

单词 draft

Definition of draft in English:


noun drɑːftdræft
  • 1A preliminary version of a piece of writing.


    the first draft of the party's manifesto


    as modifier a draft document


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is hoped that each will complete a preliminary draft of a new play by July 2005, with a view to five new works being created for possible production over the next few years.
    • It was announced that last week's paper was only a preliminary draft.
    • The committee readily accepted the plan, and the education specialist began to work on the preliminary draft of the program.
    • It is to be supplied with a summary of the case and the preliminary draft decision, on which it delivers an opinion.
    • Both texts are drafts of final versions and would almost certainly have been burned when no longer needed.
    • The study was still undergoing substantive editing in order to incorporate the suggestions of the lawyers and public policy analysts who reviewed its preliminary drafts.
    • Since a job description for this office could not be found, I generated a preliminary draft of such a document.
    • WR participated in data collection and interpretation and in writing of the first draft.
    • The first draft of the documents was unveiled last September, following an extensive consultation process.
    • On yet another occasion, Laurel did all the writing of an initial draft, utilizing feedback and editing from Amy and Kate.
    • Art Business News has obtained a preliminary draft of the report.
    • In response to my early drafts of this article, the following analogy was proposed.
    • There was much writing to be had, resulting in a first draft of my book.
    • At most he's guilty of modestly sloppy wording in the first draft of his initial piece about the memo a week ago, a mistake that he quickly corrected.
    • New Zealand Post had a preliminary draft of that report.
    • The Commission also has the budgetary initiative, and therefore originates the preliminary draft budget which is put before the Council.
    • Deep inside, I knew that Holmes's threat had expedited the writing of my first draft of this story.
    • The writing of the first draft has been argued by recent scholars without reference to Barrett's testimony.
    • Maybe later today I'll post my edited version of the draft.
    • Until then, I'm just going to push myself like a madman to finish the first draft of this new piece before I leave to go home next Thursday.
    version, edition, issue, model, mark, form, impression, publication
    1. 1.1 A plan, sketch, or rough drawing.
      a manuscript draft representing the explorer's latest findings
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, the Councillors agreed to look at regulating the size of apartments in its upcoming development plan, a draft of which is expected to be published in a few weeks.
      • Quick outlines and fast rough drafts save time and editing trauma.
      • He soon had a rough draft of a manuscript about how an antibody might be formed and the physical-chemical basis of its specific reaction with antigen.
      • This is the last installment of the rough draft.
      • I sent Coach a few rough drafts of columns, but his suggestions didn't seem that strong.
      • This working draft can be compared to a rough draft of a manuscript, essentially containing all of the information needed but still requiring some hard polishing before completion.
      • This was originally allocated for housing in the first draft of the Local Plan.
      • It's the result of many rough drafts and sketches, as well as six months of labour.
      • I don't write and re-write. I don't do a rough draft or an outline before I post.
      • He drew the final version of the winning poster with a combination of jiffy marker pens and acrylic paints, after working on rough drafts in pencil.
      • You never know exactly what's going on during a battle, so you have to learn to make snap decisions and adapt to the initial rough draft of the plan.
      • When I am drawing, I use pencils for rough drafts and pens for final copies since it makes my drawings look more professional.
      • You could revise and refine your photo as if it were a rough draft of a story.
      • A first draft of the plan is out today outlining how to ration scarce medications and speed vaccine production in the event of a worldwide flu outbreak.
      • My current plan is to do rough drafts until November 1st.
      • The consultations next week will give farmers an opportunity to provide input into the final draft of the plan so it better accommodates their needs.
      • When a plainer style is an option, or when it may be necessary to shorten the rough draft of an essay or an assignment, it is almost always possible to find short substitutes for long phrases.
      • A council spokesman said the creation of the plan would broadly follow the same route as the first, except that the draft of that plan had never been submitted to the Government.
      • Some manuscripts include rough and final drafts, and galley and page proofs.
      • This is a rough draft, which means that I already know I didn't nail it, so please don't hold back if you think something's wrong!
      preliminary version, rough sketch, outline, plan, blueprint, skeleton, abstract
      main points, bones, bare bones
      plan, blueprint, design, artist's impression, diagram, drawing, scale drawing, outline, sketch, pattern, map, layout, representation
    2. 1.2Computing mass noun A mode of operation of a printer in which text is produced rapidly but with relatively low definition.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It isn't as good on plain paper though, with no happy medium between printing in the detailed finer modes and the speedier, but rougher, draft modes.
  • 2A written order to pay a specified sum.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • My instructing solicitor has written out that further order as indicated by your Honour, so the draft order I am handing up is with the original conditions in it.
    • Hibernian was granted an injunction last Wednesday, continuing a restraining order against the cashing of bank drafts at the centre of the fraud.
    • The signed agreements will remain held in escrow until Neil receives the banker's draft.
    • In the end he persuaded them to pay £40,000 in a banker's draft.
    • Pound cheques and cheques or drafts drawn in other eurozone currencies should be lodged or cashed before February 9th.
    • Kader Khan realises his mistake - and immediately gives a draft for the bounced cheque!
    • The branches paid out their own notes and drafts when discounting, but they accepted local bank notes as payment.
    • You may send in your contributions in the form of cheque or draft or money orders directly addressed to.
    • The reason for this is that bankers' drafts are made payable to the payee's order, which means that transfer can be effected only by means of the payee's genuine indorsement.
    • How could Dunlop walk into the AIB with cheques or drafts made out for large sums of money to a company of which he was not a director or shareholder or officer, and walk out again having converted them to cash?
    • Cheques and drafts are used internationally, but not extensively.
    • The U-First account has no bank fees for transactions, such as cheques and drafts, and pays interest for accounts in credit, said Mr Wilson.
    cheque, order, banker's order, money order, bill of exchange, postal order
    technical negotiable instrument
  • 3the draftUS Compulsory recruitment for military service.


