

单词 axis


nounPlural axes ˈaksɪsˈæksəs
  • 1An imaginary line about which a body rotates.


    the Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Because the Moon turns on its axis only once a month, targets may be observed continuously for many days.
    • A number of sources quote his belief that the earth is at the centre of the universe but that it rotates on its axis once a day.
    • A gyroscope is a wheel or disc mounted in such a way that it is free to rotate around an axis as well as to move linearly along the other two axes.
    • The book stated that the earth rotated on its axis once a day and moved around the sun once a year.
    • As the Earth rotates once about its axis in 24 hours, the Moon is moving 1 / 30th of the way around in its orbit.
    • Imagine an enormous bowl, too wide to see across, that's spinning, much like the earth, in two ways at once: around its own axis, and in orbit of a point outside itself.
    • Earth and other planets rotated on their axes and revolved around the Sun.
    • All turn on their axes once in a day from west to east, and all go round the Sun within the same time. Saturn is the most distant from the Sun.
    • The sphere rotates around its axis once each 24 hours.
    • The Sun spins once on its axis once every 25 days at its equator, carrying sunspots around.
    • It rotates once on its axis in the same time it goes once around Earth.
    • In this situation the vertical axis of the body is rotated against the inclination of the substrate as if to compensate for the effect of substrate inclination.
    • The values he gave were inaccurate but he wrote that earth rotates at its axis and revolves round the sun.
    • To say that the Earth rotates on its axis once per day and completes one orbit of the Sun each year is to encapsulate but also to simplify the situation.
    • We normally count the day - the time it takes Earth to rotate once on its axis - as the smallest unit of calendrical time.
    • No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts any more than she or he can deny that the earth is round, rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun.
    • The earth rotates once on its axis each day, or 360 degrees every 24 hours, or 15 degrees every hour.
    • I can discover them subsequently like the axis around which a body rotates.
    • The earth has an atmosphere, and rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun.
    • Sedna is rotating much more rapidly than originally believed, spinning once on its axis every 10 hours.
    centre line, vertical, horizontal
    1. 1.1Geometry An imaginary straight line passing through the centre of a symmetrical solid, about which a plane figure can be conceived as rotating to generate the solid.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He examined the three dimensional figures obtained by rotating a regular polygon about an axis of symmetry.
      • While at Göttingen Segner discovered that every solid body has three axes of symmetry.
      • Many eighteenth-century manuals on gauging treated barrels as solids generated by rotating conic sections about their axes.
      • If a plane figure is rotated about an axis in its plane then the volume of the solid body formed is equal to the product of the area with the distance travelled by the centre of gravity.
    2. 1.2 An imaginary line which divides something into equal or roughly equal halves, especially in the direction of its greatest length.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The eastern corner where the main entrance is set is even symmetrical about its diagonal axis, the entrance doors being placed to either side of a completely square stair tower.
      • The skeleton of the tadpole was defined as the centerline axis of the body.
      • Recent anatomic work in the rat has shown that the superior longitudinalis muscle runs in the midline along the long axis of the tongue.
      • ‘There's a row of handholds that way,’ Eaton said, pointing down the long axis of the ship.
      • The long axis of the structure at Woodhenge points to the entrance into the henge; like Stonehenge, the whole site is orientated towards the rising midsummer sun.
      • Foster's scheme features a ‘jewel box,’ a glass and steel structure that runs along the central axis of the museum.
      • The dorsal and anal fins, which push the fish along, are way off the central axis of its body, yet the animal swims a straight path without rocking up and down.
      • And if you want even more space you can move the middle seat rearward and adjust the two seats on a diagonal axis to the centre of the car, making a more comfortable four-seater.
      • The dual oil coolers were situated at 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
      • Koch analyses that in Shah Jahan era, painting third dimension reality is flattened and arranged around a central axis that divides the picture into two equal parts.
      • Occasionally, the number of tubules in a blade or the number of blades was different along the longitudinal axis of a basal body.
      • The pond runs down the central axis, bringing the core of the garden to its shores.
      • Militaristically, the correct etiquette for the bow, what one does and doesn't do, is based on a correct center line axis of the body, as in skiing.
      • The horizontal axis divides the short and long arms into approximately a proximal one-third and distal two-thirds portions.
      • In order to facilitate comparison among layers, all angles were measured as acute angles relative to the horizontal axis of the body.
      • The posterior margin of the carapace is ornamented with a distinct single line of rounded tubercles that are broadly symmetrical about the midline axis of the carapace.
      • The width of a molecule at a given point along the contour length is the diameter of the horizontal axis of the elliptical cross section at that point.
  • 2Mathematics
    A fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.


