

单词 Richmond

Definition of Richmond in English:


proper nounˈrɪtʃməndˈriCHmənd
  • 1A town in northern England, on the River Swale in North Yorkshire; population 9,000 (est. 2009).

    里士满(英格兰北部北约克郡城镇,临斯韦尔河,2009年估计人口9, 000)

  • 2A residential borough of Greater London, situated on the Thames. It contains Hampton Court Palace and the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Full name Richmond-upon-Thames.

    里士满(大伦敦一自治市,住宅区,临泰晤士河,有汉普顿宫和基尤的皇家植物园,全称 Richmond-upon-Thames

  • 3The state capital of Virginia, a port on the James River; population 202,002 (est. 2008). During the American Civil War it was the Confederate capital from July 1861 until its capture in 1865.

    里士满(弗吉尼亚州首府;詹姆斯河港口,2008年估计人口202, 002;美国南北战争期间从1861年7月起是南方邦联的首府,直到1865年被攻克)

Definition of Richmond in US English:


proper nounˈriCHmənd
  • 1An industrial port city in north central California, on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay, north of Berkeley; population 102,285 (est. 2008).

  • 2An industrial city in east central Indiana; population 36,733 (est. 2008).

  • 3A city in east central Kentucky, southeast of Lexington; population 32,895 (est. 2008).

  • 4The capital of Virginia, a port on the James River; population 202,002 (est. 2008). During the Civil War, it was the Confederate capital from July 1861 until its capture in 1865.

    里士满(弗吉尼亚州首府;詹姆斯河港口,2008年估计人口202, 002;美国南北战争期间从1861年7月起是南方邦联的首府,直到1865年被攻克)





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