

单词 divide

Definition of divide in English:


verb dɪˈvʌɪddəˈvaɪd
  • 1Separate or be separated into parts.


    with object consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories


    no object the cell clusters began to divide rapidly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • New South Wales, the first colony, was subsequently divided into five separate colonies.
    • The borough has been divided into five separate areas that will each have a dedicated team of workers to carry out a regular cleaning regime.
    • The boys divided into two groups, each group occupying a separate room.
    • Once the embryo divided into eight cells, the cells were carefully separated, and DNA from each cell was inserted into fresh egg cells whose DNA had been removed.
    • Participants were randomly divided into three groups of 16 participants.
    • The 100 participants were randomly divided into two groups.
    • The glossary has been moved to the back of the manual and the index has been divided into separate sections for common and scientific plant names.
    • If the site is large, then it may be divided into smaller plots and each plot managed separately by different group of students.
    • However, they could not stay unified and have since divided into five separate church groups.
    • This combination of factors yielded 216 trials, which were randomized and divided into two separate blocks.
    • The agent states that the property would make a family home or could be divided into two separate apartments as there are entrances at both garden level and first floor level.
    • After World War II Berlin was divided into separate parts.
    • You will note from the information sheet that organisations will be divided into two clusters for the selection process.
    • It has been divided into three separate races - the full marathon, half marathon and the celebrity run.
    • Since 1992, the secondary school curriculum has been divided into separate content areas.
    • As expected, the resulting fertilized eggs divided to form two cells.
    • The first floor accommodation, which originally comprised two rooms to the front and one to the back, has been divided into four separate units.
    • The work began in 1998 and was divided into three phases.
    • The property in Poplar Grove was divided into two separate homes.
    • According to the report, passenger and cargo transport should be divided into two separate companies.
    split, cut up, cleave, carve up, slice up, chop up, split up
    dissect, bisect, halve, quarter
    archaic sunder, rive
    rare fractionate, disjoin
    diverge, separate, part, branch, branch off, fork, split, split in two, go in different directions, go separate ways
    technical divaricate, bifurcate, furcate, ramify
    classify, sort, sort out, categorize, order, group, pigeonhole, grade, rank
    organize, arrange, dispose
    separate, segregate, partition
    1. 1.1with object Separate (something) into portions and share out among a number of people.
      Jack divided up the rest of the cash


      profits from his single were divided between a number of charities


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the east, the land was divided among all the adult male family members.
      • Freeholdings are divided among their owners' male and female heirs.
      • The city essentially got first pick, with the remains being divided among everyone else.
      • The territory of the empire was divided among the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Greece.
      • After attorneys' fees, any settlement or court award is divided among those participating in the suit.
      • The existing land was divided among five of the tribes.
      • Missouri's 2 million or so households would get 22 acres apiece if all the land in the state were divided among them.
      • The adults linger over coffee while the kids play, then the sausage is divided among the family members to take home and freeze for lasagna, pastas, and soups in the coming year.
      • Properties and land are divided among the family when the homeowner dies without a will - a common occurrence in Japan.
      • Also it was our standard procedure with any game taken, half went to the shooter and the other half was divided among the rest of the hunters.
      • Part was sent to corporate HQ as profit, the rest was divided among the directors.
      • That money is divided among the 43 teams in each race according to finishing order.
      • The money is divided among departments such as Welfare, Water Affairs and Public Works, which are involved in job creation programmes and poverty relief.
      • The players then take turns claiming territories one at a time until they are equally divided among the participants.
      • The grants, totalling 716336, will be divided amongst 17 different projects in the area and will include drainage works and surface dressing.
      • The family holdings were divided among six sons in the 1920s, with the largest tracts going to the sons of Richard Skinner and Chester Skinner.
      • Land is divided among the descendants after the death of the owner.
      • Using Companies House and other data, and cross-checking with industry sources, we estimated how each firm's profits were divided among its partners.
      • When Augustine died of sudden illness in the spring of 1743, his lands were divided among his sons.
      share out, allocate, allot, apportion, portion out, ration out, measure out, mete out, parcel out, deal out, dole out, hand out, distribute, dispense
      split, carve up, slice up, break up
      informal divvy up, dish out
      rare admeasure
    2. 1.2with object Allocate (different parts of one's time or efforts) to different activities or places.
      the last years of her life were divided between Bermuda and Paris