    the variable that is thought of as a cause is placed on the horizontal axis, and the variable that is thought of as an effect on the vertical axis
    Example sentencesExamples
    • As the abscissas of points 1 and 18 were used to define a reference axis, only their ordinates were used.
    • The abscissa and ordinate axes show the number of protein interactions for the first and second protein member of each pair.
    • The vertical axis of the graph encodes the ratio between the measured distances and L (Î).
    • They orient along the x, y, and z axes of a Cartesian coordinate system.
    • Mathematicians have developed algorithms for finding the roots of polynomial equations without having to plot graphs and locate where curves cross the x axis.
  • 3A straight central part in a structure to which other parts are connected.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • What this means, in actuality, is that the constitutional court precinct will act as a hub, a central axis and meeting point in a still divided city.
    • The first four and last four galleries formed two parallel axes with a small connecting gallery in between.
    • The new masterplan attempts to alleviate this by organising a series of public spaces about an axis connecting Lancer Barracks and St John's Church.
    • For example, just as this map shows, most Starbucks stores are along the Chang An Street (the central axis of the city), and there are more stores north of the street.
    • But from this vantage point along the axis of the mall, Independence Hall is visually overwhelmed by much larger buildings in the distance.
    • A bridge crane runs along the building's central axis, resembling the steel structure that supports it.
    • A pedestrian axis will connect Alumni Green to the new Fairfax atrium.
    • A shaft parallel to the transmission-engine axis connects the transfer casing to the angle drive powering the front wheels.
    • The gallery is basically square, typically classical, on the central axis of the building, with an extremely high, domed ceiling.
    • A connecting axis between the two across Jalan Pemuda should perhaps be built.
    • The group is easily recognized by their radial symmetry, with a central nonseptate axis to which are attached whorls of lateral appendages which may or may not be branched.
    • Konduz lies at the heart of the north-south axis of the country connecting the capital Kabul to the former republic of Tajikistan - a significant route for trade.
    1. 3.1Botany The central column of an inflorescence or other growth.
      the leaflets are arranged in rows on a slender axis
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Each module of a sympodium consists of an axis bearing two bracts and terminating in a flower.
      • This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
      • The sympodia are arranged more or less parallel to the stem axis and follow the phyllotactic spirals of the leaves.
      • In addition, the stems (including the axis of the inflorescence) serve as temporary storage sites.
      • The different types of flowers are initiated acropetally along the axis of the inflorescence.
    2. 3.2Zoology The skull and backbone of a vertebrate animal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Without functional analyses of axial ligaments, the basis for flexural stiffness in any particular vertebrate axis is wanting.
      • Thus shear loading mechanisms may play a central role in integrative models of the vertebrate body axis.
      • In spite of, or perhaps because of, the relative dearth of information on the vertebrate body axis, a groundswell of interest and activity is underway.
      • The body axis of vertebrates is an integrated cylinder of bones, connective tissue, and muscle.
      • This is the architecture that supports and is supported by the vertebrate axis, namely the notochord or vertebral column.
      • The caudal fin represents the distal region of the vertebrate axis and is the region of the body where fluid accelerated anteriorly is shed into the surrounding medium.
  • 4Anatomy
    The second cervical vertebra, below the atlas at the top of the backbone.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The axis may be fused with either the atlas or with the third vertebra.
    • The muscle's origin may not ascend above the axis or descend below the third thoracic vertebra.
  • 5An agreement or alliance between two or more countries that forms a centre for an eventual larger grouping of nations.


