

单词 slur

Definition of slur in English:


verbslurring, slurs, slurred sləːslər
[with object]
  • 1Speak (words) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.


    he was slurring his words like a drunk


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Jeffries had no idea what was wrong with her daughter as she uncharacteristically stumbled and fell and began to slur her words.
    • I have not seen such a drunken shambles for ages - he was really struggling, slurring his words, the lot.
    • Family members said the next day he turned up at his Chapel Street flat, slurring his words and acting completely out of character.
    • My mom started to slur her words and stumble as though she had been drinking.
    • It had to be murder, Stuart explained, slurring his words.
    • She spoke back to him but her words were slurred with resistance.
    • Certainly, trouble talking and loss of speech are symptoms of a stroke, and you do seem to be slurring your words.
    • The words were slurred and indistinct, but after listening to a verse repeated several times, Will made out the words and knew he was right about it being a song.
    • At the time she had difficulty swallowing, chewing and speaking, often slurring her words.
    • I mean, just a few hours ago he was here, and now he's not and he won't be here for a long time… ‘I mumbled, sort of slurring my words together.’
    • No - she was pretty sober to be speaking without slurring her words.
    • I couldn't tell if he was slurring his words because he has such a strong accent, but his face was very red and he was sweating.
    • It's comforting to imagine Malkovich stumbling around, slurring his words.
    • He tried not slurring his words and speaking in his most respectful tone, as he always did.
    • He was in no fit state to try and carry out a business discussion - he was slurring his words and had already spilt some of his drink down the front of his sweater.
    • The last few words were slurred together as he spoke them quickly.
    • He was apparently having difficulty typing and was slurring his words while speaking via his computer microphone.
    • It was a deep male voice and the way he slurred his words made him sound drunk.
    • For the record, when I listened back to my tape of the whole thing, I had indeed been slurring my words.
    • Mr Lyons' parents, John and Sheila, visited him in the Bridewell and said he was completely disorientated, swaying and slurring his words.
    mumble, speak unclearly, garble, stumble over, stammer
    rare misarticulate
    1. 1.1no object (of words or speech) be slurred.
      his speech was beginning to slur


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She was suddenly aware that her speech was slurring, and Torik was giving her the oddest look.
      • She said on April 9 officers on patrol found him sitting in his car, which had a puncture, in London Road, with his speech slurred and eyes glazed.
      • Demetrius was back and functioning fine, though sometimes his words slurred, but the doctors were confident the minor speech impediment was temporary.
      • Her speech was slurring and she was losing the feeling down one side.
      • The pain was increasing, his speech was slurring and he was stumbling around the garden like a drunk.
      • But soon Emma, a pathology and cytology student at Tameside Hospital, started to lose her co-ordination, her speech became slurred and she couldn't concentrate.
      • ‘Bad policy,’ I just managed to say, my words slurring slightly.
      • ‘Sully, about those others - ‘he started, his words slurring, on the edge of sleep.’
      • It was Constable Shipp's evidence, which I accept, that when the plaintiff was in the breathalyzer room, Shipp could smell the odor of alcohol, his face was flushed and red, his eyes glassy and his speech slurred.
      • His gait is still uncertain and his speech slurred.
      • Their speech may slur and they may have trouble walking.
      • His speech slurs when he is tired and he has gaps in his short-term memory, but mentally he is there.
      • They went to speak to him and smelled alcohol, saw his eyes were glazed and his speech slurred.
      • You graduate in a month,’ a friend of Braiden's from baseball, Matt Nelson, stated, his words slurring.
      • Pete on the other hand went from bad to worse until his eyes became unfocussed, his speech slurred and his dancing dangerous to passers by.
      • He was almost all the way through his speech when his words suddenly slurred, he coughed and he appeared to lean on the lectern for support.
      • Without a drink passing his lips he would, on occasion, find his speech slurring as though he were intoxicated.
      • His words were slurring horridly now, so I just about couldn't understand them.
      • She took a long swing before speaking, her speech slurred from the amount of drink she's had.
      • Close enough to the guests so that they wouldn't wonder why I was missing, but far enough away so that they wouldn't ask why I smelled like vodka or why my words were slurring.
    2. 1.2 Pass over (a fact or aspect) so as to conceal or minimize it.
      essential attributes are being slurred over or ignored


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘This point is sometimes forgotten, and sometimes slurred over,’ observed Eoghan O Neachtain in 1902.
      • But the lack of good reference books was very real, and because of this the narrative had often to be slurred over, or particular periods skipped.
  • 2Music
    Perform (a group of two or more notes) legato.


