

单词 imperative

Definition of imperative in English:


  • 1Of vital importance; crucial.


    immediate action was imperative


    with clause it is imperative that standards are maintained


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Illness, death and the cost of hip fractures make prevention imperative.
    • Thus, it is imperative that health communication scholars focus their efforts on adolescent patient-physician communication.
    • For a moment, despite the obviously imperative differences in gender, they emerge as the twin epic heroes on the same side, fighting the same war against a common foe.
    • On that view, since basic self-knowledge is more certain than perceptual knowledge, it is more imperative that one be master of all its enabling conditions.
    • I feel it is imperative the Government provides adequate laws to empower local authorities to provide council tax payers with peace and quiet.
    • The world heroine had rendered her causes morally imperative and essential to national military power.
    • The authors concluded that it was imperative that current road safety programmes, including random breath testing, be fully implemented.
    • It is imperative that couples should communicate in order to know the root of the conflict.
    • It is imperative you be shielded from that criticism by the very mechanism of providing this conduit for those feelings.
    • So they're an imperative part of our community fabric.
    • The rampant smuggling once again shows how imperative and urgent it is now to bring domestic fuel prices closer to international levels.
    • But they also know that the settlement was meant as ‘hush money’, and therefore it is imperative the truth be asserted more clearly than ever.
    • But that only makes the task of doing so all the more imperative.
    • - It's absolutely imperative to trust your financial adviser.
    • We do have imperative obligations to people who are poor and in need, and no government can avoid that.
    • And then the following imperative issues must be addressed.
    • With reloading it is absolutely imperative we measure at least twice, maybe more.
    • It is imperative that existing and future residents in the area engage in proactive dialogue with all parties to ensure that any development is for the betterment of the lives of its residents.
    • It is imperative this person or persons are brought to justice as quickly as possible.
    • In order to implement gender reform, it is imperative that gender bias in the legal framework of the country is removed.
    vitally important, of vital importance, all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential, of the essence, a matter of life and death, of great consequence, necessary, indispensable, exigent, pressing, urgent
    required, compulsory, mandatory, obligatory
  • 2Giving an authoritative command; peremptory.


    the bell pealed again, a final imperative call


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's an imperative and ornate exhortation to lay open your nerves and unabashedly, unapologetically feel.
    • The high incidence of nominalization in the CMA code completes the message of authority given by the imperative mode and its deontological orientation.
    • So their brand name is nothing less than an imperative exhortation to those struggling with their conscience to simply give in to it: go ahead!
    • But then there will be an imperative demand for the local authorities to invest in skilled manpower.
    • The human desire for novelty is twinned with an equally imperative desire for continuity.
    peremptory, commanding, imperious, authoritative, masterful, lordly, magisterial, autocratic, dictatorial, domineering, overbearing, assertive, firm, insistent, bossy, high-handed, overweening
    1. 2.1Grammar Denoting the mood of a verb that expresses a command or exhortation, as in come here!
      〔语法〕祈使语气的(表示命令或劝告,如come here!)
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command.
      • What if Johnny paints profane imperative sentences on the barn door?
      • As is evident from my translation, the elision is that of an imperative verb.
      • The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
      • It's short and sweet, but decidedly in the imperative mood.
  • 1An essential or urgent thing.