    the Anglo-American axis


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the one hand, Putin sought to re-evaluate the international status of the Kremlin through a strengthening of the Berlin-Moscow axis.
    • After the break-up of the USSR, he inexorably gravitated toward the US-Israeli axis.
    • This most recent episode sheds new light on the political axis that underlies the Democratic Party campaign.
    • The Russia-France-China axis is showing surprising strength.
    • The transatlantic axis, nevertheless, continues to play an important role in German foreign policy.
    • The Franco-German axis is the driving force behind the new constitution.
    • The change broke apart the Franco-German axis because Helmut Schmidt had less in common with the Socialist president than he had with the conservative Giscard.
    • Despite the formation of a Moscow-Paris-Berlin axis, however, it would still have been possible to secure a majority on the Security Council.
    • All of these bastions of US influence are being used to undermine what has been the engine of European integration thus far, the Franco-German axis.
    • He acted as a pro-American power broker and an alternative voice to the German-French axis within the European Union.
    • Strong advocates of an Anglo-American axis, the Tories believe the US is at best lukewarm about what is an essentially European initiative in Macedonia.
    • Until now, Europe has been seen as more left wing than the US-UK axis.
    • Deals and manoeuvres are still being made, and there has been no final determination of international axes and power blocs.
    • Israel has long denounced the axis between Syria and Hizbollah as a strategic threat.
    • Kabila is heavily dependent on Angolan support and the Angolan-DRC-Ugandan axis behind the peace initiative is clearly backed by the US.
    • They are now faced with redefining the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis as a counterweight to the US.
    • Even the Franco-German axis, its central bastion, is crumbling under the pressure of resurgent nationalism.
    • Most of all, the assertion of the Anglo-Iberian alliance is designed as a counterweight to the Franco-German axis.
    • The Franco-German axis is resurrected from time to time, and either hailed or deprecated for trying to lead the Council in a particular direction.
    • However, these attacks might cause an opposite effect, because they could move Turkey further into the same axis as the US and Israel.
    alliance, coalition, bloc, confederation, confederacy, union, league
    agreement, treaty, pact, compact, entente, concordat
    1. 5.1 The alliance of Germany and Italy formed before and during the Second World War, later extended to include Japan and other countries.
      as modifier the Axis Powers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As someone who played a victim of the Nazis, I doubt he would've wanted no one to stand up and fight against Hitler and the Axis, ya know?
      • Of course, these weapons were useless if they could not be brought to bear against the Axis powers.
      • Soon, the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, had conquered the whole of Europe.
      • Walshe was an admirer of Mussolini and when the war began he favoured an Axis victory.
      • The Axis of German forces were dug in along two lines, called by the Allies the Oxalic Line and the Pierson Line.
      • The defeat of the Afrika Korps was a brutal blow to the Axis powers.
      • There, they pronounced the formula of unconditional surrender for the Axis powers.
      • Both the Allies and the Axis countries were looking for a new way to encrypt messages - a way that would result in complete security.
      • Its name originated as a cover term for the countries which fought against the Axis in the Second World War.
      • As a nation, we can hold our heads high for the role we played in defeating the Nazis and the tyranny of the Axis powers.
      • The Allies are led by Britain, the Axis by Germany and the Comintern by the Soviet Union.
      • Delivering a left hook to try to trap the Axis forces on the Mareth Line, Freyberg hesitated at the vital moment.
      • By the summer of 1943, it was already apparent that the Axis powers were confronting defeat.
      • Their secret agenda, crushing the Axis into submission, was holy and treated as such.
      • The Axis in response sought to hold Tunisia with fresh troops and the remnants of the German-Italian army that had fled Egypt.
      • Unlike the Grand Alliance, the Axis coalition formed by the pact had no agreed strategy for fighting the war.
      • In 1940, Franco declined Hitler's request to join the Axis in World War Two.
      • Neither XXX nor XIII Corps were able to break through to exploit the more open country to the rear of the Axis position.
      • If Britain controlled the Suez then Germany and the Axis powers could not use it.
      • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.


Late Middle English: from Latin, 'axle, pivot'.

  • In Latin axis means ‘axle’ or ‘pivot’. That is really what an axis is—an imaginary line through a body, around which it rotates, rather like an invisible axle. In the Second World War the Axis was the alliance of Germany and Italy, later also including Japan and other countries, which opposed the Allies. The connection with an axis was the idea of the relations between countries forming a ‘pivot’ around which they revolved. See also evil.


anaphylaxis, praxis, taxis


(also axis deer)
nounPlural axes ˈaksɪs
  • A deer that has lyre-shaped antlers and a yellowish-brown coat with white spots, native to India and Sri Lanka.

    Also called chital
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Axis are available free range in Northern Queensland or on various game ranches.
    • Bhagoo said his executive had also secured 23 axis deer and three impalas from the Zambia Wildlife Authority.
    • A long-bearded old turkey gobbler greeted me at the gate, and whitetails, axis deer and blackbuck could be seen ghosting through the meadows if you only looked.
    • With both the .50 and the 45, I have taken bison, elk, antelope, white-tailed deer, axis deer, fallow deer and turkey.
    • The axis is also called chital deer or spotted Indian deer.
    • They also enjoyed the scimitar-horned oryx, axis deer, fallow deer, sika deer, blackbuck antelope, eland, impala, bison and many more species calling the Rio Bonito home.
    • Doves, francolin and sometimes axis deer can be spotted along this rugged route.