    I can play it if I don't slur the notes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If the blues is a single note that is slurred into a different tone, then we have taken the King's English and blued it into our own dialect.
    • The wispy guitar line is taken by the bass; Bridget adds many slurred notes into each run, transforming it from rickety to propulsive.
    • In either case the two notes will typically be slurred and played with a diminuendo.
    • No student could slur over a single note or syllable and get away with it!
    • Its song is a rich, clear warble, though it lacks any buzzy or slurred notes.
    1. 2.1 Mark (notes) with a slur.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When he took it the second time, slurring the notes descending, Kyla jumped in and started singing the first verse and took the song from the top.
      • This is an ideal variation for students to learn dotted rhythms, finger precision, mordents and slurring, since the third eighth note in each beat sounds best if it is not connected to the next beat.
      • The clefs, rests, and expression marks such as slurs and phrasing, even the thickness of the staves, make up a complex pictorial and typographical unity.
  • 3US Make damaging or insulting insinuations or allegations about.


    I was not trying to slur the integrity of the committee
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is insulting and wrong and slurs both the residents and management of the house in question.
    • Let me tell you one thing about my classroom - Don't you ever come into it again slurring your insults in my face!
nounPlural slurs sləːslər
  • 1An insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.


    the comments were a slur on staff at the hospital


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It means that, so long as a slur on an individual's reputation is cast in level terms, it can be justified by reliance on the bare fact of assertions made by others, without any need to make them good.
    • As a group, we are committed to competing drug-free, and we are extremely disappointed and angry with ill-informed recent comments and innuendo which have cast a slur on our sport, and us as individuals.
    • The accusations are clearly politically motivated - with the charge of theft being added to cast a slur on Sarath's character.
    • King was eight years old when he was slapped by a white woman in a downtown Atlanta department store and insulted with a racial slur.
    • It was perhaps significant that nobody in the village of that name in the Vale of Leven in West Dunbartonshire complained about a potential slur on their reputation.
    • I would never ask anybody to lie and these allegations represent a gross slur on the many tried and trusted employees who continue to work for Angel.
    • He said this was ‘a very serious slur on the reputation of the council and the 7,500 people who work for it’.
    • Now, while I agree with him that, on balance, past deeds against blacks outstrip those against whites this is not sufficient ground to ignore a racial slur against whites.
    • The father later used a racial slur against the child's stepfather, and was held in contempt for this (as well as for some racial comments about one of the child's dolls).
    • I strongly feel that what has been written about him in your paper is a slur on his character and an insult to his profession, and that you should apologise to him in writing.
    • A child with coprolalia may blurt out insults, racial slurs or obscenities.
    • He claims that Richmond was just an officer that was killed on a mission, and that the slur on his wife is ridiculous.
    • Indeed, they treat such perceptions as a slur on their character.
    • It has been a slur on my character and I take that very seriously indeed,’ he said.
    • And this also makes much more sense than somehow using a racial slur against blacks when talking about someone who's white.
    • Irish officials, while making no public comment on the trial, are said to be privately incensed about the slur on the reputation of one of their most respected and popular colleagues.
    • To say that shoppers feel intimidated by them is a slur on their characters.
    • Would we trust this guy to have at our backs if he can't even take a verbal insult or a racial slur?
    • Enemies who are naturally allied against him, when an innocent remark that he makes in class is elevated to the status of a grievous racial slur against the only two black students in his class.
    • He refused to withdraw his slur against the character of the boat people, or to admit that the alleged events did not take place.
    insult, slight, slander, slanderous statement, libel, libellous statement, misrepresentation, defamation, aspersion, calumny, smear
    allegation, imputation, insinuation, innuendo
    1. 1.1 A derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people.
      a racial slur
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She was horrified that someone had used her name and e-mail address to post racist slurs in a French online discussion group.
      • Instantly, their bumbling antics transform the movie into a juvenile farce of racist, sexist and homophobic slurs—no, it's not funny.
      • The courts have consistently held that a hostile environment can include racial slurs and bigotry against all sorts of people.
      • He didn't fess up to the religious slurs in the first one, and it really read like it was written by a press agent.
      • The scene in question ends with him turning up before expected, behaving in a threatening manner, and uttering anti-Semitic slurs.
      • But a gay slur against a straight player isn't the same thing as detrimental treatment of gay players.
      • He repeats a tirade of ethnic slurs.
      • This stadium is no better or worse than other sporting venues when it comes to fans using gay slurs.
      • A racial slur was scrawled on a whiteboard on one student's door.
      • Prosecutors for five years hid the fact that one of their investigators used a racial slur to describe the accused.
      • I irrationally wonder whether they will notice our matching wedding bands and mutter a homophobic slur the next time we walk by.
      • He then testified in court against his friends, saying racial slurs were used in the attack.
  • 2An act of speaking indistinctly so that sounds or words run into one another or a tendency to speak in such a way.


