

单词 downhill

Definition of downhill in English:


  • 1Towards the bottom of a slope.


    he ran downhill


    follow the road downhill


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The route drops to a dead-end road called Smearbottom Lane further uphill, but downhill it becomes Hawthorns Lane and we took its very steep and metalled surface.
    • Police said the landslide had swept seven houses some 30 meters downhill in the hilly residential area of Candi after a retaining wall broke early on Saturday.
    • Starting downhill we encounter a bear hole, dug in pursuit of a ground squirrel.
    • Shaped like a big horseshoe, this place starts with a bowled off mini ramp of sorts and runs downhill.
    • A funicular railway scales the mountain to the jumping-off point for the sledge run, which winds five kilometres downhill back to the railway terminus.
    • Stile to path at 1 o'clock which then zigzags downhill via posts.
    • Anyone with half an inkling knows that water traditionally runs downhill, after all Newton and his love of apples determined that fact.
    • When skiing downhill the bindings are locked, and skins and crampons removed.
    • The trail eventually takes a few short and steep upturns, but for the most part just flows downhill like water.
    • I'm not even sure whether I'm heading downhill or not.
    • Follow the cobbles downhill and through a gate to reach the canal's lower level on the left.
    • There is no question that the bigger wheels are faster downhill and considerably more stable.
    • After a few yards downhill we could see the roofs of Thoralby and a few minutes later were strolling its old street to The George Inn.
    • The original Glencolumbkille House was located on a lower site 100 yards downhill.
    • Obviously the logical answer is that it always flows downhill, and it is an illusion that the road's length slants upwards.
    • The ice-encrusted cairn eventually appeared through the gloom and I was glad to retrace my steps downhill to a little niche where I could find some semblance of shelter.
    • Now, you know when an avalanche goes downhill it gains momentum.
    • Also, when I am going downhill the car will pick up revs, but on uphill gradients loses almost all power.
    • If hitting the ball uphill, you had to calculate how far back downhill it would roll, and at what angle.
    • Right at tracks T-junction, 200 yards downhill, left between farm buildings.
    1. 1.1 Into a steadily worsening situation.
      their marriage continued to slide downhill


      the business is going downhill fast


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Overall have you ever had one of those days when things are neutral and then all of a sudden inside you everything goes downhill?
      • Sadly, Adam is let off the leash in the second half and everything goes downhill, but not before the movie has delivered big laughs.
      • Once the pride of India and a great showpiece to the world, Indian Railways has steadily gone downhill.
      • Things started to go downhill the following year when he walked out of West Indies' tour of England after a dressing room row but was persuaded to return days later.
      • At which point things started to go steadily downhill.
      • Yorkshire began brightly against Durham at Scarborough yesterday but went downhill as the weather deteriorated.
      • This just, though, it plays like sitcom, sort of starts out well, the movies start out well and kind of goes downhill from there.
      • Unfortunately, a few pages later the book started to go downhill and never fully recovered.
      • From here, I went steadily downhill and, when I was 19, I was sent to prison for theft, assault and numerous robberies.
      • Unfortunately, the rest of the cd goes downhill from there.
      • Things then went steadily downhill for the troubled Scot as he struggled to a demoralising 75 which leaves him in grave jeopardy of missing the cut.
      • I'm just voicing my opinion that I think things have gone steadily downhill since November.
      • Its condition steadily went downhill and it appeared that the scrapman would be a visitor.
      • From this crucial presentation of misinformation, the text goes steadily downhill.
      • He begins the speech with a lie and proceeds downhill from there.
      • He refused to receive counselling and went steadily downhill.
      • He begins on a false premise and goes downhill from there.
      • He has traded in Stonegate for five years but a decline in business began to become noticeable one-and-a-half years ago and trade has gone steadily downhill ever since.
      • The half of the film that is a story that you could watch never knowing or caring that there were more parts to follow, starts off at good and goes downhill.
      • Others have already pointed out that the film goes downhill the closer you get to the ending.
  • 1Leading down towards the bottom of a slope.


