

单词 develop

Definition of develop in English:


verbdeveloped, develops, developing dɪˈvɛləpdəˈvɛləp
  • 1Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.


    no object motion pictures were to develop into mass entertainment


    with object enabling individuals to develop their personal skills


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a new site feature, these blogs will grow and develop into living, breathing areas for the exchange of links, thoughts, and information.
    • As he grew he developed into a fine-looking man, and his master's wife noticed.
    • Other places of its kind have gone the same road and after sale have been developed into thriving places of business.
    • The lads responded and a motley crew matured and developed into a squad to be proud of.
    • Four years at college used to develop well-rounded individuals, mature athletes with knowledge of a world beyond their own disciplines.
    • Caterpillars grown from larvae and chrysalises developed into butterflies.
    • The Bills hope he can rapidly develop into their starting quarterback and serve that role for many, many years.
    • Eventually as the tree matures, it will develop into a fine spreading type.
    • But how many have developed into mature teachers of the type described above?
    • It was difficult for new black associations to mature and develop nationally or to elaborate specific programmes.
    • It started quite innocently - a small twinge developed into a spreading stiffness across my lower back.
    • Precisely in this period the social democratic movement developed into the most influential political party.
    • The analogy is broadly applicable: good designing is a skill developed in the field, not in a tournament.
    • There is no minimum age and there is also a novice class for all ages to keep the playing field level as skills develop.
    • From a laughing teenager she developed into a mature gymnast whose work took on something of an academic quality.
    • Some of these became reform socialists, while others began movements which were to develop into parties.
    • The beautiful bougainvillea can be trained as a small shrub, or if left to grow, will develop into a massive hanging vine.
    • In the late nineteenth century these movements developed into forms of religious nationalism.
    • Alyssa was my daughter, and though she gave me quite a stir in her teen years, as she matured she developed into a fine young woman.
    • As she grows up and matures, you will notice many of these childhood traits develop into adult ones.
    grow, evolve, mature, expand, enlarge, spread, advance, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive, get on well, flourish, blossom, bloom, burgeon, make headway, be successful
    informal go great guns
    initiate, instigate, set in motion, put in place, institute, inaugurate, originate, invent, form, establish, fashion, generate
    undertake, embark on
    1. 1.1no object (of a poor agricultural country) become more economically and socially advanced.
      the country is developing at a rapid rate and the economy is booming
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Firstly, reciprocal trade liberalisation will not help poor countries develop.
      • Certainly, China, India and some other emerging countries are developing fast.
      • Bulgaria was developing well in economic terms and was meeting the requirements for joining the EU in 2007, Zalm said.
      • Over time, however, it has been realized that sometimes as a nation develops, it requires more aid to work its way through the development process.
      • I cannot help but wonder why even as the country developed economically, the peasants are not receiving any benefits?
      • There are so many Ghanians who would wish to see our country develop to the level that we see in other parts of the world.
      • Our country is developing well and will meet the criteria for the membership of the union by then.
      • Seeing how the country has developed over time gives us a chance to make changes to improve the health of the world around us.
      • If this were to be accomplished this country would develop at a speedy rate.
      • Many people infected with HIV in developing countries develop TB as the first manifestation of AIDS.
      • The Balinese tourism industry would be destroyed and the island, now poor but developing, would be plunged into primitive semi-starvation.
      • Rich countries should be taxed to help poorer nations develop, thus reducing the threat of war and terrorism.
      • But what better way was there to have the country develop, open up and gradually change?
      • A relative majority is convinced that a country develops better, not only when it protects equality of opportunity, but also when it strives for equality of outcome.
      • As poorer countries develop and stabilise, our security will improve and our own economy grow through increased trading opportunities.
      • Poor countries cannot develop, cannot increase their income when so much of their labor force is decimated.
      • Any effort to help poor countries develop should start by making them aware of the importance of trade and integration.
      • As these countries develop, an influx of global food retailers is likely to relegate peanuts to the role of a cash crop, to produce ground nut oil.
      • Similarly, the effort to realise his vision by 2020 would see the country develop into a great nation.