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His activity from 1612 to 1632 was divided between Toledo, Murcia, and Valencia.
      • His own life is divided between Los Angeles, where he works, and Hawaii.
      • I am in love with books and have to divide my day into house chores, time to write and time to read.
      • I divide my time at Student Health between nursing and working as one of the Health Education Coordinators.
      • Nowadays I divide my time between L.A. and Berlin, Germany.
    3. 1.3with object Form a boundary between (two people or things)
      glass panels divide the bar from the TV room
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A border of low black wire fencing was put in to divide the garden from the sidewalk.
      • To the left of the great gate a wall divides off a corner of the court.
      • But they are a bit like those boundary streets which divide the ‘hot’ places to live from the not-so-hot.
      • A double door divides the living room and dining room.
      separate, segregate, partition, detach, disconnect, screen off, section off, split off, demarcate, distinguish
      sever, rend
    4. 1.4 (of a legislative assembly) separate or be separated into two groups for voting.
      no object the House divided: Ayes 287, Noes 196


      with object the Party decided to put down an amendment and thus divide the House


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When the House divided to vote on the motion only half the MPs were present and the Abolition Bill was defeated.
      • When tellers have been nominated, the Speaker shall direct the Assembly to divide, ‘ayes’ to the right and ‘noes’ to the left.
      • I appeal to the Labor Party even now not to divide the Assembly on this issue.
      • I can tell members that the committee divided clearly on party lines.
      • The house divided as follows: Ayes: 127 Noes: 107 Abstentions: 73.
  • 2Disagree or cause to disagree.


    with object the question had divided Frenchmen since the Revolution


    no object cities where politicians frequently divide along racial lines


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Public opinion in the United States remains divided.
    • There were some calls over the weekend that the president step up to the plate and take charge over an administration that seems to be rather divided over this issue.
    • Although the scientific community may be divided on other agricultural issues, the overuse of chemicals is probably not one of them.
    • The membership will be very divided on that issue.
    • We are no more divided than many political parties in the United States or in the West.
    • However, road safety experts remain divided about the benefits of crash barriers over the presence of a wide unprotected central reservation.
    • And the City Council has always been divided on the question of McManus.
    • The party is leaderless, divided and bankrupt - financially, if not politically.
    • The experts, however, are divided on the issue.
    • However, controversy swirls as media ‘experts’ remain fiercely divided over the video.
    • But I was rather startled by how people have become sharply divided along political lines, and the positions that have been assumed.
    • He shows all the signs of arrogance over an issue which deeply divides our country.
    • Previous efforts divided the country's artistic community and led to the angry departure from the country of at least two major theatrical talents.
    • Drawing from the views of a wide variety of people living and working in the district, it described a city living in the grip of fear, divided along racial, religious and class lines.
    • Experts remain divided over whether market manipulation, or power shortages, were the primary cause of California's spiking prices.
    • Recent research, however, is divided on the issue.
    • But experts remain divided as to whether we are in for a long period of stagnation while average earnings catch up or whether outright falls in house prices are needed to get back to their long-term trend.
    • I figure that opinions of this one will be pretty much divided along partisan lines.
    • Health experts are divided on the question of why the number of asthma cases is increasing.
    • But pub landlords and club managers in Manchester remain divided about the effect a 24-hour opening law will have.
    divided, split, sectarian, schismatic, dissenting, contentious, discordant, conflicting, argumentative, disagreeing, disputatious, quarrelling, quarrelsome, clashing, warring, at variance, at loggerheads, at odds, disharmonious, tumultuous, turbulent, dissident, rebellious, insurrectionary, seditious, mutinous
  • 3Mathematics
    with object Find how many times (a number) contains another.


