

单词 dump

Definition of dump in English:


noun dʌmpdəmp
  • 1A site for depositing rubbish.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Still, villagers persisted in using the site as their waste dump.
    • It added the poor tend to live in areas that are more prone to natural disasters such as flooding and landslides, or near heavily polluting factories, dumps and hazardous-waste sites.
    • At the site of a former dump, gem hunters can spy all kinds of brilliant, wave-polished beach glass.
    • He started when his son was very little, wandering around Victorian rubbish dumps looking for the ultimate antique lemonade bottle.
    • Look for instance at plants: vandalized trees send out new shoots, grass grows on rubbish dumps, flowers spring up in scrap yards.
    • Most of the taxis outside the entrance doors look as if they were salvaged from a rubbish dump, and the Air-Conditioning is usually long gone.
    • The graveyard was buried by undergrowth for two centuries - added to by locals using the site as an unofficial dump, and few islanders knew the role the cemetery played in Barbadian history.
    • Mounds of rotting and stinking garbage lie uncollected in almost all parts of the city and it is common to find rubbish dumps blocking roads and broken pipes spewing raw sewer in townships.
    • If you've been to the dump or bought rubbish bags lately you'll know about the costs associated with waste disposal.
    • A year or two ago a rubbish dump in Argentina saw the odd sight of jobless professionals combing the trash-heaps for food.
    • However, it should not be used as a dump for other household rubbish.
    • The owners of a pub and sandwich bar in the village both said they knew nothing about their refuse being deposited at the illegal dump.
    • Travellers turned a beautiful strip of greenery into a rubbish dump before clearing off from an unofficial site, an irate resident has claimed.
    • Our gardens have been turned into rubbish dumps for discarded bottles, cans and crisp bags and it is disgraceful that extra police have to be employed on match days just to control the fans…
    • ‘Councillors will have to reduce the charges on the dump and then the rubbish collector will reduce his charges to us,’ she said.
    • The shops were closed and, if there were no major sporting event happening, people just pottered in the garden, took rubbish to the dump or took a big nap to catch up on sleep missed during the week.
    • ‘It was basically a rubbish dump, an eroded, neglected wasteland,’ he says.
    • Putting a halting site beside a dump was unfair in the first place.
    • Right next to the Cahokia park, just behind where I took these photographs, is the most unseemly of sites, a garbage dump.
    • Some harbour board members fear that it will be in the area of the Deep Water Quay, coming through the site of the old dump.
    rubbish tip, rubbish dump, refuse dump, rubbish heap, refuse heap, tip, dumping ground, dustheap, slag heap, midden, dunghill, dung heap
    British scrapyard
    North American junkyard, nuisance grounds
    1. 1.1 A heap of rubbish left at a dump.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sons bring in some additional income, by looking for scrap metal on rubbish tips and scrap heaps or by digging coal from waste dumps and spoil heaps.
    2. 1.2usually with modifier A place where a particular kind of waste, especially dangerous waste, is left.
      a nuclear waste dump


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A loony spider farm owner feeds his pets with crickets that have been contaminated in a nearby chemical waste dump.
      • Is it likely that Australia's going to need a high level waste dump as well?
      • Let me tell you, there's a reason that the mutant monsters in horror films generally come from one of two places, a nuclear waste dump or a sewer.
      • ‘It's impossible to have a nuclear power station without having a nuclear waste dump,’ he said.
      • He had argued with his boss that the managers of the European nuclear waste dump at La Hague in France should be warned, but he had been overruled.
      • Few know about the nuclear waste dump at 2229 Main Street.
      • The evidence starts to look more and more like foul play when Charlie discovers an illegal toxic waste dump right by the lake.
      • It's taken more than a decade to locate a suitable site for the nuclear dump, and the Federal Government is not about to give it up.
      • The South Australian Government is a strong ally, supporting their campaign to stop the radioactive waste dump from being established in the State.
      • The County and Swindon Borough councils propose to go ahead with building the new Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office on a proven toxic waste dump in Chippenham.
      • Are you in favour of a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory?
      • As it stands, there is no act that differentiates procedurally between mining in the Namib-Naukluft National Park and mining next to a toxic waste dump.
      • Hear from the man who chaired the public meeting in Linton as well as the councillor who could well have Victoria's newest toxic waste dump in his shire.
      • But the South Australian Parliament has already moved a Bill rejecting the facility as the first step towards a medium-level waste dump.
      • Some MPs also support a nuclear waste dump in the State.
      • The federal government has been forced to abandon its six-year push to build a national nuclear waste dump near Woomera in South Australia.
      • This mentality is not endemic to Taiwan, of course; people in America, for example, don't want a nuclear waste dump near them either.
      • Both the Labor Government and CLP Opposition last night agreed to fight any moves to locate a national nuclear waste dump here.
      • He raps in Tao about how angry his people are for having their homeland made into a nuclear waste dump.
      • When a public inquiry was held into the licensing of a proposed nuclear waste dump at Sellafield, bordering the Irish Sea, Ireland protested and made representations at the inquiry.
    3. 1.3 A place where weapons and other military equipment is stored.
      an ammunitions dump
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Royal Marines sweeping the mountains have discovered a significant arms dump in a cave complex.
      • He added he would have needed four times more troops to search and secure all the ammo dumps he came across.
      • Military police had to stop them several times as ammunition dumps were blown to prevent capture.
      • The tent was within 10 feet of the ammo dump, which was a trailer that had been lowered into a hole in the ground.
      • There are no rail or road nets to attack, no ammunition dumps to bomb, no bridges to knock out.
      • The plentiful numbers of highly explosive targets, like gas tanks and ammo dumps, are strategic elements of sabotage.
      • Over the coming fortnight, The Daily Telegraph will accompany the Paras as they seek to drive out the insurgents, discover their arms dumps and win over the population.
      • Those unguarded ammo dumps became the arsenals of insurgency.
      • As a German possession during both world wars, it was an important naval base and munitions dump.
      • It appears in retrospect that we simply did not have enough troops on the ground at that time to guard those ammunition dumps.
      • And so from that, they learned don't destroy dumps as you go, make sure explosive-ordinance disposal and the proper personnel can evaluate specifically what's at each site.
      • At one point, MacRoberts volunteers his men to undertake a dangerous commando mission behind German lines in order to destroy an ammunition dump and so slow German progress.
      • In 1975 a major air offensive, again involving RAF pilots, lasted six weeks destroying ammunition dumps and command and control centres, resupply convoys, gun emplacements and heavy artillery.
      • Why haven't the ammo dumps been blown up?
      • Captured Allied dumps certainly provided supplies in enormous quantities, but it was only too tempting for the exhausted and hungry German troops to pause and enjoy them.
      • Whenever we saw an anti-aircraft battery or munitions dump, we took it out.
      • Details of the locations of munitions dump sites are readily available.
      • The conditions at the ammunition dump considerably worsened the scale of the disaster.
      • After undertaking preliminary study, participants tour airfields, command posts, ammunition dumps, and battlefields where airpower played a role.
      • Their last rounds detonated a hidden munitions dump, shaking the entire fortress and hurling artillery shells over the walls, while burning rockets shot in all directions.
  • 2informal An unpleasant or dreary place.


