

单词 division

Definition of division in English:


noun dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)ndəˈvɪʒən
mass noun
  • 1The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.


    the division of the land into small fields


    a gene that helps regulate cell division


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If you look at how those drugs work, they all target processes that are involved in active cell growth and division.
    • Every type started its development with an epidermal cell, which first underwent a periclinal cell division.
    • That way, each of the two cells resulting from division has one complete set of genes.
    • In some cases this involves displacing chemically related metal ions that are required for important biological functions such as cell growth, division and repair.
    • Every second millions of cells divide in our body and the process of division is called the cell cycle.
    • These cells then undergo further division to become stem cells.
    • The division of a cell into a pair of genetically identical daughters depends on accurate chromosome duplication and segregation.
    • Bridgemary community school in Gosport, Hampshire, is conducting a bold educational experiment by dismantling the traditional division of classes by age.
    • These cells replicate by division, do they not?
    • To ask these questions is to begin to question how the whole of society operates and how its division into classes narrows and stultifies the lives of nearly everyone, both men and women.
    • This affects the growth, reproduction and division of cells and the communication of signals between the outside of the cell and the nucleus inside the cell.
    • IT does not need elaborating that the emergence of the subcontinent from colonial rule and subsequent division into two entities were at a great human cost.
    • Cell division ceases with birth, and all development thereafter occurs by growth of individual cells.
    • Cell division and cell expansion are fundamental processes for growth and development of plant organs.
    • His research focuses on the mechanisms of cell movement and division.
    • At that point, the cells cease division but continue to grow.
    • The division into sections encourages a leisurely upward progress, animated by changing views of the Tagus plain stretched out below.
    • It was at last recognized that all living organisms consist of cells, which are the basic units of life, and which arise only by division from other cells.
    • The remarkable division of India (splitting the country into two disparate halves) is particularly puzzling.
    • Cancer is essentially the uncontrolled division of cells, and its development typically requires the presence of multiple mutations.
    dividing, dividing up, breaking up, break-up, cutting up, carving up, severance, splitting, dissection, bisection, cleaving
    partitioning, separation, segregation, disconnection, detachment
    1. 1.1 The distribution of something separated into parts.
      the division of his estates between the two branches of his family


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the case of land, wealth and sovereignty, sharing can be understood best as sharing by division which involves the apportionment of goods between individuals.
      • The ongoing dispute between Henry and the French nobles had begun in 1087, following the untimely death of William I and the division of his kingdom between his two sons.
      • Suppose A can propose any division of $10 between A and B. B can accept or reject A's proposal.
      • It was complicated and did not reflect the division of responsibilities between schools and LEAs.
      • They then went to live on a farm owned by their father, and returned to Osnabruck on November 1st, 1945, when their family faced division between different homes.
      • This set me thinking about the perennial problem of equitable division of household labour.
      • There was a great division of the spoils amongst the clubs.
      • Even those who remain sceptical of devolution must grant that, now the thing is established, the division of responsibilities makes sense, at least in some areas.
      • I interpret the distribution as a mutually agreeable division of the chattels in question.
      • I left the organization and division of responsibilities to the discretion of the students.
      • The division of health-care funding responsibilities between the federal, state and territory governments is unhealthy.
      • These differing approaches reinforce the unequal sexual division of labor in the household.
      sharing out, dividing up, parcelling out, allocation, allotment, apportionment, distribution, dispensation, disbursement
      splitting up, carving up, slicing up
      informal divvying up, dishing out
    2. 1.2count noun An instance of members of a legislative body separating into two groups to vote.
      the new clause was agreed without a division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If the Hunting Bill was so important, why did neither the Prime Minister nor the Chancellor bother to vote in most divisions?
      • Eventually, when we got to the final vote on the third reading a division was not even called, so I did not even have to have the necessary vote.
      • Figures compiled from the official parliamentary magazine Hansard put Mrs Smith among the bottom 20 MPs in terms of the numbers of divisions or votes attended during 2003.
      • Ministers must be persuaded to take part in debates and divisions and use the chamber as the central focus of national politics.
      • The Bolton West MP took part in just 29.2 per cent of divisions or votes in the last parliamentary session - placing her 13 th from bottom.
    3. 1.3 The action of splitting the roots of a perennial plant into parts to be replanted separately, as a means of propagation.
      the plant can also be easily increased by division in autumn


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you want to share or increase a special plant, division is the best way to do it.
      • These bulbs don't like frequent replantings and can take their time flowering after division.
      • Pot-bound grasses require frequent watering, as well as annual division and repotting.
      • Reinvigorated by division, established perennials typically produce more and larger flowers.
      • Except for very young plants, division is my least-preferred method of propagation.
    4. 1.4Logic The action of dividing a wider class into two or more subclasses.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • By supposing that the atoms form the lowest limit to division, the atomists escape from this dilemma: a total space traversed has only a finite number of parts.
      • Aristotle proposes a solution that applies to definitions reached by the ‘method of division.’
      • A truly main class (e.g., the natural sciences) is usually susceptible to logical division into subclasses that are themselves known as disciplines.
      • I have already drawn attention to Kant's important threefold division of the subject matter of speculative metaphysics.
      • Ideal division ‘progresses to infinity’; actual division terminates in atoms after finitely many steps.
  • 2Difference or disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension.


