
    not sharp, unsharpened, dull, dulled, worn (down), edgeless
    1. 1.1 Having a flat or rounded end.
      the blunt tip of the leaf


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The blunt portion of it was thick and looked like it had to weigh at least two hundred pounds.
      • Until the 1840s, screws had a flat or blunt tip, which necessitated drilling a lead hole first in order to start the screw.
      • Because the barrel's end is hollowed out, saving weight, the end is blunt rather than rounded.
      • He leaned left, bringing the blunt side of his sword up flat against his palm.
      • His right hand holds the gun on her unwaveringly, the blunt tips of round lead bullets in its chambers clearly visible from the business end.
      • This is why spacecraft are designed with rounded noses and very blunt wings - characteristics that also increase the drag force.
      • In contrast to the tip of a blade, a bullet is blunt and will impact a large number of fibers, which will resist entry.
      • The anterior jaw is a blunt, boxy affair, made up of thick, relatively massive bones.
      • The posterior edges of the nasals are rounded and blunt, and do not narrow to a slender point as they do in H. gregarius.
      • At one hundred meters in length by twenty-five meters in diameter, the Buzzard resembles a section of gray pipe with blunt rounded ends.
      • It is thickset, with a large mouth, thick white lips and a large blunt head, hence the nickname Loggerhead.
      • They have stocky bodies, a large and blunt head, small eyes, and small rounded ears.
      • The breeding tube of the female, between the anus and anal fin, is broader and rounder than the male, and will have a blunt tip.
      • She used texturizing shears to avoid blunt, weighty ends, and a ceramic flat iron to straighten and separate.
      • Blacktip reef sharks have a fusiform body and a short rounded, blunt snout with an arched down-turned mouth filled with long sharp serrated teeth.
      • From the tip of its rubbery duck-bill to the end of its blunt tail it is no more than 50 cm long.
      • Sea otters have flat, blunt tails as well as webbed hind paws.
      • Ski ‘N’ Roll, as this new sport is called, needs quite cheap equipment - roller skates and poles without blunt tips, that is.
      • When the corn is ready, the ears should be full and blunt at the tip, and the husks should be dark green and tightly folded.
      • The rostrum is relatively short and blunt, with rounded lateral edges.
      rounded, flat, thick, obtuse, stubby, stubbed, unpointed
  • 2(of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright.


    a blunt statement of fact


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She became more aggressive, her temper became shorter, but she was still blunt with a few smart-alec remarks here and there.
    • Dan is blunt; he speaks straight to the point without unnecessary embellishment, whereas I get paid for embellishing.
    • As a conversationalist he's blunt and frank, even chummily so, yet not very interesting; and he holds no mysteries.
    • A thick skin is essential, as colleagues tend to be blunt in their discussion of strengths and weaknesses.
    • When I get hold of her she is blunt and straight to the point - there is a clear link and she found it.
    • This is a pretty blunt warning that candidates who are seen as anti-American, or as hoping for things to go wrong, are doomed.
    • He was quite blunt and critical about the way the authorities had mishandled the situation and gave many thought provoking suggestions as to how this problem could be remedied.
    • He didn't know how to start - should he be blunt and just come straight out and tell her or start from the beginning, back when he was 12 years old.
    • She was brutally blunt, though not intentionally.
    • You are very blunt, candid and brutally honest.
    • He didn't see her as being such a blunt person all the time, but instead got the idea that she was simply trying to tell him something about her nature without actually saying anything.
    • It's a simple, blunt question for a person who felt like a changeling in someone else's family.
    • So being the blunt person that I am, I asked him about it.
    • As to when that might be, he is blunt: ‘When I'm dragged out kicking and screaming, or my body packs in.’
    • She was blunt and honest, brutally so, and her style suffered from it.
    • She thought just flat out saying yes would be a little too blunt.
    • I am blunt, straightforward, demanding of myself and others.
    • Or will they say here's a plain spoken, direct, blunt guy who may make his way in politics.
    • During short conversation with the reporter, he was somewhat blunt but at least he was quite gentle in tone.
    • Sometimes people didn't like me because I was blunt and spoke directly.
    straightforward, frank, plain-spoken, candid, direct, bluff, to the point, forthright, unequivocal, point-blank, unceremonious, undiplomatic, indelicate
    brusque, abrupt, curt, short, sharp, terse, crisp, gruff, bald, brutal, harsh, caustic
    stark, bare, simple, unadorned, unembellished, undisguised, unvarnished, unqualified, pulling no punches, hard-hitting, outspoken, speaking one's mind, not mincing one's words, not beating about the bush, calling a spade a spade
    informal upfront, straight from the shoulder
verb blʌntblənt
  • 1Make or become less sharp.


