

单词 identify

Definition of identify in English:


verbidentified, identifying, identifies ʌɪˈdɛntɪfʌɪaɪˈdɛn(t)əˌfaɪ
[with object]
  • 1Establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.


    the judge ordered that the girl should not be identified


    the men identified themselves as federal police
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We are also working with the other school to identify this person and solve the problem.
    • The banks on the list will be exempt from identifying each individual client.
    • The problem is and has always been the difficulty in actually identifying a young person's age.
    • It is understood the delay lies in formally identifying the remains.
    • It also helped in identifying them; learning how they behaved, what they ate and so on.
    • Under the scheme, face, iris and fingerprint scans will be used to identify people.
    • The defendant was identified as the person who had broken the window and he was arrested.
    • If we do decide to seek further clarification, then we will do so without identifying you in any shape or form whatsoever.
    • Scientists now hope research into the gene will enable them to identify people most at risk.
    • Quickly identifying the venue, I politely greet the doorman, before signing in the guest book.
    • Pupils will learn how to identify plants and explore the ways that seeds can be dispersed.
    • He said that at the moment the head of a household filled in a postal registration form identifying all voters in the property.
    • The images captured could also be useful in identifying people involved in other crimes.
    • Last week, he finally buried his niece, after a delay in identifying her disfigured body.
    • He appealed to the public to help in identifying people in the community who are supplying drugs.
    • She did not know the name of the person at the bar, but could only identify the person as a male.
    • Social workers used these indicators to identify a local family as satanic abusers.
    • By a dozen unquestionable marks he identified the girl he had jested with the day before.
    • The girl's mother had to listen to the tape to identify the voice of her daughter.
    • On this occasion we were able to identify a couple of people and made an arrest the next day.
    recognize, single out, pick out, spot, point out, pinpoint, pin down, put one's finger on, put a name to, name, place, know, know again, know by sight, discern, distinguish, discover, find, locate
    remember, recall, recollect, call to mind
    informal put the finger on
    North American informal finger
    1. 1.1 Recognize or distinguish (especially something considered worthy of attention)
      a system that ensures that the pupil's real needs are identified


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A committee of five children has been elected to help steer the scheme, identifying areas where work is needed.
      • Police are also examining his personal relationships to identify any reason for a grudge.
      • Census data might be used to identify the number of people who should be in each subgroup.
      • The International Labour Organisation identifies the following factors that indicate forced labour.
      • People who properly identify the source of my name rise tremendously in my estimation.
      • Quinnie passed the hours by identifying the countries that have won even fewer medals than us.
      • For about two years now, the paper has run a column identifying its own errors and shortcomings.
      • They work closely with health professionals, identifying people who would benefit.
      • Perhaps one day we will be able to identify a gene that drives people to compulsively kill.
      • Investigators were yesterday beginning the painstaking task of identifying the cause of the disaster.
      • There will be a prize for the first person to correctly identify my rash statement.
      • By watching the workings of our own mind we can learn how to identify these delusions.
      • He is also quite correct in identifying future water problems in some areas of North America.
      • Piaget is known for identifying the stages children go through as they mature.
      • Sensitivity refers to how good a test is at correctly identifying people who have the disease.
      • Because of the problems in identifying the infection early, the disease spread.
      • Now we are using the workshops to identify young people who can appear in the film.
      • Before we can identify any turning points, it is necessary to establish a starting point.
      • By identifying the faulty cameras, we lay ourselves open to the accusation of encouraging criminality.
      • He is identifying questions he raised about the use of psychology in an article of his.
      determine, establish, ascertain, find out, discover, learn, fix, settle, decide, make out, ferret out, diagnose, deduce, divine, intuit, discern, distinguish
      verify, confirm, make certain of, certify
      informal figure out, get a fix on
    2. 1.2identify asno object Assign (a particular characteristic or categorization) to oneself; describe oneself as belonging to (a particular category or group)
      she identifies as a feminist
      3.2% of the men identified as gay or bisexual
  • 2identify someone/something withAssociate someone or something closely with; regard as having strong links with.