    a growing sense of division between north and south


    count noun deep cultural divisions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This election has uncovered a vast cultural division between Americans, but what is the cause?
    • The vote reflects the social divisions in French society.
    • In an internal Labour group document leaked to the Evening Press last year, it was claimed the Government-imposed shake-up of the council had caused divisions among party members.
    • I think that reminded us all that there is a sharp division of members' views on the bill we are discussing, with people taking very different attitudes and approaches to it.
    • The flashpoints of division between Europe and America reflect this underlying conflict.
    • All the while he has hoped that division between countries and uncertain public opinion in the democracies would weaken our resolve and allow him to carry on in power unchecked.
    • The government is trying to reinforce the old class divisions in society.
    • It's a message that's taking hold in Europe, causing more division between the EU and the US.
    • Despite the unanimous vote, divisions began to surface after the meeting.
    • I fear that because of the stance of these leaders, there could be a fall out leading to even more division between those congregations and others that don't agree with them on everything.
    • While this was heralded as demonstrating the new unity of the party, the first round vote had indicated significant divisions.
    • There was a real and deeply worrying possibility that it would reopen the Cold War division between East and West.
    • And people are left to believe that division and conflict and tension are the only sources that we can look for in the future.
    • A series of disruptive wildcat strikes created deep divisions between different groups of workers in the company.
    • Socialism depends on workers overcoming the divisions within their own ranks.
    • Like many other countries, including Britain, America has endured its share of racial division, particularly over the past few decades.
    • It has created disunity and division between people.
    • The division between the pro- and anti-Europeans is, in the real world, about nothing more or less than the European Union.
    • That's a remarkable achievement given the bitter division between those two parties.
    • In such ways are the seeds of social division and sectarianism planted in young children and there's no reason to think it's much different now.
    disunity, disunion, conflict, discord, disagreement, dissension, disaffection, estrangement, alienation, isolation, detachment
    variance, difference
    difference of opinion, feud, breach, rupture, split, chasm
    informal falling-out
    rare scission
  • 3The process of dividing one number by another.


    no multiplication or division is necessary
    Example sentencesExamples
    • However, multiplication is typically learned first and most individuals are more practiced on multiplication then division.
    • The book contains addition, subtraction, multiplication and, very surprisingly for that period, also division.
    • I fully see the point of mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but after that - what's the point?
    • And - this is the part that really bugs me - I can add and multiply, but am really bad at subtraction and division.
    • While some problems needed only division or multiplication to solve, others used fractions or multiple steps.
    • This is a math training program that helps teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    • Topics considered include addition and subtraction of decimal numbers followed by multiplication and division of decimal numbers.
    • There I learned addition, multiplication, division and subtraction, mostly from several private tutors.
    • We learn how the dynamics of addition and subtraction are linked to multiplication and division, and eventually to theorems of algebra.
    • But multiplication and division are not at all easy, and there is no way the Roman system could form the basis for any scientific or technical work.
    • Yet the Mayan number system is certainly capable of being used for the operations of multiplication and division as the authors of demonstrate.
    • Basically they had to devise methods of multiplication and division which only involved addition.
    • He did his work at home: spelling lists, book reports, the math book full of multiplication and division problems.
    • Anyone who studies mathematics should not be afraid of the difficulty of multiplication and division, but should be afraid of the mysteries of manipulating fractions.
    • A further difficulty with explaining subtraction and division to children is that they are not always possible.
    • Hermann's contributions to mathematics include a treatise dealing with multiplication and division, although this book is written entirely with Roman numerals.
    • Other chapters explore subtraction, multiplication, division, and other related topics.
    • However, some multiplication and most division problems are still very complicated.
    • Can you explain binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a non-complex manner?
    • The work contains 11 chapters, one each on topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots and cube roots.
    1. 3.1Mathematics The process of dividing a matrix, vector, or other quantity by another under specific rules to obtain a quotient.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The former is better for addition and subtraction of vectors, but can be used for multiplication and division of vectors as well.
      • The rules for multiplication and division of a matrix by a scalar (a real number) are simpler.
      • I found it perfectly reasonable that division by a fraction should equal multiplication by its reciprocal.
  • 4count noun Each of the parts into which something is divided.


