

单词 die


verbdies, died, dying dʌɪdaɪ
[no object]
  • 1(of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.


    he died of tuberculosis
    trees are dying from acid rain


    with object the king died a violent death


    Example sentencesExamples
    • How many people have seen a fox dying from lead shot poisoning?
    • An announcement was made that a Siamese cat had died of a spongiform encephalopathy.
    • He went on to say that there is a difference between dying from cancer and living with cancer.
    • John collapsed and died of a brain haemorrhage in the kitchen of the house in Southampton after a night out with friends.
    • His family have put up the first posters in their campaign to stop other children dying from solvent abuse.
    • In fact, I can't recall any account of an oak tree actually dying from old age; it may be that they go on and on, changing form and surviving until some accident destroys them.
    • Mr Bates died of hypothermia and emphysema, while Mrs Bates died from coronary heart disease.
    • So dinosaurs died from allergic reactions to these new, poisonous intruders.
    • The doctor asked what his mother had died of, and Sixty Five told him that she had died from an aneurism at 52.
    • Oxfam, to take one example, pay less because they're doing a serious job in the scrag-ends of the planet to stop people from dying from extreme dehydration.
    • My father died from mineworkers' pneumoconiosis and my father-in-law died of emphysema.
    • The fish farmers had to stop their activities, as their fish and shrimp died from the pollution.
    • She would have died a normal death otherwise within a couple days of her collapse in 1990.
    • Men attempted to claw their way out, perhaps asking themselves how they ended up in such a remote location, dying the loneliest of deaths.
    • As soon as flowers die, cut back plants to 6 inches from the soil level.
    • An elderly woman and a pet dog died in a head-on collision on the A19 today.
    • The veterinarian cooperated and at least for the record stated that the cow had died of natural causes.
    • This scheme failed because most of the trees died from lack of moisture.
    • Thirty thousand children were already dying needless deaths daily.
    • Thousands of children dying horrible deaths because the American people chose to wallow in apathy.
    pass away, pass on, lose one's life, depart this life, expire, breathe one's last, draw one's last breath, meet one's end, meet one's death, lay down one's life, be no more, perish, be lost, go the way of the flesh, go the way of all flesh, go to glory, go to one's last resting place, go to meet one's maker, cross the great divide, cross the Styx
    informal give up the ghost, kick the bucket, bite the dust, croak, flatline, conk out, buy it, turn up one's toes, cash in one's chips, go belly up, shuffle off this mortal coil, go the way of the dinosaurs
    push up the daisies, be six feet under
    British informal snuff it, peg out, pop one's clogs, hop the twig/stick
    North American informal bite the big one, buy the farm, check out, hand in one's dinner pail
    Australian/New Zealand informal go bung
    literary exit
    archaic decease
    1. 1.1die out Become extinct.
      many species died out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Languages are like lifeforms; when one dies out, a lifeform has become extinct.
      • Scots are dying out, and unless we can reverse the decline in our population we are entering the early years of the final, great Clearance of Scotland.
      • The traditional whisky market is literally dying out.
      • Hittite, for example, died out when its civilisation disappeared in Old Testament times.
      • Those with a scientific background of botany should take up a detailed study of endangered plant species to determine why they are dying out.
      • However, due to climate changes and other pressures, many species began to die out.
      • Isn't it a pity some of our oldest traditions are dying out?
      • They are dying out because the wild flowers on which their caterpillars feed are being killed off by farmers, landowners and foresters.
      • They attract an older clientele and they are dying out.
      • But this is the first time that a species which completely died out in Britain has been reintroduced.
      • Soon, if that trade isn't stopped, some species could die out altogether, said Prof Roberts.
      • Natural capital can clearly be depreciated when, for example, a non-renewable resource such as oil is used up, or when a species dies out, or when air pollution increases.
      • The biologist said the rare type of red squirrel was important because more genetically diverse species were less likely to die out.
      • In the intervening period there was a host of different hominid species, many of which died out.
      • The quilt symbolizes the need to preserve the country's folk art, which is in danger of dying out.
      • Currently we are living through the largest species extinction event since the Dinosaurs died out.
      • About 30% of livestock breeds are close to extinction, and at least one breed of traditional livestock dies out every week
      • This will be in the same way that species die out if they do not physically adapt to events and their environment.
      • In every county in Britain, common wild flowers are becoming scarcer, while scarce species may be dying out altogether.
      • So much for the claim that the Irish language is dying out.
      become extinct, vanish, disappear, cease to be, cease to exist, be no more, perish, pass into oblivion
      become less common, become rarer, dwindle, peter out
    2. 1.2 Be forgotten.
      her genius has assured her name will never die


    3. 1.3with adverbial Become less loud or strong.
      after a while, the noise died down


      at last the storm died away
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A week later, once my bruising had died down, I obtained a new photocard and handed in the form to report the loss and claim a replacement.
      • The family fled, returning to Kabul in early 1996 when fighting died down.
      • By the time the laughter died down, 11 people needed treatment for tear gas inhalation.
      • After the song died down, there was a loud applause and a lot of cheers from the crowd.
      • It seems to have died down now that the song's popularity has waned.
      • But that controversy had hardly died down when we had another and even better example.
      • Just as you think that the threat has died down, then an attack like this happens.
      • On Friday, even as the fighting had died down, it was still impossible to enter the camp to check the stories we had heard.
      • As the hysteria died down, a deep gloom fell over America which was to last over two months.
      • It all died down, but not before leaving Amir's already fragile temperament somewhat more frayed.
      • The hype has died down, and the MFSA appears to think that its job is done.
      • When the fuss died down, the Charnock forward scored from the spot to take them 2-1 up.
      • The only rival is the slowly dying influence of ‘metaphysical’ verse of the English Renaissance.
      • The controversy has apparently not died down as many people raise the issue as a topic of discussion on the Internet.
      • There are some simple facts here that make this case totally irrelevant to the future of digital media, merely the dying influence of outmoded copyright law.
      • The night sky was lit up in the distance by lightning, but the winds had died down and the rain no longer fell.
      • Brook took herself off to America until all the fuss died down.
      • Friday was a bit of a false start as the contractions, if that is indeed what they were died away on Saturday.
      • Antiwar demonstrations have died down, but the nude protest idea seems to have caught on.
      • If you are thinking of going wait till the frenzy has died down.
      fade, fall away, dwindle, melt away, dissolve, subside, decline, sink, lapse, ebb, wane, wilt, wither, evanesce, come to an end, end, vanish, disappear
      fade (away), fall away, dwindle, melt away, subside, ebb, wane, come to an end
      abate, subside, drop, drop off, drop away, fall away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate, decline, fade, dwindle, slacken, recede, tail off, peter out, taper off, wane, ebb, relent, become weaker, weaken, come to an end
      archaic remit
    4. 1.4die back (of a plant) decay from the tip toward the root.
      rhubarb dies back to a crown of buds each winter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • While out digging, put in a few patches of winter pansies or a clump of ornamental cabbages to give a little brightness as other plants finally die back or lose their leaves.
      • Herbaceous plants that are dying back may be prone to fungal attack and can look awful, but don't be too hasty.
      • As the flowers die the stems become woody and the blooms dry while the foliage dies back and the plant takes on its winter form.
      • But grasses are poor fodder: tough, low in nutrients, high in tooth-destroying silicates, and dying back to the roots in cold weather.
      • This is a funny time of year in the garden with many plants dying back and everything tending to look rather messy and damp.
      • The plants will begin to die back by February or March, when they will be ‘flailed’ and the ground will be fertilised ready for next year's crop.
      • Their above-ground parts die back, but their roots overwinter, and the plants resprout in the spring.
      • To harvest potatoes for storage, wait until the plants have died back completely.
      • In Texas' mild winter climate, sometimes only the lemongrass foliage dies back while the roots remain healthy.
      • A herbaceous perennial, this plant dies back at the end of summer and remains dormant until late winter when leaves gradually begin to break through the surface of the soil and unfurl.
    5. 1.5die off Die one after another until few or none are left.
      the original founders died off or retired