      • Non-Muslims, so that our countries may develop we need to bring success to everybody.
    2. 1.2with object Convert (land) to a new purpose by constructing buildings or making other use of its resources.
      plans to develop the area
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are at least three groups of farmers who are developing the land.
      • The public of Bradford need to know the true facts regarding plans to develop the land at West Bowling Golf Club.
      • It's all part of a master plan to develop this area of the Territory over the next decade or so.
      • It is developing marginal land, and is doing so very successfully.
      • Talks are taking place about developing the land known locally as the Whatley's site as part of a village centre regeneration scheme.
      • Trees were not felled or cleared to develop agricultural land.
      • Richmond council's plans to develop land in and around Crane Valley has been left in shreds by the government inspector.
      • While they built the home in their minds, they continued to develop the land with their hands.
      • West Wiltshire District Council is holding a further consultation period on proposals to develop an area of land south of Paxcroft Mead.
      • South Ayrshire Council is not opposed to sporting clubs developing vacant land, even if a proposal is controversial or against planning policies.
      • The only basis on which it is possible for me to undertake the shopping centre is by developing the lands surrounding the premises as two small residential schemes.
      • Managers of the Hulton Estate say they have no plans to build houses on Lee Hall but could take steps to develop the land within the next five years.
      • He's also leery of reserve land being developed in such a way.
      • At present, each individual parcel of land is developed in a different manner.
      • We're into real estate, developing the land around the arena.
      • Locally, he was involved in the Walton Green Inquiry, organising an appeal against a council decision to develop the land in the area.
      • Kellegher said he is aware of some farmers in the greater Dublin area who are looking to develop their own land.
      • The article details the efforts of a local artist who gathered 500 signatures of those opposed to developing the land.
      • Much of the land was developed and legally occupied by residents who fought their removal by eminent domain.
      • Now that the area has built up, the officials want to develop the land.
    3. 1.3 Construct or convert (a building) so as to improve existing resources.
      the company developed a chain of hotels
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Such interest has seen many hotel chains develop their facilities.
      • The money was used to develop hospitals, education enterprises and improve agriculture in Kitui.
      • Kerzner International says it will spend about R6 billion on developing the casino along with two others in Manchester and Glasgow.
      • Shui On will develop office and residential buildings in the Xintiandi area, one of the hottest restaurant and bar areas in Shanghai.
      • The police are looking for more help from corporates and institutions to develop the remaining station buildings in the city.
      • The consortium headed by Mr Smyth would be looking to develop hotel facilities adjoining the stadium.
      • The AA said the award reflects the hotel group's ‘outstanding commitment to improving and developing their hotels’.
      • The council are wanting the football club to take a more incremental approach to developing the stadium, including keeping the running track and building temporary stands.
      • Work is underway at this stage on improving and developing facilities at Ballyduff GAA grounds, Kildermody.
      • The committee now hope to develop a sheltered housing facility following the conclusive findings of the report.
    4. 1.4with object Elaborate (a musical theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, or rhythm.
      the piano develops the melody into a short cadenza
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dark harmonically and orchestrally, unfortunately it fails to develop a good musical idea into a more evolved work.
      • In them, Griswold develops a theme, plays with it briefly, and then lets it fade before it is completely exhausted.
      • Maid Of Gold and Things Told only reinforce the atmospheric canvas of this album, simply developing the melodies and soundscapes to reassess their compositions.
      • A lengthy Allegro moderato develops the themes rather well although one cannot claim that we are re-discovering a masterpiece.
      • The words may come later but he was developing a melody that seemed to haunt him with its need to be played.
      • It is not shaped and limited by words and it gives Menotti a chance to develop his musical themes instead of just moving from one to another.
      • The band trades off leadership, but they spend less time developing themes and making statements than you might expect.
      • In cases when Cex tries to develop a melody, it remains somewhat buried in the mix underneath the bass heavy beats.
      expand, enlarge, add to, flesh out, supplement, reinforce, augment, extend, broaden, fill out, embellish, enhance, elaborate, amplify, refine, improve, polish, perfect
  • 2Start to exist, experience, or possess.