    the main divisions of the book


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Set each plant in a shallow hole large enough to accommodate the division and the attached fibrous roots.
    • The tendon of insertion divides into two divisions, deep and superficial.
    • During the 1940s, the medical parties were divided into three divisions.
    • There were 87 divisions, each divided into blocks, ranging from 26 to 157 blocks.
    • This anthology is organized around the major canonical divisions of the English Bible.
    • According to the Table of Contents, the book is divided into five named sections, of several chapters each, but there is no sign of these section divisions in the text itself.
    • Waring also wrote on algebraic curves, classifying quartic curves into 12 main divisions with 84551 subdivisions.
    • This text is divided into seven divisions allowing the systematic presentation of dosage forms according to their physical form and characteristics.
    • Each division should have its own roots and stems.
    • The water flow pathway from the roots to the leaves of most plants passes through a number of structural divisions or branch junctions, particularly in the case of large woody plants.
    • The distance between these points is then divided into 100 divisions or degrees.
    • In each school, the children will be divided into four divisions in conformity with their age groups.
    • This attractive roadside holding, of 11 elevated acres, is situated two miles from Kilmallock, is divided into three main divisions and has mains water supply.
    • The three main divisions or grades of cabinets are stock, semi-custom, and custom.
    • When separated from the original iris clump, each division is ready to plant.
    • Most divided at the point where the leaf blade joins the stem and, in most, the divisions are divided again.
    • As mentioned above, the divisions of the catalog do not correspond to the placement of objects in the exhibition, and some catalog entries differ with the museum's labels.
    • Unfortunately, there are few quantitative data on the relative sizes of major brain divisions in most craniates.
    • The events at the festival have been categorized in four major divisions: Music, Dance, Opera & Drama, and Art.
    section, subsection, subdivision, part, portion, piece, bit, segment, slice, fragment, chunk, component, share
    compartment, category, class, group, grouping, set, order, batch, family
    1. 4.1 A major section of an organization, with responsibility for a particular area of activity.
      a retail division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The plant hire division in Britain delivered operating profits of €1.9 million.
      • The software is designed for companies who have a requirement for controlling separate divisions such as contracting, service and maintenance and plant control.
      • The Hydraulics division imports and distributes hydraulic equipment to the domestic market.
      • Moreover, although work groups socialized after hours, they did so only within the confines of their separate divisions.
      • Beacon, Best Western's separate purchasing division, also operates out of the Clifton Moor headquarters.
      • Back then the Newspaper Division was the largest of about a dozen divisions with nearly 400 members.
      • One division within a company may have authorized access to information for the performance of a specific contract that another division of the same company does not.
      • The company is in the process of splitting off these more profitable operations, which include the Internet data services, into separate divisions or companies.
      • Over the past year the company has launched the distribution division and fine-tuned its franchising package.
      • Since the reports had only gone to the president, the financial division never allocated him any funds beyond his own salary.
      • Landis is by any standards a big business - the distribution division turns over €450m a year.
      • The finance division can now obtain more accurate and frequent statistics, the company said.
      • Furthermore, the company also informed of profits at the hotel division increasing 48%.
      • The hope is that Jaguar, and also the separate Cosworth division, can be sold as going concerns.
      • They suspect private companies will purchase the separate divisions at bargain basement prices and implement sweeping restructuring and job cuts.
      • City Power has also established a division of 100 staff members dedicated to public lighting.
      • Web operations were separated into stand-alone divisions, lest they be dragged down by their association with old ink-on-paper companies.
      • Revenue in its services division grew 42 per cent to $19 million.
      • We have started 2005 with a simpler business focused on our core lending and retail divisions.
      • Many large firms organized research divisions and departments that institutionalized technological change.
      department, branch, arm, wing, sector, section, subsection, subdivision, subsidiary, detachment, office, bureau, offshoot, satellite, extension
    2. 4.2 A group of army brigades or regiments.
      an infantry division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As such, unit selection is very important when taking out a specific enemy unit or division, as I would assume it is in real tactical combat.
      • Tank battalions, which supported infantry divisions, were at times broken up and spread over a whole division.
      • Not long afterwards he ordered one of the divisions encircling the base to withdraw.
      • However, brigades, divisions, corps, and armies formed only as needed in wartime and were promptly disbanded during peacetime.
      • In total, 2 tank brigades and an infantry division were destroyed by the attack planes.
      • By 1916, there was a standardization of support elements in each infantry division.
      • After the war he served as staff commander of an infantry regiment and division and commanded a combined unit.
      • Since the 1930s, this army had developed a sound doctrine of warfare, and created powerful Panzer divisions of tanks, infantry and artillery.
      • It contained eight infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, and a tank brigade.
      • After recovering from a wound suffered in September 1864, Upton actively led a cavalry division at war's end.
      • Tank units and subunits attached to rifle divisions and regiments were used for direct support of infantry.
      • For example, the reorganization of army divisions into brigades capable of autonomous response would increase the flexibility of these units.
      • Each division is broken into several brigades.
      • In 1899 Buller asked for him to command the cavalry division in South Africa.
      • The first panzer division was improvised in the summer of 1935.
      • Today's Army divisions are composed of brigades, not regiments.
      • In real terms, the commanders of armies and divisions had one day or two days for decision-making and planning.
      • All 10 of our major combat divisions are ahead of expectations for retention of soldiers.
      • Armored divisions have more tanks than mechanized infantry divisions.
      • One report said they were separated from their division and later wanted to return to Japan but feared they would face a court-martial.
    3. 4.3 A number of teams or competitors grouped together in a sport for competitive purposes according to such characteristics as ability or weight.
      the club will finish second in Division One


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In my time, the nearest we got to a trophy was winning the old second division.
      • Within each weight division each competitor is placed in a pool that determines who they fight first.
      • They're a dangerous team in a division that looks eminently winnable.
      • If enough teams apply, the second division will be split into a Conference North and South.
      • Sixteen years ago there were two national league divisions with 10 teams competing in each.
      • They will each play eight more teams before Christmas, when the competition will be divided into two divisions.
      • After initial heats, teams were divided into divisions based on time.
      • There's still a long way to go and in this league, unlike some of the other divisions, the top teams are capable of losing to the bottom sides and vice verse.
      • There has been a change to the league structure this year with division 1 and division 2 being broken up into three groups of eight.
      • Resounding wins for the top clubs in all divisions helped the teams secure the places.
      • Andy Kay steered the second eleven to promotion to the premier division of the York and District Senior League.
      • Ray won the second division with 40 points.
      • They are being separated into divisions first before the serious competition gets underway.
      • Things will even out now that teams are playing more teams outside of their divisions, and the preseason expectations will look more viable.
      • By the end of the decade the league had eight teams in two divisions and all teams played a 72-game schedule.
      • Most of the clubs teams finished in the top half of their divisions with none relegated.
      • A total of 83 teams competed in ten divisions this year, making it the biggest league of its type in Great Britain.
      • Jefferson, 27, currently ranks second in the U.S. at 73 kg, one of the most competitive weight divisions in judo.
      • Each weight class and each division was fiercely contested.
      • Today the league has 25 teams competing in three divisions.
    4. 4.4 A part of a county, country, or city defined for administrative or political purposes.
      a licensing division of a district


