

单词 humble

Definition of humble in English:


adjectivehumblest, humbler ˈhʌmb(ə)lˈhəmbəl
  • 1Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance.


    I felt very humble when meeting her


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And, you know, he was just so sure of himself, but he was also a modest person and a humble person.
    • Ever since he lost the election for Taipei mayor, he has been humble and self-restrained, quiet and modest, to the surprise of many.
    • Can you be stinking rich and love yourself and be proud of yourself and yet be humble and modest as well?
    • She did nothing and was as modest and humble as an angel, yet she did everything to perfection.
    • The Tibetans I spoke to were infectiously humble and friendly and politically charged without being pushy about independence after the Chinese invaded.
    • These executives and managers are humble, fearless, modest, and willful with endless reserves of energy.
    • ‘I am here as a humble human man of ordinary background,’ Bishop Kelly told The Nationalist this week.
    • He's so humble and modest; I'm someone who literally brags when he goes to the gym, so it's pretty cool to come across such selflessness.
    • Rachel was great at sports, but what makes her different from the other girls Todd knew was that she was modest and humble.
    • The author was too modest and humble to reveal his name, they said.
    • We would probably prefer that the opera star or the sporting hero or the genius be suitably humble, modest, and generally endearing.
    • He is humble and a true gentleman who makes his choices based on honesty and integrity.
    meek, deferential, respectful, submissive, self-effacing, unassertive, unpresuming
    modest, unassuming, self-deprecating, free from vanity, hiding one's light under a bushel
    obsequious, sycophantic, servile
    Scottish mim
    archaic resistless
    1. 1.1 (of an action or thought) offered with or affected by a modest estimate of one's importance.
      my humble apologies


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It proved to be a disaster, in my humble opinion.
      • You guided us so brilliantly, while you also, in my humble opinion, gave the performance of your career.
      • If I did wrong to these people, then I offer my humble apologies.
      • Many of the actions have been humble and simple.
      • In my humble opinion it's just not that kind of a book.
      • I don't know, but, in my humble opinion, it sure looks slicker to keep one or two buttons undone when wearing a dress shirt without a tie.
      • None of them should be doing that in my humble estimation because it is proprietary, personal, it is a matter of U.S. privacy law.
      • In my humble opinion, this sounds just about right.
      • In my humble opinion, a beard can perform double duty as being a source of comfort and enjoyment, as well as looking sharp.
      • That would (in my humble opinion) be much more harmful.
      • After presenting his scholarly ideal, the author describes his own humble scholarly contribution quite modestly.
      • What one or two characteristics define a really quality blog (in your humble opinion, of course)?
      • In my humble estimation, these statistics should ignite a spark in the minds of serious bowlers.
      • A welcome change in this reviewer's humble opinion.
      • All this was attended to in a professional and caring manner, whilst offering humble apologies for the state of the equipment they were forced to endure.
      • A humble request to our politicians is to work together to take our country to new heights.
      • At that point, offer your humble apologies and cancel the message.
      • Definitely a top film, in my humble estimations.
      • The resulting CD will be released in the not-so-distant future, and, in my humble opinion, it will definitely be worth a listen.
      • Magic, in my humble estimation, is all about the stories you hold near and dear.
  • 2Of low social, administrative, or political rank.