Early 17th century: from Latin, the name of an Indian animal mentioned by Pliny.


  • 1An imaginary line about which a body rotates.


    the Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Imagine an enormous bowl, too wide to see across, that's spinning, much like the earth, in two ways at once: around its own axis, and in orbit of a point outside itself.
    • A number of sources quote his belief that the earth is at the centre of the universe but that it rotates on its axis once a day.
    • It rotates once on its axis in the same time it goes once around Earth.
    • Earth and other planets rotated on their axes and revolved around the Sun.
    • The sphere rotates around its axis once each 24 hours.
    • The Sun spins once on its axis once every 25 days at its equator, carrying sunspots around.
    • Because the Moon turns on its axis only once a month, targets may be observed continuously for many days.
    • In this situation the vertical axis of the body is rotated against the inclination of the substrate as if to compensate for the effect of substrate inclination.
    • A gyroscope is a wheel or disc mounted in such a way that it is free to rotate around an axis as well as to move linearly along the other two axes.
    • We normally count the day - the time it takes Earth to rotate once on its axis - as the smallest unit of calendrical time.
    • To say that the Earth rotates on its axis once per day and completes one orbit of the Sun each year is to encapsulate but also to simplify the situation.
    • The earth has an atmosphere, and rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun.
    • The earth rotates once on its axis each day, or 360 degrees every 24 hours, or 15 degrees every hour.
    • No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts any more than she or he can deny that the earth is round, rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun.
    • The values he gave were inaccurate but he wrote that earth rotates at its axis and revolves round the sun.
    • Sedna is rotating much more rapidly than originally believed, spinning once on its axis every 10 hours.
    • As the Earth rotates once about its axis in 24 hours, the Moon is moving 1 / 30th of the way around in its orbit.
    • I can discover them subsequently like the axis around which a body rotates.
    • All turn on their axes once in a day from west to east, and all go round the Sun within the same time. Saturn is the most distant from the Sun.
    • The book stated that the earth rotated on its axis once a day and moved around the sun once a year.
    centre line, vertical, horizontal
    1. 1.1Geometry An imaginary straight line passing through the center of a symmetrical solid, about which a plane figure can be conceived as rotating to generate the solid.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If a plane figure is rotated about an axis in its plane then the volume of the solid body formed is equal to the product of the area with the distance travelled by the centre of gravity.
      • Many eighteenth-century manuals on gauging treated barrels as solids generated by rotating conic sections about their axes.
      • He examined the three dimensional figures obtained by rotating a regular polygon about an axis of symmetry.
      • While at Göttingen Segner discovered that every solid body has three axes of symmetry.
    2. 1.2 An imaginary line which divides something into equal or roughly equal halves, especially in the direction of its greatest length.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Recent anatomic work in the rat has shown that the superior longitudinalis muscle runs in the midline along the long axis of the tongue.
      • Koch analyses that in Shah Jahan era, painting third dimension reality is flattened and arranged around a central axis that divides the picture into two equal parts.
      • The eastern corner where the main entrance is set is even symmetrical about its diagonal axis, the entrance doors being placed to either side of a completely square stair tower.
      • The width of a molecule at a given point along the contour length is the diameter of the horizontal axis of the elliptical cross section at that point.
      • The dorsal and anal fins, which push the fish along, are way off the central axis of its body, yet the animal swims a straight path without rocking up and down.
      • Foster's scheme features a ‘jewel box,’ a glass and steel structure that runs along the central axis of the museum.
      • The horizontal axis divides the short and long arms into approximately a proximal one-third and distal two-thirds portions.
      • The posterior margin of the carapace is ornamented with a distinct single line of rounded tubercles that are broadly symmetrical about the midline axis of the carapace.
      • The dual oil coolers were situated at 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
      • In order to facilitate comparison among layers, all angles were measured as acute angles relative to the horizontal axis of the body.
      • Occasionally, the number of tubules in a blade or the number of blades was different along the longitudinal axis of a basal body.
      • Militaristically, the correct etiquette for the bow, what one does and doesn't do, is based on a correct center line axis of the body, as in skiing.
      • The skeleton of the tadpole was defined as the centerline axis of the body.
      • The long axis of the structure at Woodhenge points to the entrance into the henge; like Stonehenge, the whole site is orientated towards the rising midsummer sun.
      • The pond runs down the central axis, bringing the core of the garden to its shores.
      • ‘There's a row of handholds that way,’ Eaton said, pointing down the long axis of the ship.
      • And if you want even more space you can move the middle seat rearward and adjust the two seats on a diagonal axis to the centre of the car, making a more comfortable four-seater.
  • 2Mathematics
    A fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.


