Does this mean the game industry has settled in its ways too soon or does it indicate ample opportunities for future improvements, slow-going as they may be?
By the end of the slow-going 144 minutes, we share his discomfort.
The search goes on, but it is slow-going.
The sole fault is that several of the participants speak with a very dry tone, making for a slow-going commentary.
The slow-going nature of the proceedings may have the opposite effect for a lot of people, and grind the momentum to a halt.
Kids raised on films of endless action might find this a bit slow-going at first, but the dogs are pretty irresistible and should win over even the more "jaded" viewers.
It was at times frustrating and slow-going, but the advantages of Web standards are undeniable.
The consonant-heavy, slow-going third line of the second stanza wasn't intentional.
Slow-going repairs to a cracked support forced the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to remain closed an extra day.
Most of the major routes are slow-going, according to police.