

单词 misery

Definition of misery in English:


nounPlural miseries ˈmɪz(ə)riˈmɪz(ə)ri
mass noun
  • 1A state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.


    a man who had brought her nothing but misery
    the misery of the miner's existence
    Example sentencesExamples
    • There has been too much misery and suffering inflicted on the peoples of the region.
    • They are the anti-heroic instigators of death and destruction, misery and suffering.
    • The people who are refugees in their own land will keep living in distress, fear and misery.
    • In doing this you would save them and yourself from misery and heartaches.
    • Beth let out a cry of misery and her exhausted mind finally let her slip into unconsciousness.
    • She caused untold hardship and misery to millions of families who suffered needless unemployment.
    • The physical misery it causes has been compared to advanced cardiac disease or cancer.
    • This one revolves around a mental case wallowing in misery because her sister stole her boyfriend.
    • It is an image of pure misery and despair, brimming with symbolism and the essential mystery of all religion.
    • The rage and the frustration and misery all poured out as the tears trickled down my face.
    • This is the only way, he said, to reduce the pain and misery caused by farm accidents.
    • If next week's action goes ahead, motorists will face long queues, frustration and misery.
    • However, he would not miss an opportunity to stare poverty and human misery in its face in any of the countries he visited.
    • We must undergo a serious soul searching because the continent cannot continue to be a place of poverty and misery.
    • They, too, had experienced fear, suffered misery, and had in manifold ways been victims of the war.
    • That disaster has repeatedly brought home the face of suffering and misery over the last few months.
    • This tale of physical misery, compelling as it is, is not the main focus of Young's play.
    • Human suffering, pain, misery, separation and bereavement are inevitable when wars are fought.
    • Untold human misery and suffering could be stemmed if Parkinson's disease became treatable.
    • There were tears and dejection and frustration and misery and anger for North Ribblesdale last Saturday.
    unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, hardship, suffering, affliction, anguish, anxiety, angst, torment, torture, hell, agony, pain, discomfort, deprivation, poverty, grief, heartache, heartbreak, heartbrokenness, despair, despondency, dejection, depression, desolation, gloom, gloominess, low spirits, moroseness, doldrums, melancholy, melancholia, woe, sadness, sorrow
    informal the dumps, the blues
    literary dolour
    1. 1.1usually miseriescount noun A cause or source of great distress or discomfort.
      the miseries of war


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The author skilfully depicts the military situation as the vast Soviet armies approached the German heartland, anxious to exact revenge for the miseries that Russians had suffered since the invasion of 1941.
      • Human lives suffer from miseries and deprivations of various kinds, some more amenable to alleviation than others.
      • What is more, it is as simple as the solution which, after the Second World War, we applied to correct the economic and other miseries that had plagued us during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
      • He said the people of Gujarat had undergone the same sufferings and miseries that one experiences during war.
      • In Iraq every day even the best of intentions are cruelly put to test by the miseries and sorrows of war.
      • The ‘patriarchal family’ was held to be the main source of children's miseries.
      • Meaning thereby that in abstract terms whenever there is an excess of miseries, ailments and problems, the victims thereof have nothing but to develop a sense of resignation, tolerance and contentment.
      • In his last years his work became ever more violent in expression, moved by a passionate concern for the suffering and miseries of mankind.
      • Not only it has added to the miseries of those who depended for livelihood mainly on this source, banks have also been deprived of the huge inflow of funds which the government could have used for development works.
      • Indeed the sort of commitment that permits soldiers to endure the suffering and miseries of Valley Forge or Gettysburg has to be ideologically prepared and tempered.
      • His murals aimed to convert the illiterate and heterogeneous masses to a realization of the miseries and futilities of war.
      • The litany of daily miseries suffered by the powerless public of the subcontinent on both sides of the border should make us ask, why?
      • Bear all miseries and evil without any murmur of hurt, without any thought of unhappiness, without any resistance, remedy or retaliation.
      • Most Americans now alive have gone their whole lives believing they had something approaching a free pass to escape the miseries of war, terror, and want.
      • To know the truth of that, you need only walk out onto any street in any city in this country; you know that within minutes - seconds - you will see some of the one-third or more of our nation that suffers the miseries of being poor.
      • As long as we live in this world, we are bound to suffer the miseries and afflictions that beset the human being.
      • Once our divine origin was fixed, human miseries were explained as the punishment for some original sin committed by our first ancestors.
      • Above all, we sought to bring an end to the miseries that had plagued us in the 1930s and 1940s, and, in particular, to put an end to economic depression and war.
      • Unaware of what was in store, a passenger ship had left Kochi for Lakshadweep on May 3 and, after several hours of hellish miseries suffered by the passengers at the hostile sea, it came back.
      • Whether mourning the miseries of war, praying for divine help or preparing herself for death, it seemed as if her life as a writer was at its end.
      affliction, misfortune, difficulty, problem, adversity, ordeal, trouble, hardship, deprivation
      pain, sorrow, burden, load, blow, trial, tribulation, woe, torment, catastrophe, calamity, disaster, misadventure, mischance, accident, reverse, reverse of fortune, mishap
    2. 1.2British informal count noun A person who is constantly miserable or discontented.
      have we really been such a bunch of miseries to work with?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They said she was a misery because she'd worked the Baby's Room for so long and so many of them died.
      killjoy, dog in the manger, damper, dampener, spoilsport, pessimist, prophet of doom, complainer, moaner, mope
      informal sourpuss, grouch, grump, wet blanket, party pooper, doom merchant
      rare melancholiac


