It's back to the old chestnut - is it a block or is it a dummy run?
As a prelude to this invasion a dummy run had taken place in 1942 when the Allies launched a major air raid on Diepe on the northern coast of France.
Then there's a short dummy run of the programme which isn't recorded, to warm up the panel and act as a technical run-through.
When CIS was updating its website, it organised dummy runs to ensure that its systems were working properly.
Before the experiment, the procedural requirements were explained to the observers, and they did dummy runs without motion in the experimental display.
He blames the hitches on the fact that dummy runs designed to iron out any IT and printing problems were unable to go ahead the week before the launch - and the printing and distribution problems explain why some readers could not get a copy.
And when we were doing a dummy run, there was a really irritating guy who has been on every quiz show you have ever seen in Britain.
I did a dummy run several years ago and discovered they would need to leave at 7.30 am to attend a 10 am appointment at St Helier.
Louise has already had a dummy run with her mum at home, cooking the lemon chicken dish.
All this was alleged by the Crown to be a dummy run for the planned importation in 1998.
Experts believe this was a dummy run, to check that the two men were capable of following their instructions, and to detect any unforeseen systems in the Bank's security.
During the heist, he said he was ordered to stuff £1.2m in notes into a bag and carry it from the bank in a dummy run.
If you are happy with your first attempt an in your dummy run on making a bouquet then get started on making your dream come true by doing it your way.
Exercises are run constantly and every year there is a large-scale dummy run of a chemical (such as the sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995) or biological incident.
They did a dummy run first with a nurse and all the life support equipment, then it was for real and they took her.
Many organizations have regular key changes as dummy runs so that they are prepared for an emergency and their staff have the relevant practical experience.
Having last week seen the footage of the bombers' so-called dummy run in late June, you do wonder what could be more dramatic.
In Britain, local councils and the emergency services conduct dummy runs for major catastrophes all the time.
Will the Minister tell the House whether, if this type of bungle were to occur at the next local body elections, he would accept responsibility at all, and if it did, what is the difference, or is he a Minister who needs a dummy run?
After a slightly faltering start, during which the mayoress lost her footing and slipped on a dummy run, both Lilian and Andrew made their way down the council building, through slow but steady rain, with little difficulty.