    36 divided by 2 equals 18


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Chris spotted that if he added 66 and 72 together, the total number divided by two would be 69.
    • The object is to add, subtract, multiply or divide these numbers in order to achieve the value of 24.
    • The next problem is how to multiply and divide numbers involving fractions.
    • Wouldn't it be nice if dividing fractions were as easy as dividing whole numbers?
    • The employment rate is simply the number employed divided by the size of the population.
    1. 3.1no object (of a number) be susceptible of division without a remainder.
      30 does not divide by 8


      Example sentencesExamples
      • What happens if the numbers do not divide exactly?
      • Two of these numbers divide by 5 with no remainder.
      • You check whether 15 divides by 2, and it doesn't.
    2. 3.2 Find how many times (a number) is contained in another.
      divide 4 into 20


      Example sentencesExamples
      • How do you divide 6 into 612?
      • If the hurricane was moving at 5 miles an hour and was expected to pass very close to your location, then divide 5 into 100. The answer is 20.
      • If you divide 2 into 13983816 you get 6991908 or exactly half.
    3. 3.3no object (of a number) be contained in a number without a remainder.
      3 divides into 15


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When dividing by the powers of the new base, it is important not to leave out any of the powers, even if the number does not divide into it.
      • 5 divides into 10 evenly.
      • Which other numbers exactly divide into (are factors of) Fibonacci numbers?
  • 1A difference or disagreement between two groups, typically producing tension.


    there was still a profound cultural divide between the parties


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A society where the social divide between haves and have-nots has become a chasm is a society that breeds violence and brutality.
    • Monday's troubles have further exacerbated the sectarian divide.
    • Secondly, by encouraging a drinking culture in younger people, the divide between young and old only widens.
    • Until today, the Coalition has coasted through this rift without rancour even though there's a huge divide between the two sides.
    • Nowhere is this divide more evident than in the discussion over the economic progress of African Americans in the '90s.
    • The key divide in Australian politics is now clear.
    • The big divide between them is over immigration.
    • The divide on the issue has emerged in the past year.
    • Whether or not the north-south divide exists, it is perpetuated through the media.
    • This is more an observation that a theory, but the divide between the pro-war and anti-war factions might be characterised by the likelihood of actually serving in combat.
    • But the prime minister has devoted more of his tour to EU diplomacy than to US, and impressively straddled what otherwise might be a damaging divide between the powers.
    • Because of their agreement on so many first principles, the divide between anti-capitalist anarchists and the anarcho-capitalists is an interesting one.
    • He declared: ‘It is the age-old divide between right and left.’
    • The United States has a long history of political divides along ethnic lines.
    • Indeed, the merchant's political convictions straddled the divide in southern opinion.
    • During the two-hour service he stressed how the natural disaster took no account of political boundaries or religious divides.
    • All the important rivalries in Europe both antedated the ideological divide and crossed its boundaries.
    • The combined effects of disenfranchisement laws, inmate population trends and economic realities perpetuate a racial divide in society.
    • The apparent refusal is being described by some American intelligence analysts as an indication of a significant divide between the groups.
    • He said there was a cultural divide between those who came of age after 1989 and who are more open about saying what they feel, and those from an earlier, more repressed age.
    divergence, contrast, polarity, division, separation, difference, wide area of difference
    1. 1.1 A boundary between two things.
      symbolically, the difference of sex is a divide