    25 million men were subject to the draft


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is possible the US could again institute its military draft in order to recruit the numbers of troops required to cover all its commitments.
    • Talk of reviving the military draft, to supply enough troops for the war on terror, is just that, talk.
    • The mass media also tends to take seriously proposals to revive the draft.
    • They offered various reasons why the draft should be opposed.
    • I think the draft, like military fighting itself, has to change with the times.
    • Faced with the biggest recruitment shortfall since the draft was abolished in 1973, the Army has come up with what it thinks is a good idea.
    • Today's volunteer Army is engaged at a pace unseen since the end of the draft 30 years ago, and worldwide commitments magnify the stress on the force.
    • The big step away from this model was the end of the draft.
    • In March, the department announced that Japanese-Americans would no longer be eligible for the draft.
    • There were plenty of opportunities to a deferment from the draft and avoid service.
    • Furthermore, even volunteer recruits, many entering because of the draft, received the same low salaries as draftees.
    • In order to increase citizen service, we should not re-establish the draft.
    • Another possibility would be to combine the draft with some sort of nonmilitary national service.
    • Second, if you had bothered to learn about the issue you would have found that no one opposes the draft more than the military.
    • As it was, the draft was like a tax unfairly levied.
    • The Army made the volunteer Army work after the draft ended 30 years ago and also convinced its soldiers that they could lead almost normal lives.
    • In 1980, a system of compulsory registration for the draft was instituted.
    • He is asking them to register with the U.S. selective service in case the military draft ever returns.
    • In the mid-1970s the U.S. abandoned the draft and recruited an all-volunteer professional military.
    • At least if the draft were revived a big portion of the drinkers would be in other parts of the world.
    1. 3.1North American A procedure whereby sports players are made available for selection or reselection by the teams in a league, usually with the earlier choices being given to the weaker teams.
      the White Sox chose him in the 13th round of the 1990 draft
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The combine rankings give fans insight into who may be among the top players in the draft, but that's about it.
      • Similarly, Blake clings to the notion that no player should enter the draft unless he is a four-year college senior.
      • Some linebackers are available in the draft, but they must be unusually speedy to play in this system.
      • In the final two days before the draft, teams begin contacting players they feel won't be selected.
      • This year, in fact, three of the first four players taken in the draft were preps.
      • Rasmus signed for a million dollars quickly, and was one of my favorite players in the draft.
      • After the draft, most teams have filled those needs with young players.
      • The Hawks are stuck in a rut of being bad enough to miss the play-offs but not bad enough to end up with a franchise player in the draft.
      • If scouts had known a year ago what they know now, he would have been one of the top three players taken in the draft.
      • It doesn't have to be a top 10 pick in the draft, but the player must have one-cut ability.
      • That seems strange because the team will bring in close to 40 players before the draft.
      • They added several solid players through the draft, some of whom should make the team and provide depth.
      • Much of the fun and palpitations of Rotisserie League play occurs at the draft of players at the start of the season.
      • If a player is available early in the draft or in free agency, the team must make a move and cut Brown loose.
      • One insider who follows the process closely says 2004 might be a record year for prep players entering the draft.
      • Offering half the asking price is insulting and a poor way to handle the negotiations for the most talented and major-league ready player in the draft.
      • Finding defensive backs and defensive ends most likely will be the team's priority in the free-agent market and the draft.
      • The Wolverines star might be the most talented offensive player in the draft.
      • Of all the offensive players entering the draft, Rogers is the best athlete.
      • What do you think of this assessment, and how do you think the depth of this draft compares to others from recent years?
      • A player becomes eligible for the draft when his team fails to protect him on its 40-man roster.
    2. 3.2rare A group or individual selected from a larger group for a special duty, e.g. for military service.
      the draft and I were sent to the barracks near Folkestone
  • 4

