

单词 disguise

Definition of disguise in English:


verb dɪsˈɡʌɪzdɪsˈɡaɪz
[with object]
  • 1Give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity.


    we took elaborate measures to disguised ourselves as locals
    Brian was disguised as a priest


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He disguised himself as a beggar and asked the opinions of some of the people in his city.
    • When he decided to develop a navy, he disguised himself as a carpenter so that he might learn at first hand how ships should be built.
    • When she was younger, she had disguised herself as a boy to learn weaponry, and now she was skilled in using a short sword and a buckler.
    • A handful of women disguised themselves as men and fought alongside male soldiers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
    • She is supposed to have disguised herself as a pauper for a young priest who, out of charity, took her to an inn to feed her.
    • The enigmatic Duke then disguises himself as a priest in order to observe the events.
    • He enlisted the help of a druidess, and disguised himself as a woman.
    • Kathleen disguised herself as a man by having her long hair hidden beneath a cap and traveling dressed as a man.
    • The magician disguised himself as a friendly merchant and paid the King and his family a visit.
    • This is why she has taken no money, and disguised herself as a working-class woman.
    • A few years back baseball caps were used to disguise someone's appearance.
    • Police in turn disguised themselves as tourists, secretly videoing visitors as they moved round the exhibition site.
    • During the Civil War in America, unknown numbers of females disguised themselves as male soldiers.
    • In 1671 he and Maria disguised themselves as a parson and his wife. They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
    • In order to reach the river, they'd disguised themselves as servants.
    • With her true identity safely disguised Liz began to play openly in the store.
    • He said rebels had disguised themselves as traders attending the weekend market.
    • She disguised herself as a peasant boy and romped in the marketplace, darting between the steam drums and the soup kettles.
    • He dressed up, disguising himself as a youth and joined them.
    • I disguised myself as a wizard, wearing a long cloak and holding a staff.
    dress oneself up as, pass oneself of as, pretend to be, impersonate, pose as
    rare personate
    in disguise, camouflaged, incognito, under cover
    sailing under false colours
    1. 1.1 Make (something) unrecognizable by altering its appearance, sound, taste, or smell.
      does holding a handkerchief over the mouthpiece really disguise your voice?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This would have disguised the smell from dogs used by customs officials to check for drugs.
      • The bootleg alcohol that was produced then, often called gut-rot, tasted so vile that the bartenders learned to mix the alcohol with fruit juices to disguise the taste.
      • Once on the skin it creates a light-reflecting surface which disguises a grey complexion.
      • Even the radio commentators had a hard time disguising their reviews to appear fair.
      • I bet there aren't many children who eat fish that isn't wrapped in batter and swamped in ketchup to disguise the fishy taste.
      • A tincture is easier for children to take and it can be added to a little juice to disguise the taste.
      • When we do see him eat out it is often at a Mexican take-out, where quantities of hot sauce disguise the taste.
      • What began as a cheap and easy way to disguise the taste of alcohol in prohibition America quickly became the drink of choice for the privileged fast set of the 1920s.
      • The danger lies in alcopops, which are flavoured with things like cranberry or orange to disguise the taste of vodka.
      • Various coatings were devised to disguise any bitter or unpleasant taste, gold and silver being particularly valued.
      • The first wax to be used was animal fat which was boiled and strained till it turned to tallow and then had scents added to it to disguise the smell.
      • He asked that we disguise his voice and face, afraid of retribution by those who run the criminal enterprise.
      • It can make sweet things sweeter, it can disguise unpleasant tastes and smells and it is the most versatile food ingredient known to man.
      • She didn't bother disguising her voice, for she was beyond caring.
      • Operators must not camouflage or disguise the cameras in a way that could lead to a public perception of ‘sly operations’.
      • A simple and effective form of disguising a voice is whispering.
      • She disguised her voice to make it sound deeper and manlier, and with the wrap covering her mouth, it made it sound even more muffled.
      • Culinary historians are divided over the use of sauces and marinades, but the conventional theory is that they were used to disguise the taste of ingredients past their primes.
      • ‘Great outfit,’ Joey said disguising his voice with scratchy sounds.
      • ‘I could teach you to play the guitar,’ I said, unable to disguise the eager tone in my voice.
      camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up, make inconspicuous, mask, screen, shroud, veil, cloak
    2. 1.2 Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation)
      he made no effort to disguise his contempt


