

单词 differ

Definition of differ in English:


verb ˈdɪfəˈdɪfər
[no object]
  • 1Be unlike or dissimilar.


    the second set of data differed from the first


    tastes differ, especially in cars
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Comparisons are difficult, since circumstances differed from place to place and from one decade to another.
    • It sounds kind of reductionist to sum people up by their musical tastes and how they differ from yours.
    • Non-rhotic pronunciation differs widely in its prestige, depending on where it occurs.
    • The treatment of Non Hodgkin lymphoma differs widely, depending on the kind of lymphoma you have.
    • The predator community found in our study differed from that found in North Dakota.
    • It's hard to generalise about plot prices, as they will differ widely by size and location.
    • The activities of ripening-related enzymes also differ widely between species.
    • Though eating patterns have differed widely by region and culture, some broad historical patterns can be outlined.
    • Then, too, he makes allowances for customs that differed from one manor to the next.
    • Their tactics were not standard, but differed from valley to valley and tribe to tribe.
    • All have obvious, if widely differing, talents but so far none has managed to capitalise upon them.
    • The four species in the present study had wings that differed widely in shape.
    • And yet there are plenty of examples of ways this war differed from any other previously fought.
    • I still remember the taste of those eggs, which differed from normal ones I had every morning.
    • They are dotted across the spectrum, and differ widely from area to area.
    • The parameter was identical within each tree, but it differed from one tree to another.
    • Compensation was reduced to recover benefits already paid, but the amount deducted differed from benefit to benefit.
    • In each case he shows how they were similar to or differed from their non-Jewish peers.
    • The new state brought together groups that differed from each other in many respects.
    • Forms of social community and their changes over time differed widely in China and the West.
    vary, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, be distinguishable, diverge
    deviate from, depart from, run counter to, contradict, contrast with, conflict with, be incompatible with, be at odds with, be in opposition to, go against
    1. 1.1 Disagree.
      he differed from his contemporaries in ethical matters


      Example sentencesExamples
      • No doubt differing cultural perspectives played an important role in the schism of 1927.
      • On this, it seems clear that the classical economists differed from their critics.
      • Conservatives differ in terms of which of these approaches we think is the best.
      • Their power lies in signifying recognition of the other person's problem or differing viewpoint.
      • Now I don't mind anyone leaving a comment, after all people have differing opinions on any subject.
      • Do the majority and dissenting opinions differ about how to characterize them?
      • He said however that he differed on the subject of war and would set out his point of view accordingly.
      • As with any group there may be differing points of view on subjects brought to the list.
      • The theme reflects an attempt to find common cause between differing perspectives on environmental issues.
      • Decision making about futility and techniques of withdrawal is difficult and subject to differing opinion.
      • To the extent that this interpretation differed from that of the Inspector, the point needed no further explanation.
      • The most common wrangles are on a founder leader differing with others who troop out to form new churches.
      • Many times this Court's views have differed from those of the House of Lords.
      • Did people with differing viewpoints get a fair chance to speak, in your opinion?
      • Another problem is differing interpretations of what it means to use a client-side certificate.
      • Among his rivals on tour, there are differing opinions on his victory.
      • Verdi scholars hold differing opinions as to when he actually espoused the nationalist cause.
      • The two traditions draw on differing interpretations of the American ‘national interest’.
      • I personally would argue strongly for the right of anyone to differ with me.
      • We collected voices that offer shifting images and differing interpretations of the same landscape.
      disagree, fail to agree, dissent, be at variance, be in dispute, be in opposition, take issue, conflict, clash, cross swords, lock horns, be at each other's throats
      quarrel, argue, wrangle, quibble, squabble
      informal fall out, scrap, argy-bargy, spat
      archaic altercate


  • agree to differ

    • Cease to argue about something because neither party will compromise or be persuaded.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Perhaps the first step in creating a culture in which people are unafraid to speak out is to listen respectfully to each other's views, and be able to gracefully agree to differ where consensus is impossible.
      • We agreed to differ on many things and we also dealt with the issues that we should be dealing with.
      • We obviously can't just agree to differ on these kinds of questions.
      • I know passions tend to run high on this kind of subject, but can we all at least try to agree to differ and respect each other's paths?
      • One issue they agree to differ on is the mock exams.
      • And we now agree to differ on some of the points which he and I earlier had a debate about.
      • A few left, but most agreed to differ and the congregation grew.
      • I stood my ground, and he stood his, and we agreed to differ, although he still remains a very good news source.
      • In some of the best debates in parapsychology the proponents and critics have ended up simply agreeing to differ or failing to reach any agreement.
      • And if reconciliation is impossible, agree to differ with grace.
  • beg to differ