    US spelling of draught (noun)
verb drɑːftdræft
[with object]
  • 1Prepare a preliminary version of (a document)


    I drafted a letter of resignation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the other, he was never officially involved in the council, never having been appointed to any of the commissions that did much of the work of drafting the eventual documents.
    • Those documents were generally drafted later and reflect social democratic ideas arising in the 19th century.
    • Your legal department should be able to draft a document called a nondisclosure agreement, or an NDA.
    • Cine and the WHO are drafting a document that will serve as a guide for researchers and communities in health research projects.
    • The delay is widely blamed on the prosecutors in his case, who have so far only prepared draft versions of their reports into each group member.
    • The Assembly has already set up a 55-member committee to draft the document.
    • It is very difficult, I think, for those who draft the document at the end of the process to stand back and reread it with the eyes of the judges who will come to it completely afresh.
    • He does, however, warn against drafting the document oneself.
    • Administration officials tell CNN this 20-plus page document was actually drafted back in 2003.
    • I attach hereto draft documents which I hope will form a satisfactory agreement in respect of services on the above Estate.
    • They were one of the earlier draft versions prepared by the Crown Prosecutor to assist the judge in putting the case before the jury in the summing up.
    • In the rest of Italy, both clerics and laymen drafted documents, without any precise distinction of function or activity.
    • The preliminary survey questionnaire was drafted on July 13, 1997.
    • Some states will respect the different laws of the state where the document was drafted.
    • The quotation documents were drafted using the quantities and units of measurement we estimated earlier.
    • Half a century ago, a document was drafted that's still highly topical: a Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    • I am drafting this document just after completing a commercial novel of about a half-million words, and I enjoyed every one of them.
    • Nor have they established that, even leaving it until the last minute, he could not have drafted these documents and prepared them prior to the expiry of the four month period.
    • If he is the person who drafted the documents, I am afraid he has a very poor understanding of legal matters.
    • I go there to prepare speeches, or draft articles and letters.
  • 2Select (a person or group of people) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose.