    the route is downhill for part of the way


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He said the battery kicks in automatically when sensors in the pedals pick up that the rider needs help and cuts out when it is not needed such as on downhill slopes.
    • A boy on a skateboard, on his way home from a friend's place, tripped on a slight downhill slope on a quiet suburban street.
    • But on a road, even a long one, even a long downhill one, 80 is your realistic top whack.
    • The directional arrow pointed to a downhill slope, surrounded in bushland.
    • Eyewitnesses said the 17 horses stampeded over a tiny bridge on the steep downhill path then tried to get around a sharp left turn.
    • Now, consider that - on a good day with a downhill slope and the blessing of some higher power - the Rickshaw can hit 30 mph.
    • The shorter races also make for real spectacles, especially on the five-furlong track, which has a downhill slope and sees some of the fastest sprints in the world.
    • There are subtle inclines and subtler downhill slopes.
    • Finally, we reached the downhill portion of the hike, towards Hanakapiai Beach.
    • We topped the pass as the first drops of rain fell, and then beat the storm in a reckless 20 kilometres downhill dash.
    • I prefer starting on a downhill slope because the car moves on its own and any jerkiness of the clutch is irrelevant.
    • Perhaps a little too far, as it happens, as the downhill slope was fairly shallow and didn't even come close to hinting at the ferocity of the climb back up to the top.
    • Stockholm to Copenhagen, with lunch at Vadstena Castle, was the downhill slope of the rally.
    • There are a fair amount of details, such as snow in the bobsled run and mini-trees on the downhill slopes, which help create a sense of realism throughout the game.
    • He lost control on a gentle downhill slope approaching a bend.
    • With a few hours of ski lessons, many beginners catch on well enough to find themselves hooked for life on a downhill descent.
    • A four-cylinder 77 BHP engine did most of the work, with a good downhill slope doing the rest.
    • ‘There is no chance that any new downhill slopes will be developed at any of the existing centres or at any new locations,’ he says.
    • The route took the participants around a course which was a mixture of uphill and downhill slopes, cross country terrain and hard surfaces.
    • No one wants to mess with a large bus on a downhill slope.
    descending, falling, sinking, going down, moving down, sliding, slipping, dipping, earthbound, earthward
    1. 1.1 Relating to the sport of skiing or cycling downhill.
      the world downhill champion


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As with downhill skiing, the kick turn is essential for climbing.
      • Ski Sunday has entered BBC commentator and former international skier Graham Bell in a Skier X competition - a fusion of motor cross and downhill skiing!
      • She also enjoys downhill skiing and backpacking with friends and family.
      • With more than 25 ski areas dotting the peaks around Lake Tahoe, the region is rightly touted as a Mecca for downhill skiing and snowboarding.
      • And over the holidays, I went downhill skiing for the very first time in my life.
      • It's been a long time coming for British skiing, but the young Scot is proving a credible downhill challenger
      • At school that's exactly what Matti excelled at: downhill skiing and soccer, sports and languages.
      • Vail Cascade boasts 4,000 acres of incredible downhill skiing and snowboarding right outside your door.
      • Injuries are most common in contact sports, such as football, or sports that involve falls, such as downhill skiing or soccer.
      • For some sports like downhill skiing and gymnastics, they're eight times more susceptible.
      • Favorite winter sports include cross-country and downhill skiing, and long-distance skating.
      • Ice hockey, downhill skiing, ski jumping and even the speed skating make for compulsive viewing.
      • We hadn't given the most dignified demonstration of downhill ski technique.
      • According to my mother, downhill skiing was for rich people who didn't mind breaking their legs.
      • I used to really enjoy water skiing and downhill skiing - but not anymore.
      • Most beginning snowboarders find the learning curve faster than for downhill skiing, but don't plan on learning everything in one day.
      • Most injuries occurred while the patients were engaged in downhill skiing or snowboarding.
      • If we liked congested slopes and long lines and battling for parking spaces, we would've become downhill skiers.
      • And when exactly was general downhill skiing and snowboarding considered an ‘extreme’ sport?
      • While many Bozeman locals love downhill skiing, most college students prefer snowboarding.
    2. 1.2 Leading to a steadily worsening situation.
      the downhill road to delinquency


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The danger is that the attacks - and the potential threat of more - harm consumer confidence and tip the economy into a downhill slide.
      • And the next pages show the same downhill slide even under conditions of the most optimistic scenarios.
      • It's downhill from there, a situation not helped by the BBC constantly reviving it because they feel the need to get a Christmas blockbuster.
      • This was the start of the downhill road that is his health.
      • This month begins my annual downhill slide into neurotic freneticism.
      • Seventy-four and a half per cent of this province's college faculty have voted to strike in protest of the downhill slide of the quality of college education.
      • Her students, as cruel as they are beautiful and privileged, treat her as a curiosity while they try to decide if she's cool or on the downhill slide into spinster misery.
      • When the history of a once-great company is written, they'll be able to point to this defining moment as the start of the downhill slide.
      • The downhill slide of the state do not seem to be either visible or of concern or worry to the key political parties, ever at each other's jugular vein.
      for the worse, regressive, negative, unwelcome, unprogressive
    3. 1.3 Without difficulty or challenge.
      we can take the easy road, the downhill road, or we can put America on the path to greatness again


