

单词 dissonance

Definition of dissonance in English:


noun ˈdɪs(ə)nənsˈdɪsənəns
mass nounMusic
  • 1Lack of harmony among musical notes.


    an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles


    count noun a session full of jangling dissonances
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Penrose's device offers a way for anyone to see the harmony and dissonance that musicians can readily hear.
    • Or to put it the other way around, an elaborate contrapuntal texture with emancipated dissonance is a perfect metaphor for the urgent but ineffectual efforts that Pierrot is making.
    • As well as being finely crafted there is a unifying mood that reaches a peak in an expressive pedal point, sustained dissonance in the horns with side drum interjections, preparing for a pensive conclusion.
    • Tippett uses dissonance, but it sounds like music.
    • Much of its punch derives from new-minted, surprising chord progressions and pungent dissonance, an idiom Barber carries to the end of the setting.
    • It's another example of how Ives associated dissonance and technical demands with masculinity, overcoming challenges, and prowess on the baseball field.
    • Melancholic melody, harmony, subtle dissonance, throat vibrato and asymmetric rhythms make up their choral, ‘a cappella’ style.
    • Horowitz disdained the expressive and formal role of dissonance in this music, and attenuated the pugnaciousness and philosophical implications that this repertoire must above all convey.
    • Grainger also intensifies dissonance from the normal ‘melody’ instruments and draws an acidic sound from the winds, by emphasizing the double reeds.
    • This study used mild emotional stimuli, those associated with people's reactions to musical consonance versus dissonance.
    • Grimaud's ability to evoke both sensitive tonal shadings and clangorous dissonance made this movement an overwhelming experience.
    • I really like watching his HK films with that dissonance in mind, looking for the different ways Chinese culture expects stories to be told.
    • The first of these is the pedal, typically a sustaining or reiteration of a note in the bass while harmonies change above it, creating dissonance with the bass in the process.
    • Abandoning the preconceived notions of tonality, and immersed within a musical state of dissonance, Coltrane's music became a communicative attempt at reaching a higher plane.
    • This leaves the orchestra without a conductor, and a musical cacophony verging on dissonance.
    • That is, the composer was liberated from the constraints of ‘voice leading rules’ whereby dissonance was subordinated to consonance in traditional harmony and counterpoint.
    • A polarity is a relation between two broadly contrasting dynamic musical tendencies - say, between consonance and dissonance or continuity and discontinuity.
    • Most of all, he shows a flair for matching the climaxes in the action with musical climaxes, using dissonance, the singer's virtuosity, or instrumental sonorities to create the sense of heightened emotion.
    • The echoes that the harsh dissonance produced were cut short with the ongoing volume.
    • The music's density is intriguing, its rhythmic energy is compelling, and its harmonic complexity and dissonance is unusual for Reich.
    • Around the turn of the century, composers began to experiment with atonality, dissonance and primitive rhythms.
    inharmoniousness, discordance, atonality, cacophony
    harshness, stridency, grating, jarring
    1. 1.1 Lack of agreement or harmony between people or things.
      the party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yet it might end up in increasing political dissonance between continental Europe on one side and England and the US on the other.
      • It is based upon the belief that conflict and social dissonance are a product of the dialectical interplay of unequal relations in any community based in a bureaucratic regime.
      • Does this dissonance between politicians and voters matter?
      • Morrison and MacLachlan play their dissonance not for guffaws but for rather rueful observational comedy.
      • I regret that I have to strike a little note of dissonance in this otherwise unanimous debate.
      • I am the child of their ancestral dissonance with all its contrariness and overlappings.
      • His moments of desperate frustration lend realistic dissonance to their relationship.
      incongruity, disparity, discrepancy, disagreement, tension
      difference, dissimilarity, variance, inconsistency
      contradiction, clash


Late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin dissonantia, from Latin dissonant- 'disagreeing in sound', from the verb dissonare.

  • sound from Old English:

    There are four different ‘sounds’ in English. The one relating to noise is from Latin sonus. Related words are dissonance (Late Middle English) ‘inharmonious’; resonance (Late Middle English) ‘echo, resound’; resonant (late 16th century); resound (Late Middle English); and sonorous (early 17th century). Sonar, however, is an acronym formed from Sound Navigation and Ranging on the pattern of radar. Sound, meaning ‘in good condition, not damaged or diseased’, is from Old English gesund. In Middle English the prominent sense was ‘uninjured, unwounded’. Use of sound to mean ‘having well-grounded opinions’ dates from the early 16th century; the phrase as sound as a bell appeared in the late 16th century. This puns on the first meaning of sound, and also on the fact that a cracked bell will not ring true. The third sound (Late Middle English) ‘ascertain the depth of water’ is from Old French sonder, based on Latin sub- ‘below’ and unda ‘wave’. The final one for a narrow stretch of water is Middle English from Old Norse sund ‘swimming, strait’, related to swim.