    why are you living in a dump like this?
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Retain a local real estate expert to find them housing - somebody who you trust will only show them nice apartments, not ratty dumps, and pay all the broker fees.
    • I refrain from saying anything but I'm surprised anyone could be protective of this dump.
    • In 1988, he talks his parents into renting an apartment next to his dump on 6th Street by arguing, Hey, this way you can learn Manhattan.
    • I work at the local nightclub, the money's not great, but then nether is this, living in a dump, alone with my memories and emotions.
    • Ricky was the manager, or boss, of this dump of a convenient store.
    • Someday, she'd own her own store but until then she was stuck working in this dump.
    • They're an integral part, without it we'd live in a dump.
    hovel, shack, slum, shanty, mess
    informal hole, pigsty
  • 3Computing
    An act of copying stored data to a different location, performed typically as a protection against loss.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The idea is that eventually we'll max out the AI's storage space, forcing it to do a memory dump.
    • You should be able to do a dump and load for the SQL database.
    • Attempts to track keystrokes and transfer graphics buffer memory contents are bypassed, he said, and it will be a lot more difficult to find critical data from main memory dumps.
    • Are either of these devices what you really need for data dumps from one PC to another?
    • Sure, they don't do physical memory dumps (and as such don't allow you do undo things that were only performed in memory in the first place), but that's what Hibernate is for.
    1. 3.1 A printout or list of the contents of a computer's memory, occurring typically after a system failure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Trouble is, the raw dump consists entirely of memory addresses.
      • It is worth noting that IMAP is a text-based protocol, so a simple ASCII dump of the packet contents is an appropriate way to show them.
      • Instead of file system dumps, this data set contained specific file system information such as changed files, inode information, and important log files.
      • We say it'll take two weeks, then get the temp to just copy the asset numbers over from a dump I'll grab out of the asset database.
  • 4vulgar slang An act of defecation.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I sure don't want to lug my computer into the bathroom while I take a dump and read…
    • Probably not, considering I saw her taking a dump on the sidewalk the other day.
    • They stage stunts in which, in but one example, they take a dump in a toilet on display in a hardware store.
    • Or is that just for us regular folk who don't drink champagne for breakfast and take dumps on solid gold toilets?
    • Why not just set up a statue of a golden calf taking a dump on a reel of film in the middle of Hollywood and be done with it?
verb dʌmpdəmp
[with object]
  • 1Deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.


    trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The previous inspections found both boats were dumping sewage, food waste and untreated water into the ocean.
    • The scheme requires people using a van or trailer to dump rubbish at household waste sites to pay for a permit.
    • It is illegal to dump any waste material at sea and all vessels will have to log and land their waste on returning from sea.
    • The system disposes of drill debris in a contained manner which meets more stringent environmental regulations that prevent companies dumping waste into the sea.
    • Environment Agency officials visited the site after being told waste was dumped there and discovered rubbish being buried in a series of ‘cells’.
    • People have found places to dump their unwanted trash and garbage in places they deem ‘away’ in order to avoid paying tipping fees.
    • Some 252 fabric shops dumped their solid waste while 283 manufacturers disposed of their liquid waste into the river.
    • Red-faced environment chiefs today pledged there will be no repeat of the Hampshire scandal which saw tons of recyclable waste dumped in rubbish tips.
    • Two major directives on the removal of packaging and organic waste from material dumped into landfills are to be passed into law next year.
    • Because the settlement has no sewerage, residents dump water and wastes in the dirt streets.
    • They are being used by many, but a lot more recyclable materials are being dumped or disposed of because of a lack of effort.
    • Every time someone dumps their rubbish or unwanted furniture here, we have to sort it out.
    • My wife and I are regular walkers in this area and continue to be amazed by the amount of rubbish and trash dumped by the ‘good’ residents of North Bedfordshire.
    • Before the days of regular garbage pick up, farmers used to dump their unwanted junk in fields and ravines behind their barns.
    • Construction waste is dumped illegally because it costs money to dispose of building rubble and obtaining a permit to deposit clay and topsoil on a site is a two-month process.
    • All that is required is an artistic mind that finds unconventional uses for unwanted material dumped in scrap heaps, or abandoned in rubbish dumps.
    • Work is proceeding on clearing the open space in Oakridge Road used by the contractors to dump soil and waste during the building work.
    • Infuriated residents watched on helplessly as lorry loads of human waste sludge was dumped within 40 metres of their homes last weekend.
    • Treaty signatories also undertake not to dump or allow other states to dump radioactive materials or wastes in the zone of coverage.
    • The roads and pavements here are used to dump debris and construction material, thus hindering pedestrians and vehicular movement.
    dispose of, get rid of, throw away, throw out, discard, scrap, bin, jettison, cast aside, cast out, fling out, toss out
    informal ditch, junk, get shut of
    British informal get shot of
    North American informal trash
    1. 1.1 Abandon (something) hurriedly in order to make an escape.
      the couple dumped the car and fled