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was hoping it would be a downhill slope from here, and I guess in a way, it is.
  • 1A downward slope.


    on downhills brake gently
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The 6.5 mile trail offers a strenuous climb up Taylor Hill followed by a twisting downhill.
    • The early afternoon sun was now baking my tired body as I cruised the rolling downhills listening to my IPod.
    • I know where the trail goes: back up to pay for the downhill we just got.
    • On the downhills, the big, widely spaced cornering knobs cut through deep dust, greasy mud, or loose talus.
    • I muscled my way up inclines and picked up speed on the rocky downhills.
    • It's not a pure race machine, but you could race it because its sub-71-degree head-tube angle means the Mootaineer likes the downhills as much as the climbs.
    • Unfortunately on the largest downhill the bike started to wobble and I lost control.
    • Both circuits are very short at a mere three miles, with one catering for families and the other, with a stiffer climb and a good downhill, more suitable for experienced riders.
    • The downhills offer little relief, as long leaping strides will send your quads into convulsions.
    • Uphill, downhills, through rivers and through underbrush, this unknown Kiwi never faltered or stopped.
    • In my second race, my dad, who was a marathon runner, told me to relax while running the downhills.
    • The downhills were far more punishing than I thought they would be.
    • With lots of obstacles and steep downhills, your hipflexor muscles may work quite a bit harder than they normally do.
    • He and his training partner readily accommodate me and my reporter's notebook, although, to be honest, they'd rather do these repeats on an unpaved trail that didn't shred their quads on the downhills.
    • The bus left the road at at the bottom of a steep downhill, and careered 70 metres down an embankment.
    • Master muddy downhills, hairpin turns and unexpected obstacles with the help of cyclocross pro Gina Hall.
    • A cute pattern developed: we'd hit a downhill, and all the people just behind us would pass us.
    • Two of my favorite downhills are Wipeout and Lost Run.
    • I took the next downhill at full speed.
  • 2Skiing
    A downhill race.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After his victory in the season-opening giant slalom, Miller won two downhills and finished second in two super-G races.
    • It was those instincts which undoubtedly contributed to her result in the downhill here in Turin, a race which took place in flat light on a tricky rolling course.
    • He won back-to-back World Cup downhills in Norway at the end of the 2000 season and took the Super-G title at the World Championships in 2001.
    • The 27-year-old American won the season's opening two downhills and finished third the last two races.
    • The three Bulgarian skiers have confirmed their places in the slalom, giant and super giant slalom and he will even ski in the downhill.
    • Despite losing a few seconds on the last part of the downhill, Ivan held onto his lead in the final kilometres to complete a great ride!
    1. 2.1mass noun The activity of downhill skiing.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The beauty of the older cable bindings was their usefulness for both touring and downhill.
      • Being the type of person I am, I like the thrill - that's probably why I like downhill.


  • be downhill all the way

    • 1Be easy in comparison with what came before.


      two-nil up—it should have been downhill all the way


    • 2Become worse or less successful.


      that had been the start of the present trouble—downhill all the way since then


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Post-Whitlam, it has been downhill all the way.
      • Unfortunately it was pretty much downhill all the way to the end of the screening.
      • But once it transferred to BBC1 it became tired, clichéd and it was downhill all the way.
      • Everyone looks up to the peak reached a decade ago - close to 40,000-and concludes that from that point on it has been downhill all the way for this country.
      • But after that the report goes downhill all the way.
      • Ever since the group acquired - and overpaid for - the Belfast Telegraph, it has been downhill all the way.
      • But it's actually very true, we get to age 12 or so, scientists think, and from then on it's downhill all the way.
      • No work, poverty, theft, social degradation, promiscuity, HIV-Aids, death - it's downhill all the way.
      • As a precocious child, he composed his Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream; it was pretty much downhill all the way after that.
      • However, from here on in it's downhill all the way.