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But time goes by, and your friends start getting older and dying off one by one, and you just start realizing life isn't that precious.
      • I've known them all my adult life, all these people, and they're already dying off and my turn will come of course along with everyone else.
      • This mechanism also would explain why post-Soviet males are dying off at such young ages.
      • After blooming in the spring, allow the plants to grow until they die off.
      • ‘Our volunteers are finding far too often that the colleagues they are sharing and developing skills with are dying off around them,’ said VSO chief executive Mark Goldring.
      • Since there are not enough males and females to propagate the race, both families eventually die off.
      • First, management has to give up the naive notion that it can survive by simply holding on until the retiree base begins dying off later this decade.
      • ‘As younger physicians don't stay or start new practices, and older doctors are retiring or dying off, those of us in the middle are asked to do more and more,’ declares Ruben.
      • Adding to the problem of declining numbers is that a lot of old horsemen have been dying off, and their sons have decided not to carry on.
      • We will leave the flowers until they have died off completely and then remove them.
      • Be sure to thoroughly saturate underneath the leaves as well as top surfaces, and repeat every day for at least three or four days until most of the colony has died off.
      • I am reminded of so many prominent investigations where witnesses start to die off just before they are to testify.
      • It sounds like he's hoping that we'll all die off soon and end the arguments.
      • As aging Brazil-nut trees die off, they will not be replaced.
      • Until they die off, I fear we'll have little chance of being taken seriously.
      • It's been said that the World War II generation is dying off at the rate of a thousand souls a day.
      • But that generation is really dying off or retiring.
      • While the language has lost 6,000 speakers in the past 10 years - mainly by older Gaels dying off - its numbers have been boosted by greater numbers of young people learning the language at school.
      • Sadly a recession in trade followed and with the old soldiers dying off we couldn't stay open.
      • Andrew Neil as publisher would be a blessing for the Telegraph, worried that its purchasers, often as old as the Conservative Party's average member, are dying off.
    6. 1.6 (of a fire or light) stop burning or gleaming.
      the fire had died and the room was cold
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am left alone, to wake and guard, until the seven fires die, and the fire in the pit also goes out.
      • When the flames finally died, the two warriors were nothing more than charred ashes.
      • After the Wolfman does his ring walk, an electrical circuit trips and the lights die.
      • The fire started to die, and the shadows were getting creepy, especially the shadows around Desi's face.
      • The fires are dying; other figures are spotted, hard to distinguish amongst the wisps of vapour that drift across the scene.
      • As the daylight died, the shadows came to life and began to prowl about the hedges and corners of houses.
      • As the fire dies down, a cuckoo fills the forest with its unmistakable call.
      • When the last of the natural light had died I heard Mathias' voice boom out through the night sky like the last guest trying to hail a cab home.
      • The flame died and I squished the roach with the end of the lighter just to make sure he was dead.
      • The mile long rip in the canopy was still visible, though the flames had died long ago.
      • My quarters were cold and dark, the flames in the hearth having died to a small pile of glowing embers.
      • When the flame died, we poured a measure of water equal to the amount of absinthe into the glass.
      • The fire had begun to die down and Sei could fell the room growing colder.
      • When the flames have died, pour in the dry sherry then the cream.
      • We watched the sunlight dying, hugging each other close in the crisp cool air.
      • The fire had died to a pile of small, glowing coals that scattered into a shower of sparks when I threw a pair of logs in.
      • Luckily the flames die down leaving a soggy mess of paper and cloth.
      • Toward the end of his life the fiery disdain of his youth died to warm embers.
      • Give the skillet a good shake or three to get everything mixed together after the flames die down.
      • Over the next few days, after the Yule log has died to an ember, we will attempt to clarify those hard choices for readers.
    7. 1.7informal (of a machine) stop functioning or run out of electric charge.
      three toasters have died on me


      I was halfway through a text message when the phone died
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The engine died as he pulled into the spot and the transmission made a horrible, grinding noise as he shifted into park.
      • In the first race in the Chase, at New Hampshire, he had a strong car and led before his engine died.
      • If your engine dies in your car, you slow down and stop.
      • I took a deep breath and pulled over to park, but before I did the engine just died.
      • I had to reformat once when I installed the wrong soundcard drivers and again when I tried to install SP2 and it died on me.
      • Now if your fan dies or you forget to use thermal grease under your leaf blower your CPU will burst into flames in 8 seconds.
      • The engine died, and the two of them arose from their seats and opened the door into the rear area of the ship.
      fail, cut out, give out, stop, halt, break down, stop working, cease to function
      peter out, fizzle out, run down, fade away, lose power
      informal conk out, go kaput, give up the ghost, go phut
      British informal pack up
  • 2informal Be very eager for something.

    they must be dying for a drink


    with infinitive he's dying to meet you


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She couldn't stop smiling, as if she had a secret she was dying to tell.
    • I'm sure they were just dying for the opportunity to come clean and acknowledge their guilt.
    • They were dying to know what it was going to look like, first off.
    • Just before we reached the airport I smiled at the driver and told him I was dying to know what was going on.
    • It is typical of Plazas's professionalism and realism that she is reluctant to advertise a wish list of roles she is dying to tackle.
    • I knew you were dying to ask me that important question.
    • She was dying to know what I'd been typing for so many hours and stayed up last night reading the whole thing.
    • I probably could have got a job with a computer company, but I was dying to go back to cooking, to restaurants.
    • We haven't seen each other in a few years, and I'm dying for her to meet Leta.
    • Worse than all that, though, is having to seduce women when he's dying inside for a man.
    • High-pressured adrenaline congested my veins and I was dying to release it.
    • I was dying to ask for a photo but I just lost my nerve.
    • They were dying to see Ashanti, yet word along the grapevine was that she was no great performer.
    • I was dying to ask Kath these vital questions, but I decided discretion was the better part of valour.
    • I woke up earlier than I wanted to (I was dying to sleep in since I haven't had a chance to do so in ages) but that's okay.
    • ‘But I was dying to find our more, so seeing the lid was missing I thought I'd risk a quick peek,’ he said.
    • I got tired of eating Chinese food and was dying to eat something different so I decided to go to a pizza shop behind my hotel.
    • Actually, I ran out to conduct a chair lift demonstration for our salesman M.K. and his buddies who were dying to see how the whole set-up worked.
    • While we are all dying to get out, there is one who died to get in.
    • They were dying to see the new horror film that everyone was talking about, The Exorcist.
    be very eager, be very keen, be desperate, long, yearn, burn, ache, itch
    informal have a yen, yen
    1. 2.1 Used to emphasize how strongly one is affected by a particular feeling or emotion.
      only the thought of Matilda prevented him from dying of boredom
      we nearly died laughing when he told us


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The kinder, gentler Parrot is dull and many of his listeners on 2GB must be dying of boredom.
      • The ladies' chorus had tears streaming down their faces and Julie, the inadvertent stripper, was slowly dying of embarrassment.
      • I nearly died laughing, while my mother tried to convince me it would not be dreadful.
      • I remember drinking with a friend who was wearing a Golden Bear polo shirt; well, I mean, I nearly died.
      • I nearly died, as I thought it would be included in web diary but not so prominently.
      • Did you know I nearly died when I saw him standing in front of me and asking me to dance?
      • Jillian must have nearly died or had a laugh attack when she heard that name!
      • It's so beautiful, I feel as if I'm dying of happiness.
      • I had a look at the Gleaner's cartoon just now and I nearly died laughing!
      • When I arrived at work in London this morning I nearly died to find my desk piled with post.
      • But inwardly I was dying of curiosity about Nellie's sudden trip.
      • It looked funny enough, but when Natascia realised it was me, she nearly died laughing!
      • Then she calls him a blame shifter and then screams for a time out and I nearly died laughing.
      • Dancing in time was harder still, and when Tristian partnered me, I nearly died of sheer panic.
  • 3archaic Have an orgasm.