    there was a trace of a slur in his voice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Lindsey's voice was annoying as usual with a bit of a slur in it.
    • I throw some extra slur into the words, and act like I'm just managing not to stagger.
    • He spoke sincerely, but with a drunken slur, and I shuddered.
    • Licking her lips she began to slowly speak with a small slur.
    • Bridget now noticed his voice had a slight slur to it, was he drunk?
    • Andy says that his effort ‘sounds good in a drunken slur.’
    • He must have been aware of the slur in his words, and of the sudden sting in his eyes.
    • ‘Of that I have no doubt,’ he said smoothly, still without a trace of a slur.
    • Even though there wasn't the tiniest hint of a slur in his voice, his eyes had a slightly glazed look to them that clued me in to the fact that he was just about smashed.
    • It wasn't until he suggested we go back to his place that I discerned the slur in his voice.
    • He heard his voice slur almost to the point of being unable to understand him.
    • Julian replied with a definite slur in his voice.
    • She had developed a very long whine to go along with every slur of words.
    • Michael asked, the slur in his voice making it hard to know what he was saying.
    • Rafe demanded brashly with just a hint of a slur in his voice.
    • I heard the first word clearly then the rest of it was a slur.
    • As he spoke to her, she heard the distinctive slur in his speech.
    • There was a twist in the corridor they were approaching, and a distant babble of voices lifted in cheery shouts, loud demands, drunken slurs.
    • He spoke English with the softest slur, his grammar flawless except for his reliance on the present tense.
    • Some drunken couple bumps into me, mumbling a drunken slur of words, which I assume to be apologizes.
  • 3Music
    A curved line used to show that a group of two or more notes are to be sung to one syllable or played or sung legato.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And if that means throwing away Bach's own legato slurs - so be it.
    • Articulation is critical the pianist must observe and execute staccato notes and slurs with real style, or the piece will fall flat.
    • Staccato, legato and two-note slurs appear, with hands together throughout, and songs are in the keys of C and G, with few black keys.
    • Playful articulation with staccato, legato, slurs and the shape of the rising first-theme melody in C major create a bright and fresh mood.
    • A variety of articulations are found in these pieces, including legato, staccato, two-note slurs, tenuti, portatos and accents.


Middle English: originally as noun in sense 'thin, fluid mud', later as verb meaning 'smear, smirch', 'disparage (a person)', 'gloss over (a fault)'.

  • The medieval English word slur meant ‘thin, fluid mud’. Early senses of the verb were ‘to smear’ and then ‘to criticize’—you can see the same metaphor at work in the phrase ‘mud-slinging’ and in the history of the word aspersion. Later on it came to mean ‘to gloss over a fault’, and from this developed the idea of speaking indistinctly. Slurry (Late Middle English) also comes from medieval slur, and here the connection with mud is much clearer.