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was dumped in a hotel car park two miles from the Eurostar railway station at Ashford.
      • Just 20 lads are causing mayhem stealing hundreds of cars, tearing round estate roads and then dumping the vehicles on backstreets.
      • The stolen goods would be cached and the vehicle would be dumped near the location where they had stolen it.
      • He dragged her body from his car, dumping it in undergrowth where it would not immediately be discovered.
      • Nationally, 310,000 cars were dumped and abandoned - up 37 per cent.
      • Let me go to you, Greg, on this issue of dumping the car, license plates found, abandoned in the field.
      • They are putting bags into the boots of cars and dumping them, under cover of darkness on the sides of roads, river banks or in derelict or unused areas.
      • To mass large numbers of ground forces where he could dump chemical and biological weapons on it is not only unwise, it's criminal and it's stupid.
      • They made their escape before dumping the car at Claire Road industrial estate in Kirby.
      • After shaking off the owner of the van, who was unhurt but shocked, the thieves then dumped the car in Sible Hedingham and escaped in a blue truck.
      • The negative value of scrap metal means it costs owners to have their cars taken away so cars are dumped instead and the cost of scrapping them falls to the taxpayer.
      • Smugglers who saw the warship sailing towards them dumped their illegal cargo and escaped back to Colombian waters after a Lynx helicopter from the vessel tracked them down.
      • But pressure groups say that this could force motorists to dump their cars rather than face a bill.
      • After the attack the men made off with the cash box in a stolen car before dumping their loot along with balaclavas, gloves and a screwdriver in a nearby park.
    2. 1.2 Put (something) down heavily or carelessly.
      she dumped her knapsack on the floor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He nudged her, catching up with her as she broke away from the group to get her water supply from where she'd dumped her bag onto one of the nearby park benches.
      • Immediately they both ripped open their first stick and dumped the sugar in their mouths.
      • I parked the trolley and grabbed up the paper, dumping it unceremoniously on top of the counter, and started flicking through it.
      • She quickly shoved the cookie into the bag, and dumped the rest of them in there.
      • ‘Make yourselves comfortable,’ said Raphael as he dumped his bag carelessly on the sofa.
      • With a squeal of pleasure, she fell upon the black sack and ripped it open, dumping the contents on the ground.
      • She walked over in a rush to her table, and dumped her bag heavily on the floor next to her.
      • She carelessly dumped her books and pens on the table and, aggravated, slumped into the expensive chair.
      • But right then, a careless maid dumped a bucket of too-cold water into her tub.
      • Jackson had just dumped his bags on the floor, rather carelessly.
      • He dumped a heavy rucksack on the floor and stuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
      • James flung the magnum open and dumped the used casings, deftly replacing them with fresh rounds.
      • She dumped her bag next to her chair and plonked all her food on the table.
      • He dumped the food onto a plate and stuck it in the microwave.
      • He walked over to the teacher's desk and dumped his books on it, plonked himself into the chair, and surveyed the class.
      • Carelessly, she dumped her lunch out, its contents spilling all across the floor.
      • ‘Um, yeah,’ she answered, dumping her books on her desk and dropping her backpack with a sigh of relief.
      • I dumped my bag on the floor and plunked myself on the bed, too tired to move.
      • He casually tipped the chair next to him where he had dumped the pieces of the pictures, and the pieces fell quietly onto the floor beneath the chair.
      • Collette dumped her bag by her bed and dropped onto the sheets.
      put down, lay down, set down, deposit, place, put, unload
      drop, let fall, throw down, fling down
      informal stick, park, plonk, shove, pop
      British informal bung
      North American informal plunk
      archaic unlade
      rare posit
    3. 1.3informal Abandon or desert (someone)
      you'll get tired of me and dump me
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I guess he really does care about his girlfriend dumping him after all.
      • He'd been really lax since his girlfriend dumped him.
      • When my last boyfriend dumped me, I began this site; through this site, I met Alex.
      • It's really embarrassing, and I'm afraid my girlfriend will dump me if I keep this up.
      • You know, a little less than two weeks ago my biggest problem was that my girlfriend dumped me because she thought I was checking out some other girl.
      • After your boyfriend dumps you to run off and join the Society of Friends, you may wish to banish or change your emotions before that big meeting about your promotion with the VP later today.
      • Her boyfriend had dumped her, the staff at the newspaper had bailed on her, yet still she managed to keep up appearances, as if nothing was wrong.
      • At least that's why my last two girlfriends dumped me.
      • I was jealous of my best friend, who had just dumped the girl I was falling for.
      • But, her boyfriend dumped her before it and she's taking me instead.
      • When my college boyfriend dumped me it took me over a year to get right in the head over it.
      • The youngest daughter gets a boyfriend, he dumps her.
      • We found out later this guy's girlfriend had just dumped him.
      • When her boyfriend dumps her, you are secretly delighted.
      • At around the same time, his long-term girlfriend dumped him and he had a traumatic first - and only - encounter with his sister.
      • In no time flat, all of his friends leave him, his girlfriend dumps him, his belongings are repossessed, and his home is foreclosed.
      • If my boyfriend dumps me, I'm only picking up a block of tofu if I can throw it at his head.
      • I'm not going to fall for his charm just to get dumped a week later.
      • Just don't pick it up after your girlfriend dumps you, or your dog dies - I won't be held responsible for the consequences.
      • My boyfriend dumped me about two weeks ago because ‘it wasn't working out.’
      abandon, desert, leave, leave in the lurch, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, jilt, break up with, finish with, cast aside, throw over
      informal walk out on, run out on, rat on, drop, ditch, chuck, give someone the elbow, give someone the old heave-ho, leave someone holding the baby
      British informal give someone the push, give someone the big E
      archaic forsake
    4. 1.4 Send (goods unsaleable in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price.
      these countries have been dumping cheap fertilizers on the UK market


