After an emotional poroporoaki, a relaxed evening was spent enjoying Egyptian food and music knowing that they had achieved what they had set out to do and that the arduous journey was almost over with all members intact, tired but healthy.
Traditional Maori ceremonies closed with a poroporoaki.
Both these sporting tournaments finally conclude with poroporoaki, Maori songs and some powerful haka.
You'll have the pleasure of hearing my close friend's poroporoaki.
Arriving in Christchurch to a welcome from friends and whanau the ropu headed to Tuahiwi for the final poroporoaki marking the end of the hikoi.
We have had our poroporoaki for her.
Their spokesman, raising his voice above the wailing, delivers a poroporoaki, addressing himself directly to the deceased.
The bus returns on Monday after our farewell Poroporoaki.
This has nothing to do with her views on powhiri or poroporoaki.