    she came from a humble, unprivileged background


    Example sentencesExamples
    • These official inscriptions were produced in substantial quantities, in contrast to the small number of inscriptions produced by more humble social groups.
    • He starts from a humble family background as the son of a patriotic Socialist with a chip on his shoulder.
    • Geoffrey came from a humble working class background in Liverpool.
    • It was an optimistic time as pupils from humble backgrounds won places to study at the national university, while others started careers in the civil service, the police and the army.
    • Lloyd George was from a very humble background, had risen to the heights of British politics, and was very clever, very amusing.
    • Many of them were from humble backgrounds and went on to triumph in their chosen activity.
    • Explaining his love for the poor, he said he came from a relatively humble background.
    • Reflecting on his own humble background, he sought to prove the case that where there are few bars to opportunity, you can rise to the highest office in whatever career you choose.
    • Because of his humble background the artist lacked extensive formal training and his talents were not realised until later in life.
    • The man who was to enjoy one of the longest and most distinguished political careers in the post-war period was born into a remarkably humble background, 93 years ago today.
    • He is courteous, good-humoured, shrewd, canny and from a humble background in Edinburgh.
    • We both came from quite humble backgrounds and then we really appreciated what we got out of our football careers.
    • She was Manchu, not Chinese, background and was of humble origin.
    • She turned to her close friend, Parker, a working-class girl from a humble background.
    • In many ways he had a charmed life: springing from a humble background in Edwardian Cornwall, he gained a coveted scholarship to Oxford, where he had a glittering early career.
    • Not all of those who came were well born, and some had a humble background.
    • In so many ways remarkable - to rise from humble background to hold all four great offices of State was something remarkable.
    • So as we walked together, I regarded the corporal, even though he was of humble rank, and only two stripes my superior, as a man of appointed honor.
    • The party's rise also provided an opportunity for people of humble social origins to enter politics.
    • He was from a humble social background, raised either in a village or an orphanage.
    low-ranking, low, lowly, lower-class, plebeian, proletarian, working-class, undistinguished, poor, mean, ignoble, of low birth, low-born, of low rank
    common, commonplace, ordinary, simple, inferior, unimportant, unremarkable, insignificant, inconsequential
    informal plebby
    archaic baseborn
  • 3(of a thing) of modest pretensions or dimensions.


    he built the business empire from humble beginnings


    Example sentencesExamples
    • From very humble beginnings we now have reached what anyone would call a centre of excellence.
    • Finally, my plans had evolved from a humble grow-hole into a modest, earth-sheltered greenhouse.
    • The school had a humble beginning with only 10 students.
    • This market had humble beginnings eight years ago or so, and has blossomed into a teeming 55-stall market, split between food stalls and craft stalls.
    • From humble beginnings in a basement theatre at Kuranda, the company has expanded to a purpose-designed park on the outskirts of Cairns.
    • And 75 years on from those humble beginnings, it is thriving.
    • They then proceeded to torch the humble dwellings of the farm workers, presumably to ensure that they would not try to return to the village.
    • Some reports estimate that more than 850 compounds are packed inside the humble bean.
    • Supporters are being asked to hold fundraising dinners, lunches or humble coffee breaks based around a literary theme.
    • It is an honour to have a designer of your stature in our humble school.
    • The images show Hong Kong's transformation from humble manufacturing base to modern financial powerhouse.
    • The heartbeat of the landowners' movement is the small trailer which serves as their base camp and humble headquarters.
    • It's a strange sight, incongruous with the modest and humble décor.
    • Even though my dwelling is both humble and modest I still find the quarterly levy feels like more than I can afford.
    • From humble beginnings with 11 electronic trading platforms, the number exploded to a high of 90 in 2001.
    • She congratulated the board of management, parents and in particular the teachers who helped develop the school from its humble beginnings.
    • From its humble beginnings in January 1952, the school has continued to flourish attracting children from all over the locality.
    • Pies are always less fancy than cakes, by dint of their modest shape and humble nature.
    • A labour court in February ordered that the workers be re-instated and the six are back at work but they are refusing to move back into their humble houses on the farm.
    • Despite their humble beginnings, they are an internationally recognised and respected organisation.
    unpretentious, modest, unostentatious, plain, simple, ordinary
verb ˈhʌmb(ə)lˈhəmbəl
[with object]
  • 1Cause (someone) to feel less important or proud.

