What intrigues me is why the postie didn't just throw the letter away.
He said white socks on posties have not been banned, but the company recommends black or dark blue coloured feet-covers, presumably to colour co-ordinate with their uniforms.
But he said that 99.9 per cent of the time, posties with letters still undelivered at the end of their shift would still deliver them.
Only would be better if the postie could be bothered to put them through the letterbox.
We have told how posties found undelivered mail piling up in sorting offices and how city events that depended on post getting through have been scuppered.
These savings are being ploughed back into improving the basic pay of posties ensuring staff in areas that have implemented the changes successfully have a basic pay of £300 per week.
You will not find posties cycling on many pavements on main roads, although with the traffic being a far greater danger than pedestrians, one could not blame them.
When will posties learn that mail should be treated gently?
Two weeks ago the Daily Echo told how a bag of undelivered mail was dumped in the street because the temporary postie did not have a key to the drop-off point.
In exchange the posties were rewarded with a five-day week and the promise of a pay increase when individual offices made a substantial reduction in staff and met a target for delivery.
Most posties have a real pride in their work but this is being eroded by management decisions which have proved not to be in the public's favour, least of all the postperson's.
But for more than 15 years they have often given the town's posties a bit of a battering with vaguely addressed postcards.
Sadly, the card wasn't for me and neither were the cheques, but the postie had dropped them through my letterbox because the address on the envelope looked like mine.
It has caused fury among Kellington's 850 residents, who will present a petition to Royal Mail to try to get their favourite postie reinstated.
Paul changed the blog to P.739 in order to be able to discuss postal issues from a postie's point of view.
Royal Mail has admitted there have been difficulties in implementing the new one-delivery-a-day system, with posties having to go back out for an unofficial second delivery.
In order to meet them posties delivering mail by scooter have been forced to exceed legal speed limits, putting themselves and pedestrians at risk.
The posties get treated a bit like Santa at this time of year: ‘Mince pies, cups of tea, everything,’.
Increased safety measures by Royal Mail will soon mean cycling posties in Harold will be wearing crash helmets.
I'll admit that I did see him on television the other night, acting as a postie and trying to deliver a letter to some daft Tory candidate who had forged a picture on his election address.