à deux, agent provocateur, astir, auteur, aver, bestir, blur, bon viveur, burr, Chandigarh, coiffeur, concur, confer, connoisseur, cordon-bleu, cri de cœur, cur, danseur, Darfur, defer, demur, de rigueur, deter, entrepreneur, er, err, farceur, faute de mieux, fir, flâneur, Fleur, force majeure, fur, hauteur, her, infer, inter, jongleur, Kerr, littérateur, longueur, masseur, Monseigneur, monsieur, Montesquieu, Montreux, murre, myrrh, occur, pas de deux, Pasteur, per, pisteur, poseur, pot-au-feu, prefer, prie-dieu, pudeur, purr, raconteur, rapporteur, refer, répétiteur, restaurateur, saboteur, sabreur, seigneur, Sher, shirr, sir, skirr, souteneur, spur, stir, tant mieux, transfer, Ur, vieux jeu, voyageur, voyeur, were, whirr

Definition of slur in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Speak (words or speech) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.


    he was slurring his words like a drunk


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was in no fit state to try and carry out a business discussion - he was slurring his words and had already spilt some of his drink down the front of his sweater.
    • The last few words were slurred together as he spoke them quickly.
    • Certainly, trouble talking and loss of speech are symptoms of a stroke, and you do seem to be slurring your words.
    • It was a deep male voice and the way he slurred his words made him sound drunk.
    • He tried not slurring his words and speaking in his most respectful tone, as he always did.
    • He was apparently having difficulty typing and was slurring his words while speaking via his computer microphone.
    • It's comforting to imagine Malkovich stumbling around, slurring his words.
    • I mean, just a few hours ago he was here, and now he's not and he won't be here for a long time… ‘I mumbled, sort of slurring my words together.’
    • I have not seen such a drunken shambles for ages - he was really struggling, slurring his words, the lot.
    • Mr Lyons' parents, John and Sheila, visited him in the Bridewell and said he was completely disorientated, swaying and slurring his words.
    • Family members said the next day he turned up at his Chapel Street flat, slurring his words and acting completely out of character.
    • Jeffries had no idea what was wrong with her daughter as she uncharacteristically stumbled and fell and began to slur her words.
    • My mom started to slur her words and stumble as though she had been drinking.
    • No - she was pretty sober to be speaking without slurring her words.
    • I couldn't tell if he was slurring his words because he has such a strong accent, but his face was very red and he was sweating.
    • At the time she had difficulty swallowing, chewing and speaking, often slurring her words.
    • She spoke back to him but her words were slurred with resistance.
    • The words were slurred and indistinct, but after listening to a verse repeated several times, Will made out the words and knew he was right about it being a song.
    • For the record, when I listened back to my tape of the whole thing, I had indeed been slurring my words.
    • It had to be murder, Stuart explained, slurring his words.
    mumble, speak unclearly, garble, stumble over, stammer
    1. 1.1no object (of words or speech) be spoken so the sounds run into one another.
      his speech was beginning to slur


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Without a drink passing his lips he would, on occasion, find his speech slurring as though he were intoxicated.
      • The pain was increasing, his speech was slurring and he was stumbling around the garden like a drunk.
      • He was almost all the way through his speech when his words suddenly slurred, he coughed and he appeared to lean on the lectern for support.
      • You graduate in a month,’ a friend of Braiden's from baseball, Matt Nelson, stated, his words slurring.
      • His speech slurs when he is tired and he has gaps in his short-term memory, but mentally he is there.
      • His words were slurring horridly now, so I just about couldn't understand them.
      • Pete on the other hand went from bad to worse until his eyes became unfocussed, his speech slurred and his dancing dangerous to passers by.
      • She said on April 9 officers on patrol found him sitting in his car, which had a puncture, in London Road, with his speech slurred and eyes glazed.
      • ‘Bad policy,’ I just managed to say, my words slurring slightly.
      • They went to speak to him and smelled alcohol, saw his eyes were glazed and his speech slurred.
      • ‘Sully, about those others - ‘he started, his words slurring, on the edge of sleep.’
      • She took a long swing before speaking, her speech slurred from the amount of drink she's had.
      • His gait is still uncertain and his speech slurred.
      • Her speech was slurring and she was losing the feeling down one side.
      • But soon Emma, a pathology and cytology student at Tameside Hospital, started to lose her co-ordination, her speech became slurred and she couldn't concentrate.
      • She was suddenly aware that her speech was slurring, and Torik was giving her the oddest look.
      • Their speech may slur and they may have trouble walking.
      • Close enough to the guests so that they wouldn't wonder why I was missing, but far enough away so that they wouldn't ask why I smelled like vodka or why my words were slurring.
      • It was Constable Shipp's evidence, which I accept, that when the plaintiff was in the breathalyzer room, Shipp could smell the odor of alcohol, his face was flushed and red, his eyes glassy and his speech slurred.
      • Demetrius was back and functioning fine, though sometimes his words slurred, but the doctors were confident the minor speech impediment was temporary.
    2. 1.2 Pass over (a fact or aspect) so as to conceal or minimize it.
      essential attributes are being slurred over or ignored


