

单词 huckster

Definition of huckster in English:


noun ˈhʌkstəˈhəkstər
  • 1A person who sells small items door-to-door or from a stall.


    a door-to-door huckster
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The trick is to find them among the dross of ill-informed advice from psychobabbling hucksters who don't seem to live in the real world.
    • Wouldn't this make him a set-up for an oily huckster who sold lame horses with a false hump?
    • He mused (more than asked): ‘Do you know you can measure the state of the economies of most developing countries by the number of hucksters you encounter at traffic lights?’
    • It reads more like a huckster selling long-life elixir at a rural county fair.
    • Consumers seeking relief from phone hucksters shouldn't be sold a bill of goods by their government.
    • These homespun medications were sold by itinerant hucksters, pharmacies, and whoever could spellbind a listener with lofty promises of cure.
    • To add to the incessant cacophony of all the usual hucksters and souvenir traders, the pilgrims and the clergy, the temple is also still being built.
    • When you put it that way, the street-level huckster almost sounds more honorable than the executive.
    • You take away the impression that you've been spun a shaggy parrot story told by a sideshow huckster, albeit with attention-grabbing skill.
    • I cringed at the hucksters on the street, who had a negative impact on the brand.
    • At the base there was the mass of peddlers, hawkers, hucksters, at best shopkeepers.
    • Tommy uses every trick in the book to catch his man: dressing as a rodeo clown, shilling prizes as a slick Vegas huckster, or pretending to be a backwoods hick, Tommy has all the right moves.
    • Nearby, hucksters sell postcards of the skyline, in which the towers remain shiningly intact.
    • Folks, this is a very old stunt, used by carnival hucksters for generations to convince gullible victims that ‘energies’ are being demonstrated.
    • In 1880, the Federal census reported 2,690 commercial travelers, hucksters, and peddlers based in Chicago - 98 percent of whom were men.
    • Another pulled toffee - at least in its classic form - is Irish yellowman, a sweet still often sold at fairs by hucksters proclaiming its supposedly health-giving properties.
    • This bland 30-second spot stood out in the cluttered huckster's marketplace of morning television because of all the elements that were missing.
    • New ordinances banned boys from throwing rocks, female hucksters from selling food door-to-door, and people of color from assembling after curfew.
    • Here professionals and housewives discard their workaday images and become hucksters offering the output of their hobbies.
    trader, dealer, seller, purveyor, vendor, barrow boy, salesman, door-to-door salesman, pedlar, hawker
    West Indian higgler
    informal pusher
    archaic chapman, packman
    rare crier, colporteur
    1. 1.1 A person who sells in an aggressive or ruthless way.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This makes them easy pickings for religious hucksters, who continually say the most ridiculous things and get away with it only because their audience isn't bright enough to think it through for themselves.
      • It is a rare thing for a reviewer to find himself in the role of evangelist or huckster, but that is where I must begin.
      • Self-reflection and humility are not marketable commodities among hucksters.
      • They're stock hucksters, touts, gamblers and flim-flammers.
      • All of this convinced Bryson that he didn't have to transform his modest self into a careerist huckster in order to make more of his living from music.
      • Internet hucksters use wild colors, eye-popping images, and jazzy sounds to draw your attention to their ads, trying to get you to reveal your credit card number and buy stuff.
      • It seems a mortgage company that briefly held my loan two years ago is still peddling my personal financial information to every huckster with a LaserJet printer.
      • We're accustomed to facing a gauntlet of hucksters when we sit in front of a TV set.
      • Meanwhile, the volume of spam continues to rise, as hucksters pitch porn sites, pyramid schemes, quack health remedies, online casinos, mortgage refinancing, and so on.
      • As any huckster can tell you, when the quality goes down, the hype goes up.
      • However, there are many charlatans, hucksters, and snake-oil sellers among the New Age field, in part because it is so easy to fool people when you can't produce hard physical evidence of the truth of your assertions.
  • 2North American A publicity agent or advertising copywriter.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Besides, consumers have always been in an equilibrium with advertisers and hucksters - some gullible people will fall for anything, while others are impervious to all manipulation.
    • You go to war with the best public relations huckster you can have: the White House announced last week that a Washington public relations executive, with no experience in military affairs, was the nominee for the post.
    • Every genius, promoter and huckster wanted a piece of the action.
    • The huckster advertises an attractive item-an appliance, aluminum siding, a new kitchen-at an astonishingly low price. That's the bait, and consumers predictably rise to it.
    • Their role is more significant (in a couple of senses) than hucksters whose interest in the lives of other people is limited to an opportunity to ply their craft.
    • Of course, it won't surprise me if some huckster manages to get the two women to square off again.
[no object]North American
  • 1Bargain; haggle.


