I recall a mini-series on Cook's life in which, ice-bound and with the ship possibly breaking up, he commented to an officer, ‘I can't swim.’
Its liveaboard package to the Barents Sea in January left 22 divers ice-bound for four months in a guano barge.
His story completed, the chilled and weakened Victor Frankenstein died there on the ice-bound ship, unavenged.
Its best sequences, involving sirens, an ice-bound ship and a giant octopus, are great fun and the pace is relentless.
I have a picture of some ice-bound outpost in my mind at the moment.
While in Canada Jack would return home during the Canadian winter because he could not work in the ice-bound conditions.
Rogers speculates leopard seals might use these clicks to echolocate food and air holes during dark, ice-bound winters.
The Arctic's ice-bound seas are like unscaled mountains to climbers: they must be attempted because they are there.
This is considered to be the first glimpse of an AFP in an ice-bound state.
In the small fishing village of his forebears Quoyle discovers an ice-bound version of Sea Change's Pearl Bay.
The remainder focuses on Jack's efforts to trek cross-country through the blizzards to save his estranged son Sam, who's trapped in ice-bound Manhattan.
This dramatic shift to an ice-bound climate explains the existence of frozen mammoths and the demise of a number of megafauna.
I am sure his daughter in ice-bound Toronto appreciates a diary that provides useful information like when Vesak Day is.
Consider the town of Bamiyan, in the isolated, ice-bound northwest region dominated by the Hazara, the country's Shiite minority.
They were attempting to escape their ice-bound ship and find help.
frozen, frozen over, iced over, ice-covered, iced up, frosty, frosted, glassy, like a sheet of glass, slippery