    the variable that is thought of as a cause is placed on the horizontal axis, and the variable that is thought of as an effect on the vertical axis
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The vertical axis of the graph encodes the ratio between the measured distances and L (Î).
    • The abscissa and ordinate axes show the number of protein interactions for the first and second protein member of each pair.
    • As the abscissas of points 1 and 18 were used to define a reference axis, only their ordinates were used.
    • They orient along the x, y, and z axes of a Cartesian coordinate system.
    • Mathematicians have developed algorithms for finding the roots of polynomial equations without having to plot graphs and locate where curves cross the x axis.
  • 3A straight central part in a structure to which other parts are connected.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A shaft parallel to the transmission-engine axis connects the transfer casing to the angle drive powering the front wheels.
    • But from this vantage point along the axis of the mall, Independence Hall is visually overwhelmed by much larger buildings in the distance.
    • A connecting axis between the two across Jalan Pemuda should perhaps be built.
    • The group is easily recognized by their radial symmetry, with a central nonseptate axis to which are attached whorls of lateral appendages which may or may not be branched.
    • The new masterplan attempts to alleviate this by organising a series of public spaces about an axis connecting Lancer Barracks and St John's Church.
    • The first four and last four galleries formed two parallel axes with a small connecting gallery in between.
    • For example, just as this map shows, most Starbucks stores are along the Chang An Street (the central axis of the city), and there are more stores north of the street.
    • The gallery is basically square, typically classical, on the central axis of the building, with an extremely high, domed ceiling.
    • Konduz lies at the heart of the north-south axis of the country connecting the capital Kabul to the former republic of Tajikistan - a significant route for trade.
    • A bridge crane runs along the building's central axis, resembling the steel structure that supports it.
    • What this means, in actuality, is that the constitutional court precinct will act as a hub, a central axis and meeting point in a still divided city.
    • A pedestrian axis will connect Alumni Green to the new Fairfax atrium.
    1. 3.1Botany The central column of an inflorescence or other growth.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The different types of flowers are initiated acropetally along the axis of the inflorescence.
      • This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
      • The sympodia are arranged more or less parallel to the stem axis and follow the phyllotactic spirals of the leaves.
      • Each module of a sympodium consists of an axis bearing two bracts and terminating in a flower.
      • In addition, the stems (including the axis of the inflorescence) serve as temporary storage sites.
    2. 3.2Zoology The skull and backbone of a vertebrate animal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus shear loading mechanisms may play a central role in integrative models of the vertebrate body axis.
      • Without functional analyses of axial ligaments, the basis for flexural stiffness in any particular vertebrate axis is wanting.
      • This is the architecture that supports and is supported by the vertebrate axis, namely the notochord or vertebral column.
      • The body axis of vertebrates is an integrated cylinder of bones, connective tissue, and muscle.
      • The caudal fin represents the distal region of the vertebrate axis and is the region of the body where fluid accelerated anteriorly is shed into the surrounding medium.
      • In spite of, or perhaps because of, the relative dearth of information on the vertebrate body axis, a groundswell of interest and activity is underway.
  • 4Anatomy
    The second cervical vertebra, below the atlas at the top of the backbone.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The axis may be fused with either the atlas or with the third vertebra.
    • The muscle's origin may not ascend above the axis or descend below the third thoracic vertebra.
  • 5An agreement or alliance between two or more countries that forms a center for an eventual larger grouping of nations.