  • die a (or the) death

    • informal Come to an end; cease or fail to be popular or successful.

      the craze for cycling shorts is dying a death
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our data shows that, far from dying a death, the package holiday is experiencing something of a renaissance.
      • In the election campaign, the reform agenda is already dying a death - it will briefly spring to life with the Labour manifesto launch, but will not be a campaign theme.
      • Trying something more practical, officials hoped the shack could make way for a new doctor's surgery - but the plan died a death.
      • The second period wasn't dire in comparison to the first, but the game was in danger of dying a death after the interval.
      • Early dreams have died a death, millions of pounds and dollars have been squandered by greedy leaders and just as many lives have been lost in a series of useless internecine wars.
      • I hope it will as it will help the town in general because this side of town is dying a death at the moment.
      • But by then British patriotism had died the death and as the cynics say: ‘You get the history you deserve’.
      • He was wrong, of course, and others who followed in his wake have lived to see their own prophecies of a royal-free Britain dying the death.
      • One lawyer said: ‘He was a dreadful after-dinner speaker and he was dying a death when he started telling the joke.’
      • The issue would probably have died a death by now.
  • die hard

    • Disappear or change very slowly.


      old habits die hard


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Despite the bar on discrimination, old habits die hard and the Scheduled Castes are the hardest hit.
      • Despite the assurances given at that time, the state bureaucratic delays continue as if to prove the truth of the adage that old habits die hard.
      • But old habits die hard and Ronnie still delivers to his 250 to 300 customers seven days a week.
      • His adultery could be a constant, desperate search for love, or just an old habit that dies hard.
      • Old habits die hard and until the 1950s Australian cooking was synonymous with British food.
      • A lot of students keep their computers turned on all the time when they live in residence and old habits die hard in later years.
      • Sometimes it's a good thing that old habits die hard.
      • The BBC's online news service this week proved that old newsgathering habits die hard - even in cyberspace.
      • But old habits die hard, and invariably, after a short time things will slide.
      • But old habits die hard: pounds and ounces have been around for centuries.
  • die in bed

    • Undergo death from natural causes.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even if he does die in bed rather than in a noose, his last day is not far off.
      • Politicians in modern liberal democracies confidently expect to die in bed.
      • He himself eliminated most of his wartime colleagues and survived to die in bed.
      • She concentrates on the legal and political aspects of Augustus' role in transforming the Roman Republic into an Empire, two important aspects of life when one remembers that Augustus had the rare honour of dying in bed.
      • While Charles II died in bed, his father had his head chopped off.
  • die in harness

    • Die before retirement.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yes, he could have bowed out on top back in June last year and become the only PM other than Ming not to get the boot or die in harness.
      • Drummond wore himself out by work and died in harness.
      • As becomes a man steeped in literature, he gives us examples of creative persons who refused to retire, such as Michelangelo and Titian, both of whom died in harness at age 89.
      • The federation alleged that even the appointments were not made in those cases where the employee had died in harness.
  • die like flies

    • see fly
  • die on one's feet

    • informal Come to a sudden or premature end.


      critics said the show would die on its feet


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Small shops are dying on their feet as a result of the anti-competitive practices of the big chains, such as running loss leaders.
      • The lakes in the west are dying on their feet and it is sad to see the trout population drop so dramatically.
      • The simple fact of the matter is football clubs in the lower reaches of the game are dying on their feet with the demise of ITV Digital yet another nail in the coffin for many.
      • But the demand for live matches was now proving insatiable, as a growing consensus developed that highlights were dying on their feet, and that live games were the only way to revive football as a TV event.
      • ‘The players are dying on their feet out there and I had to make two substitutes before half-time,’ Dalziel said afterwards.
      • Some day they are going to learn that it is preferable, politically speaking, to die on their feet than live on their knees.
      • The professor said it is a common assumption that British resorts are dying on their feet.
      • There are far too many towns all over the world dying on their feet because shopping centres and huge malls have taken over.
      • Concluding, he noted that village communities are dying on their feet and the number of pupils at rural schools is in decline.
      • He claims that political parties are dying on their feet and that the election revealed barely disguised hostility to the political process.
  • die on the vine

    • Be unsuccessful at an early stage.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Any good idea put forward simply dies on the vine.
      • Are you cultivating them or are they dying on the vine?
      • It appears the economic fruit promised by Massachusetts politicians of every stripe is dying on the vine.
      • Many innovative aircraft designs died on the vine at this point, but the BV - 238 managed to cling tenaciously to life.
      • Specialized distribution is dying on the vine.
      • Linda's words provoked mockery by her former classmate, Jackie Wang, who once worked for a dotcom that died on the vine.
      • During his undergraduate years at Harvard, however, that dream died on the vine as Phillips discovered the academic subjects he loved in high school - calculus, biology, and so on - were suddenly downright dull to him.
      • Neither his children nor V.J.'s wanted to take over the operation, so all those years of tradition died on the vine.
      • From time to time, individuals tried to overcome this divide, but the efforts simply died on the vine.
      • I believe this effort died on the vine as I don't recall reading anything more on this subject in future Abstracts.
  • never say die

    • Used to encourage someone not to give up hope in a difficult situation.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They were right in thinking he would never say die.
      • We are both very confident and positive people who back our own ability and never say die.
      • Never say never, as the script writers for some James Bond movie once memorably remarked, and never say die, as someone else said.
      • As a player he showed a fantastic never say die attitude and very astute football brain.
      • However, Mount-mellick's never say die attitude was exemplified by Aiden Challoner's goal late in the game, but it was a case of too little, too late.
      • But we're one of those teams that will never say die.
      • In Trevor's case, and he had the biggest margin to make up, it was a case of slow and steady, head down tail up and never say die.
      • That never say die approach was perfectly illustrated with Shane Cooney's mammoth 46th minute point from almost the halfway line to signal the start of the Mitchels revival.
      • Oh come on now, old thing, never say die, every little counts, etc.
      • Remember, everyone, never say die, unless you're really serious about it!
  • to die for

    • informal Extremely good or desirable.


      the ice creams are to die for


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Slight and dark, with lustrous eyes and cheekbones to die for, he is even more attractive in the flesh than on screen.
      • You don't want a greasy kebab on a night out - you want proper paninis, amazing coffee and hot chocolate to die for.
      • Put very simply, it will result in legs and a backside to die for.
      • I loved the Mudbrick Vineyard - not only great food and wine but the views are to die for!
      • You may have a CV to die for but if your accent doesn't fit then you might as well go home, says John Parrish
      • The costumes were completely marvellous and the sets were to die for in their gorgeousness.
      • Robinson, meanwhile, brought class, writing talent and a voice to die for.
      • Her dark skin was almost like silk to the touch and I tell you she had those big beautiful brown eyes and lips to die for!
      • On the ground floor, an array of cheeses, salamis, olive oil, fruit, nougat and pastries to die for.
      • The songs merge a Gomez-like quirkiness, dreamy melodies and harmonies to die for.