    riot police were drafted in to break up the blockade


    Example sentencesExamples
    • About 20 officers were drafted in - some from Bradford - to deal with the incident at 9.17 pm.
    • Extra police officers were drafted in to patrol a peace march after word of a rival, impromptu pro-war demonstration was circulated.
    • Security measures had been dramatically stepped up at Heathrow airport with extra police officers being drafted in from surrounding areas and forces.
    • I was drafted in from head office to ‘facilitate the streamlining of resources in middle management’.
    • Local people were drafted in as casual workers to clean up the contaminated factory.
    • Extra staff were drafted in to cope with the demand.
    • Hundreds of police officers were drafted in to monitor yesterday's march, which passed off peacefully with no arrests.
    • It suggests senior teachers took classes, staff were drafted in from other schools and disruptive children were being taken out of lessons.
    • She was given so many flowers that three policewomen were drafted in to help the Queen's lady-in-waiting to carry them.
    • I was supposed to go onto university when the lead of a musical, that was due to be staged by my old drama teacher, dropped out and I was drafted in.
    • Extra officers were drafted in from all over the county to cope with the gathering crowds.
    • A team of Hampshire police officers was drafted in last night as a murder investigation was launched.
    • A month later union leaders were drafted in following fears the firm's wood mill was facing imminent closure, with more finished products being shipped in from abroad.
    • Extra officers were drafted in from other US cities.
    • Now she is quite happy to do the designing and planting, but when it comes to the heavy stuff I'm drafted in.
    • Taxi drivers were also drafted in to scour parts of Bolton.
    • More volunteers are drafted in just in time as the ferry spills out the first swell of festival-goers who immediately target our ticket office en-masse.
    • The first rescue attempt was made by a team of firemen, but the current was too strong, so by 6pm a specialist civil defence team were drafted in.
    • Dozens of extra officers were also drafted in from across the force, and senior officers even flew to the US to meet members of the FBI to help with the investigation.
    • Pupils who are able to turn up for lessons face disruption as stand-in teachers are drafted in to provide cover for staff members who are not able to start work.
    1. 2.1US Conscript (someone) for military service.
      he was drafted in 1938
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, in March 1916, he was drafted for military service to the Reserve Officers School near Sofia.
      • After two years there, he and other American Japanese male prisoners of the appropriate age were drafted for military service.
      • A state effort to enlist new voters calls on people to make a choice between being drafted for military service or registering to vote.
      • At this point, I'll also note that he was drafted for military service in the Vietnam War.
      • After graduating from high school, he was drafted into the Military Officer Training School.
      • However, the authorities had other ideas, and Chris was drafted into the Swedish Army for his National Service.
      • An army serial number must be assigned and issued to an Army or Navy inductee by a relevant military draft office on the day when he is drafted into service.
      • The boys were about to be drafted into the military.
      • Worse, so many doctors, scientists, and lab technicians had been drafted into military service that civilian operations were hamstrung.
      • In Algeria, for example, men were drafted into service.
      • Up until 1994, Honduras drafted children into its military.
      • The Russian Czar, Peter the Great, devised the system in which young men were drafted to serve in the military for prolonged terms.
      • Attending college allowed him to avoid being drafted into the military.
      • As a youth he had no intention of pursuing a military career, but he was drafted into the revolutionary army in 1793.
      • Unable to pay 20 gold napoleons for his stay, the poor man was thrown into debtor's prison before being drafted into service in the emperor's army.
      • He was drafted into the Royal Army Service Corps shortly after and saw action throughout the war, including the D Day landings.
      • Unfortunately, two years later, he was drafted into the French military, and he lost his prime slot at the company.
      • Accordingly, in March 1863, Congress passed the Conscription Act to draft men into military service.
      • It's his homeworld and he says he lives in fear of being drafted back into their military yet again.
      • After the main drummer from Machito's famous big band was drafted into the military, he was recruited to play drums and performed excellently.
      conscript, call up, enlist, mobilize, rally, muster, marshal, press, recruit, raise, assemble, round up
    2. 2.2North American Select (a player) for a sports team through the draft.
      he was drafted by Winnipeg and traded the following spring
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The team's four recently drafted rookies made positive first impressions in their summer league debuts.
      • The Steelers also are likely to look at drafting another quarterback in 2004.
      • The sole exception is if a younger player is drafted by an NBA team and later cut.
      • While it's impossible to know for sure before the player is drafted, the team can get a clear idea of how good he'll be almost as soon as he begins his NFL career.
      • Picking the wrong agent can cost a player an opportunity to be drafted by some teams.
      • Every football player dreams about being drafted by an NFL team.
      • Is this the year the team drafts its future quarterback?
      • I think drafting international players has proved to be successful for several NBA teams.
      • He is a good athlete with a strong arm, but might not he back next year if the team drafts a quarterback.
      • It hurts that most of these players were drafted by good teams and thus didn't get the opportunities to play that some of their peers did.
      • The Broncos will draft a quarterback but not in the first round.
      • The team might consider drafting a quarterback in the middle rounds for development purposes.
      • The team has made strong statements about drafting a quarterback, but those comments are deceptive.
      • The situation puts even more pressure on the team to draft a player who can have an immediate impact.
      • The second player they selected was drafted three years ago - with the 1,000th pick.
      • Warner, meanwhile, must regain the confidence of his teammates… Don't be surprised if the team drafts a quarterback.
      • He doesn't seem willing to stay with the team as a transitional starter if it drafts a quarterback.
      • Such are the expectations of highly drafted quarterbacks in the NFL these days.
      • Even if the Broncos find a good free-agent backup, expect them to draft a quarterback.
      • Look for the Chiefs to draft a developmental quarterback, perhaps even on the first day.
  • US spelling of draught (adjective)


