

单词 blowout

Definition of blowout in English:


  • 1An occasion when a tyre on a vehicle bursts or an electric fuse melts.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Most roads are gravel, meaning accidents and tyre blowouts are not uncommon.
    • If a blowout occurs during wireline operations, any pressure would be prevented from entering the riser, and would be contained by the control head.
    • They had suffered a tyre blowout on the way back from a safari park.
    • This can lead to a panoply of bad results, from poor mileage to on-the-road blowouts.
    • I do remember quite vividly however watching a woman driving a car suffer a blowout.
    • A toxic gas blowout at a drilling well in the municipality of Chongqing in south-west China on the night of December 23 has killed at least 233 people.
    • The higher annealing point also means that the fibers will retain their strength better than standard E-glass at higher temperatures so the fibers will remain continuous and resist blowout in the exhaust.
    • Potholing, creation of a steep-sided bowlshaped cavity, may be caused by loss of surfacing, basecourse erosion, advanced cracking under traffic or severe weather, or water-induced blowouts.
    • Lying on the trailer-truck was the dead whale - underbelly exposed with a large elongated tear where the biological gaseous blowout took place.
    • Speed doesn't necessarily cause blowouts, as others who have posted opinions have said, poor maintenance of the tire can cause a blowout as can faulty valves or the tire being under pressure.
    • Aviation experts have designed durable new radial tyres that burst into lighter, more flexible fragments if a blowout occurs.
    • This is dangerous as some of the tyres don't go down but are weakened, which could cause blowouts.
    • The accident occurred when the taxi suffered a left rear tyre blowout.
    • Tubeless radial tyres can cause blowouts because of their weak side walls
    • These blowouts were not from the tyres letting them down but simply from inner tubes exploding!
    • You're going to see a blowout of entire systems, of utility systems, electrical utility systems, and others, as a result of this.
    • Had I attempted it immediately, there was grave danger of cutting the inner wall of one or both tyres and suffering a blowout.
    • Most accidents are caused by blowouts or other mechanical failures and stupid drivers with no common sense.
    • Technical glitches like the inability to find a blood vessel, or so-called ‘vein blowout,’ are infrequent and are relatively easy to deal with.
    • ‘Even though a driver could check his tyres that morning he could later get a blowout,’ he added.
    • According to the Corporation, the majority of accidents were due to tyre blowouts.
    • Tyre blowouts are common on a lot of trips and this is an area that weight can have a huge effect on.
    • It also said that if it is broken by some way other than natural blowout, there would be no replacement.
    • I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder expecting I'd had a blowout on one of my tyres but on inspection they looked fine.
    • Sinking oil and gas wells offshore is a risky venture because of the danger of blowouts and pipeline ruptures, as well as the daily increments of pollution.
    • You never know when you are going to suffer a tyre blowout or when another driver is just going to be plain careless.
    • This trade recession will be just as insidious in its effects as any market blowout.
    • But if Treasury yields do begin a long climb back up, investors who have already suffered from the stock market blowout will take another hit.
    • The 1979 internal blowout was associated with two surface eruptions that expelled large volumes of overpressured fluids for 10 days.
    puncture, flat tyre, burst tyre
    informal flat
    1. 1.1 An uprush of oil or gas from a well.
      as modifier a blowout preventer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
      • SARS, fire, the country's election and the blowout of natural gas… all claimed many people's life.
      • According to official figures, there have been just two gas blowouts since 1992, and they killed a total of 17 people.
      • Such disruptions are both global and local: wars and embargoes, blowouts and refinery failures.
      • Sour gas well blowouts aren't completely uncommon.
      • Successional patterns will be truncated or prevented in sites with frequent major disturbances, e.g. blowouts, water level changes, etc.
      • Even after the blowout had been brought under control, the oil continued to seep out of the ocean floor, he says.
    2. 1.2North American informal An outburst of anger or an argument.
      that exchange led to a big blowout five years ago
      Example sentencesExamples
      • No one, apparently, could resist asking about the bad blood on the set of his latest film and the epic blowouts between the director and his star.
      • My best friend of over ten years and I had a bad blowout 2 years ago and I tell you, I miss her a lot.
      • He hasn't tried anything like that since their blowout years ago.
      • If you can't talk about this without a big blowout, write her a letter explaining how you feel.
      • Slightly more mature, but enough immaturity to still bring on a good blowout fight whenever we feel like.
      • She seriously considered that maybe she and Sam had had a blowout argument.
      • Letting frustrations fester is a real good way to ensure blowouts and fits of anger later on, so best to get it all out in the open.
      • Physical, verbal, emotional abuse, infidelity, drunkenness, constant bickering, blowout arguments and shouting matches, financial trouble, stress so bad it put her in the hospital.
      • I too have had blowouts and the point somebody else made about losing control for a combination of reasons was true for me too.
      • I had a big blowout with the federal government.
      • The blowouts are mounting, and the bickering has begun.
      • The other conferences seem to have a lot of blowouts most of the time.
      • He serves as the amateur therapist of choice to his well-to-do clients, hearing all about their blowouts in the course of their blowouts, and I want to find out why.
      fit of temper, fit of rage, fit of pique, fit, outburst, flare-up, blow-up, pet, paroxysm, frenzy, bad mood, mood, huff, scene
      quarrel, disagreement, squabble, fight, difference of opinion, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud, dissension, war of words, contretemps, exchange of views
  • 2informal A large or lavish meal or social gathering.