    he was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There is also a strong tendency to identify the court with absolute rule.
    • Grog-tempered pottery associated with the burials recovered from the site identify the occupation with the Miller Three complex, A.D.600-1000.
    • Blacks don't identify the right with lower taxes or a strong national defense.
    • Similarly Barthes identifies the ageless photograph with mourning, and de Man in a quotation above associates particularity with both random energy and ‘the power of death.’
    • Demand for fundamental political reform became an established fact, and this demand was identified with support for the peace process.
    • It has become comfortable to identify the term SAN with FC communications, but this has historically caused problems… and the problems are coming to roost.
    • Neither of those titans, however, are as indelibly linked to a single work the way Fitzgerald is identified with Gatsby; none of their works is a set text on as many high school or college courses.
    • Perhaps the need was to identify trailblazers with the creatures and natives always associated with trail; westering families would enter the country already with indigenous credentials.
    • An example of the last condition is the case of the mother who strongly identifies her son with a past abusive partner, ex-husband or other male figure.
    • When physicists write or say ‘as Newton/Einstein/Bohr/Feynman once said…’, it immediately gives them authority by closely identifying them with one of the giants of physics - or so they think.
    • Leah, as feminist, takes issue with Hebrew as the language of ‘our fathers’ and closely identifies it with the father who rejected her.
    • That was the first step, to make that proposal to them, identify a face with the name, understand the terms of the deal, etc.
    • The US government has identified their military power with US corporate power so closely that a major American defeat would weaken every general, senior manager and privatiser on the globe.
    • Someone who can be a strong advocate for the church which our school is identified with.
    • People closely identified the war with western corporate greed.
    • In political associations, the object of each man, is to identify his creed with that of his neighbor.
    • They did not regard big US brands as identifying them with America itself.
    • It has bitterly disappointed working class voters and its core supporters, who identified it with significant social reforms 20 years ago.
    • Berlin seems to have believed in such a faculty, and identified it with empathy, but did not develop this view in his writings.
    • They are commodities that, in their mere visible presence veil the production process, and - like mood pictures - encourage their beholders to identify them with subjective fantasies and dreams.
    associate, link, connect, couple, relate, bracket, think of together
    think of in connection with, draw a parallel with, mention in the same breath as, set side by side with
    1. 2.1 Equate (someone or something) with.
      because of my country accent, people identified me with a homely farmer's wife


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Baudelaire identified the modern with the Now and, if not quite co-extensively then relatedly, with the New.
      • The Romans identified her with Minerva, a goddess of the household and of craftsmen.
      equate with, identify someone as, consider someone/something to be, regard as being the same as, regard as being identical to
    2. 2.2identify withno object Regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as someone else.
      I liked Fromm and identified with him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We identify with the characters, even if some of them are not very nice, and others plain nasty.
      • By identifying with the characters in the book, children enjoy vicarious experiences without having to run any risk.
      • The audience must identify with one of the characters, before becoming involved in the story.
      • His whole career has been based on identifying with the marginal and empathizing with those whom polite society would scorn.
      • In other words, the cross is no more than Jesus identifying with our suffering, sharing in the pathos of it.
      • I have probably experienced my fair share of loss, and maybe I do identify with that.
      • It turns out that she identifies with them, and understands what they must feel, since it hurt her deeply when Mozambique fell to the Marxists.
      • The prospect of identifying with a lead or co-lead, however, seemed beyond her ability to even imagine.
      • Horror movies are not all about identifying with the characters though.
      • He urges us to identify with them and share their inmost hopes and fears, their solitude.
      • There's nothing in the story that a child can actually relate to and identify with.
      • I would suspect that the program divided most of those who watched it, into two groups, one identifying with Orwell and one with Churchill.
      • Its aim is to make the viewer, identifying with the lovers, feel good.
      • It's that audiences are identifying with this play because it's about a family and about the disorder in a family.
      • The main avenue by which Muldrow identifies with animals and their characteristics is dreaming.
      • By identifying with particular groups of people, we can join those voices into one loud voice to shout one message.
      • Living in a village myself I can almost identify with the characters in the Curmudgeon.
      • He didn't experience Stockholm syndrome, identifying with triumphant soldiers roaring by in impetuous tanks.
      • Just my habit of identifying with minor characters, I think.
      • Little kids held their figures aloft, and mommy and daddy beamed at how their kids were identifying with the soldiers.
      empathize, be in tune, have a rapport, feel togetherness, feel at one, commune, sympathize, be in sympathy
      be on the same wavelength as, speak/talk the same language as
      understand, relate to, feel for, have insight into
      informal put oneself in the shoes of


Mid 17th century (in the sense 'treat as being identical with'): from medieval Latin identificare, from late Latin identitas (see identity) + Latin -ficare (from facere 'make').