    no object a strange closeness developed


    with object I developed an interest in law


    call the doctor if your child develops a rash
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He's also developing valuable career experience as a global expert for his company.
    • Following mobilisation he developed new interests and allegiances in an army research unit.
    • But since we live in a world in which diseases do exist, we develop defenses against it.
    • Only when there is a particular abnormality within that gene does the possibility of developing the disease exist.
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder develops in response to experiencing, witnessing or even learning about a terrifying event.
    • After much experience she had developed a gift for spotting fakes by just looking at them.
    • It takes a long time to develop knowledge and experience.
    • Results: 135 patients developed pressure ulcers during four weeks after admission.
    • Through this experience, I developed boldness and confidence for fighting with humans.
    • After that he began to develop an interest in cosmetics.
    • They don't develop a knowledge of the victim's experience and therefore they don't develop victim empathy and a sense of remorse and guilt.
    • Sometimes we act on prejudices that we have developed from earlier experiences.
    • After recent experiences, I have developed a phobia for knots, and I try to reduce the number as much as possible.
    • Out of that experience, Myles developed a love of nature which led him into bushwalking.
    • However, some patients have developed leukemia following treatment with G-CSF.
    • Shared Experience have developed a reputation for presenting great classics with fresh understanding and clarity.
    • For some patients, the experience of developing a chronic illness may mean they are unable to function in the role that their doctor expects.
    • About five years later, Emmy-Lou developed a cancerous growth in her mouth.
    • Youth develop tobacco addiction and experience withdrawal symptoms similar to adults when they try to abstain from smoking.
    • The urge develops because past pleasurable experience and related benefits from the substance or activity are expected to reoccur on the next occasion.
    come into being, come about, start, begin, be born, come into existence, appear, arrive, come forth, emerge, erupt, burst out, arise, originate, break, unfold, crop up, follow, happen, result, ensue, break out
    formal commence
    fall ill with, be taken ill with, be struck down with, be stricken with, succumb to
    contract, catch, get, pick up, come down with, become infected with
    British go down with
    informal take ill with
    North American informal take sick with
  • 3with object Treat (a photographic film) with chemicals to make a visible image.


    she came to get the film developed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Images of film that has been developed are captured by image sensing.
    • One of Gene's hobbies is buying old derelict cameras and developing any exposed film that comes with them.
    • They have interviewed a woman from the audience of the BBC1 programme Question Time who claimed to have seen the images while developing a film at a photographic laboratory.
    • The fingerprint is visualized by placing an X-ray plate over the filter and developing the film.
    • After developing the film he then sifts through the stills and waits to see which ones stir memories of powerful emotions.
    • I was an inquisitive boy and soon discovered that I could save pocket money by developing my own films and making contact prints using an old-fashioned printing frame.
    • After exposure, the paper is developed, cleared, toned, fixed, washed and dried.
    • For the first time, the cost of tape libraries and media for storing and retrieving check images has fallen below the film and developing cost of microfilm.
    • Nadia spent the rest of the day developing her film.
    • I would get asked to make sure it was torn up when I developed my film.
    • The latent images formed were developed chemically and fixed.
    • Ernest Wells taught his son how to develop films, including daylight prints that harnessed the rays of the sun.
    • If I could have my own darkroom, I'd develop my own film and print my work myself.
    • Once an exposure is made the paper or film is developed to produce an image.
    • Though there was no instant replay at the time, there was replay - but it took 24 hours to develop the film.
    • When the film is developed, these layers are exposed to chemicals that dye the layers of film.
    • However, he knew that he would never completely give up his film camera; he had too much fun watching his images come in when he was developing his own film.
    • Ian Balloch of Grangemouth reported that he had found a camera, developed the film and discovered pictures of York Minster.
    • Within each of these layers there are dyes which are released when the film is developed.
    • The two men would develop the film in a room at the back of the Empire Theatre.
  • 4Chess
    with object Bring (a piece) into play from its initial position on a player's back rank.


    he preferred to develop his bishop on e7
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Who is going to move the Queen out first when not a single other piece is developed?
    • This develops a piece, adds to White's control over d5, gets a step closer to castling, and also takes aim at the Black King.
    • Black's pawns point towards the queenside, where he enjoys more space and has developed his pieces.
    • He develops his pieces quickly and prepares to castle.
    • Black breaks the pin caused by White's dark-squared Bishop while developing a piece and preparing to castle.


Mid 17th century (in the sense 'unfold, unfurl'): from French développer, based on Latin dis- 'un-' + a second element of unknown origin found also in envelop.