      his voice was heavy with barely disguised emotion
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He made no effort to disguise his annoyance.
      • To describe its findings as a whitewash would be uncharitable to previous whitewashes, which at least made some effort to disguise their intent.
      • Feeling slightly humiliated, Anna folded her arms, sat back in her chair and pouted, making no effort to disguise her anger toward his put-down.
      • He sat mute next to James, who also made no effort to disguise his own bad mood.
      • It disguised her feelings, her hopes, her wishes… but spilled them into words.
      • I didn't make an effort to disguise my emotions or hide my tears, which were slowly beginning to fall.
      • She made no effort to disguise her contempt for them.
      • Denying that or disguising that or hiding that love is very, very injurious to human beings.
      • She joked about their religious frame of reference but could not disguise her deep cultural pride.
      • Ronnie jumped in eagerly, almost clasping her hands in poorly disguised relief.
      • John, though unable to disguise the pleasure he had derived from his overall performance against the Barbarians, was the first to point out that he had been some way from flawless.
      • The police made no more than a token effort to disguise their enthusiasm for the militia cause.
      • It's very easy to tell a fun story which disguised my feelings about the most painful moment in my life.
      • Elizabeth was always good at disguising her feelings and keeping herself under control.
      • The judges make no effort to disguise their boredom.
      • But his assurances do not disguise his very real fears.
      • In this battle of minds the most urgent task is to throw a spotlight on an organisation which has, for too long, been able to disguise its true totalitarian nature.
      • They didn't disguise any of their contempt for the ‘pathetic old bankrupt’ they considered him to be.
      • This blitz of ads sells superficial cosmetics as a mask to disguise the glaring self-deficiency felt by most people today.
      • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
      camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up, make inconspicuous, mask, screen, shroud, veil, cloak
noun dɪsˈɡʌɪzdɪsˈɡaɪz
  • 1A means of altering one's appearance to conceal one's identity.


    I put on dark glasses as a disguise


    Example sentencesExamples
    • What's more, Clint wears a lot of disguises - he even he dresses up as a clown.
    • When the war ended in 1918, he donned a disguise and fled temporarily into Switzerland.
    • He modelled the disguises, drank with journalists and told tales of his life as a soldier, smuggler, thief, acrobat, quack doctor, convict, spy, policeman, factory-owner and private detective.
    • He is known to alter his appearance through the use of disguises and has travelled extensively through the US, Europe, Canada and Mexico.
    • He also used his many disguises to fool local publicans.
    • At other times, their superheroic identities are kept secret, hidden beneath mundane disguises.
    • However, the owner of a neighboring business says several months ago he asked if she could assist with makeup for disguises.
    • So naturally, that was the first thing Lori searched for, after donning her disguise.
    • It's not the most appealing picture, but come on, she lived in the woods, she wore disguises, she begged for money in public.
    • He and his gang of accomplices adopted disguises.
    • At this time my father also became a master of disguises, taking on various identities when necessary for his mission.
    • A great crowd turned out in a variety of disguises.
    • He was looking for clever disguises so he can hide out without being noticed.
    • Across the tent were folded pieces of clothing, obviously used in disguises.
    • The ballets are full of disguises, cross-dressing, and transformations.
    • More clothes and disguises were needed, debts also needed to be repaid, and tracks covered.
    • His job was to create disguises, conjuring up such convincing new identities for agents that even their own families were not able to recognize them.
    • She wore disguises to go to the phone boxes, she wore gloves and she really covered her tracks.
    • But despite their many disguises, the two-person crew still managed to rouse suspicion.
    • To put it in context here, though, disguises were used in respect to the robberies.
    false appearance, camouflage, concealment
    outfit, costume
    informal get-up
    1. 1.1mass noun The state of having altered one's appearance in order to conceal one's identity.
      I told them you were a policewoman in disguise