bill, Brazil, brill, Camille, chill, cookchill, dill, distil (US distill), drill, Edgehill, Estoril, fill, freewill, frill, fulfil (US fulfill), Gill, goodwill, grill, grille, hill, ill, instil, kill, krill, mil, mill, nil, Phil, pill, quadrille, quill, rill, Seville, shill, shrill, sill, skill, spadille, spill, squill, still, stock-still, swill, thill, thrill, till, trill, twill, until, uphill, will

Definition of downhill in US English:


  • 1Toward the bottom of a slope.


    he ran downhill


    follow the road downhill


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Obviously the logical answer is that it always flows downhill, and it is an illusion that the road's length slants upwards.
    • Anyone with half an inkling knows that water traditionally runs downhill, after all Newton and his love of apples determined that fact.
    • Now, you know when an avalanche goes downhill it gains momentum.
    • Also, when I am going downhill the car will pick up revs, but on uphill gradients loses almost all power.
    • If hitting the ball uphill, you had to calculate how far back downhill it would roll, and at what angle.
    • Starting downhill we encounter a bear hole, dug in pursuit of a ground squirrel.
    • The route drops to a dead-end road called Smearbottom Lane further uphill, but downhill it becomes Hawthorns Lane and we took its very steep and metalled surface.
    • The ice-encrusted cairn eventually appeared through the gloom and I was glad to retrace my steps downhill to a little niche where I could find some semblance of shelter.
    • Police said the landslide had swept seven houses some 30 meters downhill in the hilly residential area of Candi after a retaining wall broke early on Saturday.
    • The original Glencolumbkille House was located on a lower site 100 yards downhill.
    • There is no question that the bigger wheels are faster downhill and considerably more stable.
    • The trail eventually takes a few short and steep upturns, but for the most part just flows downhill like water.
    • When skiing downhill the bindings are locked, and skins and crampons removed.
    • I'm not even sure whether I'm heading downhill or not.
    • After a few yards downhill we could see the roofs of Thoralby and a few minutes later were strolling its old street to The George Inn.
    • Follow the cobbles downhill and through a gate to reach the canal's lower level on the left.
    • Shaped like a big horseshoe, this place starts with a bowled off mini ramp of sorts and runs downhill.
    • A funicular railway scales the mountain to the jumping-off point for the sledge run, which winds five kilometres downhill back to the railway terminus.
    • Right at tracks T-junction, 200 yards downhill, left between farm buildings.
    • Stile to path at 1 o'clock which then zigzags downhill via posts.
    1. 1.1 Into a steadily worsening situation.
      their marriage continued to slide downhill


      the business is going downhill fast


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Unfortunately, the rest of the cd goes downhill from there.
      • He begins on a false premise and goes downhill from there.
      • Unfortunately, a few pages later the book started to go downhill and never fully recovered.
      • Things started to go downhill the following year when he walked out of West Indies' tour of England after a dressing room row but was persuaded to return days later.
      • Others have already pointed out that the film goes downhill the closer you get to the ending.
      • Once the pride of India and a great showpiece to the world, Indian Railways has steadily gone downhill.
      • I'm just voicing my opinion that I think things have gone steadily downhill since November.
      • He begins the speech with a lie and proceeds downhill from there.
      • At which point things started to go steadily downhill.
      • From this crucial presentation of misinformation, the text goes steadily downhill.
      • The half of the film that is a story that you could watch never knowing or caring that there were more parts to follow, starts off at good and goes downhill.
      • Things then went steadily downhill for the troubled Scot as he struggled to a demoralising 75 which leaves him in grave jeopardy of missing the cut.
      • Sadly, Adam is let off the leash in the second half and everything goes downhill, but not before the movie has delivered big laughs.
      • Yorkshire began brightly against Durham at Scarborough yesterday but went downhill as the weather deteriorated.
      • This just, though, it plays like sitcom, sort of starts out well, the movies start out well and kind of goes downhill from there.
      • Its condition steadily went downhill and it appeared that the scrapman would be a visitor.
      • He refused to receive counselling and went steadily downhill.
      • From here, I went steadily downhill and, when I was 19, I was sent to prison for theft, assault and numerous robberies.
      • Overall have you ever had one of those days when things are neutral and then all of a sudden inside you everything goes downhill?
      • He has traded in Stonegate for five years but a decline in business began to become noticeable one-and-a-half years ago and trade has gone steadily downhill ever since.
  • 1Leading down toward the bottom of a slope.