    free movement of labour was an economic imperative


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Given the imperative of global competition and the continued flow of efficiency gains from past investments in technology, the efficiency trend will not go into reverse.
    • Law enforcement officers come ‘under pressure to perform quickly… the imperative is simply to be seen to be tough on crime.’
    • She continued: ‘There are moral imperatives also and one of the moral imperatives here is that the vulnerable must have their basic human needs met.’
    • Our successes have highlighted some essential imperatives for how we will continue to do business.
    • First, we see the imperative to view this work in cycles with multiple points of entry and modes of engagement.
    • Job stress is caused by the lack of adequate staffing, and by the imperative for laboratory work to be error-free.
    • Applicants also showed an understanding of the imperative to enable teachers to grow and realize more of their own potential in their chosen profession.
    • As you can see, we haven't got very far in meeting our moral obligations under this imperative.
    • The protection of domestic agriculture must be recognised as a food security imperative.
    • The imperative now is to draw up a treaty to prevent such disasters ever happening again.
    • Both recognised the imperative of being smarter to achieve their ends.
    • The drama of history and biography is sacrificed to the imperative of ‘covering’ everything in a single volume.
    • Such an indication or a close relative's agreement (based on his knowledge of the donor's attitude and moral values) is imperative.
    • Chief among these challenges are the need for a new type of salesperson and the imperative to win acceptance of value-based prices by third-party payers.
    • Tackling this pandemic is one of the most urgent moral imperatives facing the world.
    • This creates the imperative of immediacy which has so far evaded those pay TV networks attempting to sell goods and services from retailers and banks through interactive TV.
    • Relatively recently, the imperative was for restraint and moderation in sexual matters; now it is for more and better sexual gratification.
    • Such an imperative seems particularly urgent because of the vacuum at the top.
    • But it is one of the noblest things this country has ever attempted abroad and it is a moral and strategic imperative that we give it our best shot.
    • Currently, too many internet users fail to understand, or fail to act on, the imperative to protect themselves for the greater good.
    necessary condition, precondition, condition, essential, requirement, requisite, necessity, proviso, qualification, imperative, basic, rudiment, obligation, duty
    1. 1.1 A factor or influence making something necessary.
      the biological imperatives which guide male and female behaviour
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Indeed, the idea that ‘we shouldn't impose our personal moral views on other people’ sounds itself like an absolute moral imperative.
      • Such legislative developments, Wright argues, were underpinned by a number of moral and economic imperatives.
      • What's needed in this political setting, say forum participants, is a moral imperative that trumps sheer economic concerns.
      • However, here everyday lines and notational devices are freed from the imperative to represent directly.
      • Until the 1970s, engineering and economic imperatives had been pushing the fuel mix inexorably up the power-density curve, from wood to coal to oil to uranium.
      • I'm not sure of the imperative, but by gosh, we're posting, posting, posting like we're determined to reach that destination.
      • Though feminism today is obviously a broad term that includes different and sometimes clashing ideas, many feminists reject the idea that motherhood or biological imperatives define a woman.
      • What the brand management system should have brought, but indeed has not yet delivered, is the imperative to be more competitive.
      • The second, related, threat is the imperative of poverty.
      • Each staff member received copies of articles highlighting negative surgical outcomes to illustrate the imperative for the program.
      • This establishes a competition between the state and the tribe, which the tribe, with its greater moral imperative, eventually wins.
      • This case is a good example of the conflict that can arise between the imperative on doctors to ‘first do no harm’ and each patient's right to self determination.
      • By the 1980s, however, financial imperatives led to the closure and demolition of much of Glasgow's cutting-edge church estate.
      • Great efforts of the mind are required to rationalize actions that are obviously contrary to fundamental biological imperatives.
      • This pernicious tendency is promoted mainly by the imperative in university curricula to label things for treatment in semester-sized chunks, and the habits of writers for academic journals.
      • It is that Ireland needs to expand its view of the European Union membership beyond the basic economic imperatives.
      • Some women were aware of the influence of technological imperatives on the attitudes of health professionals, and they occasionally experienced this as bullying.
      • Has anything happened or new information been acquired as a result of these activities that would change the imperative to halt the use of tobacco?
      • The moral vacuum at the heart of the economic and social imperatives of the winners in the last quarter century is now exposed.
      • Babies work in tune with our biological imperatives, lying there, helpless and demanding, screaming and spewing, while at the same time generating love.
  • 2Grammar
    A verb or phrase in the imperative mood.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Noteworthy in this meditation is the use of imperatives and action verbs, which are meant to activate the believer.
    • When Anglicans and Presbyterians used direct imperatives, they have a preference for the verbs ‘help’ and ‘teach’.
    • In fields where imperatives were present in the main text (five out of ten), we recorded interviews with the authors of one of the articles.
    • Now qumi could be a feminine singular imperative meaning ‘arise’ in either Hebrew or Aramaic.
    • Jon's utterance is an imperative, but it is not a command.
    1. 2.1the imperative The imperative mood.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In any case, this tension between the indicative and the imperative may lead us to a fruitful discussion on the main theme of our deliberations during this conference.
      • With a slogan in the imperative for every page, each designed to stimulate or simulate happiness, the calendar is a study in conventional contentment.
      • Their relation sometimes shows that the imperative is no longer the consequence of the indicative, but an inseparable part of the kerygmatic indicative.
      • We focused on the indicative and the imperative, the former implying fact, the latter implying authority.