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You may have seen the computer-enhanced pictures the police released which allegedly show what she might look if she was in disguise.
      • He has a secret weapon for cow rustling, then when the farms go broke he appears in disguise with a bagload of cash.
      • Merlin appears not only as a sorcerer and a wise man but also as a trickster. Constantly, he appears before Arthur in disguise, as a child, a beggar, an old peasant.
      • ‘Regardless of his status in politics, Roger never came to the club in disguise,’ he recalls.
      • Even last October I thought nothing of travelling, illegally and in disguise, high up into the Khyber Pass.
      • The titular hero does not appear in propria persona to take a prominent part in the action until late in the novel, though he appears in disguise earlier.
      • He told The Times newspaper that ‘living in disguise as a politician in the modern world simply isn't an option’.
      • Was the supermodel in fact the mysterious architect in disguise, or was this just another trick?
      • They have just finished their 12-year exile in the forest after losing the game of dice and are about to enter the phase of having to live in disguise.
      • Next morning he left secretly and, in disguise, appeared at Vendome, for he had been negotiating to marry the duke's daughter.
      • One day it was an FBI agent in disguise, then the next we had a KGB double agent called Boris, would you believe.
      • He came in disguise, with a fake name, because he knew ‘Prince Charming’ was too obvious.
      • King Richard also makes an appearance at the tournament, dressed in disguise.
      • I would never want to be like certain people, who change the way they dress, go out in disguise, wear a big floppy hat and dark shades.
      • When he wasn't in disguise, he wore silk pajamas.
      • According to unconfirmed reports, militants in disguise opened fire and detonated an explosive device.
      • He lived with a woman called Macy and travelled widely through Europe, returning to Ireland only on rare occasions, always in disguise.
      • My understanding was that these reporters concealed their identities and they went in disguise.
      • Whoever said anything about being in disguise?
      • So you'll be in disguise, with a fake name and identity.
    2. 1.2mass noun The concealing of one's true intentions or feelings.
      the children looked at her without disguise


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The use of religious language, as an expression of a religiously grounded culture, was not a disguise of pre-existing intentions.
      • And from the storm that swirled a formal nakedness took shape, the truth of disguise and the mask of belief were joined forever.
      • And it is crucial to see that the image of his humanity is not a disguise covering the truer reality of his divinity.
      • Scarlet's childish behavior was only a disguise; her true self was a woman of virtue, courage, honor, and determination.
      • I have communicated to him without disguise. Candor is an important character trait in the novel.
      facade, front, false front, cover-up, masquerade, veneer, mask, veil
      smokescreen, dissimulation, pretence, deception


  • disguisement

  • noundɪsˈɡʌɪzm(ə)ntdɪsˈɡaɪzmənt
    mass nounarchaic
    • The action of hiding something or preventing it from being known.

      a gratuitous disguisement of the truth
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When of necessity women's underwear was hung on the washline, its disguisement was frequently sought by hanging it upside down.
      • Main features are the alienation of samples by creating a new visual connection in substance, as well as the disguisement of original motives.
      • But one night, under cover of darkness, and further concealed in a most cunning disguisement, a desperate burglar slid into his happy home, and robbed them all of everything.


Middle English (meaning 'change one's usual style of dress', with no implication of concealing one's identity): from Old French desguisier.

  • Guise came into English via French from a Germanic root with the sense ‘characteristic, manner, custom’. An early meaning of disguise was ‘change one's usual style of dress’, with no implication of concealing one's identity, but it soon developed a sense of concealment.

Definition of disguise in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity.


    we took elaborate measures to disguised ourselves as locals
    Brian was disguised as a priest