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A survey for detailed info on child labourers is progressing in eight divisions of the old city.
      • Colchester police, alongside other divisions in the county, is reviewing the way it deals with calls.
      • Sources say that in city divisions such as Howdenhall, which covers a large part of south Edinburgh, there can be as few as four beat officers available on day and night shifts.
      • Car thefts dropped by eight per cent in the eastern division and rose by eight per cent in the central division.
      • The division stretches from the city centre and Openshaw in the south to Blackley in the north.
      • Act IV of 1919 divided the City into 30 divisions, raised the number of Commissioners and re-designated them as councillors.
      • This is not an easy task, especially in areas such as northern Virginia where school divisions are experiencing major demographic changes.
      • Does anyone out there think the North Unit has that much less drug activity than the other divisions?
      • It involved replacing three administrative divisions with one ‘super division’.
      • Today, it emerged that the burglary rate in the South Trafford police division dropped 59 per cent.
      • The volume concludes with five state maps showing county divisions between 1820 and 1870 and an index.
      • During the campaign raids were carried out in six of the county's nine divisions.
      • From April 2003 to April this year there were 2,200 burglaries in the Bradford North division, a 38 per cent reduction on the previous year.
      • Of those, 33 were in the Eastern Division, covering Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley, the highest total in the county's six divisions.
      • The city's six police divisions will be merged into four in a move that will see management and administration cuts while support staff will help police officers with paperwork, giving them more time on the beat.
      • The proposed extension would be until 10.30 pm on weekdays from June 1 to September 30, being similar to those allowed in neighbouring divisions.
      • Currently 12 of the 16 police divisions in the city offer programs similar to Community Alert and Auto-dialler.
      • The advice has been dished out by Northern division's road policing unit after a number of complaints to police from motorists about cycle users not using lights and an increase in accidents.
      • The country is divided into four divisions, twenty districts, subdistricts, union parishads, and villages.
    5. 4.5British A part of a county or borough forming a parliamentary constituency.
      he was MP for the Lancaster division of North Lancashire


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cllr Jones is the current county councillor for the division.
      • Winston Jones, making his first appearance in South Bradford as prospective parliamentary candidate for the division, was introduced to the new branch.
      • The following Derbyshire divisions, all controlled by Labour, are in the Yorkshire Post area - the relevant divisions are shown in brackets.
      • The county's electoral divisions will change next year and South Woodham looks set to be freed from the nearby villages it is tied to, making it a stand-alone division
      • A total of 229 hopefuls have put their names forward as candidates for each of the county's divisions for the election on May 5.
    6. 4.6Botany A principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom, equivalent to the phylum in zoology.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The species are separated into the divisions Pteridophyta, Coniferophyta, and Magnoliophyta.
      • Families, genera, and species are arranged alphabetically within major taxonomic divisions.
      • It does not correspond to divisions between the four principal botanical species of squash.
    7. 4.7Zoology Any subsidiary category between major levels of classification.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The division Teleostei within the Osteichthyes (bony fish) is made up of 38 orders.
      • This finding is in accord with the observation that examples of ‘concrescence’ do not cross the primary dental divisions in mammals.
      • Thus, at the present time the taxonomic divisions at the familial level in the Orthocerida are not clear and a meaningful classification is not possible.
      • These divisions reflect major changes in the composition of ancient faunas, each era being recognized by its domination by a particular group of animals.
      • Gregory suggested a relationship to lagomorphs, and Simpson united the two into a major division of Eutheria, the Glires.
  • 5count noun A partition.

    the villagers lived in a communal building and there were no solid divisions between neighbours


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At the Tate Modern there is no division between a fancy restaurant for certain visitors and the cheap self-service one for everyone else.
    • There is no proper division between the road and the bus stop.
    • The only division between her classroom and his is a wooden partition erected in 1930.
    • In just four minutes the boom, like a wall, can be raised up from a 1.8 metre deep slot at the bed of the pool, creating a solid division.
    • Organising an open plan area without physical divisions can be deceptively complicated.
    • Not only was it virtually naked, stripped of all lights, signs and road markings, but there was no division between road and sidewalk.
    dividing line, divide, boundary, boundary line, borderline, border, partition, margin, demarcation line, line of demarcation, cut-off point


  • division of labour

    • The assignment of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But in doing so they cut themselves off from the efficiencies created by the division of labour.
      • People are appointed to different jobs within a division of labour.
      • He defended free trade as necessary to the division of labor.
      • The division of labor will allow for efficient innovation of new products once the basic needs of the local economy are met.
      • Smith famously used a pin factory to explain how specialised tasks under a division of labour massively increase productivity.
      • The scope for the division of labour and mutually profitable exchange steadily widened.
      • This is, in fact, a manifestation of the gains of trade and division of labor, and the growth of the market, and not vice versa.
      • Modern society, based as it is on the division of labor, can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.
      • He applies his theory to real questions of property, law, organization and the division of labor.
      • No one is forced to join the specialized division of labor.