    it is difficult to imagine the slim person going for a real blowout
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Anna was sixteen, the coolest age for a teen and she should have been having a blowout party with her friends, not sitting at home with her Mom and her Mom's friend.
    • Mark's annual Derby Weekend blowout creates more buzz about the brand than anything else the company does, he says.
    • Jokes spring up where you would most and least expect them-in a frat house bedroom during a blowout party, or at an octogenarian's funeral.
    • A haven of genteel entertainment might persuade local residents that there were pleasurable and respectable alternatives to a knock-down drunken blowout every weekend.
    • The annual seasonal blowout is a chance to display and celebrate the accomplishments - and puppets - neighborhood groups have made over the past year.
    • It's a blowout affair that includes an unlimited number of roasted ears for every participant.
    • The Centre for Developing-Area Studies, an academic research centre at McGill, is turning 40 years old next week and is planning a big blowout.
    • The ride will leave from town, ride miles of urban singletrack and some pave, and culminate with a blowout BBQ and podium ceremony.
    • But Mom's been dreaming of a big blowout all her life, and you'd be a lout not to indulge her.
    • Today we turn our critical lens on the big blowout Washington party known as the presidential inauguration.
    • He was still crowing over the success of his Dallas showroom expansion and the blowout coming-out party.
    • Despite the minor grumbles, we had a superb meal - especially with palates so jaded after the festive blowout.
    • But before we can weigh anchor, Flores erupts into Festa do Emigrante, a blowout party celebrating Azorean emigrants' annual return to the islands, beginning in July.
    • My brother Ruben's wedding reception was a blowout party.
    • The biggest party I ever had was also a Halloween blowout, several years ago back in Kansas.
    • Who could resist an end-of-season barbecue blowout?
    • Visitors from more restrictive states began to make it their weekend blowout destination and a huge tourism business was built around it.
    • It's more of a kind of brouhaha about springtime and summer's coming, so we're going to have a big blowout.
    • The gorgeous guy you've sorta been going out with is planning to go camping the weekend of your big blowout birthday bash.
    • We will be holding a big blowout for all our friends soon, complete with flour, pudding, and wet noodles.
    party, feast, banquet, celebration, binge
    informal shindig, shindy, do
    British informal beanfeast, beano, bunfight, thrash, nosh-up, scoff, slap-up meal, tuck-in
  • 3North American An event at which goods are sold at heavily discounted prices.