  • drafter

  • noun ˈdrɑːftəˈdræftər
    • Has the judiciary ever referred a point of law back to the drafters of that law?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The drafters of the bill, citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, claim that all human rights are relative.
      • One of the mistakes made in devising the Stability Pact was for the drafters to insist on treating all ‘regions’ in the same way.
      • The drafters were so futuristic that they did not foresee circumstances where the Chief Executive would resign before completing his term.
      • The drafters should be congratulated on a job well done.
      • This future drafter of the Constitution wrote with some urgency.
      • But the most fundamental mistake of drafters of taxation laws is that they failed to guarantee the stability the state had promised.
      • I expect that this isn't all the fault of the drafters.
      • If the drafters of this amendment wanted that, that sentence could and would be a lot clearer.
      • We must bear in mind that lawmakers and law drafters have already been paid for their role, and, next in the line are the implementors.
      • One of the key drafters of the party's platform called the decision ‘a disaster.’
      • The drafters of the EU Directive must have seen this coming.
      • The drafters could have chosen more focused language, but they didn't.
      • Hopefully, the drafters of the constitution understand our strong belief that women ought to be treated equally in society.
      • The drafters of the constitution and the congress that approved it belonged to the same political faction.
      • If only the drafters of the EU constitution had been able to write this directly.
      • What were the specific problems that the drafters defined before they started?
      • I realize that the drafters of these laws probably didn't envision the Internet, which wasn't a major communications medium at the time.
      • One of the drafters of the authorization has taken this view, and I think he's right.
      • His company held a private meeting with the energy plan's drafters.


Mid 16th century: phonetic spelling of draught.


abaft, aft, craft, daft, draught, engraft, graft, haft, kraft, raft, understaffed, unstaffed, waft

Definition of draft in US English:


  • 1A preliminary version of a piece of writing.


    the first draft of the party's manifesto


    as modifier a draft document


    1. 1.1 A plan, sketch, or rough drawing.
    2. 1.2Computing A mode of operation of a printer in which text is produced rapidly but with relatively low definition.
  • 2the draftUS Compulsory recruitment for military service.


    25 million men were subject to the draft


    as modifier draft cards
    1. 2.1North American A procedure whereby new or existing sports players are made available for selection or reselection by the teams in a league, usually with the earlier choices being given to the weaker teams.
    2. 2.2rare A group or individual selected from a larger group for a special duty, e.g., for military service.
  • 3A current of cool air in a room or other confined space.

    heavy curtains at the windows cut out drafts
  • 4The action or act of pulling something along, especially a vehicle or farm implement.

  • 5A written order to pay a specified sum; a check.


  • 6A single act of drinking or inhaling.

    she downed the remaining beer in one draft
    1. 6.1 The amount swallowed or inhaled in a single act of drinking or inhaling.
      he took deep drafts of oxygen into his lungs
  • 7The depth of water needed to float a ship.

    the shallow draft enabled her to get close to shore
  • 8The drawing in of a fishing net.