    they were clearly embarrassed at having to huckster for cash
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Thousands of TV commercials go on their merry way, oblivious to dire circumstances outside the calculus of huckstering.
    • Sorry that I have to resort to such shameless huckstering.
    • From the start, negotiations over water have been rife with miscalculations, poor planning and plain old huckstering.
    • Rather than caricaturing him, Gladwell uses Popeil and his family legacy of boardwalk huckstering to teach Madison Avenue lessons it would never have learned in business school.
    • The staff is smart, attentive, and blessedly innocent of the huckstering and bum's rushing that often characterize staples of the tourist circuit.
    • Littlebody grumbles of indignity - ‘the huckstering / - jumping around in your green top hat ‘- but the laws laid down so long ago hold true and he offers up his purse of gold.’
    • Of course, in the universal association of Jews with commerce and huckstering there was a huge element of stereotyping.
    1. 1.1with object Promote or sell (something, typically a product of questionable value)
      he was huckstering a video
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Too often, the most famous members of the profession become preoccupied by their own personalities, generating flashy images and huckstering iconic trademarks.
      • If you hear any other coach claim his player deserves consideration, you know that coach is shamefully huckstering or making sure his guy gets on an All-American team.
      • His huckstering abilities soon ingratiated him to Joe Frazier, the world heavyweight champion, whom he accompanied to Kingston, Jamaica, in 1973, when Frazier defended his crown against Foreman.
      • You have thousands of members cancelling their memberships, and that anger is only going to grow as people realize they got huckstered by this bill.
      • These kinds of electronic spaces seem to be far removed from the image of the bustling, huckstering Bartholomew Fair, but it seems that many scholars in the Humanities confuse them.
      • There should be high profile Indonesian culture and trade expos at major cities in the west, shamelessly huckstering for this country.
      • So, although he will presumably be ‘shocked’ to learn it, his military-technological huckstering appalled the old general.
      • Nearly a century ago, for instance, radio was a new grassroots phenomenon that responded to community needs without huckstering the listeners.
      advertise, publicize, give publicity to, bang the drum for, beat the drum for, popularize, sell, market, merchandise


  • hucksterism

  • noun
    • There are some delightful things in the old canalside section of town, but they are nearly lost amid the avalanche of commercial hucksterism that lines almost every inch of the canals.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From the moment Jallel checks into a men's hostel he is schooled in the art of hucksterism and survival by native Frenchmen.
      • So where, exactly, does personal publicity cross the line into outright hucksterism?
      • You know, a lot of critics stated that that was simply hucksterism.
      • There is in this scene incredible creativity, innovation and imagination coupled with sleazy self-promotion, hucksterism, minstrelsy and debasement of the race.


Middle English (in the sense 'retailer at a stall, hawker'): probably of Low German origin.

  • hawk from Old English:

    In politics a hawk, a person who advocates hard-line or warlike policies, contrasts with a dove, a peacemaker. The terms emerged in the early 1960s at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, when the Soviet Union threatened to install missiles in Cuba within striking distance of the USA. To hawk meaning ‘to carry about and offer goods for sale’ was formed in the late 15th century, probably by removing the ending from hawker, ‘a person who travels around selling goods’. The latter word is not recorded until the early 16th century, when hawkers came to legal notice as something of a nuisance to be suppressed, but was most likely in use long before it was written down. It is related to huckster (Middle English), from a root meaning ‘to haggle, bargain’. See also haggard

Definition of huckster in US English:


  • 1A person who sells small items, either door-to-door or from a stall or small store.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It reads more like a huckster selling long-life elixir at a rural county fair.
    • This bland 30-second spot stood out in the cluttered huckster's marketplace of morning television because of all the elements that were missing.
    • Nearby, hucksters sell postcards of the skyline, in which the towers remain shiningly intact.
    • When you put it that way, the street-level huckster almost sounds more honorable than the executive.
    • To add to the incessant cacophony of all the usual hucksters and souvenir traders, the pilgrims and the clergy, the temple is also still being built.
    • New ordinances banned boys from throwing rocks, female hucksters from selling food door-to-door, and people of color from assembling after curfew.
    • These homespun medications were sold by itinerant hucksters, pharmacies, and whoever could spellbind a listener with lofty promises of cure.
    • Consumers seeking relief from phone hucksters shouldn't be sold a bill of goods by their government.
    • Wouldn't this make him a set-up for an oily huckster who sold lame horses with a false hump?
    • Another pulled toffee - at least in its classic form - is Irish yellowman, a sweet still often sold at fairs by hucksters proclaiming its supposedly health-giving properties.
    • In 1880, the Federal census reported 2,690 commercial travelers, hucksters, and peddlers based in Chicago - 98 percent of whom were men.
    • Folks, this is a very old stunt, used by carnival hucksters for generations to convince gullible victims that ‘energies’ are being demonstrated.
    • Tommy uses every trick in the book to catch his man: dressing as a rodeo clown, shilling prizes as a slick Vegas huckster, or pretending to be a backwoods hick, Tommy has all the right moves.
    • Here professionals and housewives discard their workaday images and become hucksters offering the output of their hobbies.
    • He mused (more than asked): ‘Do you know you can measure the state of the economies of most developing countries by the number of hucksters you encounter at traffic lights?’
    • At the base there was the mass of peddlers, hawkers, hucksters, at best shopkeepers.
    • The trick is to find them among the dross of ill-informed advice from psychobabbling hucksters who don't seem to live in the real world.
    • I cringed at the hucksters on the street, who had a negative impact on the brand.
    • You take away the impression that you've been spun a shaggy parrot story told by a sideshow huckster, albeit with attention-grabbing skill.
    trader, dealer, seller, purveyor, vendor, barrow boy, salesman, door-to-door salesman, pedlar, hawker
    1. 1.1 A mercenary person eager to make a profit out of anything.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many New Yorkers perceived the proposal as a hoax, junk art or the work of just another fly-by-night huckster.
      • Or, we might get a rash of hucksters, hustlers, and bigots, attracted by the smell of public funds.
      • Before we can begin to evaluate the evidence, we must get rid of the hucksters and charlatans who have turned unsolved mysteries into a profitable business.
      • That range embraces everything from human genius to human criminality, from knowledgeable creativity to ignorant destruction, from human healers to human hucksters.
      • Of course, ‘privatization’ is a politically-popular fad these days, but before we turn this sensitive government function over to for-profit hucksters, let's think twice.
      • They are desperate people in search of a cure, and as such deserve protection from hucksters who would use that desperation to turn a quick profit.
      • Even worse, he warned, are the hucksters who will sell dangerous ‘south-pole’ magnets with potentially life-threatening consequences.
      • We see cash-starved municipalities being heavily lobbied to privatize services by corporate hucksters even though costs will rise and local control is lost.
      • They'll last for the unsuspecting customer about three and a half minutes, and the customer will think all flower growers are hucksters.
      • If you are one of his victims, it will not ease your frustration to know that his business - on behalf of diet-pill hucksters, online casinos and the like - has made the one-time insurance fraudster a millionaire.
      • Instructive, isn't it, how much scientists clamoring for federal funds sound like that quintessential American huckster, the snake-oil salesman?
      • There are too many snake - oil salesmen, hucksters, conmen and digital shamans attracted by the glamour and financial promise of the net.
      • America was a land of professionally suave huckster sales people.
      • An electric broom huckster has no divine right to tell us what design is and isn't.
      • Other content indicators include ALL CAPS text, red font tags, huckster language like ‘pure profit’ and even the word ‘remove.’
    2. 1.2North American A publicity agent or advertising copywriter, especially for radio or television.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Of course, it won't surprise me if some huckster manages to get the two women to square off again.
      • Besides, consumers have always been in an equilibrium with advertisers and hucksters - some gullible people will fall for anything, while others are impervious to all manipulation.
      • You go to war with the best public relations huckster you can have: the White House announced last week that a Washington public relations executive, with no experience in military affairs, was the nominee for the post.
      • Their role is more significant (in a couple of senses) than hucksters whose interest in the lives of other people is limited to an opportunity to ply their craft.
      • Every genius, promoter and huckster wanted a piece of the action.
      • The huckster advertises an attractive item-an appliance, aluminum siding, a new kitchen-at an astonishingly low price. That's the bait, and consumers predictably rise to it.
[with object]North American
  • 1Promote or sell (something, typically a product of questionable value).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So, although he will presumably be ‘shocked’ to learn it, his military-technological huckstering appalled the old general.
    • There should be high profile Indonesian culture and trade expos at major cities in the west, shamelessly huckstering for this country.
    • You have thousands of members cancelling their memberships, and that anger is only going to grow as people realize they got huckstered by this bill.
    • If you hear any other coach claim his player deserves consideration, you know that coach is shamefully huckstering or making sure his guy gets on an All-American team.
    • His huckstering abilities soon ingratiated him to Joe Frazier, the world heavyweight champion, whom he accompanied to Kingston, Jamaica, in 1973, when Frazier defended his crown against Foreman.
    • Too often, the most famous members of the profession become preoccupied by their own personalities, generating flashy images and huckstering iconic trademarks.
    • Nearly a century ago, for instance, radio was a new grassroots phenomenon that responded to community needs without huckstering the listeners.
    • These kinds of electronic spaces seem to be far removed from the image of the bustling, huckstering Bartholomew Fair, but it seems that many scholars in the Humanities confuse them.
    advertise, publicize, give publicity to, bang the drum for, beat the drum for, popularize, sell, market, merchandise
    1. 1.1no object Bargain; haggle.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sorry that I have to resort to such shameless huckstering.
      • Rather than caricaturing him, Gladwell uses Popeil and his family legacy of boardwalk huckstering to teach Madison Avenue lessons it would never have learned in business school.
      • Littlebody grumbles of indignity - ‘the huckstering / - jumping around in your green top hat ‘- but the laws laid down so long ago hold true and he offers up his purse of gold.’
      • Thousands of TV commercials go on their merry way, oblivious to dire circumstances outside the calculus of huckstering.
      • Of course, in the universal association of Jews with commerce and huckstering there was a huge element of stereotyping.
      • The staff is smart, attentive, and blessedly innocent of the huckstering and bum's rushing that often characterize staples of the tourist circuit.
      • From the start, negotiations over water have been rife with miscalculations, poor planning and plain old huckstering.


Middle English (in the sense ‘retailer at a stall, hawker’): probably of Low German origin.





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