Middle English: from Old Norse deyja, of Germanic origin; related to dead.

  • In surviving Old English texts the usual way of saying ‘to stop living’ is to starve or to swelt, or by a phrase incorporating the word dead. The form swelt survived in dialect, but has probably now died out. Die appeared in the early Middle Ages and came from an old Scandinavian word. To die hard, ‘to disappear or change very slowly’, is now generally used of habits or customs, but its origins lie in public executions. It was originally used in the 1780s to describe criminals who died struggling to their last breath on the infamous Tyburn gallows in London. A few years later, during the Peninsular War (fought between France and Britain in Spain and Portugal from 1808 to 1814), Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Inglis, commander of the 57th Regiment of Foot, lay severely wounded on the front line of the Battle of Albuera. He refused to be carried to safety, and urged his men to ‘Die hard!’ They followed his brave example, sustaining heavy loss of life, and all of the dead were found with their wounds on the front of their bodies. The battle was eventually won, and their heroism earned them the nickname ‘the Die-hards’. In the early 20th century political circles took up the name to describe those who were determinedly opposed to reform, and the term diehard can still refer to someone who is stubbornly conservative or reactionary. See also dice


ally, Altai, apply, assai, awry, ay, aye, Baha'i, belie, bi, Bligh, buy, by, bye, bye-bye, chi, Chiangmai, Ciskei, comply, cry, Cy, Dai, defy, deny, Di, do-or-die, dry, Dubai, dye, espy, eye, fie, fly, forbye, fry, Frye, goodbye (US goodby), guy, hereby, hi, hie, high, I, imply, I-spy, July, kai, lie, lye, Mackay, misapply, my, nearby, nigh, Nye, outfly, passer-by, phi, pi, pie, ply, pry, psi, Qinghai, rai, rely, rocaille, rye, scry, serai, shanghai, shy, sigh, sky, Skye, sky-high, sly, spin-dry, spry, spy, sty, Sukhotai, supply, Tai, Thai, thereby, thigh, thy, tie, Transkei, try, tumble-dry, underlie, Versailles, Vi, vie, whereby, why, wry, Wye, xi, Xingtai, Yantai


nounPlural dies dʌɪdaɪ
  • 1

    singular form of dice
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If the die showed 5 or 6, then it was thrown again until a number between 1 and 4 came up.
    • To begin, players roll a die to determine which category question they begin with.
    • Different die rolls allow you to move your jeep, or shift some of the animals.
    • Combat is handled through targeting a unit in your opponent's force, then rolling a die.
    • Basically players each choose a team of 5 dice, and take turns throwing a die onto the table.
    • First a regular game of Chess is conducted and then each player rolls a single die.
    • So we changed the rule such that only the caller lost a single die on an exact bid and we've found that the game is far more enjoyable.
    • Moves are determined by a special die and each horse is affected differently by the various rolls.
    • For many dice games - in fact, most such games that I can think of - a six-sided die is sufficient.
    • Each set replaces a single die in a normal (with the predator dice) game of Bongo.
    • So when you're level 3 instead of rolling 3 dice you roll 5 dice, or 1 die 5 times.
    • To include only a single die in a game that required rolling two or three at the same time would be astounding.
    • By turning any polyhedral die, you can represent how much money you have.
    • Additionally, the die rolling adds a great deal of excitement and tension.
    • If you're unlucky enough with the roll of the die, the game can be over even faster.
    • This is because during your turn, you get to draw a card with a saying on it, roll a ten-sided die, and then act out a mood.
    • Each number rolled on the die corresponds to a specific category.
    • Trials were randomized by the throw of a die, and for each trial, each caller was assigned a number from 1 to 4.
    • It was the first popular game where movement was not determined by a die roll.
    • For example, we could record the sound of dice rolling, and play this sound while our die is rolling.
  • 2A device for cutting or moulding metal into a particular shape.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the sealing module, seal grids can be snapped in and out of the sealing-grid die to change the shape of the package seal.
    • These steels are used for air frame and engine components, injection moulds and dies.
    • This class also includes plastic molds and die cast molding dies.
    • The tube is sized by the combination of extruder and puller speeds, and the distance between the extruder die and the cooling water.
    • He designed and made a sizing die with interchangeable bushings of progressively smaller diameters.
    • After creating the dies to extrude the frame profiles, workers in Italy produced the extrusions.
    • It's fairly easy to grind metal out of a die, but putting it back in presents a real problem.
    • That is going to be the key on pressed metal parts because you can't just take the CATIA design and cut dies to that and get an accurate part.
    • Jones, Redding and Hornady also offer full-length sizing dies that incorporate their interchangeable neck bushings.
    • One of the key elements in designing the dies used to make them is to make sure there's enough material to make whatever it is you need, but not too much.
    • Making complex parts typically requires costly dies - molds into which metal or plastic is poured or stamped.
    • The Quick Plastic Forming process involves heating an aluminum sheet and using air pressure to form it against a heated die.
    • If hexagon heads are desired, a heading tool will upset some of the metal into a hexagon-shaped die cavity.
    • This allows the die to dissipate its heat to the heatsink more efficiently, as Intel demonstrated with the Coppermine CPU.
    • We are getting their entire production lines shifted to India, all tools, moulds, dies, etc.
    • This press consisted of a hand operated vertical pump which forced molten lead through a horizontal tube forming the die.
    • If the thermal path is poor, however, the temperature of the die and L1 device will be quite high.
    • Hand forgings are produced by working aluminum stock between flat dies or other simple tools that shape the piece roughly to the required contour.
    • In another metalworking arena, Fantesk may one day be used to lubricate dies, which shape sheet metal into objects such as automobile roofs.
    • It is essentially a die shrunk R100, and is based on a .15 manufacturing process.
    1. 2.1 An engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This combined efficiency with a new means of authentication: a pendent wax seal, stamped from a die kept in the king's household.
      • He learns that the art of hand-etching engraved dies is fading away as computers and machines have taken over to precisely duplicate the classic fonts.
      • Some years back, the first coins produced with new dies looked better than the ones produced later.
      • Coins are being struck with dies, and when the dies are finished, a mint normally likes to get the final approval from the authorities before striking the number of coins ordered.
      • The pierced motifs were mechanically cut with a steel punch and the embossed decoration on the borders stamped out with steel dies.
      • It was compared to a copper trial struck from the die, and carefully examined by several numismatic professionals.
      • A die was very much cheaper to procure although of course a separate die had to be made for each design.
      • Such commissions were to become a lucrative money-spinner for die engravers in the 19th century.
      • Crucial to urban development is the discovery of coin-making dies, for the Viking economy had previously been based not on currency but on silver bullion and the exchange of goods.
      • This means the nickel base plate is not evenly pressed onto the CPU die (picture).
      • If you're working with plain cushion, apply rubber cement to both the cushioned die and the block.
      • Q. And when I make a die, I have to create it manually?
      • Then you hammer them; you put the die on a coin blank and hit it with a bloody big hammer to mould the impression into the metal.
      • A set of printing dies stamps the sayings on the sheets in edible red ink, and the hearts are cut.
      • After mounting the die to the wood, stamp the image onto a piece of text-weight paper and allow to dry.
      • Designs are available in rubber stamps, precut paper, dies, and stencils.
  • 3Architecture
    The cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth.