Definition of identify in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.


    the judge ordered that the girl not be identified


    the contact would identify himself simply as Cobra


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The banks on the list will be exempt from identifying each individual client.
    • Under the scheme, face, iris and fingerprint scans will be used to identify people.
    • On this occasion we were able to identify a couple of people and made an arrest the next day.
    • She did not know the name of the person at the bar, but could only identify the person as a male.
    • Quickly identifying the venue, I politely greet the doorman, before signing in the guest book.
    • He appealed to the public to help in identifying people in the community who are supplying drugs.
    • The defendant was identified as the person who had broken the window and he was arrested.
    • It also helped in identifying them; learning how they behaved, what they ate and so on.
    • Scientists now hope research into the gene will enable them to identify people most at risk.
    • Last week, he finally buried his niece, after a delay in identifying her disfigured body.
    • Social workers used these indicators to identify a local family as satanic abusers.
    • The images captured could also be useful in identifying people involved in other crimes.
    • By a dozen unquestionable marks he identified the girl he had jested with the day before.
    • The problem is and has always been the difficulty in actually identifying a young person's age.
    • The girl's mother had to listen to the tape to identify the voice of her daughter.
    • We are also working with the other school to identify this person and solve the problem.
    • It is understood the delay lies in formally identifying the remains.
    • He said that at the moment the head of a household filled in a postal registration form identifying all voters in the property.
    • If we do decide to seek further clarification, then we will do so without identifying you in any shape or form whatsoever.
    • Pupils will learn how to identify plants and explore the ways that seeds can be dispersed.
    recognize, single out, pick out, spot, point out, pinpoint, pin down, put one's finger on, put a name to, name, place, know, know again, know by sight, discern, distinguish, discover, find, locate
    1. 1.1 Recognize or distinguish (especially something considered worthy of attention)
      a system that ensures that the student's real needs are identified


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Investigators were yesterday beginning the painstaking task of identifying the cause of the disaster.
      • Quinnie passed the hours by identifying the countries that have won even fewer medals than us.
      • They work closely with health professionals, identifying people who would benefit.
      • The International Labour Organisation identifies the following factors that indicate forced labour.
      • For about two years now, the paper has run a column identifying its own errors and shortcomings.
      • By identifying the faulty cameras, we lay ourselves open to the accusation of encouraging criminality.
      • Before we can identify any turning points, it is necessary to establish a starting point.
      • Census data might be used to identify the number of people who should be in each subgroup.
      • Sensitivity refers to how good a test is at correctly identifying people who have the disease.
      • Now we are using the workshops to identify young people who can appear in the film.
      • There will be a prize for the first person to correctly identify my rash statement.
      • He is also quite correct in identifying future water problems in some areas of North America.
      • Perhaps one day we will be able to identify a gene that drives people to compulsively kill.
      • Police are also examining his personal relationships to identify any reason for a grudge.
      • Because of the problems in identifying the infection early, the disease spread.
      • A committee of five children has been elected to help steer the scheme, identifying areas where work is needed.
      • He is identifying questions he raised about the use of psychology in an article of his.
      • People who properly identify the source of my name rise tremendously in my estimation.
      • Piaget is known for identifying the stages children go through as they mature.
      • By watching the workings of our own mind we can learn how to identify these delusions.
      determine, establish, ascertain, find out, discover, learn, fix, settle, decide, make out, ferret out, diagnose, deduce, divine, intuit, discern, distinguish
    2. 1.2identify asno object Assign (a particular characteristic or categorization) to oneself; describe oneself as belonging to (a particular category or group)
      she identifies as a feminist
      3.2% of the men identified as gay or bisexual
  • 2identify someone/something withAssociate (someone) closely with; regard (someone) as having strong links with.