  • imperatival

  • adjectiveɪmˌpɛrəˈtʌɪv(ə)ləmˌpɛrəˈtaɪv(ə)l
    • But the imperatival character of this law is only felt in our feeling constrained to do some specific action, and is not separable from this.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The infinitive is most likely imperatival, an uncommon infinitive in the New Testament.
      • Thus descriptive claims cannot entail the extra expressive or imperatival component that according to the non-cognitivist is part of the meaning of moral terms.
      • The relationship of hierarchies of imperatival policies to responsibility, and to authority policies, is discussed.
      • On the other hand bare belief in an impersonal order of claims, while it is compatible with their absolute authority, does not provide the personal basis which their imperatival quality requires.
  • imperatively

  • adverbɪmˈpɛrətɪvliəmˈpɛrədɪvli
    • I declined to adopt the view that what was imperatively necessary for the Nation could not be done by the President unless he could find some specific authorization to do it…
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When it comes to criminal justice, which is always a mirror of social justice, the state, in this case the courts, imperatively has to take note of the social facts relevant to the construction of values, principles and rules.
      • One key to understanding policy and politics in most European countries is to take it that ‘social’ indicates that the matter in hand imperatively demands a political decision to override any market solution that would otherwise emerge.
      • The letter ended imperatively: ‘Save the Village!’
      • They [the writers of the 18th century] constitute our ordinary standard literature, and for models in English writing the tradition, not yet obsolete, of our fathers refers us imperatively hither.
  • imperativeness

  • noun
    • Ongoing teacher education is needed to bring to the consciousness of teachers the necessity, the imperativeness of humane education.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was often accused of political intractability, a lack of imperativeness, too great a readiness to take clairvoyants seriously, and excessive slyness.
      • Even those professing to walk a darker path, including many Satanists, recognize the imperativeness of taking responsibility for their own actions.
      • He was armed with two swords and several daggers tied to his clothing, and his eyes mirrored dignity and imperativeness.
      • On the first day in my registration class, teachers and the head teacher and the school as a whole stressed the imperativeness of making friends.


Late Middle English (as a grammatical term): from late Latin imperativus (literally 'specially ordered', translating Greek prostatikē enklisis 'imperative mood'), from imperare 'to command', from in- 'towards' + parare 'make ready'.

  • emperor from Middle English:

    The root of emperor is the Latin word imperare ‘to command’, which is also the ultimate source of empire (Middle English), imperative (mid 16th century), imperial (Late Middle English), and imperious (late 16th century). Latin imperator meant ‘military commander’, which was given as a title to Julius Caesar and to Augustus, the first Roman emperor, and was adopted by subsequent rulers of the empire. In English, emperor first referred to these Roman rulers, and then to the head of the Holy Roman Empire. See also evil

Definition of imperative in US English:


  • 1Of vital importance; crucial.