    he was humbled by his many ordeals
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Glasgow victory shows how ordinary workers can take on and humble this kind of giant firm.
    • When he put George down for the count in the eighth, a man hitherto regarded as an ogre was reduced to humbling mortality at the feet of boxing's greatest magician.
    • I feel humbled by it, and the reality is I'm just reflecting the way most New Yorkers in my position would act.
    • I was so humbled by the beauty of the moment that I respectfully rode in Robin's tracks as we left the beach and began climbing the grassy hill.
    • I was overwhelmed and humbled by the magnitude of what surrounded me.
    • Both were humbled by health difficulties and the consequences of their arrogance.
    • Some of us thought you might be humbled, maybe even a little ashamed.
    • Experiencing his mercy should humble us, fill us with gratitude, and move us to be merciful toward those around us.
    • I think that sometimes, that is what humbles me most.
    • My wife humbled me again last night when I went off into this rant when she said that I am always complaining rather than actually doing anything.
    • In order for a team to win, I think guys have to humble themselves enough to expose their weaknesses to their teammates.
    • Sometimes journalists are humbled by the happenings on sporting fields.
    • To see that magnificent athlete humbled by degenerative disease was very moving.
    • Such a swift and humbling defeat could have easily dampened my spirits, but something hooked me in during those few hazy seconds of combat.
    • But we should see it through to the very end, totally humble these people, then build them back up so they may actually give back to civilization.
    • Then as you grow older and you place what you've done musically against all the body of work that's ever been made, it humbles you hugely.
    • The sheer expanse of the skies humbles me but also makes me feel real and like I need to open up.
    • I had to work through my pride and ego and humble myself and pray a lot, but I am a better person for it.
    • I made a bad choice and I did 200 hours of community service and it humbled me greatly.
    • If you can humble yourself in preparation for an event you will surely be better able to judge and understand it.
    humiliate, abase, demean, belittle, lower, degrade, debase, bring down, bring low
    mortify, shame, put to shame, abash, subdue, chasten, make someone eat humble pie, take down a peg or two
    informal put down, cut down to size, settle someone's hash
    North American informal make someone eat crow
    1. 1.1 Decisively defeat (a sporting opponent previously thought to be superior)
      Wales were humbled at Cardiff Arms Park by Romania
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In Italy in 1990 Scotland were humbled by Costa Rica in the dreaded group phase of the World Cup.
      • The Americans, humbled by Puerto Rico on Sunday, showed more fight against the hosts in front of a hostile crowd.
      • The leaders of the Second Division were humbled to a 94 run defeat at home to Pendle Forest.
      • It's goal is to defeat, to humble, the hyperpower.
      • Kings of cricket once, they were now being humbled by sides, that would have been simply swept aside in the past.
      • I've learned one thing in this game: If you play long enough, you will be humbled.
      • They currently stand proudly atop Group A - but can they humble the hosts to stay there?
      • Especially as it would probably deprive Tunisia of the chance to humble former oppressors France in the second round.
      • Yet Tennessee was humbled, the Ravens crowned, and the outcome was clearly divine intervention.
      • They suffered a shock defeat to Puerto Rico in the opening game before being humbled by eventual winners Argentina in the semi-finals.
      • I played in a poker tournament where I sat with a bunch of guys in sunglasses who proceeded to take my money and humble me completely and totally.
      defeat, beat, beat hollow, crush, trounce, conquer, vanquish, rout, smash, overwhelm, get the better of, give a drubbing to, bring someone to their knees
      informal lick, clobber, hammer, slaughter, murder, massacre, crucify, wipe the floor with, walk all over
      North American informal shellac, blow out, cream, skunk
      US informal own


  • eat humble pie

    • Make a humble apology and accept humiliation.


      he will have to eat humble pie at training after being sent off for punching
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was going to make him eat humble pie on his own doorstep.
      • My advice to anyone who experiences difficulties with family is to swallow pride, eat humble pie if need be, but above all to go on best as can be as though nothing has happened.
      • He swore to me that he had left it back in my shed, but had to eat humble pie when he discovered it was in his garage all the time.
      • If I could paint a picture it would be of me eating humble pie.
      • Derek ate humble pie and he was very proud of me.
      • Now, seven years later, we're eating humble pie.
      • And those predicting total economic mayhem may still be forced to eat humble pie by this time next year if economic growth starts to pick up.
      • It was a risk I was prepared to take, although if it didn't work out I knew I might have to come back and eat humble pie.
      • This Board will not be eating humble pie as he suggested.
      • The paper decides to eat humble pie, giving it a front page story and an apology, which seems to be 15 years too late.
      back down, admit defeat, concede defeat, surrender, capitulate, yield, give in, give up, give way, cave in, submit
  • one's humble abode

