A British system of bidding designed to enable partners with weaker hands to find suitable contracts.
Example sentencesExamples
The Acol bidding system has no preference for suits and the No Trump opening can be either weak or strong.
The distinction between Acol and Benjaminised Acol is explained, and common variants seen in Britain are mentioned.
The main difference between Acol and Standard American, when it comes to competitive bidding, is the Intermediate Jump overcall.
This guide to the Acol style of bidding is meant to reflect what one might expect sitting down with a pickup partner and agreeing to play ‘Acol’ or ‘Benjaminised Acol’.
Hugo Pollack's Bridge On One Page provides a one-page summary for beginners of a bidding system based on Acol.
1930s: from Acol Road in Hampstead, London, the address of a house in which the system was devised.