In modern standard English, the singular die (rather than dice) is uncommon. Dice is used for both the singular and the plural


  • the die is cast

    • An event has happened or a decision has been taken that cannot be changed.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once the tax year in which the ISO exercise occurred is closed, the die is cast, and the taxpayer will incur the AMT liability based on the original value at exercise, regardless of the stock's current value.
      • And so, the die is cast, we move out of here on the morning of March 30, motor up to the little house by the fenside, camp out overnight, just us, Harry and Dolly, two airbeds and a folding chair.
      • The word in the market is that they grossly miscalculated and the die is cast.
      • When the die was cast, they stood up and were counted.
      • Goodness knows how long it will be before anything happens, still the die is cast.
      • At this stage the die is cast as far as the venue is concerned and it's a matter of getting on with the job of beating Kerry.
      • When Julius Caesar paused to ponder the consequences of a military attack some 2000 years ago, his poetic adage was as fitting then as it is today: alea jacta est - the die is cast.
      • But now the die is cast, and said brutal dictators and corrupt monarchs no longer have the ability to stop the future.
      • Voting across the branches ended on Friday night so the die is cast at this stage.
      • There have been two delays in applying the regulation, but now the die is cast.
      • In many ways it's the point at which I begin to feel less crushingly anxious - the die is cast, for better or worse.
  • (as) straight as a die

    • 1Absolutely straight.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This one was built straight as a die and it doesn't take a royal funeral to break out the bells.
      • The ball travelled as straight as a die and with tremendous speed to the back of the net.
      • It's rhythmic, uncluttered and straight as a die.
      1. 1.1Entirely open and honest.


Middle English: from Old French de, from Latin datum 'something given or played', neuter past participle of dare.


[no object]
  • 1(of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.


    with object the king died a violent death


    she died of cancer
    the sheep died from the heat
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The veterinarian cooperated and at least for the record stated that the cow had died of natural causes.
    • An announcement was made that a Siamese cat had died of a spongiform encephalopathy.
    • This scheme failed because most of the trees died from lack of moisture.
    • How many people have seen a fox dying from lead shot poisoning?
    • An elderly woman and a pet dog died in a head-on collision on the A19 today.
    • His family have put up the first posters in their campaign to stop other children dying from solvent abuse.
    • He went on to say that there is a difference between dying from cancer and living with cancer.
    • In fact, I can't recall any account of an oak tree actually dying from old age; it may be that they go on and on, changing form and surviving until some accident destroys them.
    • Oxfam, to take one example, pay less because they're doing a serious job in the scrag-ends of the planet to stop people from dying from extreme dehydration.
    • She would have died a normal death otherwise within a couple days of her collapse in 1990.
    • My father died from mineworkers' pneumoconiosis and my father-in-law died of emphysema.
    • Mr Bates died of hypothermia and emphysema, while Mrs Bates died from coronary heart disease.
    • The doctor asked what his mother had died of, and Sixty Five told him that she had died from an aneurism at 52.
    • The fish farmers had to stop their activities, as their fish and shrimp died from the pollution.
    • So dinosaurs died from allergic reactions to these new, poisonous intruders.
    • Men attempted to claw their way out, perhaps asking themselves how they ended up in such a remote location, dying the loneliest of deaths.
    • Thousands of children dying horrible deaths because the American people chose to wallow in apathy.
    • As soon as flowers die, cut back plants to 6 inches from the soil level.
    • Thirty thousand children were already dying needless deaths daily.
    • John collapsed and died of a brain haemorrhage in the kitchen of the house in Southampton after a night out with friends.
    pass away, pass on, lose one's life, depart this life, expire, breathe one's last, draw one's last breath, meet one's end, meet one's death, lay down one's life, be no more, perish, be lost, go the way of the flesh, go the way of all flesh, go to glory, go to one's last resting place, go to meet one's maker, cross the great divide, cross the styx
    1. 1.1die for Be killed for (a cause)
      they were prepared to die for their country


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even if I was an undocumented immigrant, I could still end up dying for Uncle Sam.
      • If so, name one thing worth dying for and tell me why you feel so strongly about it
      • I like the fact that these kids are serving for the right reasons, and some dying for the right reasons.
      • Please, Rachel, give a little respect for those who are prepared to fight and die for our country.
      • It took seventy years and fifty million deaths until nobody would kill or die for Bolshevism.
      • The point may seem obvious, but the public does not choose causes worth dying for; elites do it for them.
      • They're convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.
      • To kill or die for religion is an archaic ploy dusted and re-enforced every century.
      • But the dream our men and women are dying for today - that's a dream worth fighting for.
      • American soldiers are dying for a cause they are not quite so sure about.
      • Most of us would gladly die for our children yet could be responsible for slowly killing them by allowing bouts of inactivity to go unchecked.
      • Is it right for conformist journalists to assume moral superiority over a man prepared to kill and die for his beliefs?
      • They're trying to tell the Western public this is what your boys are dying for.
      • They may turn themselves over completely to their savior and be willing to kill or die for him or her.
      • There are some things worth fighting and dying for, and making America safer is one of them.
      • Is this the so-called democracy all these people have died and are dying for?
      • You seem to have the most passionate beliefs, that you'd die for, or kill for, but you in fact have none.
      • There has to be someone out there who is willing to take that chance of dying for their country.
      • I hate these guys because they want the credit for something which people have died for.
      • He said their families can rest assured that their sons and daughters died for a noble cause.
    2. 1.2with complement Have a specified status at the time of one's death.
      the inventor died a pauper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She died destitute and forgotten in a bedsit in the south of France in 1984.
      • Does he have greater world recognition and importance in his own terms, than he does if he dies a martyr?
      • Will the estate of a Muslim who dies intestate be handled by the arbitrator?
      • Showing no attachment to his native land, he eventually immigrated to the United States, dying a janitor in Pasadena.
      • Nevertheless, he died penniless and almost forgotten in a shabby one-room apartment in New York.
      • What does his dying a Jew have to do with anything?
    3. 1.3die out Become extinct.
      many species died out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This will be in the same way that species die out if they do not physically adapt to events and their environment.
      • However, due to climate changes and other pressures, many species began to die out.
      • Natural capital can clearly be depreciated when, for example, a non-renewable resource such as oil is used up, or when a species dies out, or when air pollution increases.
      • Hittite, for example, died out when its civilisation disappeared in Old Testament times.
      • In the intervening period there was a host of different hominid species, many of which died out.
      • Isn't it a pity some of our oldest traditions are dying out?
      • The traditional whisky market is literally dying out.
      • So much for the claim that the Irish language is dying out.
      • In every county in Britain, common wild flowers are becoming scarcer, while scarce species may be dying out altogether.
      • They attract an older clientele and they are dying out.
      • Scots are dying out, and unless we can reverse the decline in our population we are entering the early years of the final, great Clearance of Scotland.
      • The biologist said the rare type of red squirrel was important because more genetically diverse species were less likely to die out.
      • About 30% of livestock breeds are close to extinction, and at least one breed of traditional livestock dies out every week
      • But this is the first time that a species which completely died out in Britain has been reintroduced.
      • Those with a scientific background of botany should take up a detailed study of endangered plant species to determine why they are dying out.
      • The quilt symbolizes the need to preserve the country's folk art, which is in danger of dying out.
      • They are dying out because the wild flowers on which their caterpillars feed are being killed off by farmers, landowners and foresters.
      • Languages are like lifeforms; when one dies out, a lifeform has become extinct.
      • Soon, if that trade isn't stopped, some species could die out altogether, said Prof Roberts.
      • Currently we are living through the largest species extinction event since the Dinosaurs died out.
      become extinct, vanish, disappear, cease to be, cease to exist, be no more, perish, pass into oblivion
    4. 1.4 Be forgotten.
      her genius has assured her name will never die