    the purpose of the blowout is to motivate new customers to visit
    as modifier the local store is having a big blowout sale—everything 65 per cent off
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Prop Shop is sadly closing tomorrow so we're having a blowout sale with tees marked down to $10 and $12.
    • Come on down to our Boxing Day blowout!
    • Retailers look for any occasion to host a blowout or a promotion that will make shoppers think they are saving money.
    • Their major buyers raid their blowout bins, put them in boxes and ship them to the States.
    • There are lots of great scores to be had in the Outlet. Right now we're having a blowout.
    • If sales are strong, what will the blowout deals do to earnings?
    • Almost every store you pass, every corner you take, you'll find sales, discounts, blowouts, bargains, and of course shoppers cashing in on sweet holiday deals.
    • Woe to the promotion manager who doesn't ace the Christmas blowout.
    • Dozens, maybe hundreds, of used console games are on sale in their October blowout sale.
    • Twice a year, the school throws a blowout sale.
  • 4North American informal An easy victory in a sporting contest or election.


    the game had been a blowout
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They were entertaining, even if the games were blowouts.
    • Their playing time figures to come in blowouts or as replacements for players in foul trouble.
    • They've taken turns dominating each other, alternating sweeps and blowouts like a true slugfest in which one heavyweight's attack leaves him winded and vulnerable to the other's pulverizing blows.
    • Yes, he was saying the election could be a blowout, but he wasn't saying that was a good thing.
    • By the way, both of those NBA games were blowouts.
    • Often in a blowout, the referees will give the disadvantaged team some breaks.
    • He was injured on two plays with marginal impact on the games in which they occurred, games destined to be blowouts regardless of his contributions.
    • Gus was tenacious defensively; even in a blowout victory he wouldn't let the other team have an inch of space.
    • There are several ways to mitigate a blowout without losing control or playing soft.
    • But for as much fun as the close ones are to watch, the blowouts might have been the most entertaining games Sunday.
    • The President won the election, but only by a couple of percentage points; it wasn't the blowout that those election night maps would seem to indicate.
    • While the first two games were both blowouts, the first playoff game in Memphis' history was highly competitive with the Spurs never leading by more than 6 points.
    • That game was a blowout, but it wasn't a result of dropping nine players in pass coverage.
    • The Patriots have won close games and blowouts.
    • As a matter of fact, three of the four first round games yesterday were grim blowouts.
    • I would like to look at a different way to approach this issue that accepts that teams have blowouts and one-run wins and incorporates this into the method.
    • Game 1 was a blowout, and the Bulls got a major psychological edge that helped them to their second straight title.
    • The team doesn't score enough runs to create blowouts.
    • Only the Vikings broke the barrier in a blowout victory over the Packers.
    • A lot of last season's Monday night games were blowouts, but fantasy owners in close battles had reasons to watch.
  • 5North American An act or instance of blow-drying hair.

    you can't do a blowout with super wet hair
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Want to achieve that salon style blowout at home?
    • So it was only a matter of time before shoulder pads, designer jeans, leg warmers, wide belts, layered peasant skirts and big, broad, blowout hair started to look good to us again.
    • Stylist Marvin Carrington decided to revamp her shoulder-length, naturally wavy hair with a sleek blowout, defined layers and blond highlights.
    • In between blowouts, use a reactivating spray to reshape your style.
  • 6A hollow eroded by the wind.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • North of this large major blowout is another, less pronounced blowout of unstabilized sand.
    • The crater resulting from the blowout was measured at 34m long, 15m wide and 6m deep.
    • This one-side riddled basin can even persist beyond the blowout bifurcation, contrary to the previously reported riddled basins which exist only below the blowout transition.
    • Parabolic dunes are formed when the wind causes a blowout, that is, begins to gouge sand out from around a patch of vegetation that has weakened its grip.
    • As I walked into this blowout, I passed one species of plant life after another.

Definition of blowout in US English:


