

单词 demonstration

Definition of demonstration in English:


noun dɛmənˈstreɪʃ(ə)nˌdɛmənˈstreɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1An act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence.


    his demonstration of the need for computer corpora in language study is convincing
    mass noun acts of faith are not capable of mathematical demonstration


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There is a demonstration that's been going on since midnight last night.
    • The second argument arises from the demonstration that mammalian mitochondria house the enzyme apparatus that is necessary for recombination.
    • Individuality and distinctiveness, the demonstration that more is possible than we had imagined before, are values not only of art but of life.
    • These ships were handed over to Turkey as a demonstration that Germany was Turkey's true friend at sea as well as on land.
    • Lawson-Remer says ‘It's a demonstration that the consensus is not what they say it is.’
    • He is a 24 hour a day demonstration that a life well lived is a life lived with a sense of duty and a sense of honor.
    • This is a happy book, a quiet celebration of survival and endurance, a demonstration that it is possible to be surprised by the real, a reminder that we should not lose the capacity to marvel at the everyday.
    • It is both a needed reminder and a adept demonstration that watching courtship treated as a noble game is still quite rewarding even in times where romance is traded for expediency.
    • The addiction hypothesis would be greatly strengthened by the demonstration that any drug of abuse produces special changes in the brain.
    • In its strongest form it demands a list of observable consequences and a formal demonstration that they are indeed consequences of the proposition claimed.
    • This project is a demonstration that this prejudice is not justified.
    • When I explain that she is a living refutation of her own argument, that she is a demonstration that money works, she looks sceptical.
    • What seems called for next is an experimental demonstration that the implied interaction actually exists.
    • Part of what will help sustain such arguments is a demonstration that our programs are responding to the students who populate our institutions.
    • It was an excellent sum for the third world and a sincere demonstration that the people of Manorhamilton have a burning desire to alleviate the poverty that exists in less well off lands.
    • For me, it was a heart-stopping moment, and an interesting demonstration that my reflexes in these situations are to protect Rebecca at the possible expense of damage to myself.
    • The evening provided a clear demonstration that there is indeed hope for the arts in St Lucia.
    • The show has very strong community support and is a clear demonstration that the rural way of life is strong in the Dingle Peninsula.
    • Lawson-Remer says, ‘This is such a demonstration that the consensus is not what they say it is.’
    • In other words, Hume believed that any justified application of the inductive inference presupposes a demonstration that the conclusion is true.
    proof, substantiation, confirmation, affirmation, corroboration, verification, validation
    evidence, indication, witness, testament
    1. 1.1 An outward show of a feeling or quality.
      physical demonstrations of affection


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ideally, that's what a gift is all about - a demonstration of affection that shows you are aware of a person's desires.
      • No matter that their little demonstration of affection had defrauded a couple out of their home, disappointed two rival suitors and left members of their family in debt.
      • Touching as a demonstration of affection is not taboo and does not carry a sexual connotation.
      • That would be a visible demonstration of your affection.
      • Caregivers may use food as a demonstration of affection or as a reward.
      • There were no street parties or gala concerts, no spontaneous demonstrations of love and affection.
      • Nurturing Cancerians know how nourishing a simple demonstration of affection can be, so be sure to give someone a big drink of love sometime this week.
      manifestation, indication, revelation, sign, mark, token, embodiment, record
      rare evincement
  • 2A practical exhibition and explanation of how something works or is performed.