    5. 1.5with adverbial Become less loud or strong.
      after a while, the noise died down


      at last the storm died away
      Example sentencesExamples
      • By the time the laughter died down, 11 people needed treatment for tear gas inhalation.
      • But that controversy had hardly died down when we had another and even better example.
      • It seems to have died down now that the song's popularity has waned.
      • Brook took herself off to America until all the fuss died down.
      • It all died down, but not before leaving Amir's already fragile temperament somewhat more frayed.
      • Antiwar demonstrations have died down, but the nude protest idea seems to have caught on.
      • When the fuss died down, the Charnock forward scored from the spot to take them 2-1 up.
      • Just as you think that the threat has died down, then an attack like this happens.
      • The hype has died down, and the MFSA appears to think that its job is done.
      • A week later, once my bruising had died down, I obtained a new photocard and handed in the form to report the loss and claim a replacement.
      • On Friday, even as the fighting had died down, it was still impossible to enter the camp to check the stories we had heard.
      • There are some simple facts here that make this case totally irrelevant to the future of digital media, merely the dying influence of outmoded copyright law.
      • As the hysteria died down, a deep gloom fell over America which was to last over two months.
      • After the song died down, there was a loud applause and a lot of cheers from the crowd.
      • Friday was a bit of a false start as the contractions, if that is indeed what they were died away on Saturday.
      • The controversy has apparently not died down as many people raise the issue as a topic of discussion on the Internet.
      • The night sky was lit up in the distance by lightning, but the winds had died down and the rain no longer fell.
      • If you are thinking of going wait till the frenzy has died down.
      • The family fled, returning to Kabul in early 1996 when fighting died down.
      • The only rival is the slowly dying influence of ‘metaphysical’ verse of the English Renaissance.
      fade, fall away, dwindle, melt away, dissolve, subside, decline, sink, lapse, ebb, wane, wilt, wither, evanesce, come to an end, end, vanish, disappear
      fade, fade away, fall away, dwindle, melt away, subside, ebb, wane, come to an end
      abate, subside, drop, drop off, drop away, fall away, lessen, ease, ease off, let up, decrease, diminish, moderate, decline, fade, dwindle, slacken, recede, tail off, peter out, taper off, wane, ebb, relent, become weaker, weaken, come to an end
    6. 1.6die back (of a plant) decay from the tip toward the root.
      rhubarb dies back to a crown of buds each winter


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In Texas' mild winter climate, sometimes only the lemongrass foliage dies back while the roots remain healthy.
      • Their above-ground parts die back, but their roots overwinter, and the plants resprout in the spring.
      • As the flowers die the stems become woody and the blooms dry while the foliage dies back and the plant takes on its winter form.
      • A herbaceous perennial, this plant dies back at the end of summer and remains dormant until late winter when leaves gradually begin to break through the surface of the soil and unfurl.
      • To harvest potatoes for storage, wait until the plants have died back completely.
      • The plants will begin to die back by February or March, when they will be ‘flailed’ and the ground will be fertilised ready for next year's crop.
      • While out digging, put in a few patches of winter pansies or a clump of ornamental cabbages to give a little brightness as other plants finally die back or lose their leaves.
      • Herbaceous plants that are dying back may be prone to fungal attack and can look awful, but don't be too hasty.
      • But grasses are poor fodder: tough, low in nutrients, high in tooth-destroying silicates, and dying back to the roots in cold weather.
      • This is a funny time of year in the garden with many plants dying back and everything tending to look rather messy and damp.
    7. 1.7die off Die one after another until few or none are left.
      the original founders died off or retired


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘As younger physicians don't stay or start new practices, and older doctors are retiring or dying off, those of us in the middle are asked to do more and more,’ declares Ruben.
      • I've known them all my adult life, all these people, and they're already dying off and my turn will come of course along with everyone else.
      • It sounds like he's hoping that we'll all die off soon and end the arguments.
      • But that generation is really dying off or retiring.
      • First, management has to give up the naive notion that it can survive by simply holding on until the retiree base begins dying off later this decade.
      • We will leave the flowers until they have died off completely and then remove them.
      • But time goes by, and your friends start getting older and dying off one by one, and you just start realizing life isn't that precious.
      • Be sure to thoroughly saturate underneath the leaves as well as top surfaces, and repeat every day for at least three or four days until most of the colony has died off.
      • Sadly a recession in trade followed and with the old soldiers dying off we couldn't stay open.
      • Until they die off, I fear we'll have little chance of being taken seriously.
      • Andrew Neil as publisher would be a blessing for the Telegraph, worried that its purchasers, often as old as the Conservative Party's average member, are dying off.
      • While the language has lost 6,000 speakers in the past 10 years - mainly by older Gaels dying off - its numbers have been boosted by greater numbers of young people learning the language at school.
      • As aging Brazil-nut trees die off, they will not be replaced.
      • This mechanism also would explain why post-Soviet males are dying off at such young ages.
      • Since there are not enough males and females to propagate the race, both families eventually die off.
      • Adding to the problem of declining numbers is that a lot of old horsemen have been dying off, and their sons have decided not to carry on.
      • After blooming in the spring, allow the plants to grow until they die off.
      • It's been said that the World War II generation is dying off at the rate of a thousand souls a day.
      • I am reminded of so many prominent investigations where witnesses start to die off just before they are to testify.
      • ‘Our volunteers are finding far too often that the colleagues they are sharing and developing skills with are dying off around them,’ said VSO chief executive Mark Goldring.
    8. 1.8 (of a fire or light) stop burning or gleaming.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Over the next few days, after the Yule log has died to an ember, we will attempt to clarify those hard choices for readers.
      • I am left alone, to wake and guard, until the seven fires die, and the fire in the pit also goes out.
      • When the flame died, we poured a measure of water equal to the amount of absinthe into the glass.
      • When the flames finally died, the two warriors were nothing more than charred ashes.
      • Toward the end of his life the fiery disdain of his youth died to warm embers.
      • My quarters were cold and dark, the flames in the hearth having died to a small pile of glowing embers.
      • The fire had died to a pile of small, glowing coals that scattered into a shower of sparks when I threw a pair of logs in.
      • As the fire dies down, a cuckoo fills the forest with its unmistakable call.
      • The mile long rip in the canopy was still visible, though the flames had died long ago.
      • When the last of the natural light had died I heard Mathias' voice boom out through the night sky like the last guest trying to hail a cab home.
      • We watched the sunlight dying, hugging each other close in the crisp cool air.
      • The fire had begun to die down and Sei could fell the room growing colder.
      • When the flames have died, pour in the dry sherry then the cream.
      • The flame died and I squished the roach with the end of the lighter just to make sure he was dead.
      • As the daylight died, the shadows came to life and began to prowl about the hedges and corners of houses.
      • The fires are dying; other figures are spotted, hard to distinguish amongst the wisps of vapour that drift across the scene.
      • Luckily the flames die down leaving a soggy mess of paper and cloth.
      • After the Wolfman does his ring walk, an electrical circuit trips and the lights die.
      • Give the skillet a good shake or three to get everything mixed together after the flames die down.
      • The fire started to die, and the shadows were getting creepy, especially the shadows around Desi's face.
    9. 1.9informal (of a machine) stop functioning or run out of electric charge.
      three toasters have died on me