    • Used to refer to one's home with an ironic or humorous show of modesty.


      how to transform your humble abode into a top totty student bedroom in minutes!
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'm very grateful that my neighbors were curious enough about the cries of pain emanating from my humble abode and called the paramedics.
      • Currently, we don't even have a TV in my humble abode.
      • In the meantime, you will rest in my humble abode.
      • It was on Sunday Steve finally convinced me to visit his humble abode.
      • Get it wrong and you could end up lowering the value of your humble abode!
      • I refer primarily to my humble abode, which is such a disaster that I fear I may come home to find the cats have run away to protest conditions.
      • To celebrate a relative's 80th birthday the whole family descended en-masse to our humble abode.
      • How he regretted bringing Jeremy into his humble abode.
      • And Amelia wants me to let you know that we miss you and that you're welcome to stay with us, in our humble abode, anytime you're in town.
      • ‘Welcome to our humble abode,’ Ricky said, entering the room, his guest beside him.
      unpretentious, modest, unostentatious, plain, simple, ordinary
  • your humble servant

    • humorous, archaic Used at the end of a letter or as a form of ironic courtesy.

      〈古或幽默〉 用于信件结尾,或故作谦恭您卑微的仆人,卑职

      your most humble servant, George Porter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Forgive your humble servant for I was late to summon my soldiers from the north.
      • So now, you have the choice of being entertained with the antics of the successful Jester, or the words of your humble servant here.
      • Sponsor me and I'll be your humble servant for 24 hours on July 26th.
      • I declare myself to be only your humble servant.
      • Until next month I remain your humble servant.


  • humbleness

  • noun ˈhʌmb(ə)lnəsˈhəmb(ə)lnəs
    • In all aspects of life, humility and humbleness are admired.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I feel this humbleness is exactly what Americans need.
      • I've been alternating between waves of humbleness and gratitude and self-pity, fatigue, and frustration.
      • She is truly a great lady and she seems to have kept her humility and humbleness with consultants in spite of the millions of dollars generated.
      • It is also tempting to believe the onset of injury problems could even have unearthed a new humbleness in the outlook of a player who has not always won friends in the pressroom.


Middle English: from Old French, from Latin humilis 'low, lowly', from humus 'ground'.

  • A word that goes back to Latin humilis ‘low, lowly, base’, also found in humility (Middle English), which was formed from humus ‘earth’. English adopted it from French in the Middle Ages. Before the mid 19th century there was no humility involved in eating humble pie. Humble pie was more correctly umble pie, made from the ‘umbles’ or innards of a deer of other animal. People considered offal to be inferior food, so began to pun on the similar-sounding humble. The first recorded example of to eat humble pie, ‘to make a humble apology and accept humiliation’, is from a collection of the dialect of East Anglia, published in 1830.


bumble, crumble, fumble, grumble, jumble, mumble, rough-and-tumble, rumble, scumble, stumble, tumble, umbel

Definition of humble in US English:


  • 1Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.


    he was humble about his stature as one of rock history's most influential guitarists
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Can you be stinking rich and love yourself and be proud of yourself and yet be humble and modest as well?
    • She did nothing and was as modest and humble as an angel, yet she did everything to perfection.
    • And, you know, he was just so sure of himself, but he was also a modest person and a humble person.
    • Ever since he lost the election for Taipei mayor, he has been humble and self-restrained, quiet and modest, to the surprise of many.
    • ‘I am here as a humble human man of ordinary background,’ Bishop Kelly told The Nationalist this week.
    • The Tibetans I spoke to were infectiously humble and friendly and politically charged without being pushy about independence after the Chinese invaded.
    • We would probably prefer that the opera star or the sporting hero or the genius be suitably humble, modest, and generally endearing.
    • He is humble and a true gentleman who makes his choices based on honesty and integrity.
    • He's so humble and modest; I'm someone who literally brags when he goes to the gym, so it's pretty cool to come across such selflessness.
    • Rachel was great at sports, but what makes her different from the other girls Todd knew was that she was modest and humble.
    • These executives and managers are humble, fearless, modest, and willful with endless reserves of energy.
    • The author was too modest and humble to reveal his name, they said.
    meek, deferential, respectful, submissive, self-effacing, unassertive, unpresuming
    1. 1.1 (of an action or thought) offered with or affected by a modest estimate of one's own importance.
      my humble apologies