  • 1A sudden rupture or malfunction of a part or an apparatus due to pressure, in particular the bursting of an automobile tire.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A toxic gas blowout at a drilling well in the municipality of Chongqing in south-west China on the night of December 23 has killed at least 233 people.
    • These blowouts were not from the tyres letting them down but simply from inner tubes exploding!
    • Aviation experts have designed durable new radial tyres that burst into lighter, more flexible fragments if a blowout occurs.
    • You never know when you are going to suffer a tyre blowout or when another driver is just going to be plain careless.
    • Technical glitches like the inability to find a blood vessel, or so-called ‘vein blowout,’ are infrequent and are relatively easy to deal with.
    • Potholing, creation of a steep-sided bowlshaped cavity, may be caused by loss of surfacing, basecourse erosion, advanced cracking under traffic or severe weather, or water-induced blowouts.
    • Tubeless radial tyres can cause blowouts because of their weak side walls
    • But if Treasury yields do begin a long climb back up, investors who have already suffered from the stock market blowout will take another hit.
    • The higher annealing point also means that the fibers will retain their strength better than standard E-glass at higher temperatures so the fibers will remain continuous and resist blowout in the exhaust.
    • I do remember quite vividly however watching a woman driving a car suffer a blowout.
    • Speed doesn't necessarily cause blowouts, as others who have posted opinions have said, poor maintenance of the tire can cause a blowout as can faulty valves or the tire being under pressure.
    • Tyre blowouts are common on a lot of trips and this is an area that weight can have a huge effect on.
    • This is dangerous as some of the tyres don't go down but are weakened, which could cause blowouts.
    • If a blowout occurs during wireline operations, any pressure would be prevented from entering the riser, and would be contained by the control head.
    • Had I attempted it immediately, there was grave danger of cutting the inner wall of one or both tyres and suffering a blowout.
    • You're going to see a blowout of entire systems, of utility systems, electrical utility systems, and others, as a result of this.
    • According to the Corporation, the majority of accidents were due to tyre blowouts.
    • The 1979 internal blowout was associated with two surface eruptions that expelled large volumes of overpressured fluids for 10 days.
    • Lying on the trailer-truck was the dead whale - underbelly exposed with a large elongated tear where the biological gaseous blowout took place.
    • This can lead to a panoply of bad results, from poor mileage to on-the-road blowouts.
    • I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder expecting I'd had a blowout on one of my tyres but on inspection they looked fine.
    • It also said that if it is broken by some way other than natural blowout, there would be no replacement.
    • Most accidents are caused by blowouts or other mechanical failures and stupid drivers with no common sense.
    • ‘Even though a driver could check his tyres that morning he could later get a blowout,’ he added.
    • Sinking oil and gas wells offshore is a risky venture because of the danger of blowouts and pipeline ruptures, as well as the daily increments of pollution.
    • Most roads are gravel, meaning accidents and tyre blowouts are not uncommon.
    • They had suffered a tyre blowout on the way back from a safari park.
    • This trade recession will be just as insidious in its effects as any market blowout.
    • The accident occurred when the taxi suffered a left rear tyre blowout.
    puncture, flat tyre, burst tyre
    1. 1.1 An uprush of oil or gas from a well.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even after the blowout had been brought under control, the oil continued to seep out of the ocean floor, he says.
      • Such disruptions are both global and local: wars and embargoes, blowouts and refinery failures.
      • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
      • SARS, fire, the country's election and the blowout of natural gas… all claimed many people's life.
      • Sour gas well blowouts aren't completely uncommon.
      • According to official figures, there have been just two gas blowouts since 1992, and they killed a total of 17 people.
      • Successional patterns will be truncated or prevented in sites with frequent major disturbances, e.g. blowouts, water level changes, etc.
    2. 1.2North American informal An outburst of anger or an argument.
      that exchange led to a big blowout five years ago
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She seriously considered that maybe she and Sam had had a blowout argument.
      • He hasn't tried anything like that since their blowout years ago.
      • I too have had blowouts and the point somebody else made about losing control for a combination of reasons was true for me too.
      • The other conferences seem to have a lot of blowouts most of the time.
      • If you can't talk about this without a big blowout, write her a letter explaining how you feel.
      • My best friend of over ten years and I had a bad blowout 2 years ago and I tell you, I miss her a lot.
      • The blowouts are mounting, and the bickering has begun.
      • No one, apparently, could resist asking about the bad blood on the set of his latest film and the epic blowouts between the director and his star.
      • Physical, verbal, emotional abuse, infidelity, drunkenness, constant bickering, blowout arguments and shouting matches, financial trouble, stress so bad it put her in the hospital.