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Foreign firms would dump their products on the U.S. market to drive their U.S. competitors out of business.
      • The theory of international trade in imperfectly competitive markets suggests that dumping in the sense of international price discrimination should not be a matter of concern.
      • But Japanese and American manufacturers charge both Korean companies with dumping D-Ram chips on the world market.
      • It has been well documented that the U.S. and the EU are dumping onto international markets on a wide scale.
      • Shelved product was getting dumped onto the market like toxic waste, and the big budget productions played it so safe that they wound up being less than garbage.
      • With an increase in production of 20 per cent and no export during the months from March to June, all the produce is now being dumped in the local market.
      • These foreign companies dump into the developing markets what actually is not doing well in their own home markets.
      • It says it's unfair to link them with foreign steel dumping, even their machinery was used to treat steel would it have to be retreat bid the time it made it to the United States.
      • They battled foreign producers that were dumping steel in the U.S. market at money-losing prices.
      • The sericulture sector in the country is on a revival after going through a tough phase of low production due to droughts and fall in prices on account of dumping of cheap silk from China.
      • The administration said foreign countries have been dumping shrimp at deeply discounted prices.
      • They have their own justifications - such as the large-scale dumping of cheap steel on the US market in the wake of the Asian crisis.
    5. 1.5informal Sell off (assets) rapidly.
      investors dumped shares in scores of other consumer-goods firms


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now, new research suggests insiders begin dumping stock over two years before a company's earnings fall.
      • He is their second biggest shareholder after them, and if he were to suddenly dump his shares the group's value would plummet.
      • Ignore if you will the obvious danger that insurance companies may soon be forced to start dumping shares into a falling market in order to maintain their solvency margins.
      • They dumped those shares four years ago after what it calls a pattern of labor problems.
      • At a time when investors are dumping shares in some of Europe's biggest cable operators, the company boasts an enviable roster of backers.
      • Investors dumped the shares in August after it revealed a-close-to $20m revenue miss.
      • Hence when a company is dropped a fund manager may be automatically required to dump the stock with a consequent negative impact on the share price.
      • Investors, meanwhile, are reassessing their portfolios and dumping shares.
      • They will then stop trying to slowly leak dollar conversions and U.S. bond sales into the market and will rush to dump many of their dollar holdings all at once in an effort to beat the crowd.
      • Jittery investors dumped it as a result, sending its shares down 5.6 per cent.
      • And in the last half-hour of that day's trading, one institutional investor dumped more than one million shares.
      • Any employee would have lost big by dumping his shares for, say, a balanced stock fund.
      • It is certainly true that cost cutting across the company's operations and the dumping of non-performing assets is responsible for a major part of its profits.
      • Automatic trading systems used by institutional investors began dumping stock when shares fell sharply on news of the blasts, creating an opportunity for other investors.
      • It dumped stock while it was telling the public to go grab some more.
      • Reports claim investors dumped him because they were concerned over his desire to expand into jet services.
      • The extent to which investors have been dumping shares has reflected the depth of investor concern about future prospects.
      • Does that mean you should dump all of the large-cap funds and replace them with real estate and small-company investments?
      • Some critics complain that any such bailout would aggravate the market's decline by encouraging investors to dump even more losers.
      • Both companies had been trying to dump underperforming non-core assets to tidy up their portfolios.
  • 2Computing
    Copy (stored data) to a different location, especially so as to protect against loss.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It will do this automatically, and its data will be dumped onto a public website where anyone can access it.
    • After a set amount of time, if power is not yet restored, the system will dump data from the cache to the attached RAID systems.
    • Now's your chance to dump some of those really large cached files.
    1. 2.1 Print out or list the contents of (a store), especially after a system failure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The last parameters mean the filesystem should not be dumped and checked in the second order.

Phrasal Verbs

  • dump on

    • Criticize or abuse (someone); treat badly.


      you get dumped on just because of your name


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Would you blatantly bash anyone the way you dump on yourself?
      • It will become another way to divide Americans, another way to dump on huge swathes of this society, i.e., everyone who doesn't agree with them.
      • Anyway, I apologize if I was dumping on Comic Book Resources.
      • It's important to learn how to manage your moods so you don't dump on loved ones.
      • I don't want to dump on the book because I think the author made a sincere effort and because I think he did a better job than I'd have imagined from a guy who was so far removed from Jack.
      • I just want to say one thing, Larry, about the stewardess who has been dumped on tonight.
      • If not, repeat your declaration each time they try to dump on you.
      • We've all dumped on that guy, this guy in Buffalo, who will probably end up now in Eerie.
      • Many factors are totally beyond the control of an editor, and it probably doesn't help that the entire standup surfing culture dumps on bodyboarding as well.
      • Irresponsible bishops are now much more likely to dump on their priests over flimsy accusations than to dump on victims for real ones.
      disparage, denigrate, defame, run down, revile, berate, belittle, abuse, insult, slight, attack, speak ill of, speak evil of, pour scorn on, cast aspersions on, criticize, censure, condemn, decry, denounce, pillory, lambaste


Middle English: perhaps from Old Norse; related to Danish dumpe and Norwegian dumpa 'fall suddenly' (the original sense in English); in later use partly imitative; compare with thump.