  • make someone's life a misery (or make life a misery for someone)

    • Cause someone severe distress by continued unpleasantness or harassment.


      the blackmail that was making his father's life a misery
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The council decision is making my life a misery.
      • We have a duty to protect the law abiding majority against those who are making their life a misery.
      • For a start, the new measure will not apply to existing tenants - so if you already live next door to someone who is making your life a misery, this won't help at all.
      • The rap singer claimed he needed the pistol to protect himself from jealous thugs who had made his life a misery.
      • She felt guilty about Stella making your life a misery.
      • It is a great pity that the sad, sick morons who have made our life a misery for endless weeks now had not been born two or three generations earlier.
      • Wasn't her plan to stay with him purely so she could make his life a misery?
      • ‘Then I will make your life a misery,’ the merchant threatened.
      • But what happens when you encounter the client from hell who complains endlessly about everything your company does and has made it his mission to make your life a misery?
      • Michael, seven, who has had to deal with countless operations, also had the strength to beat the thugs who make his life a misery.
  • put someone/something out of their misery

    • 1End the suffering of a person or animal in pain by killing them.


      I'll send him to our ‘hospice’ tent and then I'll put him out of his misery
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When they are asked why they did it they say, ‘We were being kind to them, they were wounded and we were putting them out of their misery.’
      • I would like to feel that if I had a close friend or relative in agony with no prospect of any relief that someone would be able to put them out of their misery.
      • I just hope that if she was hunting birds she put them out of their misery, unlike that poor thing this morning.
      • He says a doctor approached him, saying a hospital administrator wanted to know what he thought about putting patients out of their misery.
      • Lastly think about this, we put animals down, this is looked upon as humane and is justified so why can we not put a person out of their misery?
      • Authorities are reviewing patient records, trying to evaluate claims that he administered fatal overdoses of medication to seriously ill patients to put them out of their misery.
      • Sometimes it was expressed informally, as when spectators at public demonstrations quietly put the animal subjects out of their misery.
      1. 1.1informal Release someone from suspense or anxiety by telling them something they are anxious to know.
        listeners were put out of their misery just before midday when broadcasters admitted to the April Fool
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Maybe I should just put them out of their misery and just tell them the truth?


Late Middle English: from Old French miserie, from Latin miseria, from miser 'wretched'.

  • Misery comes via French from Latin miser ‘wretched’, which also gives us miser (Late Middle English).

Definition of misery in US English:


  • 1A state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body.


    she went upstairs and cried in misery


    he wrote endlessly about his frustrations and miseries


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Beth let out a cry of misery and her exhausted mind finally let her slip into unconsciousness.
    • The people who are refugees in their own land will keep living in distress, fear and misery.
    • However, he would not miss an opportunity to stare poverty and human misery in its face in any of the countries he visited.
    • There has been too much misery and suffering inflicted on the peoples of the region.
    • We must undergo a serious soul searching because the continent cannot continue to be a place of poverty and misery.
    • They, too, had experienced fear, suffered misery, and had in manifold ways been victims of the war.
    • That disaster has repeatedly brought home the face of suffering and misery over the last few months.
    • This tale of physical misery, compelling as it is, is not the main focus of Young's play.
    • Human suffering, pain, misery, separation and bereavement are inevitable when wars are fought.
    • She caused untold hardship and misery to millions of families who suffered needless unemployment.
    • There were tears and dejection and frustration and misery and anger for North Ribblesdale last Saturday.
    • This is the only way, he said, to reduce the pain and misery caused by farm accidents.
    • Untold human misery and suffering could be stemmed if Parkinson's disease became treatable.
    • The rage and the frustration and misery all poured out as the tears trickled down my face.
    • The physical misery it causes has been compared to advanced cardiac disease or cancer.
    • They are the anti-heroic instigators of death and destruction, misery and suffering.
    • This one revolves around a mental case wallowing in misery because her sister stole her boyfriend.
    • In doing this you would save them and yourself from misery and heartaches.
    • It is an image of pure misery and despair, brimming with symbolism and the essential mystery of all religion.
    • If next week's action goes ahead, motorists will face long queues, frustration and misery.
    unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, hardship, suffering, affliction, anguish, anxiety, angst, torment, torture, hell, agony, pain, discomfort, deprivation, poverty, grief, heartache, heartbreak, heartbrokenness, despair, despondency, dejection, depression, desolation, gloom, gloominess, low spirits, moroseness, doldrums, melancholy, melancholia, woe, sadness, sorrow
    1. 1.1usually miseries A cause or source of great distress or discomfort.
      the miseries of war