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In order to reach the river, they'd disguised themselves as servants.
    • In 1671 he and Maria disguised themselves as a parson and his wife. They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
    • I disguised myself as a wizard, wearing a long cloak and holding a staff.
    • When she was younger, she had disguised herself as a boy to learn weaponry, and now she was skilled in using a short sword and a buckler.
    • A few years back baseball caps were used to disguise someone's appearance.
    • He said rebels had disguised themselves as traders attending the weekend market.
    • With her true identity safely disguised Liz began to play openly in the store.
    • A handful of women disguised themselves as men and fought alongside male soldiers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
    • He disguised himself as a beggar and asked the opinions of some of the people in his city.
    • He enlisted the help of a druidess, and disguised himself as a woman.
    • Police in turn disguised themselves as tourists, secretly videoing visitors as they moved round the exhibition site.
    • The enigmatic Duke then disguises himself as a priest in order to observe the events.
    • Kathleen disguised herself as a man by having her long hair hidden beneath a cap and traveling dressed as a man.
    • She disguised herself as a peasant boy and romped in the marketplace, darting between the steam drums and the soup kettles.
    • The magician disguised himself as a friendly merchant and paid the King and his family a visit.
    • She is supposed to have disguised herself as a pauper for a young priest who, out of charity, took her to an inn to feed her.
    • When he decided to develop a navy, he disguised himself as a carpenter so that he might learn at first hand how ships should be built.
    • During the Civil War in America, unknown numbers of females disguised themselves as male soldiers.
    • This is why she has taken no money, and disguised herself as a working-class woman.
    • He dressed up, disguising himself as a youth and joined them.
    dress oneself up as, pass oneself of as, pretend to be, impersonate, pose as
    in disguise, camouflaged, incognito, under cover
    1. 1.1 Make (something) unrecognizable by altering its appearance, sound, taste, or smell.
      does holding a handkerchief over the mouthpiece really disguise your voice?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A tincture is easier for children to take and it can be added to a little juice to disguise the taste.
      • A simple and effective form of disguising a voice is whispering.
      • Even the radio commentators had a hard time disguising their reviews to appear fair.
      • I bet there aren't many children who eat fish that isn't wrapped in batter and swamped in ketchup to disguise the fishy taste.
      • When we do see him eat out it is often at a Mexican take-out, where quantities of hot sauce disguise the taste.
      • Various coatings were devised to disguise any bitter or unpleasant taste, gold and silver being particularly valued.
      • He asked that we disguise his voice and face, afraid of retribution by those who run the criminal enterprise.
      • The bootleg alcohol that was produced then, often called gut-rot, tasted so vile that the bartenders learned to mix the alcohol with fruit juices to disguise the taste.
      • She disguised her voice to make it sound deeper and manlier, and with the wrap covering her mouth, it made it sound even more muffled.
      • Once on the skin it creates a light-reflecting surface which disguises a grey complexion.
      • What began as a cheap and easy way to disguise the taste of alcohol in prohibition America quickly became the drink of choice for the privileged fast set of the 1920s.
      • It can make sweet things sweeter, it can disguise unpleasant tastes and smells and it is the most versatile food ingredient known to man.
      • She didn't bother disguising her voice, for she was beyond caring.
      • Culinary historians are divided over the use of sauces and marinades, but the conventional theory is that they were used to disguise the taste of ingredients past their primes.
      • The first wax to be used was animal fat which was boiled and strained till it turned to tallow and then had scents added to it to disguise the smell.
      • This would have disguised the smell from dogs used by customs officials to check for drugs.
      • ‘I could teach you to play the guitar,’ I said, unable to disguise the eager tone in my voice.
      • Operators must not camouflage or disguise the cameras in a way that could lead to a public perception of ‘sly operations’.
      • The danger lies in alcopops, which are flavoured with things like cranberry or orange to disguise the taste of vodka.
      • ‘Great outfit,’ Joey said disguising his voice with scratchy sounds.
      camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up, make inconspicuous, mask, screen, shroud, veil, cloak
    2. 1.2 Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation)
      he made no effort to disguise his contempt


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Elizabeth was always good at disguising her feelings and keeping herself under control.
      • He made no effort to disguise his annoyance.
      • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
      • John, though unable to disguise the pleasure he had derived from his overall performance against the Barbarians, was the first to point out that he had been some way from flawless.
      • Feeling slightly humiliated, Anna folded her arms, sat back in her chair and pouted, making no effort to disguise her anger toward his put-down.
      • She joked about their religious frame of reference but could not disguise her deep cultural pride.
      • She made no effort to disguise her contempt for them.
      • He sat mute next to James, who also made no effort to disguise his own bad mood.
      • But his assurances do not disguise his very real fears.
      • I didn't make an effort to disguise my emotions or hide my tears, which were slowly beginning to fall.
      • They didn't disguise any of their contempt for the ‘pathetic old bankrupt’ they considered him to be.
      • It's very easy to tell a fun story which disguised my feelings about the most painful moment in my life.
      • It disguised her feelings, her hopes, her wishes… but spilled them into words.
      • Ronnie jumped in eagerly, almost clasping her hands in poorly disguised relief.
      • To describe its findings as a whitewash would be uncharitable to previous whitewashes, which at least made some effort to disguise their intent.
      • The police made no more than a token effort to disguise their enthusiasm for the militia cause.
      • Denying that or disguising that or hiding that love is very, very injurious to human beings.
      • This blitz of ads sells superficial cosmetics as a mask to disguise the glaring self-deficiency felt by most people today.
      • In this battle of minds the most urgent task is to throw a spotlight on an organisation which has, for too long, been able to disguise its true totalitarian nature.
      • The judges make no effort to disguise their boredom.
      camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up, make inconspicuous, mask, screen, shroud, veil, cloak
  • 1A means of altering one's appearance or concealing one's identity.