bump, chump, clump, crump, flump, frump, gazump, grump, jump, lump, outjump, plump, pump, rump, scrump, slump, stump, sump, thump, trump, tump, ump, whump

Definition of dump in US English:


  • 1A site for depositing garbage.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some harbour board members fear that it will be in the area of the Deep Water Quay, coming through the site of the old dump.
    • Still, villagers persisted in using the site as their waste dump.
    • He started when his son was very little, wandering around Victorian rubbish dumps looking for the ultimate antique lemonade bottle.
    • Putting a halting site beside a dump was unfair in the first place.
    • Travellers turned a beautiful strip of greenery into a rubbish dump before clearing off from an unofficial site, an irate resident has claimed.
    • The owners of a pub and sandwich bar in the village both said they knew nothing about their refuse being deposited at the illegal dump.
    • The shops were closed and, if there were no major sporting event happening, people just pottered in the garden, took rubbish to the dump or took a big nap to catch up on sleep missed during the week.
    • ‘It was basically a rubbish dump, an eroded, neglected wasteland,’ he says.
    • If you've been to the dump or bought rubbish bags lately you'll know about the costs associated with waste disposal.
    • Mounds of rotting and stinking garbage lie uncollected in almost all parts of the city and it is common to find rubbish dumps blocking roads and broken pipes spewing raw sewer in townships.
    • ‘Councillors will have to reduce the charges on the dump and then the rubbish collector will reduce his charges to us,’ she said.
    • It added the poor tend to live in areas that are more prone to natural disasters such as flooding and landslides, or near heavily polluting factories, dumps and hazardous-waste sites.
    • Look for instance at plants: vandalized trees send out new shoots, grass grows on rubbish dumps, flowers spring up in scrap yards.
    • A year or two ago a rubbish dump in Argentina saw the odd sight of jobless professionals combing the trash-heaps for food.
    • However, it should not be used as a dump for other household rubbish.
    • Most of the taxis outside the entrance doors look as if they were salvaged from a rubbish dump, and the Air-Conditioning is usually long gone.
    • The graveyard was buried by undergrowth for two centuries - added to by locals using the site as an unofficial dump, and few islanders knew the role the cemetery played in Barbadian history.
    • At the site of a former dump, gem hunters can spy all kinds of brilliant, wave-polished beach glass.
    • Right next to the Cahokia park, just behind where I took these photographs, is the most unseemly of sites, a garbage dump.
    • Our gardens have been turned into rubbish dumps for discarded bottles, cans and crisp bags and it is disgraceful that extra police have to be employed on match days just to control the fans…
    rubbish tip, rubbish dump, refuse dump, rubbish heap, refuse heap, tip, dumping ground, dustheap, slag heap, midden, dunghill, dung heap
    1. 1.1 A heap of garbage left at a dump.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The sons bring in some additional income, by looking for scrap metal on rubbish tips and scrap heaps or by digging coal from waste dumps and spoil heaps.
    2. 1.2usually with modifier A place where a particular kind of waste, especially dangerous waste, is left.
      a nuclear waste dump


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The federal government has been forced to abandon its six-year push to build a national nuclear waste dump near Woomera in South Australia.
      • Hear from the man who chaired the public meeting in Linton as well as the councillor who could well have Victoria's newest toxic waste dump in his shire.
      • The County and Swindon Borough councils propose to go ahead with building the new Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office on a proven toxic waste dump in Chippenham.
      • The evidence starts to look more and more like foul play when Charlie discovers an illegal toxic waste dump right by the lake.
      • This mentality is not endemic to Taiwan, of course; people in America, for example, don't want a nuclear waste dump near them either.
      • Few know about the nuclear waste dump at 2229 Main Street.
      • ‘It's impossible to have a nuclear power station without having a nuclear waste dump,’ he said.
      • A loony spider farm owner feeds his pets with crickets that have been contaminated in a nearby chemical waste dump.
      • He had argued with his boss that the managers of the European nuclear waste dump at La Hague in France should be warned, but he had been overruled.
      • The South Australian Government is a strong ally, supporting their campaign to stop the radioactive waste dump from being established in the State.
      • Let me tell you, there's a reason that the mutant monsters in horror films generally come from one of two places, a nuclear waste dump or a sewer.
      • Both the Labor Government and CLP Opposition last night agreed to fight any moves to locate a national nuclear waste dump here.
      • As it stands, there is no act that differentiates procedurally between mining in the Namib-Naukluft National Park and mining next to a toxic waste dump.
      • But the South Australian Parliament has already moved a Bill rejecting the facility as the first step towards a medium-level waste dump.
      • He raps in Tao about how angry his people are for having their homeland made into a nuclear waste dump.
      • It's taken more than a decade to locate a suitable site for the nuclear dump, and the Federal Government is not about to give it up.
      • When a public inquiry was held into the licensing of a proposed nuclear waste dump at Sellafield, bordering the Irish Sea, Ireland protested and made representations at the inquiry.
      • Is it likely that Australia's going to need a high level waste dump as well?
      • Some MPs also support a nuclear waste dump in the State.
      • Are you in favour of a nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory?
    3. 1.3 A place where weapons and other military equipment is stored.
      an ammunitions dump
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Royal Marines sweeping the mountains have discovered a significant arms dump in a cave complex.
      • Those unguarded ammo dumps became the arsenals of insurgency.
      • At one point, MacRoberts volunteers his men to undertake a dangerous commando mission behind German lines in order to destroy an ammunition dump and so slow German progress.
      • Whenever we saw an anti-aircraft battery or munitions dump, we took it out.
      • The plentiful numbers of highly explosive targets, like gas tanks and ammo dumps, are strategic elements of sabotage.
      • He added he would have needed four times more troops to search and secure all the ammo dumps he came across.
      • It appears in retrospect that we simply did not have enough troops on the ground at that time to guard those ammunition dumps.
      • After undertaking preliminary study, participants tour airfields, command posts, ammunition dumps, and battlefields where airpower played a role.
      • Military police had to stop them several times as ammunition dumps were blown to prevent capture.
      • As a German possession during both world wars, it was an important naval base and munitions dump.
      • There are no rail or road nets to attack, no ammunition dumps to bomb, no bridges to knock out.
      • Captured Allied dumps certainly provided supplies in enormous quantities, but it was only too tempting for the exhausted and hungry German troops to pause and enjoy them.
      • Why haven't the ammo dumps been blown up?
      • Their last rounds detonated a hidden munitions dump, shaking the entire fortress and hurling artillery shells over the walls, while burning rockets shot in all directions.
      • And so from that, they learned don't destroy dumps as you go, make sure explosive-ordinance disposal and the proper personnel can evaluate specifically what's at each site.
      • The conditions at the ammunition dump considerably worsened the scale of the disaster.
      • Over the coming fortnight, The Daily Telegraph will accompany the Paras as they seek to drive out the insurgents, discover their arms dumps and win over the population.
      • The tent was within 10 feet of the ammo dump, which was a trailer that had been lowered into a hole in the ground.
      • Details of the locations of munitions dump sites are readily available.
      • In 1975 a major air offensive, again involving RAF pilots, lasted six weeks destroying ammunition dumps and command and control centres, resupply convoys, gun emplacements and heavy artillery.
  • 2informal An unpleasant or dreary place.