    1. 8.1 The fish taken at one drawing; a catch.
[with object]
  • 1Prepare a preliminary version of (a document)


    I drafted a letter of resignation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Cine and the WHO are drafting a document that will serve as a guide for researchers and communities in health research projects.
    • Administration officials tell CNN this 20-plus page document was actually drafted back in 2003.
    • If he is the person who drafted the documents, I am afraid he has a very poor understanding of legal matters.
    • Your legal department should be able to draft a document called a nondisclosure agreement, or an NDA.
    • I attach hereto draft documents which I hope will form a satisfactory agreement in respect of services on the above Estate.
    • Nor have they established that, even leaving it until the last minute, he could not have drafted these documents and prepared them prior to the expiry of the four month period.
    • The Assembly has already set up a 55-member committee to draft the document.
    • Some states will respect the different laws of the state where the document was drafted.
    • Half a century ago, a document was drafted that's still highly topical: a Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    • It is very difficult, I think, for those who draft the document at the end of the process to stand back and reread it with the eyes of the judges who will come to it completely afresh.
    • On the other, he was never officially involved in the council, never having been appointed to any of the commissions that did much of the work of drafting the eventual documents.
    • They were one of the earlier draft versions prepared by the Crown Prosecutor to assist the judge in putting the case before the jury in the summing up.
    • The preliminary survey questionnaire was drafted on July 13, 1997.
    • He does, however, warn against drafting the document oneself.
    • The delay is widely blamed on the prosecutors in his case, who have so far only prepared draft versions of their reports into each group member.
    • The quotation documents were drafted using the quantities and units of measurement we estimated earlier.
    • In the rest of Italy, both clerics and laymen drafted documents, without any precise distinction of function or activity.
    • I am drafting this document just after completing a commercial novel of about a half-million words, and I enjoyed every one of them.
    • I go there to prepare speeches, or draft articles and letters.
    • Those documents were generally drafted later and reflect social democratic ideas arising in the 19th century.
  • 2Select (a person or group of people) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose.