    the route is downhill for part of the way


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There are a fair amount of details, such as snow in the bobsled run and mini-trees on the downhill slopes, which help create a sense of realism throughout the game.
    • But on a road, even a long one, even a long downhill one, 80 is your realistic top whack.
    • We topped the pass as the first drops of rain fell, and then beat the storm in a reckless 20 kilometres downhill dash.
    • ‘There is no chance that any new downhill slopes will be developed at any of the existing centres or at any new locations,’ he says.
    • I prefer starting on a downhill slope because the car moves on its own and any jerkiness of the clutch is irrelevant.
    • Now, consider that - on a good day with a downhill slope and the blessing of some higher power - the Rickshaw can hit 30 mph.
    • The directional arrow pointed to a downhill slope, surrounded in bushland.
    • A boy on a skateboard, on his way home from a friend's place, tripped on a slight downhill slope on a quiet suburban street.
    • Perhaps a little too far, as it happens, as the downhill slope was fairly shallow and didn't even come close to hinting at the ferocity of the climb back up to the top.
    • The route took the participants around a course which was a mixture of uphill and downhill slopes, cross country terrain and hard surfaces.
    • The shorter races also make for real spectacles, especially on the five-furlong track, which has a downhill slope and sees some of the fastest sprints in the world.
    • No one wants to mess with a large bus on a downhill slope.
    • He said the battery kicks in automatically when sensors in the pedals pick up that the rider needs help and cuts out when it is not needed such as on downhill slopes.
    • With a few hours of ski lessons, many beginners catch on well enough to find themselves hooked for life on a downhill descent.
    • Finally, we reached the downhill portion of the hike, towards Hanakapiai Beach.
    • There are subtle inclines and subtler downhill slopes.
    • Stockholm to Copenhagen, with lunch at Vadstena Castle, was the downhill slope of the rally.
    • Eyewitnesses said the 17 horses stampeded over a tiny bridge on the steep downhill path then tried to get around a sharp left turn.
    • He lost control on a gentle downhill slope approaching a bend.
    • A four-cylinder 77 BHP engine did most of the work, with a good downhill slope doing the rest.
    descending, falling, sinking, going down, moving down, sliding, slipping, dipping, earthbound, earthward
    1. 1.1 Relating to the sport of skiing or cycling downhill.
      the world downhill champion


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ice hockey, downhill skiing, ski jumping and even the speed skating make for compulsive viewing.
      • We hadn't given the most dignified demonstration of downhill ski technique.
      • And when exactly was general downhill skiing and snowboarding considered an ‘extreme’ sport?
      • She also enjoys downhill skiing and backpacking with friends and family.
      • Ski Sunday has entered BBC commentator and former international skier Graham Bell in a Skier X competition - a fusion of motor cross and downhill skiing!
      • Favorite winter sports include cross-country and downhill skiing, and long-distance skating.
      • Injuries are most common in contact sports, such as football, or sports that involve falls, such as downhill skiing or soccer.
      • While many Bozeman locals love downhill skiing, most college students prefer snowboarding.
      • I used to really enjoy water skiing and downhill skiing - but not anymore.
      • And over the holidays, I went downhill skiing for the very first time in my life.
      • According to my mother, downhill skiing was for rich people who didn't mind breaking their legs.
      • Most injuries occurred while the patients were engaged in downhill skiing or snowboarding.
      • At school that's exactly what Matti excelled at: downhill skiing and soccer, sports and languages.
      • It's been a long time coming for British skiing, but the young Scot is proving a credible downhill challenger
      • For some sports like downhill skiing and gymnastics, they're eight times more susceptible.
      • As with downhill skiing, the kick turn is essential for climbing.
      • With more than 25 ski areas dotting the peaks around Lake Tahoe, the region is rightly touted as a Mecca for downhill skiing and snowboarding.
      • Vail Cascade boasts 4,000 acres of incredible downhill skiing and snowboarding right outside your door.
      • Most beginning snowboarders find the learning curve faster than for downhill skiing, but don't plan on learning everything in one day.
      • If we liked congested slopes and long lines and battling for parking spaces, we would've become downhill skiers.
    2. 1.2 Leading to a steadily worsening situation.
      the downhill road to delinquency