    with object wood can blunt your axe


    no object the edge may blunt very rapidly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Adding to this unexpected, macroscopic demonstration of crack blunting, computer simulations of fracturing in even more elastic materials pointed to blunting as a barrier to crack growth on a microscopic scale.
    • I oblige and take the knife whose blade Jake has been blunting.
    • The EKG was normal, and the chest x-ray showed no infiltrates but blunting at the left costophrenic angle.
    • Her sharp cheekbones blunted themselves, and her nose was once again too narrow, the chin round and stubborn.
    • Scratches etched where a million scrapes had blunted the tips of misguided attempts to put the key in lock seemed like ditches in the copper and brass whereas the dark recess of the key hole looked huge and looming.
    • Nothing blunts a hook like catching perch and you must inspect the point regularly and hone it up as necessary.
    • My next strategy has been to remain unshockable, to blunt whatever little swords my precious boy manages to pick up.
    • So when did virginity go from something that could blunt knives to something precious that young women must ‘save’ for marriage?
    make less sharp, make blunt, make dull
    1. 1.1with object Weaken or reduce the force of (something)
      their determination had been blunted


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He adopted a team approach based on traditional British values and they managed to blunt the Chelsea edge.
      • France acquired its own nuclear weapons and could assume that NATO would blunt an attack from the east even after US forces and bases had been removed from its territory.
      • The institution of liability insurance has blunted and it has removed the deterrent effect of tort law, because those who carry out the acts do not pay the damages, their insurance company does.
      • He watched in disbelief as the attack was so quickly blunted.
      • The big question in the conference corridors remains whether such pledges are enough to blunt the challenge of the UK Independence party.
      • Such a move would help to blunt criticism at home and calm concerns abroad.
      • In choosing duty to the party over loyalty to his conscience, he has only succeeded in corking and blunting his own pen.
      • But her effort to blunt the criticism by spending the week on television and in news media briefings may have had the opposite effect.
      • Whether the chemical is alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, or nth-generation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, their effects tend to become blunted over time.
      • On the audio side, most vendors were searching for an edge to blunt the company's amazing success with their music device.
      • To some extent, he is like a clever diplomat, who is able to blunt the sharpest question and has his own gentle way of saying no.
      • Portugal changed Cape Verde's status from a colony to an overseas province in 1951 in an attempt to blunt growing nationalism.
      • Antigay groups, eager to blunt further progress by gay activists, are mobilizing to bolster the organization.
      • If so, the organization could blunt, if not wipe out, the financial impact of the alleged misdeeds.
      • Potassium can blunt the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure, reduce the risk of kidney stones and possibly reduce bone loss.
      • His mail sleeve could blunt that blow; it couldn't stop it.
      • Demoralized, the Italians began a hasty retreat, but not before blunting an attack by republican forces.
      • Nicotine replacement blunts but does not eliminate these symptoms.
      • It increases the number of calories the body burns each day, including calories from bodyfat, and it blunts hunger, thereby decreasing the amount of calories taken in.
      • Use of the patch may blunt or avoid pill-associated problems of sedation, rebound blood pressure changes and need for daily pill use.
      dull, deaden, dampen, soften, numb, weaken, take the edge off
      calm, cool, temper, muffle, impair, allay, abate
      tone down, dilute, sap, water down, thin, reduce, moderate
      assuage, alleviate, mollify, ease, relieve, slake, sate, appease
      diminish, decrease, lessen, deplete
noun blʌntblənt
  • A hollowed-out cigar filled with cannabis.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘Here… you look like you could use it,’ Zack held out a small blunt in his hand.
    • I went to counseling and therapy, but it didn't really help much, the only thing that could help me release my pain was a blunt.
    • His flow displays the effect of too many blunts, but also a cocky confidence that augments his cutting lyrics.
    • There were ashtrays all around the house with half smoked blunts.
    • He then said, ‘I can't wait to get out of here’ and placed his fingers to his mouth, pretending to smoke an imaginary blunt.
    • Among the general population, persons coming of age since 1990 have been getting involved primarily with marijuana, often as a blunt.
    • There's one track I'm sure will be a cult favorite, in which he advises the listener on the proper way to smoke a blunt.
    • Before long, the room is packed with leering men in large white towelling robes smoking blunts while 15 girls, in tight skirts and painfully high heels, circle the room, apparently offering the guests whatever they desire.
    • Some people have a drink after work, some people have a latte or whatever it is they do after work, and I smoke a blunt.
    • A 17-year-old dealer was smoking blunts with a friend, whom he then accused of owing him money.
    • Of course, our stoner friend is caught blood-red handed while trying to roll up the blunt.
    • So I'm putting it out there that I am going to stop smoking blunts.
    • Is it any wonder a blunt would drive him to extremes?
    • Finally, she went from singing about smoking blunts as she leaves church to warning kids about the hazards of drugs and alcohol.
    • Tommy's behavior demonstrated - behind the backs of his counselors - that he could not wait until he got out so he could smoke a blunt.
    • Consequently, marijuana use in blunts may persist longer into adulthood for a larger proportion of the general population than marijuana use in joints and pipes had in the past.
    • He took a long time, and when he got back in the car, he wanted me to chill while he rolled a blunt.
    • What once seemed a crafty producer's gimmick now sounds more like the imaginary friend of a shy dude who needed someone to talk to in the studio while he chain-smoked blunts.
    • This is for those lazy days wasted on blunts and lounging by the pool.
    • This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
    cannabis cigarette, marijuana cigarette