    • Politely disagree.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I beg to differ in my reaction to it and in my opinion on the matters she raises in her letter.
      • Much of the rest of civilization begs to differ.
      • ‘This is obviously an extremely dangerous game,’ he opined, and none begged to differ.
      • A great many economic historians have begged to differ.
      • The industry begs to differ, arguing that what we are witnessing is a cultural change and that the health and fitness club will remain an important part of the commercial property market.
      • You can't imagine there being a time when film wasn't part of her plans - although she begs to differ.
      • Danny, who has worked here for three years, begs to differ.
      • And if anyone assumes there is anything slapped together about it, he begs to differ.
      • ‘I don't think we're very good students anymore,’ she says; however, Carmen begged to differ.
      • A prominent Beverly Hills estate agent begged to differ; if the property could be subdivided, he felt it could attract offers of around $20m.
      protest, protest against, lodge a protest, lodge a protest against, express objections, raise objections, express objections to, raise objections to, express disapproval, express disapproval of, express disagreement, express disagreement with, oppose, be in opposition, be in opposition to, take exception, take exception to, take issue, take issue with, take a stand against, have a problem, have a problem with, argue, argue against, remonstrate, remonstrate against, make a fuss, make a fuss about, quarrel with, disapprove, disapprove of, condemn, draw the line, draw the line at, demur, mind, complain, complain about, moan, moan about, grumble, grumble about, grouse, grouse about, cavil, cavil at, quibble, quibble about


Late Middle English (also in the sense 'put off, defer'): from Old French differer 'differ, defer', from Latin differre, from dis- 'from, away' + ferre 'bring, carry'. Compare with defer1.

  • refer from Late Middle English:

    Refer comes from Latin referre ‘carry back’, from re- ‘back’ and ferre ‘bring’. Referee dates from the early 17th century, but did not appear in sports contexts until the mid 19th century. Referre is also the source of mid 19th-century referendum from the Latin for ‘referring’. Ferre is the source of numerous words in English including confer ‘bring together’; defer ‘put to one side or away’, which shares an origin with differ; fertile ‘bearing’; and transfer ‘carry across’, all of which came into the language in the Late Middle English period.



Definition of differ in US English:


[no object]
  • 1Be unlike or dissimilar.


    the second set of data differed from the first


    tastes differ, especially in cars
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I still remember the taste of those eggs, which differed from normal ones I had every morning.
    • All have obvious, if widely differing, talents but so far none has managed to capitalise upon them.
    • Their tactics were not standard, but differed from valley to valley and tribe to tribe.
    • And yet there are plenty of examples of ways this war differed from any other previously fought.
    • In each case he shows how they were similar to or differed from their non-Jewish peers.
    • The parameter was identical within each tree, but it differed from one tree to another.
    • The activities of ripening-related enzymes also differ widely between species.
    • They are dotted across the spectrum, and differ widely from area to area.
    • Comparisons are difficult, since circumstances differed from place to place and from one decade to another.
    • The predator community found in our study differed from that found in North Dakota.
    • It's hard to generalise about plot prices, as they will differ widely by size and location.
    • The four species in the present study had wings that differed widely in shape.
    • Forms of social community and their changes over time differed widely in China and the West.
    • Non-rhotic pronunciation differs widely in its prestige, depending on where it occurs.
    • It sounds kind of reductionist to sum people up by their musical tastes and how they differ from yours.
    • Though eating patterns have differed widely by region and culture, some broad historical patterns can be outlined.
    • Compensation was reduced to recover benefits already paid, but the amount deducted differed from benefit to benefit.
    • Then, too, he makes allowances for customs that differed from one manor to the next.
    • The new state brought together groups that differed from each other in many respects.
    • The treatment of Non Hodgkin lymphoma differs widely, depending on the kind of lymphoma you have.
    vary, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, be distinguishable, diverge
    deviate from, depart from, run counter to, contradict, contrast with, conflict with, be incompatible with, be at odds with, be in opposition to, go against
    1. 1.1 Disagree.
      he differed from his contemporaries in ethical matters