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When the history of a once-great company is written, they'll be able to point to this defining moment as the start of the downhill slide.
      • This month begins my annual downhill slide into neurotic freneticism.
      • The downhill slide of the state do not seem to be either visible or of concern or worry to the key political parties, ever at each other's jugular vein.
      • And the next pages show the same downhill slide even under conditions of the most optimistic scenarios.
      • It's downhill from there, a situation not helped by the BBC constantly reviving it because they feel the need to get a Christmas blockbuster.
      • The danger is that the attacks - and the potential threat of more - harm consumer confidence and tip the economy into a downhill slide.
      • Her students, as cruel as they are beautiful and privileged, treat her as a curiosity while they try to decide if she's cool or on the downhill slide into spinster misery.
      • Seventy-four and a half per cent of this province's college faculty have voted to strike in protest of the downhill slide of the quality of college education.
      • This was the start of the downhill road that is his health.
      for the worse, regressive, negative, unwelcome, unprogressive
    3. 1.3 Without difficulty or challenge.
      we can take the easy road, the downhill road, or we can put America on the path to greatness again


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was hoping it would be a downhill slope from here, and I guess in a way, it is.
  • 1A downward slope.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The downhills offer little relief, as long leaping strides will send your quads into convulsions.
    • I know where the trail goes: back up to pay for the downhill we just got.
    • In my second race, my dad, who was a marathon runner, told me to relax while running the downhills.
    • A cute pattern developed: we'd hit a downhill, and all the people just behind us would pass us.
    • On the downhills, the big, widely spaced cornering knobs cut through deep dust, greasy mud, or loose talus.
    • Master muddy downhills, hairpin turns and unexpected obstacles with the help of cyclocross pro Gina Hall.
    • Two of my favorite downhills are Wipeout and Lost Run.
    • The 6.5 mile trail offers a strenuous climb up Taylor Hill followed by a twisting downhill.
    • The bus left the road at at the bottom of a steep downhill, and careered 70 metres down an embankment.
    • Both circuits are very short at a mere three miles, with one catering for families and the other, with a stiffer climb and a good downhill, more suitable for experienced riders.
    • He and his training partner readily accommodate me and my reporter's notebook, although, to be honest, they'd rather do these repeats on an unpaved trail that didn't shred their quads on the downhills.
    • Uphill, downhills, through rivers and through underbrush, this unknown Kiwi never faltered or stopped.
    • I muscled my way up inclines and picked up speed on the rocky downhills.
    • The early afternoon sun was now baking my tired body as I cruised the rolling downhills listening to my IPod.
    • I took the next downhill at full speed.
    • The downhills were far more punishing than I thought they would be.
    • It's not a pure race machine, but you could race it because its sub-71-degree head-tube angle means the Mootaineer likes the downhills as much as the climbs.
    • With lots of obstacles and steep downhills, your hipflexor muscles may work quite a bit harder than they normally do.
    • Unfortunately on the largest downhill the bike started to wobble and I lost control.
  • 2Skiing
    A downhill race.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He won back-to-back World Cup downhills in Norway at the end of the 2000 season and took the Super-G title at the World Championships in 2001.
    • It was those instincts which undoubtedly contributed to her result in the downhill here in Turin, a race which took place in flat light on a tricky rolling course.
    • After his victory in the season-opening giant slalom, Miller won two downhills and finished second in two super-G races.
    • The 27-year-old American won the season's opening two downhills and finished third the last two races.
    • The three Bulgarian skiers have confirmed their places in the slalom, giant and super giant slalom and he will even ski in the downhill.
    • Despite losing a few seconds on the last part of the downhill, Ivan held onto his lead in the final kilometres to complete a great ride!
    1. 2.1 The activity of downhill skiing.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The beauty of the older cable bindings was their usefulness for both touring and downhill.
      • Being the type of person I am, I like the thrill - that's probably why I like downhill.


  • be downhill all the way

    • 1Be easy in comparison with what came before.


      up by six runs in the eighth inning—it should have been downhill all the way
    • 2Become worse or less successful.


      that had been the start of the present trouble—downhill all the way since then


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As a precocious child, he composed his Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream; it was pretty much downhill all the way after that.
      • But once it transferred to BBC1 it became tired, clichéd and it was downhill all the way.
      • Unfortunately it was pretty much downhill all the way to the end of the screening.
      • However, from here on in it's downhill all the way.
      • Ever since the group acquired - and overpaid for - the Belfast Telegraph, it has been downhill all the way.
      • But after that the report goes downhill all the way.
      • Everyone looks up to the peak reached a decade ago - close to 40,000-and concludes that from that point on it has been downhill all the way for this country.
      • But it's actually very true, we get to age 12 or so, scientists think, and from then on it's downhill all the way.
      • Post-Whitlam, it has been downhill all the way.
      • No work, poverty, theft, social degradation, promiscuity, HIV-Aids, death - it's downhill all the way.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 15:24:52