Definition of dissonance in US English:


  • 1Lack of harmony among musical notes.


    an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles


    the harsh dissonances give a sound that is quite untypical of the Renaissance


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Melancholic melody, harmony, subtle dissonance, throat vibrato and asymmetric rhythms make up their choral, ‘a cappella’ style.
    • A polarity is a relation between two broadly contrasting dynamic musical tendencies - say, between consonance and dissonance or continuity and discontinuity.
    • As well as being finely crafted there is a unifying mood that reaches a peak in an expressive pedal point, sustained dissonance in the horns with side drum interjections, preparing for a pensive conclusion.
    • Around the turn of the century, composers began to experiment with atonality, dissonance and primitive rhythms.
    • Tippett uses dissonance, but it sounds like music.
    • Grainger also intensifies dissonance from the normal ‘melody’ instruments and draws an acidic sound from the winds, by emphasizing the double reeds.
    • Horowitz disdained the expressive and formal role of dissonance in this music, and attenuated the pugnaciousness and philosophical implications that this repertoire must above all convey.
    • Abandoning the preconceived notions of tonality, and immersed within a musical state of dissonance, Coltrane's music became a communicative attempt at reaching a higher plane.
    • Grimaud's ability to evoke both sensitive tonal shadings and clangorous dissonance made this movement an overwhelming experience.
    • The first of these is the pedal, typically a sustaining or reiteration of a note in the bass while harmonies change above it, creating dissonance with the bass in the process.
    • The music's density is intriguing, its rhythmic energy is compelling, and its harmonic complexity and dissonance is unusual for Reich.
    • That is, the composer was liberated from the constraints of ‘voice leading rules’ whereby dissonance was subordinated to consonance in traditional harmony and counterpoint.
    • This study used mild emotional stimuli, those associated with people's reactions to musical consonance versus dissonance.
    • This leaves the orchestra without a conductor, and a musical cacophony verging on dissonance.
    • Penrose's device offers a way for anyone to see the harmony and dissonance that musicians can readily hear.
    • Or to put it the other way around, an elaborate contrapuntal texture with emancipated dissonance is a perfect metaphor for the urgent but ineffectual efforts that Pierrot is making.
    • It's another example of how Ives associated dissonance and technical demands with masculinity, overcoming challenges, and prowess on the baseball field.
    • I really like watching his HK films with that dissonance in mind, looking for the different ways Chinese culture expects stories to be told.
    • The echoes that the harsh dissonance produced were cut short with the ongoing volume.
    • Most of all, he shows a flair for matching the climaxes in the action with musical climaxes, using dissonance, the singer's virtuosity, or instrumental sonorities to create the sense of heightened emotion.
    • Much of its punch derives from new-minted, surprising chord progressions and pungent dissonance, an idiom Barber carries to the end of the setting.
    inharmoniousness, discordance, atonality, cacophony
    1. 1.1 A tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.
      dissonance between campaign rhetoric and personal behavior
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And if I spoke louder in the Garrel film, it was once more to create a clash, a dissonance.
      • The factors that produce motivation may be strongly influenced by the creation of social and intrapsychic dissonance which may be important to sustaining the quitters intentionality.
      • I'm well aware of the dissonance between substantive law and procedural law, and how the former tends to trump the latter.
      • Yet it carries an element of dissonance, especially in light of the reputation Americans have for being political pragmatists, not ideologues.
      • Likewise, changing existing beliefs reduces dissonance if their new content makes them less contradictory with others or their importance is reduced.
      • A period of increased cultural dissonance caused by social stratification, economic exploitation, foreign domination, slavery, and moral decay preceded each leader.
      • It pertains to our Safety and Happiness, to the dissonance between the two, and our wistful expectation of feeling simultaneously at home in our bodies, in the world, and in society.
      • Such dissonance discredits our global institutions.
      • Injustice is a sort of dissonance that has to be resolved.
      • The famines in Africa today reveal the dissonance of reigning attitudes.
      • Many psychiatric illnesses flow from conflicts arising from the dissonance between the rhetoric of trusted authority figures and what they themselves have experienced in their families.
      • But prolonged looking, both comparatively and at individual works, revealed to this viewer raw emotional dissonances that were in tension with what would otherwise have been an esthetic of easy consumption.
      • The dissonance and contradiction of the educated daughters and the wages of sin that financed them shocks Suzy into a recognition of all she has done without for the sake of what she has.
      • They are products of a culture in which to tell a lie… creates no dissonance.
      • A commenter named Thoreau sums up the dissonance at the center of the issue for those of us who are sympathetic to gay rights.
      • What I find most disappointing is that even those technical adapt and aware of the details of the DNS implementation manage to sustain this dissonance…
      • It is an instance of dissonance between weather and tragedy.
      • The dissonance will be increasingly difficult to maintain.
      • The dark, pessimistic feeling in me was clashing in dissonance with my attempt to rationalize at the time.
      • Well I say that if you make that choice, you don't have the right to complain when the dissonance between your political position and your personal one are pointed out.
      inharmoniousness, discordance, atonality, cacophony


Late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin dissonantia, from Latin dissonant- ‘disagreeing in sound’, from the verb dissonare.





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