      • He serves as the amateur therapist of choice to his well-to-do clients, hearing all about their blowouts in the course of their blowouts, and I want to find out why.
      • I had a big blowout with the federal government.
      • Slightly more mature, but enough immaturity to still bring on a good blowout fight whenever we feel like.
      • Letting frustrations fester is a real good way to ensure blowouts and fits of anger later on, so best to get it all out in the open.
      fit of temper, fit of rage, fit of pique, fit, outburst, flare-up, blow-up, pet, paroxysm, frenzy, bad mood, mood, huff, scene
      quarrel, disagreement, squabble, fight, difference of opinion, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud, dissension, war of words, contretemps, exchange of views
    3. 1.3 A melting of an electric fuse.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most accidents are caused by blowouts or other mechanical failures and stupid drivers with no common sense.
      • ‘Even though a driver could check his tyres that morning he could later get a blowout,’ he added.
      • Most roads are gravel, meaning accidents and tyre blowouts are not uncommon.
      • Potholing, creation of a steep-sided bowlshaped cavity, may be caused by loss of surfacing, basecourse erosion, advanced cracking under traffic or severe weather, or water-induced blowouts.
      • These blowouts were not from the tyres letting them down but simply from inner tubes exploding!
      • I do remember quite vividly however watching a woman driving a car suffer a blowout.
      • Tubeless radial tyres can cause blowouts because of their weak side walls
      • This is dangerous as some of the tyres don't go down but are weakened, which could cause blowouts.
      • They had suffered a tyre blowout on the way back from a safari park.
      • You never know when you are going to suffer a tyre blowout or when another driver is just going to be plain careless.
      • Had I attempted it immediately, there was grave danger of cutting the inner wall of one or both tyres and suffering a blowout.
      • This can lead to a panoply of bad results, from poor mileage to on-the-road blowouts.
      • I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder expecting I'd had a blowout on one of my tyres but on inspection they looked fine.
      • The accident occurred when the taxi suffered a left rear tyre blowout.
      • According to the Corporation, the majority of accidents were due to tyre blowouts.
      • Speed doesn't necessarily cause blowouts, as others who have posted opinions have said, poor maintenance of the tire can cause a blowout as can faulty valves or the tire being under pressure.
      • Aviation experts have designed durable new radial tyres that burst into lighter, more flexible fragments if a blowout occurs.
      • Tyre blowouts are common on a lot of trips and this is an area that weight can have a huge effect on.
      puncture, flat tyre, burst tyre
  • 2informal A large or lavish meal or social gathering.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was still crowing over the success of his Dallas showroom expansion and the blowout coming-out party.
    • The Centre for Developing-Area Studies, an academic research centre at McGill, is turning 40 years old next week and is planning a big blowout.
    • Despite the minor grumbles, we had a superb meal - especially with palates so jaded after the festive blowout.
    • Visitors from more restrictive states began to make it their weekend blowout destination and a huge tourism business was built around it.
    • Who could resist an end-of-season barbecue blowout?
    • But Mom's been dreaming of a big blowout all her life, and you'd be a lout not to indulge her.
    • Jokes spring up where you would most and least expect them-in a frat house bedroom during a blowout party, or at an octogenarian's funeral.
    • It's more of a kind of brouhaha about springtime and summer's coming, so we're going to have a big blowout.
    • The annual seasonal blowout is a chance to display and celebrate the accomplishments - and puppets - neighborhood groups have made over the past year.
    • The biggest party I ever had was also a Halloween blowout, several years ago back in Kansas.
    • But before we can weigh anchor, Flores erupts into Festa do Emigrante, a blowout party celebrating Azorean emigrants' annual return to the islands, beginning in July.
    • A haven of genteel entertainment might persuade local residents that there were pleasurable and respectable alternatives to a knock-down drunken blowout every weekend.
    • Anna was sixteen, the coolest age for a teen and she should have been having a blowout party with her friends, not sitting at home with her Mom and her Mom's friend.
    • We will be holding a big blowout for all our friends soon, complete with flour, pudding, and wet noodles.
    • Today we turn our critical lens on the big blowout Washington party known as the presidential inauguration.
    • Mark's annual Derby Weekend blowout creates more buzz about the brand than anything else the company does, he says.
    • The ride will leave from town, ride miles of urban singletrack and some pave, and culminate with a blowout BBQ and podium ceremony.
    • The gorgeous guy you've sorta been going out with is planning to go camping the weekend of your big blowout birthday bash.
    • My brother Ruben's wedding reception was a blowout party.
    • It's a blowout affair that includes an unlimited number of roasted ears for every participant.
    party, feast, banquet, celebration, binge
  • 3North American An event at which goods are sold at heavily discounted prices.