    a microwave cookery demonstration


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then we watched a video that had been taken on a flight demonstration.
    • The museum was actively involved in organizing flight demonstrations for school groups and was used for private and corporate parties.
    • Demonstrations and exhibits ranged from electric fencing and sheep showers, to practical shearing and maintenance, and lamb cuts and cookery demonstrations.
    • The master instructor, Koka Fukushima, gave various demonstrations of this ancient craft that has been perfected through centuries by following set rules.
    • An American living in Egypt who was teaching out in the provinces in a major city told me about recently witnessing a student demonstration that included a skit.
    • The Seans Eile Open Day was a great success and included demonstrations of cooking and craft displays and fine examples of decoupage made by the trainees.
    • There will be a host of activities including a market in the town centre and demonstrations of ancient crafts.
    • Stephenson's Rocket in 1814 was the first demonstration of a practical locomotive.
    • For the audience, this aerial demonstration proves nothing short of spectacular.
    • We're not entirely convinced that this demonstration proves much beyond how taking the wheels off a car will seriously impact its - 60 time, but the pictures were very colourful.
    • Most of the club manufacturers offering demonstrations can prove how good their products are on huge screens which shows the flight and distance of a ball.
    • As well as music and dancing, there was also an arts and crafts marquee offering a mixture of displays and practical demonstrations.
    • The daily schedule of events includes storytelling, dance performances, and demonstrations of native crafts from throughout the state.
    • And while disaster authorities must plan for plane crashes, most of us quite safely read our newspapers through the pre flight safety demonstration.
    • On a visit to Los Angeles, he saw a demonstration of powered flight and was captivated.
    • Such a demonstration proves beyond question the feasibility of a room-sized camera, producing images of the required dimensions, and using modest optical technology.
    • Several suggestions were made for next years event including indoor attractions such as demonstrations in cookery, crafts and floral arrangement.
    • In acrobatic demonstrations, it provides military pilot training in a true jet environment.
    • Hyndman was running the family bookstore when Holst - who used to perform in-store cooking demonstrations in the days his dad owned the business - stopped in for a chat.
    • The event will be staged in the beautiful surroundings of Riverstown, containing several hundred exhibits, craft demonstrations and live performances.
    exhibition, presentation, display, illustration, exposition, teach-in
    informal demo, expo, taster
  • 3A public meeting or march protesting against something or expressing views on a political issue.


    a pro-democracy demonstration
    demonstrations against the poll tax
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Nearly 50 protesters staged a demonstration before the meeting and handed over letters complaining that the phone company was ignoring their views.
    • Moreover, the Act's wording is so sweeping that it can also be used to suppress any form of public political dissent, including demonstrations, pickets and protests.
    • More than 250 parents and pupils held a protest demonstration outside a meeting at which Rochdale education chiefs discussed the proposals.
    • As well as organising two large demonstrations and huge public meetings, supporters moved quickly to set up a supporters' trust.
    • The government and the police have been given extraordinary powers to suppress demonstrations, public meetings and press freedom.
    • In the run-up to the conference, a range of varied groups had issued calls for demonstrations and meetings.
    • But the idea was aborted after protesters organised public meetings, demonstrations and petitions.
    • At the same time the election was accompanied by continuous strikes, small and large, protest marches and student demonstrations.
    • The women were there to lobby for women's suffrage, a demonstration that was rewarded by the passage a few years later of a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.
    • Committees have been established, which have organised their own demonstrations and public meetings.
    • The strikers held a demonstration and a public meeting.
    • After my afternoon class on Monday I walked out in front of the Chapel to observe the scheduled demonstration that was taking place.
    • A demonstration that had been slated for Monday evening was designed to allow teens to voice their opposition to the bylaw, said Leo Lefebvre, 33.
    • An important form of political protest, demonstrations often disrupt urban streets and highways.
    • In the past years, countless political rallies have taken place in the grounds of this memorial hall, while many demonstrations and protest marches have begun there as well.
    • The notice requirement would not apply to local protest marches and similar demonstrations.
    • The public began to challenge political leaders in demonstrations and marches.
    • Some called it civil disobedience, others protest marches or demonstrations.
    • The regulations outlawed strikes and industrial action, as well as public meetings and demonstrations.
    • A bunch of us organized a demonstration that turned out 300 people, and we did it in two weeks.
    protest, protest march, march, parade, rally, lobby, sit-in, sit-down, sleep-in, stoppage, strike, walkout, picket, picket line, blockade
    Indian morcha, gherao, hartal
    informal demo, get-together


  • demonstrational

  • adjective
    • The wooden sphere at the centre of the armillary represents the Earth; such spheres were a common feature of demonstrational armillaries, and were frequently marked as terrestrial globes.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are three fundamental research questions we explore through these tools: how to give the user appropriate feedback and control over inferencing, appropriate algorithms for inferencing, and which domains are appropriate for demonstrational techniques.
      • I am referring to the fact that Brunelleschi's famous demonstrational panels aimed at offering an accurate visual rendition of precisely the two urban visual experiences Trachtenberg has so accurately observed and described.
      • The contribution that the project implementation will bring is innovative, due to the informational-educational programs, as well as the combination of various demonstrational elements, available to be seen in a joint operation at the Eco-center.
      • The Lapidary interface design tool is a demonstrational system that allows the graphics and run-time behaviors that go inside an application window to be specified pictorially.