    immediate action was imperative


    with clause it is imperative that standards be maintained


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But that only makes the task of doing so all the more imperative.
    • It is imperative you be shielded from that criticism by the very mechanism of providing this conduit for those feelings.
    • The world heroine had rendered her causes morally imperative and essential to national military power.
    • Illness, death and the cost of hip fractures make prevention imperative.
    • It is imperative this person or persons are brought to justice as quickly as possible.
    • On that view, since basic self-knowledge is more certain than perceptual knowledge, it is more imperative that one be master of all its enabling conditions.
    • Thus, it is imperative that health communication scholars focus their efforts on adolescent patient-physician communication.
    • In order to implement gender reform, it is imperative that gender bias in the legal framework of the country is removed.
    • - It's absolutely imperative to trust your financial adviser.
    • It is imperative that couples should communicate in order to know the root of the conflict.
    • So they're an imperative part of our community fabric.
    • The rampant smuggling once again shows how imperative and urgent it is now to bring domestic fuel prices closer to international levels.
    • For a moment, despite the obviously imperative differences in gender, they emerge as the twin epic heroes on the same side, fighting the same war against a common foe.
    • But they also know that the settlement was meant as ‘hush money’, and therefore it is imperative the truth be asserted more clearly than ever.
    • We do have imperative obligations to people who are poor and in need, and no government can avoid that.
    • And then the following imperative issues must be addressed.
    • It is imperative that existing and future residents in the area engage in proactive dialogue with all parties to ensure that any development is for the betterment of the lives of its residents.
    • I feel it is imperative the Government provides adequate laws to empower local authorities to provide council tax payers with peace and quiet.
    • With reloading it is absolutely imperative we measure at least twice, maybe more.
    • The authors concluded that it was imperative that current road safety programmes, including random breath testing, be fully implemented.
    vitally important, of vital importance, all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential, of the essence, a matter of life and death, of great consequence, necessary, indispensable, exigent, pressing, urgent
  • 2Giving an authoritative command; peremptory.


    the bell pealed again, a final imperative call


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The high incidence of nominalization in the CMA code completes the message of authority given by the imperative mode and its deontological orientation.
    • But then there will be an imperative demand for the local authorities to invest in skilled manpower.
    • The human desire for novelty is twinned with an equally imperative desire for continuity.
    • It's an imperative and ornate exhortation to lay open your nerves and unabashedly, unapologetically feel.
    • So their brand name is nothing less than an imperative exhortation to those struggling with their conscience to simply give in to it: go ahead!
    peremptory, commanding, imperious, authoritative, masterful, lordly, magisterial, autocratic, dictatorial, domineering, overbearing, assertive, firm, insistent, bossy, high-handed, overweening
    1. 2.1Grammar Denoting the mood of a verb that expresses a command or exhortation, as in come here!
      〔语法〕祈使语气的(表示命令或劝告,如come here!)
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's short and sweet, but decidedly in the imperative mood.
      • As is evident from my translation, the elision is that of an imperative verb.
      • The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
      • In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command.
      • What if Johnny paints profane imperative sentences on the barn door?
  • 1An essential or urgent thing.


    free movement of labor was an economic imperative


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But it is one of the noblest things this country has ever attempted abroad and it is a moral and strategic imperative that we give it our best shot.
    • Such an indication or a close relative's agreement (based on his knowledge of the donor's attitude and moral values) is imperative.
    • Relatively recently, the imperative was for restraint and moderation in sexual matters; now it is for more and better sexual gratification.
    • Job stress is caused by the lack of adequate staffing, and by the imperative for laboratory work to be error-free.
    • Such an imperative seems particularly urgent because of the vacuum at the top.
    • Our successes have highlighted some essential imperatives for how we will continue to do business.
    • This creates the imperative of immediacy which has so far evaded those pay TV networks attempting to sell goods and services from retailers and banks through interactive TV.
    • Currently, too many internet users fail to understand, or fail to act on, the imperative to protect themselves for the greater good.
    • She continued: ‘There are moral imperatives also and one of the moral imperatives here is that the vulnerable must have their basic human needs met.’
    • The drama of history and biography is sacrificed to the imperative of ‘covering’ everything in a single volume.
    • Both recognised the imperative of being smarter to achieve their ends.
    • Tackling this pandemic is one of the most urgent moral imperatives facing the world.
    • Given the imperative of global competition and the continued flow of efficiency gains from past investments in technology, the efficiency trend will not go into reverse.
    • Chief among these challenges are the need for a new type of salesperson and the imperative to win acceptance of value-based prices by third-party payers.
    • First, we see the imperative to view this work in cycles with multiple points of entry and modes of engagement.
    • Law enforcement officers come ‘under pressure to perform quickly… the imperative is simply to be seen to be tough on crime.’
    • The imperative now is to draw up a treaty to prevent such disasters ever happening again.
    • Applicants also showed an understanding of the imperative to enable teachers to grow and realize more of their own potential in their chosen profession.
    • The protection of domestic agriculture must be recognised as a food security imperative.
    • As you can see, we haven't got very far in meeting our moral obligations under this imperative.
    necessary condition, precondition, condition, essential, requirement, requisite, necessity, proviso, qualification, imperative, basic, rudiment, obligation, duty
    1. 1.1 A factor or influence making something necessary.
      the change came about through a financial imperative