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many times this Court's views have differed from those of the House of Lords.
      • We collected voices that offer shifting images and differing interpretations of the same landscape.
      • Did people with differing viewpoints get a fair chance to speak, in your opinion?
      • The theme reflects an attempt to find common cause between differing perspectives on environmental issues.
      • Verdi scholars hold differing opinions as to when he actually espoused the nationalist cause.
      • Do the majority and dissenting opinions differ about how to characterize them?
      • The most common wrangles are on a founder leader differing with others who troop out to form new churches.
      • I personally would argue strongly for the right of anyone to differ with me.
      • To the extent that this interpretation differed from that of the Inspector, the point needed no further explanation.
      • Another problem is differing interpretations of what it means to use a client-side certificate.
      • No doubt differing cultural perspectives played an important role in the schism of 1927.
      • Now I don't mind anyone leaving a comment, after all people have differing opinions on any subject.
      • On this, it seems clear that the classical economists differed from their critics.
      • Among his rivals on tour, there are differing opinions on his victory.
      • The two traditions draw on differing interpretations of the American ‘national interest’.
      • He said however that he differed on the subject of war and would set out his point of view accordingly.
      • Decision making about futility and techniques of withdrawal is difficult and subject to differing opinion.
      • Their power lies in signifying recognition of the other person's problem or differing viewpoint.
      • Conservatives differ in terms of which of these approaches we think is the best.
      • As with any group there may be differing points of view on subjects brought to the list.
      disagree, fail to agree, dissent, be at variance, be in dispute, be in opposition, take issue, conflict, clash, cross swords, lock horns, be at each other's throats


  • agree to differ

    • Cease to argue about something because neither party will compromise or be persuaded.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Perhaps the first step in creating a culture in which people are unafraid to speak out is to listen respectfully to each other's views, and be able to gracefully agree to differ where consensus is impossible.
      • A few left, but most agreed to differ and the congregation grew.
      • I stood my ground, and he stood his, and we agreed to differ, although he still remains a very good news source.
      • And if reconciliation is impossible, agree to differ with grace.
      • We obviously can't just agree to differ on these kinds of questions.
      • I know passions tend to run high on this kind of subject, but can we all at least try to agree to differ and respect each other's paths?
      • We agreed to differ on many things and we also dealt with the issues that we should be dealing with.
      • One issue they agree to differ on is the mock exams.
      • And we now agree to differ on some of the points which he and I earlier had a debate about.
      • In some of the best debates in parapsychology the proponents and critics have ended up simply agreeing to differ or failing to reach any agreement.
  • beg to differ

    • Politely disagree.


      that's your opinion—I beg to differ


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Much of the rest of civilization begs to differ.
      • Danny, who has worked here for three years, begs to differ.
      • You can't imagine there being a time when film wasn't part of her plans - although she begs to differ.
      • And if anyone assumes there is anything slapped together about it, he begs to differ.
      • I beg to differ in my reaction to it and in my opinion on the matters she raises in her letter.
      • A prominent Beverly Hills estate agent begged to differ; if the property could be subdivided, he felt it could attract offers of around $20m.
      • ‘This is obviously an extremely dangerous game,’ he opined, and none begged to differ.
      • A great many economic historians have begged to differ.
      • The industry begs to differ, arguing that what we are witnessing is a cultural change and that the health and fitness club will remain an important part of the commercial property market.
      • ‘I don't think we're very good students anymore,’ she says; however, Carmen begged to differ.
      protest, protest against, lodge a protest, lodge a protest against, express objections, raise objections, express objections to, raise objections to, express disapproval, express disapproval of, express disagreement, express disagreement with, oppose, be in opposition, be in opposition to, take exception, take exception to, take issue, take issue with, take a stand against, have a problem, have a problem with, argue, argue against, remonstrate, remonstrate against, make a fuss, make a fuss about, quarrel with, disapprove, disapprove of, condemn, draw the line, draw the line at, demur, mind, complain, complain about, moan, moan about, grumble, grumble about, grouse, grouse about, cavil, cavil at, quibble, quibble about


Late Middle English (also in the sense ‘put off, defer’): from Old French differer ‘differ, defer’, from Latin differre, from dis- ‘from, away’ + ferre ‘bring, carry’. Compare with defer.





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