    he was drafted to help with the task force on best safety practices
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I was drafted in from head office to ‘facilitate the streamlining of resources in middle management’.
    • Extra officers were drafted in from other US cities.
    • More volunteers are drafted in just in time as the ferry spills out the first swell of festival-goers who immediately target our ticket office en-masse.
    • Pupils who are able to turn up for lessons face disruption as stand-in teachers are drafted in to provide cover for staff members who are not able to start work.
    • It suggests senior teachers took classes, staff were drafted in from other schools and disruptive children were being taken out of lessons.
    • Security measures had been dramatically stepped up at Heathrow airport with extra police officers being drafted in from surrounding areas and forces.
    • Local people were drafted in as casual workers to clean up the contaminated factory.
    • Extra staff were drafted in to cope with the demand.
    • About 20 officers were drafted in - some from Bradford - to deal with the incident at 9.17 pm.
    • A team of Hampshire police officers was drafted in last night as a murder investigation was launched.
    • The first rescue attempt was made by a team of firemen, but the current was too strong, so by 6pm a specialist civil defence team were drafted in.
    • Dozens of extra officers were also drafted in from across the force, and senior officers even flew to the US to meet members of the FBI to help with the investigation.
    • Extra police officers were drafted in to patrol a peace march after word of a rival, impromptu pro-war demonstration was circulated.
    • She was given so many flowers that three policewomen were drafted in to help the Queen's lady-in-waiting to carry them.
    • A month later union leaders were drafted in following fears the firm's wood mill was facing imminent closure, with more finished products being shipped in from abroad.
    • Taxi drivers were also drafted in to scour parts of Bolton.
    • Extra officers were drafted in from all over the county to cope with the gathering crowds.
    • Hundreds of police officers were drafted in to monitor yesterday's march, which passed off peacefully with no arrests.
    • Now she is quite happy to do the designing and planting, but when it comes to the heavy stuff I'm drafted in.
    • I was supposed to go onto university when the lead of a musical, that was due to be staged by my old drama teacher, dropped out and I was drafted in.
    1. 2.1US Conscript (someone) for military service.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was drafted into the Royal Army Service Corps shortly after and saw action throughout the war, including the D Day landings.
      • The boys were about to be drafted into the military.
      • However, the authorities had other ideas, and Chris was drafted into the Swedish Army for his National Service.
      • A state effort to enlist new voters calls on people to make a choice between being drafted for military service or registering to vote.
      • Worse, so many doctors, scientists, and lab technicians had been drafted into military service that civilian operations were hamstrung.
      • At this point, I'll also note that he was drafted for military service in the Vietnam War.
      • After graduating from high school, he was drafted into the Military Officer Training School.
      • Attending college allowed him to avoid being drafted into the military.
      • Accordingly, in March 1863, Congress passed the Conscription Act to draft men into military service.
      • Up until 1994, Honduras drafted children into its military.
      • After the main drummer from Machito's famous big band was drafted into the military, he was recruited to play drums and performed excellently.
      • In Algeria, for example, men were drafted into service.
      • It's his homeworld and he says he lives in fear of being drafted back into their military yet again.
      • Unable to pay 20 gold napoleons for his stay, the poor man was thrown into debtor's prison before being drafted into service in the emperor's army.
      • The Russian Czar, Peter the Great, devised the system in which young men were drafted to serve in the military for prolonged terms.
      • As a youth he had no intention of pursuing a military career, but he was drafted into the revolutionary army in 1793.
      • However, in March 1916, he was drafted for military service to the Reserve Officers School near Sofia.
      • Unfortunately, two years later, he was drafted into the French military, and he lost his prime slot at the company.
      • An army serial number must be assigned and issued to an Army or Navy inductee by a relevant military draft office on the day when he is drafted into service.
      • After two years there, he and other American Japanese male prisoners of the appropriate age were drafted for military service.
      conscript, call up, enlist, mobilize, rally, muster, marshal, press, recruit, raise, assemble, round up
    2. 2.2North American Select (a player) for a sports team through the draft.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Such are the expectations of highly drafted quarterbacks in the NFL these days.
      • The Steelers also are likely to look at drafting another quarterback in 2004.
      • He is a good athlete with a strong arm, but might not he back next year if the team drafts a quarterback.
      • The situation puts even more pressure on the team to draft a player who can have an immediate impact.
      • Is this the year the team drafts its future quarterback?
      • The team might consider drafting a quarterback in the middle rounds for development purposes.
      • The team has made strong statements about drafting a quarterback, but those comments are deceptive.
      • I think drafting international players has proved to be successful for several NBA teams.
      • He doesn't seem willing to stay with the team as a transitional starter if it drafts a quarterback.
      • Every football player dreams about being drafted by an NFL team.
      • Look for the Chiefs to draft a developmental quarterback, perhaps even on the first day.
      • It hurts that most of these players were drafted by good teams and thus didn't get the opportunities to play that some of their peers did.
      • Even if the Broncos find a good free-agent backup, expect them to draft a quarterback.
      • While it's impossible to know for sure before the player is drafted, the team can get a clear idea of how good he'll be almost as soon as he begins his NFL career.
      • The sole exception is if a younger player is drafted by an NBA team and later cut.
      • The second player they selected was drafted three years ago - with the 1,000th pick.
      • Warner, meanwhile, must regain the confidence of his teammates… Don't be surprised if the team drafts a quarterback.
      • The Broncos will draft a quarterback but not in the first round.
      • The team's four recently drafted rookies made positive first impressions in their summer league debuts.
      • Picking the wrong agent can cost a player an opportunity to be drafted by some teams.
  • 3Pull or draw.

  • 4Motorsports
    no object Benefit from reduced wind resistance by driving very closely behind another vehicle.

  • 1Denoting beer or other drink that is kept in and served from a barrel or tank rather than from a bottle or can.

    draft beer
  • 2Denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads.

    draft oxen



  • on draft

    • (of beer or other drink) on tap; ready to be drawn from a barrel or tank; not bottled or canned.


Mid 16th century: phonetic spelling of draught.





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