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The second, related, threat is the imperative of poverty.
      • It is that Ireland needs to expand its view of the European Union membership beyond the basic economic imperatives.
      • Until the 1970s, engineering and economic imperatives had been pushing the fuel mix inexorably up the power-density curve, from wood to coal to oil to uranium.
      • Has anything happened or new information been acquired as a result of these activities that would change the imperative to halt the use of tobacco?
      • However, here everyday lines and notational devices are freed from the imperative to represent directly.
      • Such legislative developments, Wright argues, were underpinned by a number of moral and economic imperatives.
      • Each staff member received copies of articles highlighting negative surgical outcomes to illustrate the imperative for the program.
      • This establishes a competition between the state and the tribe, which the tribe, with its greater moral imperative, eventually wins.
      • I'm not sure of the imperative, but by gosh, we're posting, posting, posting like we're determined to reach that destination.
      • Indeed, the idea that ‘we shouldn't impose our personal moral views on other people’ sounds itself like an absolute moral imperative.
      • What the brand management system should have brought, but indeed has not yet delivered, is the imperative to be more competitive.
      • What's needed in this political setting, say forum participants, is a moral imperative that trumps sheer economic concerns.
      • This pernicious tendency is promoted mainly by the imperative in university curricula to label things for treatment in semester-sized chunks, and the habits of writers for academic journals.
      • Some women were aware of the influence of technological imperatives on the attitudes of health professionals, and they occasionally experienced this as bullying.
      • Babies work in tune with our biological imperatives, lying there, helpless and demanding, screaming and spewing, while at the same time generating love.
      • By the 1980s, however, financial imperatives led to the closure and demolition of much of Glasgow's cutting-edge church estate.
      • The moral vacuum at the heart of the economic and social imperatives of the winners in the last quarter century is now exposed.
      • Though feminism today is obviously a broad term that includes different and sometimes clashing ideas, many feminists reject the idea that motherhood or biological imperatives define a woman.
      • This case is a good example of the conflict that can arise between the imperative on doctors to ‘first do no harm’ and each patient's right to self determination.
      • Great efforts of the mind are required to rationalize actions that are obviously contrary to fundamental biological imperatives.
  • 2Grammar
    A verb or phrase in the imperative mood.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • When Anglicans and Presbyterians used direct imperatives, they have a preference for the verbs ‘help’ and ‘teach’.
    • In fields where imperatives were present in the main text (five out of ten), we recorded interviews with the authors of one of the articles.
    • Jon's utterance is an imperative, but it is not a command.
    • Noteworthy in this meditation is the use of imperatives and action verbs, which are meant to activate the believer.
    • Now qumi could be a feminine singular imperative meaning ‘arise’ in either Hebrew or Aramaic.
    1. 2.1the imperative The imperative mood.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their relation sometimes shows that the imperative is no longer the consequence of the indicative, but an inseparable part of the kerygmatic indicative.
      • With a slogan in the imperative for every page, each designed to stimulate or simulate happiness, the calendar is a study in conventional contentment.
      • In any case, this tension between the indicative and the imperative may lead us to a fruitful discussion on the main theme of our deliberations during this conference.
      • We focused on the indicative and the imperative, the former implying fact, the latter implying authority.


Late Middle English (as a grammatical term): from late Latin imperativus (literally ‘specially ordered’, translating Greek prostatikē enklisis ‘imperative mood’), from imperare ‘to command’, from in- ‘towards’ + parare ‘make ready’.





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