    the purpose of the blowout is to motivate new customers to visit
    as modifier the local store is having a big blowout sale—everything 65% off
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Retailers look for any occasion to host a blowout or a promotion that will make shoppers think they are saving money.
    • There are lots of great scores to be had in the Outlet. Right now we're having a blowout.
    • Almost every store you pass, every corner you take, you'll find sales, discounts, blowouts, bargains, and of course shoppers cashing in on sweet holiday deals.
    • If sales are strong, what will the blowout deals do to earnings?
    • Dozens, maybe hundreds, of used console games are on sale in their October blowout sale.
    • The Prop Shop is sadly closing tomorrow so we're having a blowout sale with tees marked down to $10 and $12.
    • Come on down to our Boxing Day blowout!
    • Twice a year, the school throws a blowout sale.
    • Their major buyers raid their blowout bins, put them in boxes and ship them to the States.
    • Woe to the promotion manager who doesn't ace the Christmas blowout.
  • 4North American informal An easy victory in a sporting contest or election.


    they had lost seven games—four by blowouts and three by slim margins
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They've taken turns dominating each other, alternating sweeps and blowouts like a true slugfest in which one heavyweight's attack leaves him winded and vulnerable to the other's pulverizing blows.
    • Their playing time figures to come in blowouts or as replacements for players in foul trouble.
    • By the way, both of those NBA games were blowouts.
    • But for as much fun as the close ones are to watch, the blowouts might have been the most entertaining games Sunday.
    • As a matter of fact, three of the four first round games yesterday were grim blowouts.
    • The team doesn't score enough runs to create blowouts.
    • He was injured on two plays with marginal impact on the games in which they occurred, games destined to be blowouts regardless of his contributions.
    • The President won the election, but only by a couple of percentage points; it wasn't the blowout that those election night maps would seem to indicate.
    • Only the Vikings broke the barrier in a blowout victory over the Packers.
    • I would like to look at a different way to approach this issue that accepts that teams have blowouts and one-run wins and incorporates this into the method.
    • Gus was tenacious defensively; even in a blowout victory he wouldn't let the other team have an inch of space.
    • Often in a blowout, the referees will give the disadvantaged team some breaks.
    • A lot of last season's Monday night games were blowouts, but fantasy owners in close battles had reasons to watch.
    • Yes, he was saying the election could be a blowout, but he wasn't saying that was a good thing.
    • The Patriots have won close games and blowouts.
    • While the first two games were both blowouts, the first playoff game in Memphis' history was highly competitive with the Spurs never leading by more than 6 points.
    • There are several ways to mitigate a blowout without losing control or playing soft.
    • They were entertaining, even if the games were blowouts.
    • That game was a blowout, but it wasn't a result of dropping nine players in pass coverage.
    • Game 1 was a blowout, and the Bulls got a major psychological edge that helped them to their second straight title.
  • 5North American An act or instance of blow-drying hair.

    you can't do a blowout with super wet hair
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In between blowouts, use a reactivating spray to reshape your style.
    • Want to achieve that salon style blowout at home?
    • So it was only a matter of time before shoulder pads, designer jeans, leg warmers, wide belts, layered peasant skirts and big, broad, blowout hair started to look good to us again.
    • Stylist Marvin Carrington decided to revamp her shoulder-length, naturally wavy hair with a sleek blowout, defined layers and blond highlights.
  • 6A hollow eroded by the wind.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Parabolic dunes are formed when the wind causes a blowout, that is, begins to gouge sand out from around a patch of vegetation that has weakened its grip.
    • North of this large major blowout is another, less pronounced blowout of unstabilized sand.
    • This one-side riddled basin can even persist beyond the blowout bifurcation, contrary to the previously reported riddled basins which exist only below the blowout transition.
    • The crater resulting from the blowout was measured at 34m long, 15m wide and 6m deep.
    • As I walked into this blowout, I passed one species of plant life after another.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 14:47:00