I never did get round to owning a posing pouch, but I remember the liberation that came with my first purchase of a slinky black nothing with no sides to speak of.
This replacement for the popular model is designed to be a hardcore sports car, not just a posing pouch.
In the event, of course, the jamboree was about as modest, understated and tasteful as Liberace in a snakeskin posing pouch.
It was quite a contrast: women with face-lifts and designer dogs; stick-thin models in miniskirts; fat cats with pale suits and cigars; young men, beautiful but hilarious, in their bright orange posing pouches.
We haven't seen so many people at Lupin Towers since I posted that photo of me in my posing pouch.
I have never truly felt comfortable with the boxer-short phenomenon and I am heartened that our most fashionable retailers report that sales of manly posing pouches are up by an astonishing 40%.
It soon became obvious to my assailant that this was no posing pouch that I was wearing.
The only disappointments are the two stifled and formulaic physique shots of young men in posing pouches.
After struggling into my posing pouch I hit the door, and then the table, face down.
I sported a veritable toothpick, tiny and subtle, sufficiently understated to let people know I had no issues with my masculinity, and didn't require nine inches of gleaming blade to justify the pitiful contents of my posing pouch.
To my left, a pudgy sixty-year-old man wears just a posing pouch.
It's adult in tone (despite its ridiculous premise), the performances are subtle, and the script is tighter than a gnat's posing pouch.
Male kangaroos don't have a pouch to cosset young Joey for one thing; and while some human males might admit to a posing pouch, they certainly don't have the hips on which to balance and bounce a blubbering baby for hours on end.
And don't get me going on posing pouches either.
He'd take his posing pouch to work and do Tarzanograms for the girls' birthdays.
The big mouthed model looked as if she had one too many as she snogged the strippers and fondled their bulging posing pouches.
Indicate that you surf close to home and usually keep your vibrating cell phone discreetly in your posing pouch.