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But the lack of good reference books was very real, and because of this the narrative had often to be slurred over, or particular periods skipped.
      • ‘This point is sometimes forgotten, and sometimes slurred over,’ observed Eoghan O Neachtain in 1902.
  • 2Music
    Perform (a group of two or more notes) legato.


    I can play it if I don't slur the notes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If the blues is a single note that is slurred into a different tone, then we have taken the King's English and blued it into our own dialect.
    • The wispy guitar line is taken by the bass; Bridget adds many slurred notes into each run, transforming it from rickety to propulsive.
    • Its song is a rich, clear warble, though it lacks any buzzy or slurred notes.
    • No student could slur over a single note or syllable and get away with it!
    • In either case the two notes will typically be slurred and played with a diminuendo.
    1. 2.1 Mark (notes) with a slur.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When he took it the second time, slurring the notes descending, Kyla jumped in and started singing the first verse and took the song from the top.
      • The clefs, rests, and expression marks such as slurs and phrasing, even the thickness of the staves, make up a complex pictorial and typographical unity.
      • This is an ideal variation for students to learn dotted rhythms, finger precision, mordents and slurring, since the third eighth note in each beat sounds best if it is not connected to the next beat.
  • 3US Make damaging or insulting insinuations or allegations about.


    I was not trying to slur the integrity of the committee
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Let me tell you one thing about my classroom - Don't you ever come into it again slurring your insults in my face!
    • It is insulting and wrong and slurs both the residents and management of the house in question.
  • 1An insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.


    the comments were a slur on the staff


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He claims that Richmond was just an officer that was killed on a mission, and that the slur on his wife is ridiculous.
    • A child with coprolalia may blurt out insults, racial slurs or obscenities.
    • He refused to withdraw his slur against the character of the boat people, or to admit that the alleged events did not take place.
    • He said this was ‘a very serious slur on the reputation of the council and the 7,500 people who work for it’.
    • It was perhaps significant that nobody in the village of that name in the Vale of Leven in West Dunbartonshire complained about a potential slur on their reputation.
    • The father later used a racial slur against the child's stepfather, and was held in contempt for this (as well as for some racial comments about one of the child's dolls).
    • Enemies who are naturally allied against him, when an innocent remark that he makes in class is elevated to the status of a grievous racial slur against the only two black students in his class.
    • Irish officials, while making no public comment on the trial, are said to be privately incensed about the slur on the reputation of one of their most respected and popular colleagues.
    • I would never ask anybody to lie and these allegations represent a gross slur on the many tried and trusted employees who continue to work for Angel.
    • Would we trust this guy to have at our backs if he can't even take a verbal insult or a racial slur?
    • It means that, so long as a slur on an individual's reputation is cast in level terms, it can be justified by reliance on the bare fact of assertions made by others, without any need to make them good.
    • Now, while I agree with him that, on balance, past deeds against blacks outstrip those against whites this is not sufficient ground to ignore a racial slur against whites.
    • The accusations are clearly politically motivated - with the charge of theft being added to cast a slur on Sarath's character.
    • It has been a slur on my character and I take that very seriously indeed,’ he said.
    • And this also makes much more sense than somehow using a racial slur against blacks when talking about someone who's white.
    • King was eight years old when he was slapped by a white woman in a downtown Atlanta department store and insulted with a racial slur.
    • As a group, we are committed to competing drug-free, and we are extremely disappointed and angry with ill-informed recent comments and innuendo which have cast a slur on our sport, and us as individuals.
    • To say that shoppers feel intimidated by them is a slur on their characters.
    • Indeed, they treat such perceptions as a slur on their character.
    • I strongly feel that what has been written about him in your paper is a slur on his character and an insult to his profession, and that you should apologise to him in writing.
    insult, slight, slander, slanderous statement, libel, libellous statement, misrepresentation, defamation, aspersion, calumny, smear
    1. 1.1 A derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people.
      a racial slur
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A racial slur was scrawled on a whiteboard on one student's door.
      • He repeats a tirade of ethnic slurs.
      • She was horrified that someone had used her name and e-mail address to post racist slurs in a French online discussion group.
      • The courts have consistently held that a hostile environment can include racial slurs and bigotry against all sorts of people.
      • Prosecutors for five years hid the fact that one of their investigators used a racial slur to describe the accused.
      • Instantly, their bumbling antics transform the movie into a juvenile farce of racist, sexist and homophobic slurs—no, it's not funny.
      • This stadium is no better or worse than other sporting venues when it comes to fans using gay slurs.
      • He then testified in court against his friends, saying racial slurs were used in the attack.
      • He didn't fess up to the religious slurs in the first one, and it really read like it was written by a press agent.
      • The scene in question ends with him turning up before expected, behaving in a threatening manner, and uttering anti-Semitic slurs.
      • But a gay slur against a straight player isn't the same thing as detrimental treatment of gay players.
      • I irrationally wonder whether they will notice our matching wedding bands and mutter a homophobic slur the next time we walk by.
  • 2An act of speaking indistinctly so that sounds or words run into one another or a tendency to speak in such a way.