    she says the town has become a dump


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I refrain from saying anything but I'm surprised anyone could be protective of this dump.
    • They're an integral part, without it we'd live in a dump.
    • Someday, she'd own her own store but until then she was stuck working in this dump.
    • I work at the local nightclub, the money's not great, but then nether is this, living in a dump, alone with my memories and emotions.
    • Retain a local real estate expert to find them housing - somebody who you trust will only show them nice apartments, not ratty dumps, and pay all the broker fees.
    • Ricky was the manager, or boss, of this dump of a convenient store.
    • In 1988, he talks his parents into renting an apartment next to his dump on 6th Street by arguing, Hey, this way you can learn Manhattan.
    hovel, shack, slum, shanty, mess
  • 3Computing
    A copying of stored data to a different location, performed typically as a protection against loss.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Attempts to track keystrokes and transfer graphics buffer memory contents are bypassed, he said, and it will be a lot more difficult to find critical data from main memory dumps.
    • Sure, they don't do physical memory dumps (and as such don't allow you do undo things that were only performed in memory in the first place), but that's what Hibernate is for.
    • Are either of these devices what you really need for data dumps from one PC to another?
    • You should be able to do a dump and load for the SQL database.
    • The idea is that eventually we'll max out the AI's storage space, forcing it to do a memory dump.
    1. 3.1 A printout or list of the contents of a computer's memory, occurring typically after a system failure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Instead of file system dumps, this data set contained specific file system information such as changed files, inode information, and important log files.
      • It is worth noting that IMAP is a text-based protocol, so a simple ASCII dump of the packet contents is an appropriate way to show them.
      • We say it'll take two weeks, then get the temp to just copy the asset numbers over from a dump I'll grab out of the asset database.
      • Trouble is, the raw dump consists entirely of memory addresses.
  • 4vulgar slang An act of defecation.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Probably not, considering I saw her taking a dump on the sidewalk the other day.
    • Why not just set up a statue of a golden calf taking a dump on a reel of film in the middle of Hollywood and be done with it?
    • Or is that just for us regular folk who don't drink champagne for breakfast and take dumps on solid gold toilets?
    • I sure don't want to lug my computer into the bathroom while I take a dump and read…
    • They stage stunts in which, in but one example, they take a dump in a toilet on display in a hardware store.
[with object]
  • 1Deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.


    trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here


    no object an attempt to prevent people from dumping on vacant lots
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The roads and pavements here are used to dump debris and construction material, thus hindering pedestrians and vehicular movement.
    • Before the days of regular garbage pick up, farmers used to dump their unwanted junk in fields and ravines behind their barns.
    • Some 252 fabric shops dumped their solid waste while 283 manufacturers disposed of their liquid waste into the river.
    • Every time someone dumps their rubbish or unwanted furniture here, we have to sort it out.
    • The previous inspections found both boats were dumping sewage, food waste and untreated water into the ocean.
    • Two major directives on the removal of packaging and organic waste from material dumped into landfills are to be passed into law next year.
    • It is illegal to dump any waste material at sea and all vessels will have to log and land their waste on returning from sea.
    • They are being used by many, but a lot more recyclable materials are being dumped or disposed of because of a lack of effort.
    • People have found places to dump their unwanted trash and garbage in places they deem ‘away’ in order to avoid paying tipping fees.
    • All that is required is an artistic mind that finds unconventional uses for unwanted material dumped in scrap heaps, or abandoned in rubbish dumps.
    • The scheme requires people using a van or trailer to dump rubbish at household waste sites to pay for a permit.
    • Because the settlement has no sewerage, residents dump water and wastes in the dirt streets.
    • My wife and I are regular walkers in this area and continue to be amazed by the amount of rubbish and trash dumped by the ‘good’ residents of North Bedfordshire.
    • Work is proceeding on clearing the open space in Oakridge Road used by the contractors to dump soil and waste during the building work.
    • The system disposes of drill debris in a contained manner which meets more stringent environmental regulations that prevent companies dumping waste into the sea.
    • Red-faced environment chiefs today pledged there will be no repeat of the Hampshire scandal which saw tons of recyclable waste dumped in rubbish tips.
    • Environment Agency officials visited the site after being told waste was dumped there and discovered rubbish being buried in a series of ‘cells’.
    • Infuriated residents watched on helplessly as lorry loads of human waste sludge was dumped within 40 metres of their homes last weekend.
    • Construction waste is dumped illegally because it costs money to dispose of building rubble and obtaining a permit to deposit clay and topsoil on a site is a two-month process.
    • Treaty signatories also undertake not to dump or allow other states to dump radioactive materials or wastes in the zone of coverage.
    dispose of, get rid of, throw away, throw out, discard, scrap, bin, jettison, cast aside, cast out, fling out, toss out
    1. 1.1 Put down or abandon (something) hurriedly in order to make an escape.
      the couple dumped the car and fled