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The divide between the digital and tangible is blurring…
      • The result is a collection of songs that shift like sands, with cyberpunk, strings, looped beats and urbane poetry blurring the divide between rock and the experimental.
      • What has gone missing is that this is also that rare American film that seamlessly breaches the divide between the political and the personal, the past and the present.
      • ‘The Map Makers’ is all about the divide between love and hate.
      • See it and see the work of the one Japanese director working today whose films are managing to cross continental divides.
      • For Williams, the divide between popular and elite art is the difference between art that makes people comfortable and art that shocks and makes you think.
      • If Rankin is to be believed, Edinburgh and Scotland are rife with violent crime, transformed when daylight fades and night falls, an easy divide between good and evil.
      • The rabbi explained that the purpose of the separating divide between men and women in the synagogue was to keep the men's thoughts on prayer.
      • Sex and religion are a constant theme in her lyrics, while her highly charged live performances straddle the divide between divine possession and lustful abandonment.
      • As it stands proudly at the entrance of the harbour, acting as a welcome to all ships, boats and seafarers returning to port, the tower forms an unconscious divide between Portsmouth now and then.
      • Albums were ‘serious’, singles were ‘for kids’, and the divide between the two had never been greater.
      • The appearance is dramatic and bold, straddling the divide between classic and modern.
      • The Holy Girl exposes the divide between spirituality and sexuality as inherently false and destructive.
      • One of the things that I find annoying about the divide between ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ art is the blather of the traditionalists.
      • Computer skills are becoming as essential as basic literacy for anyone entering the workforce and the divide between the techno-literate and illiterate will be just as pronounced.
      • These two books represent a common assessment of the deep divide between religion and the world of business but differ somewhat on the solutions they propose.
      • But there's a big divide between acting on stage and acting on film.
      • He plays huge venues like he used to play living rooms; discarding the divide between performer and audience, walking onto the stage as naturally as he crosses the bar for a beer.
      • Sorting out the divide between academic and vocational subjects, and ending the snobbery towards technical training features in all three parties' education manifestos.
      • He was a political editor and later head of news at BBC Northern Ireland before crossing the divide between those who report the news and those who help to shape the Government's message.
      breach, gulf, gap, split, divergence, differentiation
      borderline, boundary, dividing line
    2. 1.2US A ridge or line of high ground forming the division between two valleys or river systems.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Other pumps push/pull water as high as 2,000 feet in pipes crossing mountain divides.
      • The river meets a divide, and darkness spreads in four directions.
      • The highway then passed through two river valleys before again crossing the divide, which zigzags through the territory.
      • The rivers on the eastern side of the divide empty into Hudson's Bay, while the westerly rivers flow to the Pacific.
      • The Blue Nile and White Nile tributaries share a drainage divide with the Omo River.
      • To the officials and the sheep men of Sydney, the rivers which flowed inland from the western slopes of the divide were rivers filled with much promise.
      • The ridge is a lone ridge, right on the divide, and it drops directly to the desert floor.
      • This project includes the provision of a new source for the abstraction of water from the River Mahon, at the tidal divide near Ballylaneen.
      • If you want to change valleys, then you climb the mountainous divides.


  • divide and rule (or conquer)

    • The policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or opponents by encouraging dissent between them, thereby preventing them from uniting in opposition.


      the politics of divide and rule in society


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was playing the old bosses' game of divide and rule to prevent workers' full power being unleashed.
      • A key way occupying powers keep control in such circumstances is by divide and rule.
      • There are those in the British ruling classes who wish to maintain their power and privilege by using the age-old tactic of divide and rule.
      • He is someone who has always governed on the basis of divide and rule.
      • They understand the concept of divide and conquer.
      • The partition plan flowed from Britain's policy of divide and rule.
      • As a result of early colonial policies of divide and conquer, the regional governments tended to be drawn along ethnic lines.
      • Ethnic and tribal struggles among the seven million residents have been exploited by those pursuing tactics of divide and rule, inciting one group against the other, observers say.
      • Once again, the administration strategy appears to be divide and conquer.
      • Our opposition has a platform that can be equated to divide and conquer - at all costs, keep people apart, unwilling to learn from one another.
  • divided against itself

    • (of a group which should be coherent) split by factional interests.


      the regime is profoundly divided against itself


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It explains through the use of real people, in their own written words, what it was like to live in a country divided against itself.
      • If this Party is to continue to win elections in North Carolina, it cannot be divided against itself.
      • Europe, viciously divided against itself for centuries, has knit together into a democratic and civil society.
      • Political and economic instability relentlessly stalked Europe in the first half of the twentieth century, and it was divided against itself in a bitter ideological battle for much of the second half.
      • But what chance does the church have to convince educators and politicians, when the church is divided against itself?


Middle English (as a verb): from Latin dividere 'force apart, remove'. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.