    he was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Grog-tempered pottery associated with the burials recovered from the site identify the occupation with the Miller Three complex, A.D.600-1000.
    • That was the first step, to make that proposal to them, identify a face with the name, understand the terms of the deal, etc.
    • The US government has identified their military power with US corporate power so closely that a major American defeat would weaken every general, senior manager and privatiser on the globe.
    • When physicists write or say ‘as Newton/Einstein/Bohr/Feynman once said…’, it immediately gives them authority by closely identifying them with one of the giants of physics - or so they think.
    • Berlin seems to have believed in such a faculty, and identified it with empathy, but did not develop this view in his writings.
    • Perhaps the need was to identify trailblazers with the creatures and natives always associated with trail; westering families would enter the country already with indigenous credentials.
    • It has become comfortable to identify the term SAN with FC communications, but this has historically caused problems… and the problems are coming to roost.
    • There is also a strong tendency to identify the court with absolute rule.
    • An example of the last condition is the case of the mother who strongly identifies her son with a past abusive partner, ex-husband or other male figure.
    • It has bitterly disappointed working class voters and its core supporters, who identified it with significant social reforms 20 years ago.
    • Blacks don't identify the right with lower taxes or a strong national defense.
    • They did not regard big US brands as identifying them with America itself.
    • Neither of those titans, however, are as indelibly linked to a single work the way Fitzgerald is identified with Gatsby; none of their works is a set text on as many high school or college courses.
    • People closely identified the war with western corporate greed.
    • They are commodities that, in their mere visible presence veil the production process, and - like mood pictures - encourage their beholders to identify them with subjective fantasies and dreams.
    • Leah, as feminist, takes issue with Hebrew as the language of ‘our fathers’ and closely identifies it with the father who rejected her.
    • Someone who can be a strong advocate for the church which our school is identified with.
    • Similarly Barthes identifies the ageless photograph with mourning, and de Man in a quotation above associates particularity with both random energy and ‘the power of death.’
    • In political associations, the object of each man, is to identify his creed with that of his neighbor.
    • Demand for fundamental political reform became an established fact, and this demand was identified with support for the peace process.
    associate, link, connect, couple, relate, bracket, think of together
    1. 2.1 Equate (someone or something) with.
      because of my upstate accent, people identified me with a homely farmer's wife


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Baudelaire identified the modern with the Now and, if not quite co-extensively then relatedly, with the New.
      • The Romans identified her with Minerva, a goddess of the household and of craftsmen.
      equate with, identify someone as, consider someone to be, consider something to be, regard as being the same as, regard as being identical to
    2. 2.2identify withno object Regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as someone else.
      I liked Fromm and identified with him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Living in a village myself I can almost identify with the characters in the Curmudgeon.
      • His whole career has been based on identifying with the marginal and empathizing with those whom polite society would scorn.
      • He urges us to identify with them and share their inmost hopes and fears, their solitude.
      • It turns out that she identifies with them, and understands what they must feel, since it hurt her deeply when Mozambique fell to the Marxists.
      • Little kids held their figures aloft, and mommy and daddy beamed at how their kids were identifying with the soldiers.
      • Horror movies are not all about identifying with the characters though.
      • We identify with the characters, even if some of them are not very nice, and others plain nasty.
      • The prospect of identifying with a lead or co-lead, however, seemed beyond her ability to even imagine.
      • By identifying with the characters in the book, children enjoy vicarious experiences without having to run any risk.
      • Just my habit of identifying with minor characters, I think.
      • He didn't experience Stockholm syndrome, identifying with triumphant soldiers roaring by in impetuous tanks.
      • I would suspect that the program divided most of those who watched it, into two groups, one identifying with Orwell and one with Churchill.
      • In other words, the cross is no more than Jesus identifying with our suffering, sharing in the pathos of it.
      • It's that audiences are identifying with this play because it's about a family and about the disorder in a family.
      • There's nothing in the story that a child can actually relate to and identify with.
      • I have probably experienced my fair share of loss, and maybe I do identify with that.
      • By identifying with particular groups of people, we can join those voices into one loud voice to shout one message.
      • The main avenue by which Muldrow identifies with animals and their characteristics is dreaming.
      • Its aim is to make the viewer, identifying with the lovers, feel good.
      • The audience must identify with one of the characters, before becoming involved in the story.
      empathize, be in tune, have a rapport, feel togetherness, feel at one, commune, sympathize, be in sympathy


Mid 17th century (in the sense ‘treat as being identical with’): from medieval Latin identificare, from late Latin identitas (see identity) + Latin -ficare (from facere ‘make’).





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