Definition of develop in US English:


  • 1Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.


    no object motion pictures developed into mass entertainment


    with object entrepreneurs develop their skills through trial and error
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Precisely in this period the social democratic movement developed into the most influential political party.
    • In the late nineteenth century these movements developed into forms of religious nationalism.
    • But how many have developed into mature teachers of the type described above?
    • Caterpillars grown from larvae and chrysalises developed into butterflies.
    • As she grows up and matures, you will notice many of these childhood traits develop into adult ones.
    • The analogy is broadly applicable: good designing is a skill developed in the field, not in a tournament.
    • It started quite innocently - a small twinge developed into a spreading stiffness across my lower back.
    • The Bills hope he can rapidly develop into their starting quarterback and serve that role for many, many years.
    • The beautiful bougainvillea can be trained as a small shrub, or if left to grow, will develop into a massive hanging vine.
    • From a laughing teenager she developed into a mature gymnast whose work took on something of an academic quality.
    • As a new site feature, these blogs will grow and develop into living, breathing areas for the exchange of links, thoughts, and information.
    • There is no minimum age and there is also a novice class for all ages to keep the playing field level as skills develop.
    • Eventually as the tree matures, it will develop into a fine spreading type.
    • It was difficult for new black associations to mature and develop nationally or to elaborate specific programmes.
    • The lads responded and a motley crew matured and developed into a squad to be proud of.
    • Alyssa was my daughter, and though she gave me quite a stir in her teen years, as she matured she developed into a fine young woman.
    • Four years at college used to develop well-rounded individuals, mature athletes with knowledge of a world beyond their own disciplines.
    • Some of these became reform socialists, while others began movements which were to develop into parties.
    • As he grew he developed into a fine-looking man, and his master's wife noticed.
    • Other places of its kind have gone the same road and after sale have been developed into thriving places of business.
    grow, evolve, mature, expand, enlarge, spread, advance, progress, prosper, succeed, thrive, get on well, flourish, blossom, bloom, burgeon, make headway, be successful
    initiate, instigate, set in motion, put in place, institute, inaugurate, originate, invent, form, establish, fashion, generate
    1. 1.1no object (of a poor agricultural country) become more economically and socially advanced.
      the country is developing at a rapid rate and the economy is booming
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are so many Ghanians who would wish to see our country develop to the level that we see in other parts of the world.
      • Over time, however, it has been realized that sometimes as a nation develops, it requires more aid to work its way through the development process.
      • Seeing how the country has developed over time gives us a chance to make changes to improve the health of the world around us.
      • Any effort to help poor countries develop should start by making them aware of the importance of trade and integration.
      • Similarly, the effort to realise his vision by 2020 would see the country develop into a great nation.
      • Firstly, reciprocal trade liberalisation will not help poor countries develop.
      • If this were to be accomplished this country would develop at a speedy rate.
      • Rich countries should be taxed to help poorer nations develop, thus reducing the threat of war and terrorism.
      • Many people infected with HIV in developing countries develop TB as the first manifestation of AIDS.
      • Our country is developing well and will meet the criteria for the membership of the union by then.
      • The Balinese tourism industry would be destroyed and the island, now poor but developing, would be plunged into primitive semi-starvation.
      • A relative majority is convinced that a country develops better, not only when it protects equality of opportunity, but also when it strives for equality of outcome.
      • I cannot help but wonder why even as the country developed economically, the peasants are not receiving any benefits?
      • As these countries develop, an influx of global food retailers is likely to relegate peanuts to the role of a cash crop, to produce ground nut oil.
      • As poorer countries develop and stabilise, our security will improve and our own economy grow through increased trading opportunities.
      • Non-Muslims, so that our countries may develop we need to bring success to everybody.
      • Poor countries cannot develop, cannot increase their income when so much of their labor force is decimated.
      • Certainly, China, India and some other emerging countries are developing fast.
      • But what better way was there to have the country develop, open up and gradually change?
      • Bulgaria was developing well in economic terms and was meeting the requirements for joining the EU in 2007, Zalm said.
    2. 1.2with object Convert (land) to a new purpose by constructing buildings or making other use of its resources.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Talks are taking place about developing the land known locally as the Whatley's site as part of a village centre regeneration scheme.