  • English adopted divide from Latin dividere ‘to force apart, remove’ in the Middle Ages. The maxim divide and rule, recommending that a ruler or government set factions against each other so that they will not unite against the powers that be, is also of Latin origin: divide et impera. People often attribute it to the Renaissance Italian statesman and political philosopher Machiavelli (see Machiavellian), but in fact he denounced the principle. Dividend (Late Middle English) comes from the same Latin root, and originally meant ‘something to be divided’, while individual (Late Middle English) comes from the Latin for ‘not divisible’. See also widow


abide, applied, aside, astride, backslide, beside, bestride, betide, bide, bride, chide, Clyde, cockeyed, coincide, collide, confide, cried, decide, dried, elide, five-a-side, glide, guide, hide, hollow-eyed, I'd, implied, lied, misguide, nationwide, nide, offside, onside, outride, outside, pan-fried, pied, pie-eyed, pitch-side, popeyed, pride, provide, ride, Said, shied, side, slide, sloe-eyed, snide, square-eyed, starry-eyed, statewide, Strathclyde, stride, subdivide, subside, tide, tried, undyed, wall-eyed, wide, worldwide

Definition of divide in US English:


  • 1Separate or be separated into parts.


    with object consumer magazines can be divided into a number of different categories


    no object the cell clusters began to divide rapidly


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The first floor accommodation, which originally comprised two rooms to the front and one to the back, has been divided into four separate units.
    • As expected, the resulting fertilized eggs divided to form two cells.
    • The boys divided into two groups, each group occupying a separate room.
    • The work began in 1998 and was divided into three phases.
    • The agent states that the property would make a family home or could be divided into two separate apartments as there are entrances at both garden level and first floor level.
    • New South Wales, the first colony, was subsequently divided into five separate colonies.
    • According to the report, passenger and cargo transport should be divided into two separate companies.
    • The 100 participants were randomly divided into two groups.
    • Since 1992, the secondary school curriculum has been divided into separate content areas.
    • You will note from the information sheet that organisations will be divided into two clusters for the selection process.
    • After World War II Berlin was divided into separate parts.
    • However, they could not stay unified and have since divided into five separate church groups.
    • If the site is large, then it may be divided into smaller plots and each plot managed separately by different group of students.
    • Participants were randomly divided into three groups of 16 participants.
    • It has been divided into three separate races - the full marathon, half marathon and the celebrity run.
    • The glossary has been moved to the back of the manual and the index has been divided into separate sections for common and scientific plant names.
    • The property in Poplar Grove was divided into two separate homes.
    • The borough has been divided into five separate areas that will each have a dedicated team of workers to carry out a regular cleaning regime.
    • This combination of factors yielded 216 trials, which were randomized and divided into two separate blocks.
    • Once the embryo divided into eight cells, the cells were carefully separated, and DNA from each cell was inserted into fresh egg cells whose DNA had been removed.
    split, cut up, cleave, carve up, slice up, chop up, split up
    diverge, separate, part, branch, branch off, fork, split, split in two, go in different directions, go separate ways
    classify, sort, sort out, categorize, order, group, pigeonhole, grade, rank
    1. 1.1with object Separate (something) into portions and distribute a share to each of a number of people.
      Jack divided up the rest of the cash


      the property was divided among his heirs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The players then take turns claiming territories one at a time until they are equally divided among the participants.
      • The grants, totalling 716336, will be divided amongst 17 different projects in the area and will include drainage works and surface dressing.
      • The money is divided among departments such as Welfare, Water Affairs and Public Works, which are involved in job creation programmes and poverty relief.
      • Properties and land are divided among the family when the homeowner dies without a will - a common occurrence in Japan.
      • The existing land was divided among five of the tribes.
      • After attorneys' fees, any settlement or court award is divided among those participating in the suit.
      • When Augustine died of sudden illness in the spring of 1743, his lands were divided among his sons.
      • In the east, the land was divided among all the adult male family members.
      • Freeholdings are divided among their owners' male and female heirs.
      • The adults linger over coffee while the kids play, then the sausage is divided among the family members to take home and freeze for lasagna, pastas, and soups in the coming year.
      • The territory of the empire was divided among the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Greece.
      • The city essentially got first pick, with the remains being divided among everyone else.
      • Land is divided among the descendants after the death of the owner.
      • Missouri's 2 million or so households would get 22 acres apiece if all the land in the state were divided among them.
      • The family holdings were divided among six sons in the 1920s, with the largest tracts going to the sons of Richard Skinner and Chester Skinner.
      • Using Companies House and other data, and cross-checking with industry sources, we estimated how each firm's profits were divided among its partners.
      • Part was sent to corporate HQ as profit, the rest was divided among the directors.
      • That money is divided among the 43 teams in each race according to finishing order.
      • Also it was our standard procedure with any game taken, half went to the shooter and the other half was divided among the rest of the hunters.
      share out, allocate, allot, apportion, portion out, ration out, measure out, mete out, parcel out, deal out, dole out, hand out, distribute, dispense
    2. 1.2with object Allocate (different parts of one's time, attention, or efforts) to different activities or places.
      the last years of her life were divided between Bermuda and Paris