  • divisionary

  • adjective


Late Middle English: from Old French devisiun, from Latin divisio(n-), from the verb dividere (see divide).


circumcision, collision, concision, decision, derision, elision, envision, excision, imprecision, incision, misprision, precisian, precision, provision, scission, vision

Definition of division in US English:


  • 1The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.


    the division of the land into small fields


    a gene that helps regulate cell division


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The remarkable division of India (splitting the country into two disparate halves) is particularly puzzling.
    • The division of a cell into a pair of genetically identical daughters depends on accurate chromosome duplication and segregation.
    • To ask these questions is to begin to question how the whole of society operates and how its division into classes narrows and stultifies the lives of nearly everyone, both men and women.
    • Every second millions of cells divide in our body and the process of division is called the cell cycle.
    • It was at last recognized that all living organisms consist of cells, which are the basic units of life, and which arise only by division from other cells.
    • If you look at how those drugs work, they all target processes that are involved in active cell growth and division.
    • Cancer is essentially the uncontrolled division of cells, and its development typically requires the presence of multiple mutations.
    • His research focuses on the mechanisms of cell movement and division.
    • That way, each of the two cells resulting from division has one complete set of genes.
    • The division into sections encourages a leisurely upward progress, animated by changing views of the Tagus plain stretched out below.
    • Bridgemary community school in Gosport, Hampshire, is conducting a bold educational experiment by dismantling the traditional division of classes by age.
    • Cell division and cell expansion are fundamental processes for growth and development of plant organs.
    • IT does not need elaborating that the emergence of the subcontinent from colonial rule and subsequent division into two entities were at a great human cost.
    • These cells then undergo further division to become stem cells.
    • Every type started its development with an epidermal cell, which first underwent a periclinal cell division.
    • These cells replicate by division, do they not?
    • This affects the growth, reproduction and division of cells and the communication of signals between the outside of the cell and the nucleus inside the cell.
    • In some cases this involves displacing chemically related metal ions that are required for important biological functions such as cell growth, division and repair.
    • At that point, the cells cease division but continue to grow.
    • Cell division ceases with birth, and all development thereafter occurs by growth of individual cells.
    dividing, dividing up, breaking up, break-up, cutting up, carving up, severance, splitting, dissection, bisection, cleaving
    1. 1.1 The distribution of something separated into parts.
      the division of his estates between the two branches of his family


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There was a great division of the spoils amongst the clubs.
      • It was complicated and did not reflect the division of responsibilities between schools and LEAs.
      • Suppose A can propose any division of $10 between A and B. B can accept or reject A's proposal.
      • The division of health-care funding responsibilities between the federal, state and territory governments is unhealthy.
      • I interpret the distribution as a mutually agreeable division of the chattels in question.
      • I left the organization and division of responsibilities to the discretion of the students.
      • This set me thinking about the perennial problem of equitable division of household labour.
      • Even those who remain sceptical of devolution must grant that, now the thing is established, the division of responsibilities makes sense, at least in some areas.
      • These differing approaches reinforce the unequal sexual division of labor in the household.
      • The ongoing dispute between Henry and the French nobles had begun in 1087, following the untimely death of William I and the division of his kingdom between his two sons.
      • They then went to live on a farm owned by their father, and returned to Osnabruck on November 1st, 1945, when their family faced division between different homes.
      • In the case of land, wealth and sovereignty, sharing can be understood best as sharing by division which involves the apportionment of goods between individuals.
      sharing out, dividing up, parcelling out, allocation, allotment, apportionment, distribution, dispensation, disbursement
    2. 1.2 An instance of members of a legislative body separating into two groups to vote for or against a bill.
      the new clause was agreed without a division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ministers must be persuaded to take part in debates and divisions and use the chamber as the central focus of national politics.
      • Figures compiled from the official parliamentary magazine Hansard put Mrs Smith among the bottom 20 MPs in terms of the numbers of divisions or votes attended during 2003.
      • Eventually, when we got to the final vote on the third reading a division was not even called, so I did not even have to have the necessary vote.
      • The Bolton West MP took part in just 29.2 per cent of divisions or votes in the last parliamentary session - placing her 13 th from bottom.
      • If the Hunting Bill was so important, why did neither the Prime Minister nor the Chancellor bother to vote in most divisions?
    3. 1.3 The action of splitting the roots of a perennial plant into parts to be replanted separately, as a means of propagation.
      the plant can also be easily increased by division in autumn


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Except for very young plants, division is my least-preferred method of propagation.
      • Pot-bound grasses require frequent watering, as well as annual division and repotting.
      • If you want to share or increase a special plant, division is the best way to do it.
      • These bulbs don't like frequent replantings and can take their time flowering after division.
      • Reinvigorated by division, established perennials typically produce more and larger flowers.
    4. 1.4Logic The action of dividing a wider class into two or more subclasses.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I have already drawn attention to Kant's important threefold division of the subject matter of speculative metaphysics.
      • Aristotle proposes a solution that applies to definitions reached by the ‘method of division.’
      • By supposing that the atoms form the lowest limit to division, the atomists escape from this dilemma: a total space traversed has only a finite number of parts.
      • A truly main class (e.g., the natural sciences) is usually susceptible to logical division into subclasses that are themselves known as disciplines.
      • Ideal division ‘progresses to infinity’; actual division terminates in atoms after finitely many steps.
  • 2Disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility.