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Magic, in my humble estimation, is all about the stories you hold near and dear.
      • Definitely a top film, in my humble estimations.
      • All this was attended to in a professional and caring manner, whilst offering humble apologies for the state of the equipment they were forced to endure.
      • That would (in my humble opinion) be much more harmful.
      • You guided us so brilliantly, while you also, in my humble opinion, gave the performance of your career.
      • After presenting his scholarly ideal, the author describes his own humble scholarly contribution quite modestly.
      • The resulting CD will be released in the not-so-distant future, and, in my humble opinion, it will definitely be worth a listen.
      • What one or two characteristics define a really quality blog (in your humble opinion, of course)?
      • None of them should be doing that in my humble estimation because it is proprietary, personal, it is a matter of U.S. privacy law.
      • In my humble opinion, a beard can perform double duty as being a source of comfort and enjoyment, as well as looking sharp.
      • I don't know, but, in my humble opinion, it sure looks slicker to keep one or two buttons undone when wearing a dress shirt without a tie.
      • It proved to be a disaster, in my humble opinion.
      • Many of the actions have been humble and simple.
      • A welcome change in this reviewer's humble opinion.
      • At that point, offer your humble apologies and cancel the message.
      • A humble request to our politicians is to work together to take our country to new heights.
      • If I did wrong to these people, then I offer my humble apologies.
      • In my humble opinion, this sounds just about right.
      • In my humble estimation, these statistics should ignite a spark in the minds of serious bowlers.
      • In my humble opinion it's just not that kind of a book.
  • 2Of low social, administrative, or political rank.


    she came from a humble, unprivileged background


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was an optimistic time as pupils from humble backgrounds won places to study at the national university, while others started careers in the civil service, the police and the army.
    • She was Manchu, not Chinese, background and was of humble origin.
    • In so many ways remarkable - to rise from humble background to hold all four great offices of State was something remarkable.
    • So as we walked together, I regarded the corporal, even though he was of humble rank, and only two stripes my superior, as a man of appointed honor.
    • These official inscriptions were produced in substantial quantities, in contrast to the small number of inscriptions produced by more humble social groups.
    • Because of his humble background the artist lacked extensive formal training and his talents were not realised until later in life.
    • He starts from a humble family background as the son of a patriotic Socialist with a chip on his shoulder.
    • The man who was to enjoy one of the longest and most distinguished political careers in the post-war period was born into a remarkably humble background, 93 years ago today.
    • Explaining his love for the poor, he said he came from a relatively humble background.
    • She turned to her close friend, Parker, a working-class girl from a humble background.
    • In many ways he had a charmed life: springing from a humble background in Edwardian Cornwall, he gained a coveted scholarship to Oxford, where he had a glittering early career.
    • The party's rise also provided an opportunity for people of humble social origins to enter politics.
    • Many of them were from humble backgrounds and went on to triumph in their chosen activity.
    • Lloyd George was from a very humble background, had risen to the heights of British politics, and was very clever, very amusing.
    • He was from a humble social background, raised either in a village or an orphanage.
    • He is courteous, good-humoured, shrewd, canny and from a humble background in Edinburgh.
    • Geoffrey came from a humble working class background in Liverpool.
    • Not all of those who came were well born, and some had a humble background.
    • We both came from quite humble backgrounds and then we really appreciated what we got out of our football careers.
    • Reflecting on his own humble background, he sought to prove the case that where there are few bars to opportunity, you can rise to the highest office in whatever career you choose.
    low-ranking, low, lowly, lower-class, plebeian, proletarian, working-class, undistinguished, poor, mean, ignoble, of low birth, low-born, of low rank
  • 3(of a thing) of modest pretensions or dimensions.