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I divide my time at Student Health between nursing and working as one of the Health Education Coordinators.
      • Nowadays I divide my time between L.A. and Berlin, Germany.
      • His activity from 1612 to 1632 was divided between Toledo, Murcia, and Valencia.
      • His own life is divided between Los Angeles, where he works, and Hawaii.
      • I am in love with books and have to divide my day into house chores, time to write and time to read.
    3. 1.3with object Form a boundary between (two people or things)
      the artificial barrier that has divided an academic education from a vocational one
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A border of low black wire fencing was put in to divide the garden from the sidewalk.
      • To the left of the great gate a wall divides off a corner of the court.
      • A double door divides the living room and dining room.
      • But they are a bit like those boundary streets which divide the ‘hot’ places to live from the not-so-hot.
      separate, segregate, partition, detach, disconnect, screen off, section off, split off, demarcate, distinguish
    4. 1.4 (of a legislative assembly) separate or be separated into two groups for voting.
      no object the House divided: 287 for, 196 against
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When tellers have been nominated, the Speaker shall direct the Assembly to divide, ‘ayes’ to the right and ‘noes’ to the left.
      • I appeal to the Labor Party even now not to divide the Assembly on this issue.
      • The house divided as follows: Ayes: 127 Noes: 107 Abstentions: 73.
      • I can tell members that the committee divided clearly on party lines.
      • When the House divided to vote on the motion only half the MPs were present and the Abolition Bill was defeated.
  • 2Disagree or cause to disagree.


    with object the question had divided Frenchmen since the Revolution


    no object cities where politicians frequently divide along racial lines


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But pub landlords and club managers in Manchester remain divided about the effect a 24-hour opening law will have.
    • Recent research, however, is divided on the issue.
    • Drawing from the views of a wide variety of people living and working in the district, it described a city living in the grip of fear, divided along racial, religious and class lines.
    • Previous efforts divided the country's artistic community and led to the angry departure from the country of at least two major theatrical talents.
    • The experts, however, are divided on the issue.
    • He shows all the signs of arrogance over an issue which deeply divides our country.
    • And the City Council has always been divided on the question of McManus.
    • But experts remain divided as to whether we are in for a long period of stagnation while average earnings catch up or whether outright falls in house prices are needed to get back to their long-term trend.
    • We are no more divided than many political parties in the United States or in the West.
    • The membership will be very divided on that issue.
    • Public opinion in the United States remains divided.
    • Although the scientific community may be divided on other agricultural issues, the overuse of chemicals is probably not one of them.
    • Experts remain divided over whether market manipulation, or power shortages, were the primary cause of California's spiking prices.
    • However, road safety experts remain divided about the benefits of crash barriers over the presence of a wide unprotected central reservation.
    • But I was rather startled by how people have become sharply divided along political lines, and the positions that have been assumed.
    • I figure that opinions of this one will be pretty much divided along partisan lines.
    • Health experts are divided on the question of why the number of asthma cases is increasing.
    • However, controversy swirls as media ‘experts’ remain fiercely divided over the video.
    • There were some calls over the weekend that the president step up to the plate and take charge over an administration that seems to be rather divided over this issue.
    • The party is leaderless, divided and bankrupt - financially, if not politically.
    divided, split, sectarian, schismatic, dissenting, contentious, discordant, conflicting, argumentative, disagreeing, disputatious, quarrelling, quarrelsome, clashing, warring, at variance, at loggerheads, at odds, disharmonious, tumultuous, turbulent, dissident, rebellious, insurrectionary, seditious, mutinous
  • 3Mathematics
    with object Find how many times (a number) contains another.