Late Middle English (also in the senses 'proof provided by logic' and 'sign, indication'): from Latin demonstratio(n-), from demonstrare 'point out' (see demonstrate). sense 3 dates from the mid 19th century.

Definition of demonstration in US English:


  • 1The action or process of showing the existence or truth of something by giving proof or evidence.


    it is not capable of mathematical demonstration


    Lind's demonstration that citrus fruits cure scurvy
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He is a 24 hour a day demonstration that a life well lived is a life lived with a sense of duty and a sense of honor.
    • Part of what will help sustain such arguments is a demonstration that our programs are responding to the students who populate our institutions.
    • In its strongest form it demands a list of observable consequences and a formal demonstration that they are indeed consequences of the proposition claimed.
    • The show has very strong community support and is a clear demonstration that the rural way of life is strong in the Dingle Peninsula.
    • The second argument arises from the demonstration that mammalian mitochondria house the enzyme apparatus that is necessary for recombination.
    • These ships were handed over to Turkey as a demonstration that Germany was Turkey's true friend at sea as well as on land.
    • There is a demonstration that's been going on since midnight last night.
    • In other words, Hume believed that any justified application of the inductive inference presupposes a demonstration that the conclusion is true.
    • It was an excellent sum for the third world and a sincere demonstration that the people of Manorhamilton have a burning desire to alleviate the poverty that exists in less well off lands.
    • Lawson-Remer says ‘It's a demonstration that the consensus is not what they say it is.’
    • This is a happy book, a quiet celebration of survival and endurance, a demonstration that it is possible to be surprised by the real, a reminder that we should not lose the capacity to marvel at the everyday.
    • The evening provided a clear demonstration that there is indeed hope for the arts in St Lucia.
    • Individuality and distinctiveness, the demonstration that more is possible than we had imagined before, are values not only of art but of life.
    • It is both a needed reminder and a adept demonstration that watching courtship treated as a noble game is still quite rewarding even in times where romance is traded for expediency.
    • Lawson-Remer says, ‘This is such a demonstration that the consensus is not what they say it is.’
    • What seems called for next is an experimental demonstration that the implied interaction actually exists.
    • When I explain that she is a living refutation of her own argument, that she is a demonstration that money works, she looks sceptical.
    • For me, it was a heart-stopping moment, and an interesting demonstration that my reflexes in these situations are to protect Rebecca at the possible expense of damage to myself.
    • This project is a demonstration that this prejudice is not justified.
    • The addiction hypothesis would be greatly strengthened by the demonstration that any drug of abuse produces special changes in the brain.
    proof, substantiation, confirmation, affirmation, corroboration, verification, validation
    1. 1.1 The outward showing of feeling.
      physical demonstrations of affection


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There were no street parties or gala concerts, no spontaneous demonstrations of love and affection.
      • Touching as a demonstration of affection is not taboo and does not carry a sexual connotation.
      • Ideally, that's what a gift is all about - a demonstration of affection that shows you are aware of a person's desires.
      • Nurturing Cancerians know how nourishing a simple demonstration of affection can be, so be sure to give someone a big drink of love sometime this week.
      • Caregivers may use food as a demonstration of affection or as a reward.
      • No matter that their little demonstration of affection had defrauded a couple out of their home, disappointed two rival suitors and left members of their family in debt.
      • That would be a visible demonstration of your affection.
      manifestation, indication, revelation, sign, mark, token, embodiment, record
  • 2A practical exhibition and explanation of how something works or is performed.