    a growing sense of division between north and south


    deep cultural divisions
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I think that reminded us all that there is a sharp division of members' views on the bill we are discussing, with people taking very different attitudes and approaches to it.
    • And people are left to believe that division and conflict and tension are the only sources that we can look for in the future.
    • A series of disruptive wildcat strikes created deep divisions between different groups of workers in the company.
    • It's a message that's taking hold in Europe, causing more division between the EU and the US.
    • The vote reflects the social divisions in French society.
    • The government is trying to reinforce the old class divisions in society.
    • In an internal Labour group document leaked to the Evening Press last year, it was claimed the Government-imposed shake-up of the council had caused divisions among party members.
    • In such ways are the seeds of social division and sectarianism planted in young children and there's no reason to think it's much different now.
    • Like many other countries, including Britain, America has endured its share of racial division, particularly over the past few decades.
    • There was a real and deeply worrying possibility that it would reopen the Cold War division between East and West.
    • While this was heralded as demonstrating the new unity of the party, the first round vote had indicated significant divisions.
    • This election has uncovered a vast cultural division between Americans, but what is the cause?
    • That's a remarkable achievement given the bitter division between those two parties.
    • All the while he has hoped that division between countries and uncertain public opinion in the democracies would weaken our resolve and allow him to carry on in power unchecked.
    • It has created disunity and division between people.
    • The flashpoints of division between Europe and America reflect this underlying conflict.
    • Socialism depends on workers overcoming the divisions within their own ranks.
    • I fear that because of the stance of these leaders, there could be a fall out leading to even more division between those congregations and others that don't agree with them on everything.
    • The division between the pro- and anti-Europeans is, in the real world, about nothing more or less than the European Union.
    • Despite the unanimous vote, divisions began to surface after the meeting.
    disunity, disunion, conflict, discord, disagreement, dissension, disaffection, estrangement, alienation, isolation, detachment
  • 3The process or skill of dividing one number by another.


    See also long division, short division
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is a math training program that helps teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    • I fully see the point of mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but after that - what's the point?
    • Basically they had to devise methods of multiplication and division which only involved addition.
    • Can you explain binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a non-complex manner?
    • However, some multiplication and most division problems are still very complicated.
    • Anyone who studies mathematics should not be afraid of the difficulty of multiplication and division, but should be afraid of the mysteries of manipulating fractions.
    • A further difficulty with explaining subtraction and division to children is that they are not always possible.
    • And - this is the part that really bugs me - I can add and multiply, but am really bad at subtraction and division.
    • We learn how the dynamics of addition and subtraction are linked to multiplication and division, and eventually to theorems of algebra.
    • The work contains 11 chapters, one each on topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots and cube roots.
    • But multiplication and division are not at all easy, and there is no way the Roman system could form the basis for any scientific or technical work.
    • Yet the Mayan number system is certainly capable of being used for the operations of multiplication and division as the authors of demonstrate.
    • Topics considered include addition and subtraction of decimal numbers followed by multiplication and division of decimal numbers.
    • Other chapters explore subtraction, multiplication, division, and other related topics.
    • There I learned addition, multiplication, division and subtraction, mostly from several private tutors.
    • He did his work at home: spelling lists, book reports, the math book full of multiplication and division problems.
    • The book contains addition, subtraction, multiplication and, very surprisingly for that period, also division.
    • While some problems needed only division or multiplication to solve, others used fractions or multiple steps.
    • Hermann's contributions to mathematics include a treatise dealing with multiplication and division, although this book is written entirely with Roman numerals.
    • However, multiplication is typically learned first and most individuals are more practiced on multiplication then division.
    1. 3.1Mathematics The process of dividing a matrix, vector, or other quantity by another under specific rules to obtain a quotient.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The rules for multiplication and division of a matrix by a scalar (a real number) are simpler.
      • I found it perfectly reasonable that division by a fraction should equal multiplication by its reciprocal.
      • The former is better for addition and subtraction of vectors, but can be used for multiplication and division of vectors as well.
  • 4Each of the parts into which something is divided.