      • The public of Bradford need to know the true facts regarding plans to develop the land at West Bowling Golf Club.
      • It's all part of a master plan to develop this area of the Territory over the next decade or so.
      • We're into real estate, developing the land around the arena.
      • West Wiltshire District Council is holding a further consultation period on proposals to develop an area of land south of Paxcroft Mead.
      • There are at least three groups of farmers who are developing the land.
      • It is developing marginal land, and is doing so very successfully.
      • The article details the efforts of a local artist who gathered 500 signatures of those opposed to developing the land.
      • While they built the home in their minds, they continued to develop the land with their hands.
      • Kellegher said he is aware of some farmers in the greater Dublin area who are looking to develop their own land.
      • Now that the area has built up, the officials want to develop the land.
      • The only basis on which it is possible for me to undertake the shopping centre is by developing the lands surrounding the premises as two small residential schemes.
      • He's also leery of reserve land being developed in such a way.
      • Managers of the Hulton Estate say they have no plans to build houses on Lee Hall but could take steps to develop the land within the next five years.
      • At present, each individual parcel of land is developed in a different manner.
      • Much of the land was developed and legally occupied by residents who fought their removal by eminent domain.
      • Richmond council's plans to develop land in and around Crane Valley has been left in shreds by the government inspector.
      • South Ayrshire Council is not opposed to sporting clubs developing vacant land, even if a proposal is controversial or against planning policies.
      • Trees were not felled or cleared to develop agricultural land.
      • Locally, he was involved in the Walton Green Inquiry, organising an appeal against a council decision to develop the land in the area.
    3. 1.3 Construct or convert (a building) so as to improve existing resources.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The consortium headed by Mr Smyth would be looking to develop hotel facilities adjoining the stadium.
      • Work is underway at this stage on improving and developing facilities at Ballyduff GAA grounds, Kildermody.
      • The AA said the award reflects the hotel group's ‘outstanding commitment to improving and developing their hotels’.
      • Such interest has seen many hotel chains develop their facilities.
      • The police are looking for more help from corporates and institutions to develop the remaining station buildings in the city.
      • Kerzner International says it will spend about R6 billion on developing the casino along with two others in Manchester and Glasgow.
      • Shui On will develop office and residential buildings in the Xintiandi area, one of the hottest restaurant and bar areas in Shanghai.
      • The committee now hope to develop a sheltered housing facility following the conclusive findings of the report.
      • The council are wanting the football club to take a more incremental approach to developing the stadium, including keeping the running track and building temporary stands.
      • The money was used to develop hospitals, education enterprises and improve agriculture in Kitui.
    4. 1.4with object Elaborate (a musical theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, or rhythm.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In cases when Cex tries to develop a melody, it remains somewhat buried in the mix underneath the bass heavy beats.
      • In them, Griswold develops a theme, plays with it briefly, and then lets it fade before it is completely exhausted.
      • Maid Of Gold and Things Told only reinforce the atmospheric canvas of this album, simply developing the melodies and soundscapes to reassess their compositions.
      • It is not shaped and limited by words and it gives Menotti a chance to develop his musical themes instead of just moving from one to another.
      • Dark harmonically and orchestrally, unfortunately it fails to develop a good musical idea into a more evolved work.
      • The band trades off leadership, but they spend less time developing themes and making statements than you might expect.
      • The words may come later but he was developing a melody that seemed to haunt him with its need to be played.
      • A lengthy Allegro moderato develops the themes rather well although one cannot claim that we are re-discovering a masterpiece.
      expand, enlarge, add to, flesh out, supplement, reinforce, augment, extend, broaden, fill out, embellish, enhance, elaborate, amplify, refine, improve, polish, perfect
    5. 1.5Geometry with object Convert (a curved surface) conceptually into a plane figure as if by unrolling.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Figure B shows the concept of developing an involute curve and its application in the design of involute gear tooth profile-measuring machines.
      • A curve can be developed by plotting changes in phase delay as the test frequency is varied.
    6. 1.6Mathematics with object Expand (a function, etc.) in the form of a series.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Students should be able to employ the orthogonality relation of Legendre polynomials to develop functions as series of such polynomials.
      • In the second part, we shall consider the problem of developing a function into a series.
  • 2Start to exist, experience, or possess.


