The country's nearly 300 universities and their affiliated colleges produce more than two million degree holders a year.
A triple Harvard University degree holder,she has been breaking new ground throughout her career.
All physics degree holders - bachelors, masters, and doctors - are physicists and should be treated as such.
Little systematic information is available on jobs held by Brazilian masters and doctoral degree holders.
At the time of my graduation, the economy was in the midst of a recession, and hiring for B. S. degree holders in my field was very scarce.
There are 200,000 jobless degree holders in this country.
Mr Gombo is an educated person, though he is not a degree holder.
The expansion of the university sector has meant more degree holders, but the number of jobs has remained roughly constant.
She now works in a cashew factory while the brother, a B.Com degree-holder, is jobless.
But a graduate tax would be paid at the same rate by all degree-holders throughout their working lives, whatever the degree they obtained.
What I'm committed to is that every student who comes here leaves as a degree holder.
A lot of the increase in demand for degree holders has come from employers who use a degree as a screening mechanism to make HR's job easier.
A degree holder in Fine Arts, Gopi has been working in various advertisement agencies.
The applicants include master's degree-holders and graduates.
Most of the master's and doctorate degree holders did not marry until around the age of 30.
Eight of the schools in last year's top 10 increased the number of degree holders.
If you are a non-arts degree holder, you need a diploma in visual design.
In rural areas, few qualified people may be available to fill part-time faculty positions, while in urban areas there may be an abundance of graduate degree holders eager to teach.
How many doctorate degree holders have been Presidents in America or Prime Ministers in Britain?
Why should marketers care about the preferences of this year's newly minted degree holders?