      my cell phone died while I was trying to contact him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the first race in the Chase, at New Hampshire, he had a strong car and led before his engine died.
      • I had to reformat once when I installed the wrong soundcard drivers and again when I tried to install SP2 and it died on me.
      • If your engine dies in your car, you slow down and stop.
      • The engine died as he pulled into the spot and the transmission made a horrible, grinding noise as he shifted into park.
      • I took a deep breath and pulled over to park, but before I did the engine just died.
      • Now if your fan dies or you forget to use thermal grease under your leaf blower your CPU will burst into flames in 8 seconds.
      • The engine died, and the two of them arose from their seats and opened the door into the rear area of the ship.
      fail, cut out, give out, stop, halt, break down, stop working, cease to function
  • 2informal Used to emphasize that one wants to do or have something very much.


    they must be dying for a drink


    with infinitive he's dying to meet you


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I knew you were dying to ask me that important question.
    • I was dying to ask Kath these vital questions, but I decided discretion was the better part of valour.
    • Actually, I ran out to conduct a chair lift demonstration for our salesman M.K. and his buddies who were dying to see how the whole set-up worked.
    • I got tired of eating Chinese food and was dying to eat something different so I decided to go to a pizza shop behind my hotel.
    • High-pressured adrenaline congested my veins and I was dying to release it.
    • She couldn't stop smiling, as if she had a secret she was dying to tell.
    • ‘But I was dying to find our more, so seeing the lid was missing I thought I'd risk a quick peek,’ he said.
    • They were dying to know what it was going to look like, first off.
    • She was dying to know what I'd been typing for so many hours and stayed up last night reading the whole thing.
    • We haven't seen each other in a few years, and I'm dying for her to meet Leta.
    • While we are all dying to get out, there is one who died to get in.
    • Worse than all that, though, is having to seduce women when he's dying inside for a man.
    • I woke up earlier than I wanted to (I was dying to sleep in since I haven't had a chance to do so in ages) but that's okay.
    • I'm sure they were just dying for the opportunity to come clean and acknowledge their guilt.
    • Just before we reached the airport I smiled at the driver and told him I was dying to know what was going on.
    • They were dying to see the new horror film that everyone was talking about, The Exorcist.
    • They were dying to see Ashanti, yet word along the grapevine was that she was no great performer.
    • It is typical of Plazas's professionalism and realism that she is reluctant to advertise a wish list of roles she is dying to tackle.
    • I was dying to ask for a photo but I just lost my nerve.
    • I probably could have got a job with a computer company, but I was dying to go back to cooking, to restaurants.
    be very eager, be very keen, be desperate, long, yearn, burn, ache, itch
    1. 2.1 Used to emphasize feelings of shock, embarrassment, amusement, or misery.
      we nearly died laughing when he told us


      I nearly died when I saw them


      I'm simply dying of thirst


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It looked funny enough, but when Natascia realised it was me, she nearly died laughing!
      • I nearly died laughing, while my mother tried to convince me it would not be dreadful.
      • When I arrived at work in London this morning I nearly died to find my desk piled with post.
      • Jillian must have nearly died or had a laugh attack when she heard that name!
      • Then she calls him a blame shifter and then screams for a time out and I nearly died laughing.
      • It's so beautiful, I feel as if I'm dying of happiness.
      • But inwardly I was dying of curiosity about Nellie's sudden trip.
      • I nearly died, as I thought it would be included in web diary but not so prominently.
      • The ladies' chorus had tears streaming down their faces and Julie, the inadvertent stripper, was slowly dying of embarrassment.
      • I remember drinking with a friend who was wearing a Golden Bear polo shirt; well, I mean, I nearly died.
      • I had a look at the Gleaner's cartoon just now and I nearly died laughing!
      • Dancing in time was harder still, and when Tristian partnered me, I nearly died of sheer panic.
      • Did you know I nearly died when I saw him standing in front of me and asking me to dance?
      • The kinder, gentler Parrot is dull and many of his listeners on 2GB must be dying of boredom.
  • 3archaic Have an orgasm.



  • die hard

    • Disappear or change very slowly.


      old habits die hard


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Despite the assurances given at that time, the state bureaucratic delays continue as if to prove the truth of the adage that old habits die hard.
      • But old habits die hard: pounds and ounces have been around for centuries.
      • Sometimes it's a good thing that old habits die hard.
      • His adultery could be a constant, desperate search for love, or just an old habit that dies hard.
      • The BBC's online news service this week proved that old newsgathering habits die hard - even in cyberspace.
      • A lot of students keep their computers turned on all the time when they live in residence and old habits die hard in later years.
      • Despite the bar on discrimination, old habits die hard and the Scheduled Castes are the hardest hit.
      • Old habits die hard and until the 1950s Australian cooking was synonymous with British food.
      • But old habits die hard and Ronnie still delivers to his 250 to 300 customers seven days a week.
      • But old habits die hard, and invariably, after a short time things will slide.
  • die on the vine

    • Be unsuccessful at an early stage.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Specialized distribution is dying on the vine.
      • Any good idea put forward simply dies on the vine.
      • Neither his children nor V.J.'s wanted to take over the operation, so all those years of tradition died on the vine.
      • From time to time, individuals tried to overcome this divide, but the efforts simply died on the vine.
      • Are you cultivating them or are they dying on the vine?
      • It appears the economic fruit promised by Massachusetts politicians of every stripe is dying on the vine.
      • Linda's words provoked mockery by her former classmate, Jackie Wang, who once worked for a dotcom that died on the vine.
      • I believe this effort died on the vine as I don't recall reading anything more on this subject in future Abstracts.
      • Many innovative aircraft designs died on the vine at this point, but the BV - 238 managed to cling tenaciously to life.
      • During his undergraduate years at Harvard, however, that dream died on the vine as Phillips discovered the academic subjects he loved in high school - calculus, biology, and so on - were suddenly downright dull to him.
  • never say die

    • Used to encourage someone in a difficult situation.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, Mount-mellick's never say die attitude was exemplified by Aiden Challoner's goal late in the game, but it was a case of too little, too late.
      • But we're one of those teams that will never say die.
      • We are both very confident and positive people who back our own ability and never say die.
      • Never say never, as the script writers for some James Bond movie once memorably remarked, and never say die, as someone else said.
      • That never say die approach was perfectly illustrated with Shane Cooney's mammoth 46th minute point from almost the halfway line to signal the start of the Mitchels revival.
      • They were right in thinking he would never say die.
      • Oh come on now, old thing, never say die, every little counts, etc.
      • Remember, everyone, never say die, unless you're really serious about it!
      • In Trevor's case, and he had the biggest margin to make up, it was a case of slow and steady, head down tail up and never say die.
      • As a player he showed a fantastic never say die attitude and very astute football brain.
  • to die for

    • informal Extremely good or desirable.


      the ice cream is to die for


      Example sentencesExamples
      • On the ground floor, an array of cheeses, salamis, olive oil, fruit, nougat and pastries to die for.
      • Her dark skin was almost like silk to the touch and I tell you she had those big beautiful brown eyes and lips to die for!
      • You may have a CV to die for but if your accent doesn't fit then you might as well go home, says John Parrish
      • You don't want a greasy kebab on a night out - you want proper paninis, amazing coffee and hot chocolate to die for.
      • The songs merge a Gomez-like quirkiness, dreamy melodies and harmonies to die for.
      • The costumes were completely marvellous and the sets were to die for in their gorgeousness.
      • Slight and dark, with lustrous eyes and cheekbones to die for, he is even more attractive in the flesh than on screen.
      • Robinson, meanwhile, brought class, writing talent and a voice to die for.
      • I loved the Mudbrick Vineyard - not only great food and wine but the views are to die for!
      • Put very simply, it will result in legs and a backside to die for.