    there was a mean slur in his voice


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It wasn't until he suggested we go back to his place that I discerned the slur in his voice.
    • He spoke English with the softest slur, his grammar flawless except for his reliance on the present tense.
    • There was a twist in the corridor they were approaching, and a distant babble of voices lifted in cheery shouts, loud demands, drunken slurs.
    • Julian replied with a definite slur in his voice.
    • As he spoke to her, she heard the distinctive slur in his speech.
    • Some drunken couple bumps into me, mumbling a drunken slur of words, which I assume to be apologizes.
    • ‘Of that I have no doubt,’ he said smoothly, still without a trace of a slur.
    • I throw some extra slur into the words, and act like I'm just managing not to stagger.
    • Rafe demanded brashly with just a hint of a slur in his voice.
    • She had developed a very long whine to go along with every slur of words.
    • I heard the first word clearly then the rest of it was a slur.
    • Even though there wasn't the tiniest hint of a slur in his voice, his eyes had a slightly glazed look to them that clued me in to the fact that he was just about smashed.
    • He heard his voice slur almost to the point of being unable to understand him.
    • Andy says that his effort ‘sounds good in a drunken slur.’
    • Licking her lips she began to slowly speak with a small slur.
    • Lindsey's voice was annoying as usual with a bit of a slur in it.
    • Michael asked, the slur in his voice making it hard to know what he was saying.
    • He must have been aware of the slur in his words, and of the sudden sting in his eyes.
    • He spoke sincerely, but with a drunken slur, and I shuddered.
    • Bridget now noticed his voice had a slight slur to it, was he drunk?
  • 3Music
    A curved line used to show that a group of two or more notes is to be sung to one syllable or played or sung legato.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Articulation is critical the pianist must observe and execute staccato notes and slurs with real style, or the piece will fall flat.
    • Playful articulation with staccato, legato, slurs and the shape of the rising first-theme melody in C major create a bright and fresh mood.
    • And if that means throwing away Bach's own legato slurs - so be it.
    • A variety of articulations are found in these pieces, including legato, staccato, two-note slurs, tenuti, portatos and accents.
    • Staccato, legato and two-note slurs appear, with hands together throughout, and songs are in the keys of C and G, with few black keys.


Middle English: originally as noun in sense ‘thin, fluid mud’, later as verb meaning ‘smear, smirch’, ‘disparage (a person)’, ‘gloss over (a fault)’.





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