  • bluntness

  • nounˈblʌntnəs
    • Finally one day when I could contain myself no longer I blurted my question with the bluntness of a curious seven-year.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I would like maybe a little more bluntness and straightforward talk than we've seen…
      • It puts aside its bluntness of assessment, its bluntness of prediction and careens right into the future with all sorts of new predictions.
      • Able to create and showing a willingness to battle their way back into the game, the bluntness of their striking partnership foiled them and gave the visitors cause for optimism.
      • He sat up, surprised at the bluntness of my question.


Middle English (in the sense 'dull, insensitive'): perhaps of Scandinavian origin and related to Old Norse blunda 'shut the eyes'.


affront, brunt, bunt, confront, front, Granth, grunt, hunt, mahant, runt, shunt, stunt, up-front

Definition of blunt in US English:


  • 1(of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.

    a blunt knife


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A referendum is a blunt tool, and in many cases gives only a false sense of democracy, especially when the questions are worded poorly or in a biased manner.
    • Beth almost wished she could find that culture and live the rest of her days without worrying about blunt razors or empty shaving cream canisters.
    • Remove the scallops from their shells by gently scraping and prising them away with a blunt knife, leaving on the roe (alternatively, ask your fishmonger to do this for you).
    • My pencil was blunt as I was not allowed sharp ones in case I deliberately poked my self in the eye, or something.
    • The best you can do is to remove most of the substance from the carpet using a blunt knife.
    • Either our knives were blunt or the panini was tough.
    • He was hit over the head with a blunt implement and was found unconscious, suffering from a fractured skull, minutes later lying on a grass verge.
    • Swords of the bronze age were characteristically short in blade length, heavy for their size, and with a relatively blunt cutting edge.
    • Cut small pieces of copper tooling foil (available at crafts stores), and write plant names on them using a blunt pencil or bamboo skewer.
    • Unfortunately, her cutting edge has become blunt.
    • Use a really sharp knife. A blunt knife will ‘bruise’ the onion and let more juices out, therefore more tears.
    • No one wants to do this either, so we emerge relying on a too blunt tool or a rather too sharp one - with no other easy alternative that I can see.
    • If you prod the meat with a blunt implement, you will discover cooked meat has a different feel to uncooked meat.
    • Shovels, spades, and hoes hold up best with blunt cutting edges, since they are used for digging.
    • To prepare scallops, ease open the shells by inserting a blunt knife.
    • And if they had hoped to tidy up their beards they would have had to make do with a blunt razor they should have changed weeks ago.
    • However, to your great dismay, you find that the assistant is as much help as a poke in the eye with a blunt needle… and about as much fun as well!
    • All he saw was a blunt knife but that would have to do.
    • Hold the oyster with a thick cloth and insert a blunt knife firmly into the hinges at the side of the shell.
    • The scans showed that only brain areas associated with the sensation of touch were activated when volunteers were touched with blunt needles.
    not sharp, unsharpened, dull, dulled, worn, worn down, edgeless
    1. 1.1 Having a flat or rounded end.
      the blunt tip of the leaf