    36 divided by 2 equals 18


    no object the program helps children to multiply and divide quickly and accurately


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The employment rate is simply the number employed divided by the size of the population.
    • The next problem is how to multiply and divide numbers involving fractions.
    • The object is to add, subtract, multiply or divide these numbers in order to achieve the value of 24.
    • Chris spotted that if he added 66 and 72 together, the total number divided by two would be 69.
    • Wouldn't it be nice if dividing fractions were as easy as dividing whole numbers?
    1. 3.1no object (of a number) be susceptible of division without a remainder.
      30 does not divide by 8


      Example sentencesExamples
      • What happens if the numbers do not divide exactly?
      • Two of these numbers divide by 5 with no remainder.
      • You check whether 15 divides by 2, and it doesn't.
    2. 3.2 Find how many times (a number) is contained in another.
      divide 4 into 20


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you divide 2 into 13983816 you get 6991908 or exactly half.
      • If the hurricane was moving at 5 miles an hour and was expected to pass very close to your location, then divide 5 into 100. The answer is 20.
      • How do you divide 6 into 612?
    3. 3.3no object (of a number) be contained in a number without a remainder.
      3 divides into 15


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Which other numbers exactly divide into (are factors of) Fibonacci numbers?
      • When dividing by the powers of the new base, it is important not to leave out any of the powers, even if the number does not divide into it.
      • 5 divides into 10 evenly.
  • 1A wide divergence between two groups, typically producing tension or hostility.


    there was still a profound cultural divide between the parties


    Example sentencesExamples
    • During the two-hour service he stressed how the natural disaster took no account of political boundaries or religious divides.
    • The key divide in Australian politics is now clear.
    • Secondly, by encouraging a drinking culture in younger people, the divide between young and old only widens.
    • Monday's troubles have further exacerbated the sectarian divide.
    • Whether or not the north-south divide exists, it is perpetuated through the media.
    • Nowhere is this divide more evident than in the discussion over the economic progress of African Americans in the '90s.
    • The big divide between them is over immigration.
    • A society where the social divide between haves and have-nots has become a chasm is a society that breeds violence and brutality.
    • This is more an observation that a theory, but the divide between the pro-war and anti-war factions might be characterised by the likelihood of actually serving in combat.
    • Because of their agreement on so many first principles, the divide between anti-capitalist anarchists and the anarcho-capitalists is an interesting one.
    • The divide on the issue has emerged in the past year.
    • But the prime minister has devoted more of his tour to EU diplomacy than to US, and impressively straddled what otherwise might be a damaging divide between the powers.
    • The combined effects of disenfranchisement laws, inmate population trends and economic realities perpetuate a racial divide in society.
    • The United States has a long history of political divides along ethnic lines.
    • The apparent refusal is being described by some American intelligence analysts as an indication of a significant divide between the groups.
    • He declared: ‘It is the age-old divide between right and left.’
    • Indeed, the merchant's political convictions straddled the divide in southern opinion.
    • Until today, the Coalition has coasted through this rift without rancour even though there's a huge divide between the two sides.
    • He said there was a cultural divide between those who came of age after 1989 and who are more open about saying what they feel, and those from an earlier, more repressed age.
    • All the important rivalries in Europe both antedated the ideological divide and crossed its boundaries.
    divergence, contrast, polarity, division, separation, difference, wide area of difference
    1. 1.1 A boundary between two things.
      symbolically, the difference of sex is a divide