    a microwave cooking demonstration


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An American living in Egypt who was teaching out in the provinces in a major city told me about recently witnessing a student demonstration that included a skit.
    • Several suggestions were made for next years event including indoor attractions such as demonstrations in cookery, crafts and floral arrangement.
    • The master instructor, Koka Fukushima, gave various demonstrations of this ancient craft that has been perfected through centuries by following set rules.
    • We're not entirely convinced that this demonstration proves much beyond how taking the wheels off a car will seriously impact its - 60 time, but the pictures were very colourful.
    • Most of the club manufacturers offering demonstrations can prove how good their products are on huge screens which shows the flight and distance of a ball.
    • The daily schedule of events includes storytelling, dance performances, and demonstrations of native crafts from throughout the state.
    • There will be a host of activities including a market in the town centre and demonstrations of ancient crafts.
    • For the audience, this aerial demonstration proves nothing short of spectacular.
    • In acrobatic demonstrations, it provides military pilot training in a true jet environment.
    • The museum was actively involved in organizing flight demonstrations for school groups and was used for private and corporate parties.
    • On a visit to Los Angeles, he saw a demonstration of powered flight and was captivated.
    • As well as music and dancing, there was also an arts and crafts marquee offering a mixture of displays and practical demonstrations.
    • Stephenson's Rocket in 1814 was the first demonstration of a practical locomotive.
    • Demonstrations and exhibits ranged from electric fencing and sheep showers, to practical shearing and maintenance, and lamb cuts and cookery demonstrations.
    • Then we watched a video that had been taken on a flight demonstration.
    • The event will be staged in the beautiful surroundings of Riverstown, containing several hundred exhibits, craft demonstrations and live performances.
    • Such a demonstration proves beyond question the feasibility of a room-sized camera, producing images of the required dimensions, and using modest optical technology.
    • Hyndman was running the family bookstore when Holst - who used to perform in-store cooking demonstrations in the days his dad owned the business - stopped in for a chat.
    • The Seans Eile Open Day was a great success and included demonstrations of cooking and craft displays and fine examples of decoupage made by the trainees.
    • And while disaster authorities must plan for plane crashes, most of us quite safely read our newspapers through the pre flight safety demonstration.
    exhibition, presentation, display, illustration, exposition, teach-in
  • 3A public meeting or march protesting against something or expressing views on a political issue.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An important form of political protest, demonstrations often disrupt urban streets and highways.
    • At the same time the election was accompanied by continuous strikes, small and large, protest marches and student demonstrations.
    • After my afternoon class on Monday I walked out in front of the Chapel to observe the scheduled demonstration that was taking place.
    • The notice requirement would not apply to local protest marches and similar demonstrations.
    • The regulations outlawed strikes and industrial action, as well as public meetings and demonstrations.
    • The government and the police have been given extraordinary powers to suppress demonstrations, public meetings and press freedom.
    • The strikers held a demonstration and a public meeting.
    • The public began to challenge political leaders in demonstrations and marches.
    • Nearly 50 protesters staged a demonstration before the meeting and handed over letters complaining that the phone company was ignoring their views.
    • But the idea was aborted after protesters organised public meetings, demonstrations and petitions.
    • Moreover, the Act's wording is so sweeping that it can also be used to suppress any form of public political dissent, including demonstrations, pickets and protests.
    • More than 250 parents and pupils held a protest demonstration outside a meeting at which Rochdale education chiefs discussed the proposals.
    • In the past years, countless political rallies have taken place in the grounds of this memorial hall, while many demonstrations and protest marches have begun there as well.
    • Some called it civil disobedience, others protest marches or demonstrations.
    • In the run-up to the conference, a range of varied groups had issued calls for demonstrations and meetings.
    • The women were there to lobby for women's suffrage, a demonstration that was rewarded by the passage a few years later of a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.
    • As well as organising two large demonstrations and huge public meetings, supporters moved quickly to set up a supporters' trust.
    • A demonstration that had been slated for Monday evening was designed to allow teens to voice their opposition to the bylaw, said Leo Lefebvre, 33.
    • A bunch of us organized a demonstration that turned out 300 people, and we did it in two weeks.
    • Committees have been established, which have organised their own demonstrations and public meetings.
    protest, protest march, march, parade, rally, lobby, sit-in, sit-down, sleep-in, stoppage, strike, walkout, picket, picket line, blockade


Late Middle English (also in the senses ‘proof provided by logic’ and ‘sign, indication’): from Latin demonstratio(n-), from demonstrare ‘point out’ (see demonstrate). demonstration (sense 3) dates from the mid 19th century.





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