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are putting bags into the boots of cars and dumping them, under cover of darkness on the sides of roads, river banks or in derelict or unused areas.
      • They made their escape before dumping the car at Claire Road industrial estate in Kirby.
      • But pressure groups say that this could force motorists to dump their cars rather than face a bill.
      • Just 20 lads are causing mayhem stealing hundreds of cars, tearing round estate roads and then dumping the vehicles on backstreets.
      • After shaking off the owner of the van, who was unhurt but shocked, the thieves then dumped the car in Sible Hedingham and escaped in a blue truck.
      • To mass large numbers of ground forces where he could dump chemical and biological weapons on it is not only unwise, it's criminal and it's stupid.
      • He dragged her body from his car, dumping it in undergrowth where it would not immediately be discovered.
      • It was dumped in a hotel car park two miles from the Eurostar railway station at Ashford.
      • Nationally, 310,000 cars were dumped and abandoned - up 37 per cent.
      • Let me go to you, Greg, on this issue of dumping the car, license plates found, abandoned in the field.
      • After the attack the men made off with the cash box in a stolen car before dumping their loot along with balaclavas, gloves and a screwdriver in a nearby park.
      • The stolen goods would be cached and the vehicle would be dumped near the location where they had stolen it.
      • The negative value of scrap metal means it costs owners to have their cars taken away so cars are dumped instead and the cost of scrapping them falls to the taxpayer.
      • Smugglers who saw the warship sailing towards them dumped their illegal cargo and escaped back to Colombian waters after a Lynx helicopter from the vessel tracked them down.
    2. 1.2 Put (something) down firmly or heavily and carelessly.
      she dumped her knapsack on the floor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Immediately they both ripped open their first stick and dumped the sugar in their mouths.
      • He nudged her, catching up with her as she broke away from the group to get her water supply from where she'd dumped her bag onto one of the nearby park benches.
      • But right then, a careless maid dumped a bucket of too-cold water into her tub.
      • Collette dumped her bag by her bed and dropped onto the sheets.
      • Jackson had just dumped his bags on the floor, rather carelessly.
      • ‘Um, yeah,’ she answered, dumping her books on her desk and dropping her backpack with a sigh of relief.
      • He dumped a heavy rucksack on the floor and stuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
      • She walked over in a rush to her table, and dumped her bag heavily on the floor next to her.
      • She quickly shoved the cookie into the bag, and dumped the rest of them in there.
      • He casually tipped the chair next to him where he had dumped the pieces of the pictures, and the pieces fell quietly onto the floor beneath the chair.
      • Carelessly, she dumped her lunch out, its contents spilling all across the floor.
      • With a squeal of pleasure, she fell upon the black sack and ripped it open, dumping the contents on the ground.
      • I dumped my bag on the floor and plunked myself on the bed, too tired to move.
      • He walked over to the teacher's desk and dumped his books on it, plonked himself into the chair, and surveyed the class.
      • He dumped the food onto a plate and stuck it in the microwave.
      • I parked the trolley and grabbed up the paper, dumping it unceremoniously on top of the counter, and started flicking through it.
      • James flung the magnum open and dumped the used casings, deftly replacing them with fresh rounds.
      • She dumped her bag next to her chair and plonked all her food on the table.
      • ‘Make yourselves comfortable,’ said Raphael as he dumped his bag carelessly on the sofa.
      • She carelessly dumped her books and pens on the table and, aggravated, slumped into the expensive chair.
      put down, lay down, set down, deposit, place, put, unload
    3. 1.3informal Abandon or desert (someone)
      you'll get tired of me and dump me
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The youngest daughter gets a boyfriend, he dumps her.
      • But, her boyfriend dumped her before it and she's taking me instead.
      • When my college boyfriend dumped me it took me over a year to get right in the head over it.
      • If my boyfriend dumps me, I'm only picking up a block of tofu if I can throw it at his head.
      • You know, a little less than two weeks ago my biggest problem was that my girlfriend dumped me because she thought I was checking out some other girl.
      • I'm not going to fall for his charm just to get dumped a week later.
      • He'd been really lax since his girlfriend dumped him.
      • Just don't pick it up after your girlfriend dumps you, or your dog dies - I won't be held responsible for the consequences.
      • My boyfriend dumped me about two weeks ago because ‘it wasn't working out.’
      • After your boyfriend dumps you to run off and join the Society of Friends, you may wish to banish or change your emotions before that big meeting about your promotion with the VP later today.
      • It's really embarrassing, and I'm afraid my girlfriend will dump me if I keep this up.
      • In no time flat, all of his friends leave him, his girlfriend dumps him, his belongings are repossessed, and his home is foreclosed.
      • At least that's why my last two girlfriends dumped me.
      • I guess he really does care about his girlfriend dumping him after all.
      • I was jealous of my best friend, who had just dumped the girl I was falling for.
      • When my last boyfriend dumped me, I began this site; through this site, I met Alex.
      • At around the same time, his long-term girlfriend dumped him and he had a traumatic first - and only - encounter with his sister.
      • We found out later this guy's girlfriend had just dumped him.
      • Her boyfriend had dumped her, the staff at the newspaper had bailed on her, yet still she managed to keep up appearances, as if nothing was wrong.
      • When her boyfriend dumps her, you are secretly delighted.
      abandon, desert, leave, leave in the lurch, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, jilt, break up with, finish with, cast aside, throw over
    4. 1.4 Send (goods unsalable in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price.
      other countries dump steel in the US at below-market prices
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The theory of international trade in imperfectly competitive markets suggests that dumping in the sense of international price discrimination should not be a matter of concern.
      • But Japanese and American manufacturers charge both Korean companies with dumping D-Ram chips on the world market.
      • Foreign firms would dump their products on the U.S. market to drive their U.S. competitors out of business.
      • These foreign companies dump into the developing markets what actually is not doing well in their own home markets.
      • They have their own justifications - such as the large-scale dumping of cheap steel on the US market in the wake of the Asian crisis.
      • Shelved product was getting dumped onto the market like toxic waste, and the big budget productions played it so safe that they wound up being less than garbage.
      • The sericulture sector in the country is on a revival after going through a tough phase of low production due to droughts and fall in prices on account of dumping of cheap silk from China.
      • With an increase in production of 20 per cent and no export during the months from March to June, all the produce is now being dumped in the local market.
      • They battled foreign producers that were dumping steel in the U.S. market at money-losing prices.
      • It has been well documented that the U.S. and the EU are dumping onto international markets on a wide scale.
      • It says it's unfair to link them with foreign steel dumping, even their machinery was used to treat steel would it have to be retreat bid the time it made it to the United States.
      • The administration said foreign countries have been dumping shrimp at deeply discounted prices.
    5. 1.5informal Sell off (assets) rapidly.
      investors dumped shares in scores of other consumer-goods firms