    the main divisions of the book


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This anthology is organized around the major canonical divisions of the English Bible.
    • Each division should have its own roots and stems.
    • When separated from the original iris clump, each division is ready to plant.
    • This text is divided into seven divisions allowing the systematic presentation of dosage forms according to their physical form and characteristics.
    • During the 1940s, the medical parties were divided into three divisions.
    • Waring also wrote on algebraic curves, classifying quartic curves into 12 main divisions with 84551 subdivisions.
    • Most divided at the point where the leaf blade joins the stem and, in most, the divisions are divided again.
    • The events at the festival have been categorized in four major divisions: Music, Dance, Opera & Drama, and Art.
    • As mentioned above, the divisions of the catalog do not correspond to the placement of objects in the exhibition, and some catalog entries differ with the museum's labels.
    • The three main divisions or grades of cabinets are stock, semi-custom, and custom.
    • The distance between these points is then divided into 100 divisions or degrees.
    • There were 87 divisions, each divided into blocks, ranging from 26 to 157 blocks.
    • This attractive roadside holding, of 11 elevated acres, is situated two miles from Kilmallock, is divided into three main divisions and has mains water supply.
    • Set each plant in a shallow hole large enough to accommodate the division and the attached fibrous roots.
    • Unfortunately, there are few quantitative data on the relative sizes of major brain divisions in most craniates.
    • In each school, the children will be divided into four divisions in conformity with their age groups.
    • According to the Table of Contents, the book is divided into five named sections, of several chapters each, but there is no sign of these section divisions in the text itself.
    • The water flow pathway from the roots to the leaves of most plants passes through a number of structural divisions or branch junctions, particularly in the case of large woody plants.
    • The tendon of insertion divides into two divisions, deep and superficial.
    section, subsection, subdivision, part, portion, piece, bit, segment, slice, fragment, chunk, component, share
    1. 4.1 A major unit or section of an organization, typically one handling a particular kind of work.
      a retail division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The company is in the process of splitting off these more profitable operations, which include the Internet data services, into separate divisions or companies.
      • Landis is by any standards a big business - the distribution division turns over €450m a year.
      • Revenue in its services division grew 42 per cent to $19 million.
      • Beacon, Best Western's separate purchasing division, also operates out of the Clifton Moor headquarters.
      • The hope is that Jaguar, and also the separate Cosworth division, can be sold as going concerns.
      • They suspect private companies will purchase the separate divisions at bargain basement prices and implement sweeping restructuring and job cuts.
      • The plant hire division in Britain delivered operating profits of €1.9 million.
      • City Power has also established a division of 100 staff members dedicated to public lighting.
      • Since the reports had only gone to the president, the financial division never allocated him any funds beyond his own salary.
      • One division within a company may have authorized access to information for the performance of a specific contract that another division of the same company does not.
      • Furthermore, the company also informed of profits at the hotel division increasing 48%.
      • Over the past year the company has launched the distribution division and fine-tuned its franchising package.
      • The software is designed for companies who have a requirement for controlling separate divisions such as contracting, service and maintenance and plant control.
      • Back then the Newspaper Division was the largest of about a dozen divisions with nearly 400 members.
      • Many large firms organized research divisions and departments that institutionalized technological change.
      • Web operations were separated into stand-alone divisions, lest they be dragged down by their association with old ink-on-paper companies.
      • The Hydraulics division imports and distributes hydraulic equipment to the domestic market.
      • The finance division can now obtain more accurate and frequent statistics, the company said.
      • We have started 2005 with a simpler business focused on our core lending and retail divisions.
      • Moreover, although work groups socialized after hours, they did so only within the confines of their separate divisions.
      department, branch, arm, wing, sector, section, subsection, subdivision, subsidiary, detachment, office, bureau, offshoot, satellite, extension
    2. 4.2 A group of army brigades or regiments.
      an infantry division


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Armored divisions have more tanks than mechanized infantry divisions.
      • As such, unit selection is very important when taking out a specific enemy unit or division, as I would assume it is in real tactical combat.
      • Not long afterwards he ordered one of the divisions encircling the base to withdraw.
      • For example, the reorganization of army divisions into brigades capable of autonomous response would increase the flexibility of these units.
      • All 10 of our major combat divisions are ahead of expectations for retention of soldiers.
      • However, brigades, divisions, corps, and armies formed only as needed in wartime and were promptly disbanded during peacetime.
      • One report said they were separated from their division and later wanted to return to Japan but feared they would face a court-martial.
      • In real terms, the commanders of armies and divisions had one day or two days for decision-making and planning.
      • Tank units and subunits attached to rifle divisions and regiments were used for direct support of infantry.
      • Tank battalions, which supported infantry divisions, were at times broken up and spread over a whole division.
      • Today's Army divisions are composed of brigades, not regiments.
      • Since the 1930s, this army had developed a sound doctrine of warfare, and created powerful Panzer divisions of tanks, infantry and artillery.
      • It contained eight infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, and a tank brigade.
      • The first panzer division was improvised in the summer of 1935.
      • By 1916, there was a standardization of support elements in each infantry division.
      • After recovering from a wound suffered in September 1864, Upton actively led a cavalry division at war's end.
      • Each division is broken into several brigades.
      • In total, 2 tank brigades and an infantry division were destroyed by the attack planes.
      • After the war he served as staff commander of an infantry regiment and division and commanded a combined unit.
      • In 1899 Buller asked for him to command the cavalry division in South Africa.
    3. 4.3 A number of teams or competitors grouped together in a sport for competitive purposes according to such characteristics as ability, size, or geographic location.
      the team will finish in fifth place in Division One


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most of the clubs teams finished in the top half of their divisions with none relegated.
      • There has been a change to the league structure this year with division 1 and division 2 being broken up into three groups of eight.
      • By the end of the decade the league had eight teams in two divisions and all teams played a 72-game schedule.
      • Resounding wins for the top clubs in all divisions helped the teams secure the places.
      • Things will even out now that teams are playing more teams outside of their divisions, and the preseason expectations will look more viable.
      • Andy Kay steered the second eleven to promotion to the premier division of the York and District Senior League.
      • A total of 83 teams competed in ten divisions this year, making it the biggest league of its type in Great Britain.
      • Ray won the second division with 40 points.
      • Jefferson, 27, currently ranks second in the U.S. at 73 kg, one of the most competitive weight divisions in judo.
      • Each weight class and each division was fiercely contested.
      • Today the league has 25 teams competing in three divisions.
      • In my time, the nearest we got to a trophy was winning the old second division.
      • They're a dangerous team in a division that looks eminently winnable.
      • If enough teams apply, the second division will be split into a Conference North and South.
      • Sixteen years ago there were two national league divisions with 10 teams competing in each.
      • They will each play eight more teams before Christmas, when the competition will be divided into two divisions.
      • There's still a long way to go and in this league, unlike some of the other divisions, the top teams are capable of losing to the bottom sides and vice verse.
      • They are being separated into divisions first before the serious competition gets underway.
      • After initial heats, teams were divided into divisions based on time.
      • Within each weight division each competitor is placed in a pool that determines who they fight first.
    4. 4.4 A part of a county, country, or city defined for administrative or political purposes.
      a licensing division of a district