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His right hand holds the gun on her unwaveringly, the blunt tips of round lead bullets in its chambers clearly visible from the business end.
      • The posterior edges of the nasals are rounded and blunt, and do not narrow to a slender point as they do in H. gregarius.
      • This is why spacecraft are designed with rounded noses and very blunt wings - characteristics that also increase the drag force.
      • It is thickset, with a large mouth, thick white lips and a large blunt head, hence the nickname Loggerhead.
      • From the tip of its rubbery duck-bill to the end of its blunt tail it is no more than 50 cm long.
      • Blacktip reef sharks have a fusiform body and a short rounded, blunt snout with an arched down-turned mouth filled with long sharp serrated teeth.
      • She used texturizing shears to avoid blunt, weighty ends, and a ceramic flat iron to straighten and separate.
      • When the corn is ready, the ears should be full and blunt at the tip, and the husks should be dark green and tightly folded.
      • The rostrum is relatively short and blunt, with rounded lateral edges.
      • They have stocky bodies, a large and blunt head, small eyes, and small rounded ears.
      • The anterior jaw is a blunt, boxy affair, made up of thick, relatively massive bones.
      • The blunt portion of it was thick and looked like it had to weigh at least two hundred pounds.
      • Because the barrel's end is hollowed out, saving weight, the end is blunt rather than rounded.
      • He leaned left, bringing the blunt side of his sword up flat against his palm.
      • Ski ‘N’ Roll, as this new sport is called, needs quite cheap equipment - roller skates and poles without blunt tips, that is.
      • In contrast to the tip of a blade, a bullet is blunt and will impact a large number of fibers, which will resist entry.
      • Until the 1840s, screws had a flat or blunt tip, which necessitated drilling a lead hole first in order to start the screw.
      • The breeding tube of the female, between the anus and anal fin, is broader and rounder than the male, and will have a blunt tip.
      • At one hundred meters in length by twenty-five meters in diameter, the Buzzard resembles a section of gray pipe with blunt rounded ends.
      • Sea otters have flat, blunt tails as well as webbed hind paws.
      rounded, flat, thick, obtuse, stubby, stubbed, unpointed
  • 2(of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright.


    a blunt statement of fact


    he is as blunt as a kick in the shins
    Example sentencesExamples
    • So being the blunt person that I am, I asked him about it.
    • He didn't see her as being such a blunt person all the time, but instead got the idea that she was simply trying to tell him something about her nature without actually saying anything.
    • Sometimes people didn't like me because I was blunt and spoke directly.
    • During short conversation with the reporter, he was somewhat blunt but at least he was quite gentle in tone.
    • She thought just flat out saying yes would be a little too blunt.
    • When I get hold of her she is blunt and straight to the point - there is a clear link and she found it.
    • A thick skin is essential, as colleagues tend to be blunt in their discussion of strengths and weaknesses.
    • He didn't know how to start - should he be blunt and just come straight out and tell her or start from the beginning, back when he was 12 years old.
    • You are very blunt, candid and brutally honest.
    • She became more aggressive, her temper became shorter, but she was still blunt with a few smart-alec remarks here and there.
    • She was brutally blunt, though not intentionally.
    • I am blunt, straightforward, demanding of myself and others.
    • He was quite blunt and critical about the way the authorities had mishandled the situation and gave many thought provoking suggestions as to how this problem could be remedied.
    • Or will they say here's a plain spoken, direct, blunt guy who may make his way in politics.
    • This is a pretty blunt warning that candidates who are seen as anti-American, or as hoping for things to go wrong, are doomed.
    • As to when that might be, he is blunt: ‘When I'm dragged out kicking and screaming, or my body packs in.’
    • It's a simple, blunt question for a person who felt like a changeling in someone else's family.
    • Dan is blunt; he speaks straight to the point without unnecessary embellishment, whereas I get paid for embellishing.
    • As a conversationalist he's blunt and frank, even chummily so, yet not very interesting; and he holds no mysteries.
    • She was blunt and honest, brutally so, and her style suffered from it.
    straightforward, frank, plain-spoken, candid, direct, bluff, to the point, forthright, unequivocal, point-blank, unceremonious, undiplomatic, indelicate
  • 1Make or become less sharp.


    with object wood can blunt your ax


    no object the edge may blunt very rapidly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So when did virginity go from something that could blunt knives to something precious that young women must ‘save’ for marriage?
    • I oblige and take the knife whose blade Jake has been blunting.
    • My next strategy has been to remain unshockable, to blunt whatever little swords my precious boy manages to pick up.
    • The EKG was normal, and the chest x-ray showed no infiltrates but blunting at the left costophrenic angle.
    • Nothing blunts a hook like catching perch and you must inspect the point regularly and hone it up as necessary.
    • Scratches etched where a million scrapes had blunted the tips of misguided attempts to put the key in lock seemed like ditches in the copper and brass whereas the dark recess of the key hole looked huge and looming.
    • Her sharp cheekbones blunted themselves, and her nose was once again too narrow, the chin round and stubborn.
    • Adding to this unexpected, macroscopic demonstration of crack blunting, computer simulations of fracturing in even more elastic materials pointed to blunting as a barrier to crack growth on a microscopic scale.
    make less sharp, make blunt, make dull
    1. 1.1with object Weaken or reduce the force of (something)
      their determination had been blunted