    his bizarre disguise drew stares from fellow shoppers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At other times, their superheroic identities are kept secret, hidden beneath mundane disguises.
    • However, the owner of a neighboring business says several months ago he asked if she could assist with makeup for disguises.
    • It's not the most appealing picture, but come on, she lived in the woods, she wore disguises, she begged for money in public.
    • The ballets are full of disguises, cross-dressing, and transformations.
    • A great crowd turned out in a variety of disguises.
    • He and his gang of accomplices adopted disguises.
    • He also used his many disguises to fool local publicans.
    • His job was to create disguises, conjuring up such convincing new identities for agents that even their own families were not able to recognize them.
    • He is known to alter his appearance through the use of disguises and has travelled extensively through the US, Europe, Canada and Mexico.
    • At this time my father also became a master of disguises, taking on various identities when necessary for his mission.
    • Across the tent were folded pieces of clothing, obviously used in disguises.
    • More clothes and disguises were needed, debts also needed to be repaid, and tracks covered.
    • So naturally, that was the first thing Lori searched for, after donning her disguise.
    • To put it in context here, though, disguises were used in respect to the robberies.
    • He was looking for clever disguises so he can hide out without being noticed.
    • He modelled the disguises, drank with journalists and told tales of his life as a soldier, smuggler, thief, acrobat, quack doctor, convict, spy, policeman, factory-owner and private detective.
    • But despite their many disguises, the two-person crew still managed to rouse suspicion.
    • She wore disguises to go to the phone boxes, she wore gloves and she really covered her tracks.
    • What's more, Clint wears a lot of disguises - he even he dresses up as a clown.
    • When the war ended in 1918, he donned a disguise and fled temporarily into Switzerland.
    false appearance, camouflage, concealment
    1. 1.1 The state of having altered one's appearance in order to conceal one's identity.
      I told them you were a policewoman in disguise


      Example sentencesExamples
      • My understanding was that these reporters concealed their identities and they went in disguise.
      • Whoever said anything about being in disguise?
      • They have just finished their 12-year exile in the forest after losing the game of dice and are about to enter the phase of having to live in disguise.
      • He came in disguise, with a fake name, because he knew ‘Prince Charming’ was too obvious.
      • Merlin appears not only as a sorcerer and a wise man but also as a trickster. Constantly, he appears before Arthur in disguise, as a child, a beggar, an old peasant.
      • So you'll be in disguise, with a fake name and identity.
      • Was the supermodel in fact the mysterious architect in disguise, or was this just another trick?
      • King Richard also makes an appearance at the tournament, dressed in disguise.
      • One day it was an FBI agent in disguise, then the next we had a KGB double agent called Boris, would you believe.
      • Even last October I thought nothing of travelling, illegally and in disguise, high up into the Khyber Pass.
      • You may have seen the computer-enhanced pictures the police released which allegedly show what she might look if she was in disguise.
      • ‘Regardless of his status in politics, Roger never came to the club in disguise,’ he recalls.
      • When he wasn't in disguise, he wore silk pajamas.
      • He has a secret weapon for cow rustling, then when the farms go broke he appears in disguise with a bagload of cash.
      • The titular hero does not appear in propria persona to take a prominent part in the action until late in the novel, though he appears in disguise earlier.
      • Next morning he left secretly and, in disguise, appeared at Vendome, for he had been negotiating to marry the duke's daughter.
      • He told The Times newspaper that ‘living in disguise as a politician in the modern world simply isn't an option’.
      • I would never want to be like certain people, who change the way they dress, go out in disguise, wear a big floppy hat and dark shades.
      • He lived with a woman called Macy and travelled widely through Europe, returning to Ireland only on rare occasions, always in disguise.
      • According to unconfirmed reports, militants in disguise opened fire and detonated an explosive device.
    2. 1.2 The concealing of one's true intentions or feelings.
      rows of small children looked at her without disguise


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And from the storm that swirled a formal nakedness took shape, the truth of disguise and the mask of belief were joined forever.
      • Scarlet's childish behavior was only a disguise; her true self was a woman of virtue, courage, honor, and determination.
      • I have communicated to him without disguise. Candor is an important character trait in the novel.
      • And it is crucial to see that the image of his humanity is not a disguise covering the truer reality of his divinity.
      • The use of religious language, as an expression of a religiously grounded culture, was not a disguise of pre-existing intentions.
      facade, front, false front, cover-up, masquerade, veneer, mask, veil


Middle English (meaning ‘change one's usual style of dress’, with no implication of concealing one's identity): from Old French desguisier.





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