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The country is divided into four divisions, twenty districts, subdistricts, union parishads, and villages.
      • Colchester police, alongside other divisions in the county, is reviewing the way it deals with calls.
      • Currently 12 of the 16 police divisions in the city offer programs similar to Community Alert and Auto-dialler.
      • The advice has been dished out by Northern division's road policing unit after a number of complaints to police from motorists about cycle users not using lights and an increase in accidents.
      • Today, it emerged that the burglary rate in the South Trafford police division dropped 59 per cent.
      • Of those, 33 were in the Eastern Division, covering Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley, the highest total in the county's six divisions.
      • From April 2003 to April this year there were 2,200 burglaries in the Bradford North division, a 38 per cent reduction on the previous year.
      • The proposed extension would be until 10.30 pm on weekdays from June 1 to September 30, being similar to those allowed in neighbouring divisions.
      • The volume concludes with five state maps showing county divisions between 1820 and 1870 and an index.
      • Sources say that in city divisions such as Howdenhall, which covers a large part of south Edinburgh, there can be as few as four beat officers available on day and night shifts.
      • The division stretches from the city centre and Openshaw in the south to Blackley in the north.
      • During the campaign raids were carried out in six of the county's nine divisions.
      • Car thefts dropped by eight per cent in the eastern division and rose by eight per cent in the central division.
      • The city's six police divisions will be merged into four in a move that will see management and administration cuts while support staff will help police officers with paperwork, giving them more time on the beat.
      • It involved replacing three administrative divisions with one ‘super division’.
      • A survey for detailed info on child labourers is progressing in eight divisions of the old city.
      • Does anyone out there think the North Unit has that much less drug activity than the other divisions?
      • Act IV of 1919 divided the City into 30 divisions, raised the number of Commissioners and re-designated them as councillors.
      • This is not an easy task, especially in areas such as northern Virginia where school divisions are experiencing major demographic changes.
    5. 4.5British A part of a county or borough forming a parliamentary constituency.
      he was MP for the Lancaster division of North Lancashire


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A total of 229 hopefuls have put their names forward as candidates for each of the county's divisions for the election on May 5.
      • The county's electoral divisions will change next year and South Woodham looks set to be freed from the nearby villages it is tied to, making it a stand-alone division
      • Winston Jones, making his first appearance in South Bradford as prospective parliamentary candidate for the division, was introduced to the new branch.
      • Cllr Jones is the current county councillor for the division.
      • The following Derbyshire divisions, all controlled by Labour, are in the Yorkshire Post area - the relevant divisions are shown in brackets.
    6. 4.6Botany A principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom, equivalent to the phylum in zoology.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It does not correspond to divisions between the four principal botanical species of squash.
      • Families, genera, and species are arranged alphabetically within major taxonomic divisions.
      • The species are separated into the divisions Pteridophyta, Coniferophyta, and Magnoliophyta.
    7. 4.7Zoology Any subsidiary category between major levels of classification.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus, at the present time the taxonomic divisions at the familial level in the Orthocerida are not clear and a meaningful classification is not possible.
      • The division Teleostei within the Osteichthyes (bony fish) is made up of 38 orders.
      • Gregory suggested a relationship to lagomorphs, and Simpson united the two into a major division of Eutheria, the Glires.
      • This finding is in accord with the observation that examples of ‘concrescence’ do not cross the primary dental divisions in mammals.
      • These divisions reflect major changes in the composition of ancient faunas, each era being recognized by its domination by a particular group of animals.
  • 5A partition that divides two groups or things.


    the villagers lived in a communal building and there were no solid divisions between neighbors


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Not only was it virtually naked, stripped of all lights, signs and road markings, but there was no division between road and sidewalk.
    • Organising an open plan area without physical divisions can be deceptively complicated.
    • At the Tate Modern there is no division between a fancy restaurant for certain visitors and the cheap self-service one for everyone else.
    • There is no proper division between the road and the bus stop.
    • In just four minutes the boom, like a wall, can be raised up from a 1.8 metre deep slot at the bed of the pool, creating a solid division.
    • The only division between her classroom and his is a wooden partition erected in 1930.
    dividing line, divide, boundary, boundary line, borderline, border, partition, margin, demarcation line, line of demarcation, cut-off point


  • division of labor

    • The assignment of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But in doing so they cut themselves off from the efficiencies created by the division of labour.
      • He applies his theory to real questions of property, law, organization and the division of labor.
      • Smith famously used a pin factory to explain how specialised tasks under a division of labour massively increase productivity.
      • No one is forced to join the specialized division of labor.
      • People are appointed to different jobs within a division of labour.
      • He defended free trade as necessary to the division of labor.
      • This is, in fact, a manifestation of the gains of trade and division of labor, and the growth of the market, and not vice versa.
      • Modern society, based as it is on the division of labor, can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.
      • The division of labor will allow for efficient innovation of new products once the basic needs of the local economy are met.
      • The scope for the division of labour and mutually profitable exchange steadily widened.


Late Middle English: from Old French devisiun, from Latin divisio(n-), from the verb dividere (see divide).





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