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Not only it has added to the miseries of those who depended for livelihood mainly on this source, banks have also been deprived of the huge inflow of funds which the government could have used for development works.
      • The litany of daily miseries suffered by the powerless public of the subcontinent on both sides of the border should make us ask, why?
      • What is more, it is as simple as the solution which, after the Second World War, we applied to correct the economic and other miseries that had plagued us during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
      • In Iraq every day even the best of intentions are cruelly put to test by the miseries and sorrows of war.
      • Human lives suffer from miseries and deprivations of various kinds, some more amenable to alleviation than others.
      • The ‘patriarchal family’ was held to be the main source of children's miseries.
      • Once our divine origin was fixed, human miseries were explained as the punishment for some original sin committed by our first ancestors.
      • Most Americans now alive have gone their whole lives believing they had something approaching a free pass to escape the miseries of war, terror, and want.
      • As long as we live in this world, we are bound to suffer the miseries and afflictions that beset the human being.
      • The author skilfully depicts the military situation as the vast Soviet armies approached the German heartland, anxious to exact revenge for the miseries that Russians had suffered since the invasion of 1941.
      • Above all, we sought to bring an end to the miseries that had plagued us in the 1930s and 1940s, and, in particular, to put an end to economic depression and war.
      • Meaning thereby that in abstract terms whenever there is an excess of miseries, ailments and problems, the victims thereof have nothing but to develop a sense of resignation, tolerance and contentment.
      • His murals aimed to convert the illiterate and heterogeneous masses to a realization of the miseries and futilities of war.
      • In his last years his work became ever more violent in expression, moved by a passionate concern for the suffering and miseries of mankind.
      • Unaware of what was in store, a passenger ship had left Kochi for Lakshadweep on May 3 and, after several hours of hellish miseries suffered by the passengers at the hostile sea, it came back.
      • Bear all miseries and evil without any murmur of hurt, without any thought of unhappiness, without any resistance, remedy or retaliation.
      • To know the truth of that, you need only walk out onto any street in any city in this country; you know that within minutes - seconds - you will see some of the one-third or more of our nation that suffers the miseries of being poor.
      • Indeed the sort of commitment that permits soldiers to endure the suffering and miseries of Valley Forge or Gettysburg has to be ideologically prepared and tempered.
      • Whether mourning the miseries of war, praying for divine help or preparing herself for death, it seemed as if her life as a writer was at its end.
      • He said the people of Gujarat had undergone the same sufferings and miseries that one experiences during war.
      affliction, misfortune, difficulty, problem, adversity, ordeal, trouble, hardship, deprivation


  • make someone's life a misery (or make life a misery for someone)

    • Cause someone severe distress by continued unpleasantness or harassment.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The rap singer claimed he needed the pistol to protect himself from jealous thugs who had made his life a misery.
      • She felt guilty about Stella making your life a misery.
      • The council decision is making my life a misery.
      • For a start, the new measure will not apply to existing tenants - so if you already live next door to someone who is making your life a misery, this won't help at all.
      • Wasn't her plan to stay with him purely so she could make his life a misery?
      • But what happens when you encounter the client from hell who complains endlessly about everything your company does and has made it his mission to make your life a misery?
      • It is a great pity that the sad, sick morons who have made our life a misery for endless weeks now had not been born two or three generations earlier.
      • We have a duty to protect the law abiding majority against those who are making their life a misery.
      • ‘Then I will make your life a misery,’ the merchant threatened.
      • Michael, seven, who has had to deal with countless operations, also had the strength to beat the thugs who make his life a misery.
  • put someone/something out of their misery

    • 1End the suffering of a person or animal in pain by killing them.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He says a doctor approached him, saying a hospital administrator wanted to know what he thought about putting patients out of their misery.
      • When they are asked why they did it they say, ‘We were being kind to them, they were wounded and we were putting them out of their misery.’
      • Sometimes it was expressed informally, as when spectators at public demonstrations quietly put the animal subjects out of their misery.
      • Authorities are reviewing patient records, trying to evaluate claims that he administered fatal overdoses of medication to seriously ill patients to put them out of their misery.
      • I just hope that if she was hunting birds she put them out of their misery, unlike that poor thing this morning.
      • I would like to feel that if I had a close friend or relative in agony with no prospect of any relief that someone would be able to put them out of their misery.
      • Lastly think about this, we put animals down, this is looked upon as humane and is justified so why can we not put a person out of their misery?
      1. 1.1informal Release someone from suspense or anxiety by telling them something they are anxious to know.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Maybe I should just put them out of their misery and just tell them the truth?


Late Middle English: from Old French miserie, from Latin miseria, from miser ‘wretched’.





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