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Demoralized, the Italians began a hasty retreat, but not before blunting an attack by republican forces.
      • His mail sleeve could blunt that blow; it couldn't stop it.
      • On the audio side, most vendors were searching for an edge to blunt the company's amazing success with their music device.
      • But her effort to blunt the criticism by spending the week on television and in news media briefings may have had the opposite effect.
      • Portugal changed Cape Verde's status from a colony to an overseas province in 1951 in an attempt to blunt growing nationalism.
      • Such a move would help to blunt criticism at home and calm concerns abroad.
      • In choosing duty to the party over loyalty to his conscience, he has only succeeded in corking and blunting his own pen.
      • France acquired its own nuclear weapons and could assume that NATO would blunt an attack from the east even after US forces and bases had been removed from its territory.
      • Nicotine replacement blunts but does not eliminate these symptoms.
      • The big question in the conference corridors remains whether such pledges are enough to blunt the challenge of the UK Independence party.
      • He adopted a team approach based on traditional British values and they managed to blunt the Chelsea edge.
      • The institution of liability insurance has blunted and it has removed the deterrent effect of tort law, because those who carry out the acts do not pay the damages, their insurance company does.
      • He watched in disbelief as the attack was so quickly blunted.
      • Whether the chemical is alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, or nth-generation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, their effects tend to become blunted over time.
      • Use of the patch may blunt or avoid pill-associated problems of sedation, rebound blood pressure changes and need for daily pill use.
      • To some extent, he is like a clever diplomat, who is able to blunt the sharpest question and has his own gentle way of saying no.
      • Antigay groups, eager to blunt further progress by gay activists, are mobilizing to bolster the organization.
      • Potassium can blunt the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure, reduce the risk of kidney stones and possibly reduce bone loss.
      • It increases the number of calories the body burns each day, including calories from bodyfat, and it blunts hunger, thereby decreasing the amount of calories taken in.
      • If so, the organization could blunt, if not wipe out, the financial impact of the alleged misdeeds.
      dull, deaden, dampen, soften, numb, weaken, take the edge off
  • A hollowed-out cigar filled with marijuana.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There's one track I'm sure will be a cult favorite, in which he advises the listener on the proper way to smoke a blunt.
    • I went to counseling and therapy, but it didn't really help much, the only thing that could help me release my pain was a blunt.
    • He then said, ‘I can't wait to get out of here’ and placed his fingers to his mouth, pretending to smoke an imaginary blunt.
    • Tommy's behavior demonstrated - behind the backs of his counselors - that he could not wait until he got out so he could smoke a blunt.
    • What once seemed a crafty producer's gimmick now sounds more like the imaginary friend of a shy dude who needed someone to talk to in the studio while he chain-smoked blunts.
    • Is it any wonder a blunt would drive him to extremes?
    • ‘Here… you look like you could use it,’ Zack held out a small blunt in his hand.
    • Before long, the room is packed with leering men in large white towelling robes smoking blunts while 15 girls, in tight skirts and painfully high heels, circle the room, apparently offering the guests whatever they desire.
    • There were ashtrays all around the house with half smoked blunts.
    • His flow displays the effect of too many blunts, but also a cocky confidence that augments his cutting lyrics.
    • Some people have a drink after work, some people have a latte or whatever it is they do after work, and I smoke a blunt.
    • He took a long time, and when he got back in the car, he wanted me to chill while he rolled a blunt.
    • This is for those lazy days wasted on blunts and lounging by the pool.
    • A 17-year-old dealer was smoking blunts with a friend, whom he then accused of owing him money.
    • Among the general population, persons coming of age since 1990 have been getting involved primarily with marijuana, often as a blunt.
    • So I'm putting it out there that I am going to stop smoking blunts.
    • This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
    • Of course, our stoner friend is caught blood-red handed while trying to roll up the blunt.
    • Consequently, marijuana use in blunts may persist longer into adulthood for a larger proportion of the general population than marijuana use in joints and pipes had in the past.
    • Finally, she went from singing about smoking blunts as she leaves church to warning kids about the hazards of drugs and alcohol.
    cannabis cigarette, marijuana cigarette


Middle English (in the sense ‘dull, insensitive’): perhaps of Scandinavian origin and related to Old Norse blunda ‘shut the eyes’.





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