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is certainly true that cost cutting across the company's operations and the dumping of non-performing assets is responsible for a major part of its profits.
      • And in the last half-hour of that day's trading, one institutional investor dumped more than one million shares.
      • It dumped stock while it was telling the public to go grab some more.
      • Investors, meanwhile, are reassessing their portfolios and dumping shares.
      • Reports claim investors dumped him because they were concerned over his desire to expand into jet services.
      • The extent to which investors have been dumping shares has reflected the depth of investor concern about future prospects.
      • Jittery investors dumped it as a result, sending its shares down 5.6 per cent.
      • Some critics complain that any such bailout would aggravate the market's decline by encouraging investors to dump even more losers.
      • Now, new research suggests insiders begin dumping stock over two years before a company's earnings fall.
      • Hence when a company is dropped a fund manager may be automatically required to dump the stock with a consequent negative impact on the share price.
      • Automatic trading systems used by institutional investors began dumping stock when shares fell sharply on news of the blasts, creating an opportunity for other investors.
      • They will then stop trying to slowly leak dollar conversions and U.S. bond sales into the market and will rush to dump many of their dollar holdings all at once in an effort to beat the crowd.
      • Does that mean you should dump all of the large-cap funds and replace them with real estate and small-company investments?
      • At a time when investors are dumping shares in some of Europe's biggest cable operators, the company boasts an enviable roster of backers.
      • Ignore if you will the obvious danger that insurance companies may soon be forced to start dumping shares into a falling market in order to maintain their solvency margins.
      • Both companies had been trying to dump underperforming non-core assets to tidy up their portfolios.
      • He is their second biggest shareholder after them, and if he were to suddenly dump his shares the group's value would plummet.
      • Investors dumped the shares in August after it revealed a-close-to $20m revenue miss.
      • They dumped those shares four years ago after what it calls a pattern of labor problems.
      • Any employee would have lost big by dumping his shares for, say, a balanced stock fund.
  • 2Computing
    Copy (stored data) to a different location, especially so as to protect against loss.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It will do this automatically, and its data will be dumped onto a public website where anyone can access it.
    • Now's your chance to dump some of those really large cached files.
    • After a set amount of time, if power is not yet restored, the system will dump data from the cache to the attached RAID systems.
    1. 2.1 Print out or list the contents of (a store), especially after a system failure.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The last parameters mean the filesystem should not be dumped and checked in the second order.
  • 3American Football
    Tackle (a quarterback) before he can throw a pass.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Simon Howard, dumped in a barely legal tackle, had to play on despite neck muscle and facial injuries, but still gave an outstanding performance.

Phrasal Verbs

  • dump on

    • Criticize or abuse (someone); treat badly.


      you get dumped on just because of your name


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Would you blatantly bash anyone the way you dump on yourself?
      • Anyway, I apologize if I was dumping on Comic Book Resources.
      • Irresponsible bishops are now much more likely to dump on their priests over flimsy accusations than to dump on victims for real ones.
      • Many factors are totally beyond the control of an editor, and it probably doesn't help that the entire standup surfing culture dumps on bodyboarding as well.
      • We've all dumped on that guy, this guy in Buffalo, who will probably end up now in Eerie.
      • I don't want to dump on the book because I think the author made a sincere effort and because I think he did a better job than I'd have imagined from a guy who was so far removed from Jack.
      • If not, repeat your declaration each time they try to dump on you.
      • It will become another way to divide Americans, another way to dump on huge swathes of this society, i.e., everyone who doesn't agree with them.
      • It's important to learn how to manage your moods so you don't dump on loved ones.
      • I just want to say one thing, Larry, about the stewardess who has been dumped on tonight.
      disparage, denigrate, defame, run down, revile, berate, belittle, abuse, insult, slight, attack, speak ill of, speak evil of, pour scorn on, cast aspersions on, criticize, censure, condemn, decry, denounce, pillory, lambaste


Middle English: perhaps from Old Norse; related to Danish dumpe and Norwegian dumpa ‘fall suddenly’ (the original sense in English); in later use partly imitative; compare with thump.





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