    he built the business empire from humble beginnings


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some reports estimate that more than 850 compounds are packed inside the humble bean.
    • The heartbeat of the landowners' movement is the small trailer which serves as their base camp and humble headquarters.
    • From humble beginnings in a basement theatre at Kuranda, the company has expanded to a purpose-designed park on the outskirts of Cairns.
    • From its humble beginnings in January 1952, the school has continued to flourish attracting children from all over the locality.
    • A labour court in February ordered that the workers be re-instated and the six are back at work but they are refusing to move back into their humble houses on the farm.
    • This market had humble beginnings eight years ago or so, and has blossomed into a teeming 55-stall market, split between food stalls and craft stalls.
    • Pies are always less fancy than cakes, by dint of their modest shape and humble nature.
    • Finally, my plans had evolved from a humble grow-hole into a modest, earth-sheltered greenhouse.
    • From very humble beginnings we now have reached what anyone would call a centre of excellence.
    • It's a strange sight, incongruous with the modest and humble décor.
    • It is an honour to have a designer of your stature in our humble school.
    • From humble beginnings with 11 electronic trading platforms, the number exploded to a high of 90 in 2001.
    • Despite their humble beginnings, they are an internationally recognised and respected organisation.
    • The school had a humble beginning with only 10 students.
    • Supporters are being asked to hold fundraising dinners, lunches or humble coffee breaks based around a literary theme.
    • The images show Hong Kong's transformation from humble manufacturing base to modern financial powerhouse.
    • They then proceeded to torch the humble dwellings of the farm workers, presumably to ensure that they would not try to return to the village.
    • And 75 years on from those humble beginnings, it is thriving.
    • Even though my dwelling is both humble and modest I still find the quarterly levy feels like more than I can afford.
    • She congratulated the board of management, parents and in particular the teachers who helped develop the school from its humble beginnings.
    unpretentious, modest, unostentatious, plain, simple, ordinary
[with object]
  • 1Lower (someone) in dignity or importance.


    I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I made a bad choice and I did 200 hours of community service and it humbled me greatly.
    • I feel humbled by it, and the reality is I'm just reflecting the way most New Yorkers in my position would act.
    • If you can humble yourself in preparation for an event you will surely be better able to judge and understand it.
    • But we should see it through to the very end, totally humble these people, then build them back up so they may actually give back to civilization.
    • I had to work through my pride and ego and humble myself and pray a lot, but I am a better person for it.
    • Some of us thought you might be humbled, maybe even a little ashamed.
    • Then as you grow older and you place what you've done musically against all the body of work that's ever been made, it humbles you hugely.
    • Both were humbled by health difficulties and the consequences of their arrogance.
    • I was overwhelmed and humbled by the magnitude of what surrounded me.
    • When he put George down for the count in the eighth, a man hitherto regarded as an ogre was reduced to humbling mortality at the feet of boxing's greatest magician.
    • Sometimes journalists are humbled by the happenings on sporting fields.
    • The sheer expanse of the skies humbles me but also makes me feel real and like I need to open up.
    • I think that sometimes, that is what humbles me most.
    • Such a swift and humbling defeat could have easily dampened my spirits, but something hooked me in during those few hazy seconds of combat.
    • My wife humbled me again last night when I went off into this rant when she said that I am always complaining rather than actually doing anything.
    • In order for a team to win, I think guys have to humble themselves enough to expose their weaknesses to their teammates.
    • The Glasgow victory shows how ordinary workers can take on and humble this kind of giant firm.
    • Experiencing his mercy should humble us, fill us with gratitude, and move us to be merciful toward those around us.
    • I was so humbled by the beauty of the moment that I respectfully rode in Robin's tracks as we left the beach and began climbing the grassy hill.
    • To see that magnificent athlete humbled by degenerative disease was very moving.
    humiliate, abase, demean, belittle, lower, degrade, debase, bring down, bring low
    1. 1.1 Decisively defeat (another team or competitor, typically one that was previously thought to be superior)
      he was humbled by his political opponents
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In Italy in 1990 Scotland were humbled by Costa Rica in the dreaded group phase of the World Cup.
      • I played in a poker tournament where I sat with a bunch of guys in sunglasses who proceeded to take my money and humble me completely and totally.
      • I've learned one thing in this game: If you play long enough, you will be humbled.
      • Kings of cricket once, they were now being humbled by sides, that would have been simply swept aside in the past.
      • The Americans, humbled by Puerto Rico on Sunday, showed more fight against the hosts in front of a hostile crowd.
      • They currently stand proudly atop Group A - but can they humble the hosts to stay there?
      • The leaders of the Second Division were humbled to a 94 run defeat at home to Pendle Forest.
      • Yet Tennessee was humbled, the Ravens crowned, and the outcome was clearly divine intervention.
      • Especially as it would probably deprive Tunisia of the chance to humble former oppressors France in the second round.
      • It's goal is to defeat, to humble, the hyperpower.
      • They suffered a shock defeat to Puerto Rico in the opening game before being humbled by eventual winners Argentina in the semi-finals.
      defeat, beat, beat hollow, crush, trounce, conquer, vanquish, rout, smash, overwhelm, get the better of, give a drubbing to, bring someone to their knees