Middle English: from Old Norse deyja, of Germanic origin; related to dead.


  • 1

    singular form of dice
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Each set replaces a single die in a normal (with the predator dice) game of Bongo.
    • If you're unlucky enough with the roll of the die, the game can be over even faster.
    • So we changed the rule such that only the caller lost a single die on an exact bid and we've found that the game is far more enjoyable.
    • Additionally, the die rolling adds a great deal of excitement and tension.
    • Trials were randomized by the throw of a die, and for each trial, each caller was assigned a number from 1 to 4.
    • For example, we could record the sound of dice rolling, and play this sound while our die is rolling.
    • To begin, players roll a die to determine which category question they begin with.
    • By turning any polyhedral die, you can represent how much money you have.
    • Moves are determined by a special die and each horse is affected differently by the various rolls.
    • To include only a single die in a game that required rolling two or three at the same time would be astounding.
    • It was the first popular game where movement was not determined by a die roll.
    • Different die rolls allow you to move your jeep, or shift some of the animals.
    • So when you're level 3 instead of rolling 3 dice you roll 5 dice, or 1 die 5 times.
    • First a regular game of Chess is conducted and then each player rolls a single die.
    • This is because during your turn, you get to draw a card with a saying on it, roll a ten-sided die, and then act out a mood.
    • If the die showed 5 or 6, then it was thrown again until a number between 1 and 4 came up.
    • Combat is handled through targeting a unit in your opponent's force, then rolling a die.
    • For many dice games - in fact, most such games that I can think of - a six-sided die is sufficient.
    • Basically players each choose a team of 5 dice, and take turns throwing a die onto the table.
    • Each number rolled on the die corresponds to a specific category.
  • 2A device for cutting or molding metal into a particular shape.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If the thermal path is poor, however, the temperature of the die and L1 device will be quite high.
    • Hand forgings are produced by working aluminum stock between flat dies or other simple tools that shape the piece roughly to the required contour.
    • Making complex parts typically requires costly dies - molds into which metal or plastic is poured or stamped.
    • One of the key elements in designing the dies used to make them is to make sure there's enough material to make whatever it is you need, but not too much.
    • That is going to be the key on pressed metal parts because you can't just take the CATIA design and cut dies to that and get an accurate part.
    • The Quick Plastic Forming process involves heating an aluminum sheet and using air pressure to form it against a heated die.
    • These steels are used for air frame and engine components, injection moulds and dies.
    • In the sealing module, seal grids can be snapped in and out of the sealing-grid die to change the shape of the package seal.
    • In another metalworking arena, Fantesk may one day be used to lubricate dies, which shape sheet metal into objects such as automobile roofs.
    • He designed and made a sizing die with interchangeable bushings of progressively smaller diameters.
    • Jones, Redding and Hornady also offer full-length sizing dies that incorporate their interchangeable neck bushings.
    • It's fairly easy to grind metal out of a die, but putting it back in presents a real problem.
    • After creating the dies to extrude the frame profiles, workers in Italy produced the extrusions.
    • This allows the die to dissipate its heat to the heatsink more efficiently, as Intel demonstrated with the Coppermine CPU.
    • If hexagon heads are desired, a heading tool will upset some of the metal into a hexagon-shaped die cavity.
    • This class also includes plastic molds and die cast molding dies.
    • This press consisted of a hand operated vertical pump which forced molten lead through a horizontal tube forming the die.
    • The tube is sized by the combination of extruder and puller speeds, and the distance between the extruder die and the cooling water.
    • It is essentially a die shrunk R100, and is based on a .15 manufacturing process.
    • We are getting their entire production lines shifted to India, all tools, moulds, dies, etc.
    1. 2.1 An engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This combined efficiency with a new means of authentication: a pendent wax seal, stamped from a die kept in the king's household.
      • It was compared to a copper trial struck from the die, and carefully examined by several numismatic professionals.
      • Coins are being struck with dies, and when the dies are finished, a mint normally likes to get the final approval from the authorities before striking the number of coins ordered.
      • A die was very much cheaper to procure although of course a separate die had to be made for each design.
      • Then you hammer them; you put the die on a coin blank and hit it with a bloody big hammer to mould the impression into the metal.
      • Some years back, the first coins produced with new dies looked better than the ones produced later.
      • After mounting the die to the wood, stamp the image onto a piece of text-weight paper and allow to dry.
      • If you're working with plain cushion, apply rubber cement to both the cushioned die and the block.
      • Crucial to urban development is the discovery of coin-making dies, for the Viking economy had previously been based not on currency but on silver bullion and the exchange of goods.
      • The pierced motifs were mechanically cut with a steel punch and the embossed decoration on the borders stamped out with steel dies.
      • He learns that the art of hand-etching engraved dies is fading away as computers and machines have taken over to precisely duplicate the classic fonts.
      • A set of printing dies stamps the sayings on the sheets in edible red ink, and the hearts are cut.
      • Designs are available in rubber stamps, precut paper, dies, and stencils.
      • This means the nickel base plate is not evenly pressed onto the CPU die (picture).
      • Such commissions were to become a lucrative money-spinner for die engravers in the 19th century.
      • Q. And when I make a die, I have to create it manually?
  • 3Architecture
    The cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth.



See dice


  • the die is cast

    • An event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The word in the market is that they grossly miscalculated and the die is cast.
      • In many ways it's the point at which I begin to feel less crushingly anxious - the die is cast, for better or worse.
      • When the die was cast, they stood up and were counted.
      • There have been two delays in applying the regulation, but now the die is cast.
      • At this stage the die is cast as far as the venue is concerned and it's a matter of getting on with the job of beating Kerry.
      • When Julius Caesar paused to ponder the consequences of a military attack some 2000 years ago, his poetic adage was as fitting then as it is today: alea jacta est - the die is cast.
      • But now the die is cast, and said brutal dictators and corrupt monarchs no longer have the ability to stop the future.
      • Once the tax year in which the ISO exercise occurred is closed, the die is cast, and the taxpayer will incur the AMT liability based on the original value at exercise, regardless of the stock's current value.
      • Voting across the branches ended on Friday night so the die is cast at this stage.
      • And so, the die is cast, we move out of here on the morning of March 30, motor up to the little house by the fenside, camp out overnight, just us, Harry and Dolly, two airbeds and a folding chair.
      • Goodness knows how long it will be before anything happens, still the die is cast.
  • (as) straight as a die

    • Absolutely straight.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The ball travelled as straight as a die and with tremendous speed to the back of the net.
      • This one was built straight as a die and it doesn't take a royal funeral to break out the bells.
      • It's rhythmic, uncluttered and straight as a die.


Middle English: from Old French de, from Latin datum ‘something given or played’, neuter past participle of dare.





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