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One of the things that I find annoying about the divide between ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ art is the blather of the traditionalists.
      • He was a political editor and later head of news at BBC Northern Ireland before crossing the divide between those who report the news and those who help to shape the Government's message.
      • He plays huge venues like he used to play living rooms; discarding the divide between performer and audience, walking onto the stage as naturally as he crosses the bar for a beer.
      • Sorting out the divide between academic and vocational subjects, and ending the snobbery towards technical training features in all three parties' education manifestos.
      • The appearance is dramatic and bold, straddling the divide between classic and modern.
      • See it and see the work of the one Japanese director working today whose films are managing to cross continental divides.
      • The divide between the digital and tangible is blurring…
      • If Rankin is to be believed, Edinburgh and Scotland are rife with violent crime, transformed when daylight fades and night falls, an easy divide between good and evil.
      • As it stands proudly at the entrance of the harbour, acting as a welcome to all ships, boats and seafarers returning to port, the tower forms an unconscious divide between Portsmouth now and then.
      • Sex and religion are a constant theme in her lyrics, while her highly charged live performances straddle the divide between divine possession and lustful abandonment.
      • The Holy Girl exposes the divide between spirituality and sexuality as inherently false and destructive.
      • Computer skills are becoming as essential as basic literacy for anyone entering the workforce and the divide between the techno-literate and illiterate will be just as pronounced.
      • The result is a collection of songs that shift like sands, with cyberpunk, strings, looped beats and urbane poetry blurring the divide between rock and the experimental.
      • Albums were ‘serious’, singles were ‘for kids’, and the divide between the two had never been greater.
      • But there's a big divide between acting on stage and acting on film.
      • For Williams, the divide between popular and elite art is the difference between art that makes people comfortable and art that shocks and makes you think.
      • ‘The Map Makers’ is all about the divide between love and hate.
      • These two books represent a common assessment of the deep divide between religion and the world of business but differ somewhat on the solutions they propose.
      • What has gone missing is that this is also that rare American film that seamlessly breaches the divide between the political and the personal, the past and the present.
      • The rabbi explained that the purpose of the separating divide between men and women in the synagogue was to keep the men's thoughts on prayer.
      breach, gulf, gap, split, divergence, differentiation
    2. 1.2US A ridge or line of high ground forming the division between two valleys or river systems.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To the officials and the sheep men of Sydney, the rivers which flowed inland from the western slopes of the divide were rivers filled with much promise.
      • If you want to change valleys, then you climb the mountainous divides.
      • The river meets a divide, and darkness spreads in four directions.
      • The highway then passed through two river valleys before again crossing the divide, which zigzags through the territory.
      • This project includes the provision of a new source for the abstraction of water from the River Mahon, at the tidal divide near Ballylaneen.
      • The Blue Nile and White Nile tributaries share a drainage divide with the Omo River.
      • Other pumps push/pull water as high as 2,000 feet in pipes crossing mountain divides.
      • The ridge is a lone ridge, right on the divide, and it drops directly to the desert floor.
      • The rivers on the eastern side of the divide empty into Hudson's Bay, while the westerly rivers flow to the Pacific.


  • divided against itself

    • (of a group which should be coherent) split by factional interests.


      the regime is profoundly divided against itself


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It explains through the use of real people, in their own written words, what it was like to live in a country divided against itself.
      • Political and economic instability relentlessly stalked Europe in the first half of the twentieth century, and it was divided against itself in a bitter ideological battle for much of the second half.
      • But what chance does the church have to convince educators and politicians, when the church is divided against itself?
      • Europe, viciously divided against itself for centuries, has knit together into a democratic and civil society.
      • If this Party is to continue to win elections in North Carolina, it cannot be divided against itself.
  • divide and conquer (or rule)

    • The policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It was playing the old bosses' game of divide and rule to prevent workers' full power being unleashed.
      • Once again, the administration strategy appears to be divide and conquer.
      • Our opposition has a platform that can be equated to divide and conquer - at all costs, keep people apart, unwilling to learn from one another.
      • There are those in the British ruling classes who wish to maintain their power and privilege by using the age-old tactic of divide and rule.
      • He is someone who has always governed on the basis of divide and rule.
      • As a result of early colonial policies of divide and conquer, the regional governments tended to be drawn along ethnic lines.
      • Ethnic and tribal struggles among the seven million residents have been exploited by those pursuing tactics of divide and rule, inciting one group against the other, observers say.
      • The partition plan flowed from Britain's policy of divide and rule.
      • They understand the concept of divide and conquer.
      • A key way occupying powers keep control in such circumstances is by divide and rule.


Middle English (as a verb): from Latin dividere ‘force apart, remove’. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.





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