From c.6000 BC, the Chinchorro began to ‘rebuild’ their dead, with bodies carefully defleshed and the skin, brain and internal organs removed.
The deceased were presumably exposed on scaffolds or defleshed prior to interment of selected elements (usually skulls and long bones) in the mound.
I actually start off by defleshing heads and then from there producing the face back onto the skull.
However, this behaviour makes sense, to my mind, only against a knowledge of human edibility - put bluntly, to assuage the fear that if you do not deflesh your relatives, then other humans or animals will scavenge them.
At Moula Guercy Cave in South-East France at least six Neanderthals were either defleshed or possibly cannibalised, and at Kebara Cave in Israel an adult male buried in the centre of the cave had his skull removed shortly after burial.
Peter McCrone suggests (Letters, February) that the bones of Edward I might be exhumed to check the nature of ‘butchery’ marks on defleshed bones.
One interpretation is that the cave became a focus for mortuary rituals, including the defleshing of the dead.
Such practices of defleshing victims don't appear in Moche art, said Donnan.
It lowers cast morale, and narrows your audience to a very specific and rather unsavory niche (although I suppose that posing their defleshed bones into provocative postures isn't going to appeal to a wide audience, either.
These disturbing burials include bodies that are dismembered, mutilated, bound, buried face down, decapitated, with signs of violence other than warfare, or with evidence for defleshing and exposure.
His bones were defleshed and brought back to Westminster Abbey for burial where, as far as I know, they remain.
These were already defleshed when brought to the grave, since some were scarred by butchery cuts, many were without mandibles (lower jaws), and the less firmly-rooted teeth had fallen out.
Kathleen Jamie should have used quicklime rather than caustic soda to deflesh her gannet's skull, but maggots would have been best.