Stop this ill-thought-out scheme now and use pilot schemes to find out what works best for the residents of York.
Centuries of tradition are being flushed down the pan by a piece of hasty and ill-thought-out legislation, say the opponents.
Staff and students work very hard to improve standards and throw-away comments based on ignorance and ill-thought-out remarks damage progress in state education.
Over the past several years, those in the fisheries have struggled to stay afloat in the face of ill-thought-out government policies.
He said the problem had been "exacerbated by certain ill-thought-out statements" better made in private than in public.
For so many people to venture out on a cold winter's night shows the anger that residents feel about this ill-thought-out proposal.
At the same time he defended the industry against ill-thought-out government regulation.
He went through periods of despair over his illness when he was capable of irrational, ill-thought-out, impulsive acts which he then regretted.
To borrow expensively to fund ill-thought-out acquisitions is, for example, likely to erode shareholder value.