    the Anglo-American axis


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He acted as a pro-American power broker and an alternative voice to the German-French axis within the European Union.
    • Strong advocates of an Anglo-American axis, the Tories believe the US is at best lukewarm about what is an essentially European initiative in Macedonia.
    • The transatlantic axis, nevertheless, continues to play an important role in German foreign policy.
    • Israel has long denounced the axis between Syria and Hizbollah as a strategic threat.
    • Despite the formation of a Moscow-Paris-Berlin axis, however, it would still have been possible to secure a majority on the Security Council.
    • After the break-up of the USSR, he inexorably gravitated toward the US-Israeli axis.
    • They are now faced with redefining the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis as a counterweight to the US.
    • Kabila is heavily dependent on Angolan support and the Angolan-DRC-Ugandan axis behind the peace initiative is clearly backed by the US.
    • Deals and manoeuvres are still being made, and there has been no final determination of international axes and power blocs.
    • All of these bastions of US influence are being used to undermine what has been the engine of European integration thus far, the Franco-German axis.
    • Most of all, the assertion of the Anglo-Iberian alliance is designed as a counterweight to the Franco-German axis.
    • Until now, Europe has been seen as more left wing than the US-UK axis.
    • Even the Franco-German axis, its central bastion, is crumbling under the pressure of resurgent nationalism.
    • On the one hand, Putin sought to re-evaluate the international status of the Kremlin through a strengthening of the Berlin-Moscow axis.
    • The Franco-German axis is the driving force behind the new constitution.
    • However, these attacks might cause an opposite effect, because they could move Turkey further into the same axis as the US and Israel.
    • The change broke apart the Franco-German axis because Helmut Schmidt had less in common with the Socialist president than he had with the conservative Giscard.
    • The Russia-France-China axis is showing surprising strength.
    • The Franco-German axis is resurrected from time to time, and either hailed or deprecated for trying to lead the Council in a particular direction.
    • This most recent episode sheds new light on the political axis that underlies the Democratic Party campaign.
    alliance, coalition, bloc, confederation, confederacy, union, league
    1. 5.1the Axis The alliance of Germany and Italy formed before and during World War II, later extended to include Japan and other countries.
      as modifier the Axis Powers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Neither XXX nor XIII Corps were able to break through to exploit the more open country to the rear of the Axis position.
      • If Britain controlled the Suez then Germany and the Axis powers could not use it.
      • Unlike the Grand Alliance, the Axis coalition formed by the pact had no agreed strategy for fighting the war.
      • Soon, the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, had conquered the whole of Europe.
      • As someone who played a victim of the Nazis, I doubt he would've wanted no one to stand up and fight against Hitler and the Axis, ya know?
      • Both the Allies and the Axis countries were looking for a new way to encrypt messages - a way that would result in complete security.
      • The Axis of German forces were dug in along two lines, called by the Allies the Oxalic Line and the Pierson Line.
      • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.
      • Delivering a left hook to try to trap the Axis forces on the Mareth Line, Freyberg hesitated at the vital moment.
      • As a nation, we can hold our heads high for the role we played in defeating the Nazis and the tyranny of the Axis powers.
      • The Allies are led by Britain, the Axis by Germany and the Comintern by the Soviet Union.
      • Its name originated as a cover term for the countries which fought against the Axis in the Second World War.
      • The defeat of the Afrika Korps was a brutal blow to the Axis powers.
      • The Axis in response sought to hold Tunisia with fresh troops and the remnants of the German-Italian army that had fled Egypt.
      • Walshe was an admirer of Mussolini and when the war began he favoured an Axis victory.
      • Their secret agenda, crushing the Axis into submission, was holy and treated as such.
      • In 1940, Franco declined Hitler's request to join the Axis in World War Two.
      • Of course, these weapons were useless if they could not be brought to bear against the Axis powers.
      • By the summer of 1943, it was already apparent that the Axis powers were confronting defeat.
      • There, they pronounced the formula of unconditional surrender for the Axis powers.


Late Middle English: from Latin, ‘axle, pivot’.


(also axis deer)
  • A deer that has lyre-shaped antlers and a yellowish-brown coat with white spots, native to India and Sri Lanka.

    Cervus axis, family Cervidae

    Also called chital
    Example sentencesExamples
    • With both the .50 and the 45, I have taken bison, elk, antelope, white-tailed deer, axis deer, fallow deer and turkey.
    • Axis are available free range in Northern Queensland or on various game ranches.
    • Doves, francolin and sometimes axis deer can be spotted along this rugged route.
    • A long-bearded old turkey gobbler greeted me at the gate, and whitetails, axis deer and blackbuck could be seen ghosting through the meadows if you only looked.
    • They also enjoyed the scimitar-horned oryx, axis deer, fallow deer, sika deer, blackbuck antelope, eland, impala, bison and many more species calling the Rio Bonito home.
    • Bhagoo said his executive had also secured 23 axis deer and three impalas from the Zambia Wildlife Authority.
    • The axis is also called chital deer or spotted Indian deer.


Early 17th century: from Latin, the name of an Indian animal mentioned by Pliny.





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