  • eat humble pie

    • Make a humble apology and accept humiliation.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was going to make him eat humble pie on his own doorstep.
      • If I could paint a picture it would be of me eating humble pie.
      • My advice to anyone who experiences difficulties with family is to swallow pride, eat humble pie if need be, but above all to go on best as can be as though nothing has happened.
      • He swore to me that he had left it back in my shed, but had to eat humble pie when he discovered it was in his garage all the time.
      • This Board will not be eating humble pie as he suggested.
      • And those predicting total economic mayhem may still be forced to eat humble pie by this time next year if economic growth starts to pick up.
      • The paper decides to eat humble pie, giving it a front page story and an apology, which seems to be 15 years too late.
      • It was a risk I was prepared to take, although if it didn't work out I knew I might have to come back and eat humble pie.
      • Derek ate humble pie and he was very proud of me.
      • Now, seven years later, we're eating humble pie.
      back down, admit defeat, concede defeat, surrender, capitulate, yield, give in, give up, give way, cave in, submit
  • your humble servant

    • humorous, archaic Used at the end of a letter or as a form of ironic courtesy.

      〈古或幽默〉 用于信件结尾,或故作谦恭您卑微的仆人,卑职

      your most humble servant, George Porter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I declare myself to be only your humble servant.
      • So now, you have the choice of being entertained with the antics of the successful Jester, or the words of your humble servant here.
      • Until next month I remain your humble servant.
      • Forgive your humble servant for I was late to summon my soldiers from the north.
      • Sponsor me and I'll be your humble servant for 24 hours on July 26th.
  • my humble abode

    • Used to refer to one's home with an ironic or humorous show of modesty or humility.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘Welcome to our humble abode,’ Ricky said, entering the room, his guest beside him.
      • And Amelia wants me to let you know that we miss you and that you're welcome to stay with us, in our humble abode, anytime you're in town.
      • In the meantime, you will rest in my humble abode.
      • It was on Sunday Steve finally convinced me to visit his humble abode.
      • I refer primarily to my humble abode, which is such a disaster that I fear I may come home to find the cats have run away to protest conditions.
      • How he regretted bringing Jeremy into his humble abode.
      • I'm very grateful that my neighbors were curious enough about the cries of pain emanating from my humble abode and called the paramedics.
      • Get it wrong and you could end up lowering the value of your humble abode!
      • Currently, we don't even have a TV in my humble abode.
      • To celebrate a relative's 80th birthday the whole family descended en-masse to our humble abode.
      unpretentious, modest, unostentatious, plain, simple, ordinary


Middle English: from Old French, from Latin humilis ‘low, lowly’, from humus ‘ground’.





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