    no object a strange closeness developed


    with object I developed an interest in law


    with object a head injury that caused him to develop a rare form of memory loss
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sometimes we act on prejudices that we have developed from earlier experiences.
    • After recent experiences, I have developed a phobia for knots, and I try to reduce the number as much as possible.
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder develops in response to experiencing, witnessing or even learning about a terrifying event.
    • But since we live in a world in which diseases do exist, we develop defenses against it.
    • About five years later, Emmy-Lou developed a cancerous growth in her mouth.
    • After that he began to develop an interest in cosmetics.
    • Results: 135 patients developed pressure ulcers during four weeks after admission.
    • Following mobilisation he developed new interests and allegiances in an army research unit.
    • Youth develop tobacco addiction and experience withdrawal symptoms similar to adults when they try to abstain from smoking.
    • After much experience she had developed a gift for spotting fakes by just looking at them.
    • Through this experience, I developed boldness and confidence for fighting with humans.
    • He's also developing valuable career experience as a global expert for his company.
    • Only when there is a particular abnormality within that gene does the possibility of developing the disease exist.
    • Out of that experience, Myles developed a love of nature which led him into bushwalking.
    • The urge develops because past pleasurable experience and related benefits from the substance or activity are expected to reoccur on the next occasion.
    • For some patients, the experience of developing a chronic illness may mean they are unable to function in the role that their doctor expects.
    • However, some patients have developed leukemia following treatment with G-CSF.
    • They don't develop a knowledge of the victim's experience and therefore they don't develop victim empathy and a sense of remorse and guilt.
    • It takes a long time to develop knowledge and experience.
    • Shared Experience have developed a reputation for presenting great classics with fresh understanding and clarity.
    come into being, come about, start, begin, be born, come into existence, appear, arrive, come forth, emerge, erupt, burst out, arise, originate, break, unfold, crop up, follow, happen, result, ensue, break out
    fall ill with, be taken ill with, be struck down with, be stricken with, succumb to
  • 3with object Treat (a photographic film) with chemicals to make a visible image.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • One of Gene's hobbies is buying old derelict cameras and developing any exposed film that comes with them.
    • Images of film that has been developed are captured by image sensing.
    • I would get asked to make sure it was torn up when I developed my film.
    • Ernest Wells taught his son how to develop films, including daylight prints that harnessed the rays of the sun.
    • When the film is developed, these layers are exposed to chemicals that dye the layers of film.
    • After developing the film he then sifts through the stills and waits to see which ones stir memories of powerful emotions.
    • The latent images formed were developed chemically and fixed.
    • Within each of these layers there are dyes which are released when the film is developed.
    • Though there was no instant replay at the time, there was replay - but it took 24 hours to develop the film.
    • Nadia spent the rest of the day developing her film.
    • I was an inquisitive boy and soon discovered that I could save pocket money by developing my own films and making contact prints using an old-fashioned printing frame.
    • Ian Balloch of Grangemouth reported that he had found a camera, developed the film and discovered pictures of York Minster.
    • They have interviewed a woman from the audience of the BBC1 programme Question Time who claimed to have seen the images while developing a film at a photographic laboratory.
    • The two men would develop the film in a room at the back of the Empire Theatre.
    • However, he knew that he would never completely give up his film camera; he had too much fun watching his images come in when he was developing his own film.
    • For the first time, the cost of tape libraries and media for storing and retrieving check images has fallen below the film and developing cost of microfilm.
    • After exposure, the paper is developed, cleared, toned, fixed, washed and dried.
    • If I could have my own darkroom, I'd develop my own film and print my work myself.
    • The fingerprint is visualized by placing an X-ray plate over the filter and developing the film.
    • Once an exposure is made the paper or film is developed to produce an image.
  • 4Chess
    with object Bring (a piece) into play from its initial position on a player's back rank.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Who is going to move the Queen out first when not a single other piece is developed?
    • This develops a piece, adds to White's control over d5, gets a step closer to castling, and also takes aim at the Black King.
    • Black's pawns point towards the queenside, where he enjoys more space and has developed his pieces.
    • He develops his pieces quickly and prepares to castle.
    • Black breaks the pin caused by White's dark-squared Bishop while developing a piece and preparing to castle.


Mid 17th century (in the sense ‘unfold, unfurl’): from French développer, based on Latin dis- ‘un-’ + a second element of unknown origin found also in envelop.





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