

单词 quit


verbquitting, quits, quitted kwɪtkwɪt
  • 1with object Leave (a place), usually permanently.


    hippies finally quit two sites in Hampshire last night


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Abdul barks orders, and they quit base camp hastily.
    • He said he would take first watch and quit his place near the fire.
    • A judge has ordered the 30 caravans to quit the county council-owned land near Southampton by Friday.
    • Industry has quit our city centres, the air in them is cleaner and high-density urban living is officially good again.
    • But yesterday the group announced it was quitting the site following huge opposition from local residents.
    • In a half an hour, I quit this place, slip into the ocean, and hassle the local aquatic life with my snorkel and my submersible camera.
    • Earlier this week a judge at Southampton County Court ordered that the travellers should quit the site by yesterday.
    • He fears that other quality stores will quit the city if its continues to allow more discount stores to trade.
    • Stores and offices are already quitting the area where widescale demolition is due to take place to make way for the planned shopping scheme.
    • The villagers told them to quit the place immediately.
    • A firm employing 50 workers in Witham is quitting the town.
    • The High Court ordered that the gypsies must quit the site and that order was stayed to allow the planning process to be used to agree or deny use of this piece of farmland for development.
    • A report has revealed that around half of people suffering from serious stress who quit towns and cities for a rural idyll end up more miserable than before.
    • A pensioner who has lived in Bolton all her life has quit the town vowing never to return after being plagued by thieves.
    • Since the town council announced they would be quitting the civic centre, fears have been growing that the City Council will sell the building.
    • It is the latest in a line of small independent traders to quit the town.
    • Several industrial estate businesses have threatened to quit the town if the site goes ahead.
    • A one-time ardent fan of Bangalore, he now wants to quit the city.
    • The same month, a beauty salon owner quit the street after 13 years, saying she no longer felt safe.
    • Like them, I desired to quit the place of my raising.
    leave, go away from, depart from, vacate, evacuate, move out of, exit from, withdraw from, abandon, desert
    1. 1.1no object (of a tenant) leave rented accommodation.
      the landlord issued a notice to quit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But since they were given notice to quit in November they have been unable to find a hall that can be booked for more than three nights a week.
      • The company has been on notice to quit for two years but no alternative site has yet been identified.
      • On 18 June 2001, the respondent served a notice to quit on the applicants.
      • In the case of periodic tenancies the legislature left landlords free to bring them to an end by the service and expiry of valid notices to quit.
      • The charity, which helps around 35 families each day and provides transport for around 900 people in Bolton, was served notice to quit in January.
      • Several years later the plaintiff gave the defendant notice to quit under the lease agreement.
      • The House of Lords held that this was a valid notice to quit which brought the periodic tenancy to an end, and the council was entitled to recover possession of the flat and evict the other joint tenant.
      • Graduated periods of notice to quit, ranging from four to 16 weeks, depending on length of tenancy, are also proposed.
      • The council has decided to serve notice to quit on the 46 council house tenants on Toppings Estate who have refused to accept a rent increase.
      • It was back in the summer of 1998 that the library, then situated in privately owned accommodation in the high street, was given six months' notice to quit.
      • ‘We have given notices to quit to five households, some of which have children, and they have four weeks to leave,’ she said
      • If the problems continue after two written warnings, court action may be taken against the offender and a notice to quit may be served.
      • Our landlord has served us a notice to quit by December, and we have no redress because we cannot afford the increased rent.
      • At least one claimed to have been forced out, others have not had leases renewed, and two are going to court this month to fight notices to quit.
      • The wife had left the defendant and had given the housing authority notice to quit in accordance with the tenancy agreement.
      • But the landowner has given a statutory notice to quit - ending a 20 year lease with the former landowner.
      • The next day tenants received notices to quit from an agent they believed represented the owner.
      • By ignoring notices to quit and continuing to create noise nuisance they also showed they could not give a fig for the sensitivities of the permanent population.
      • His housing troubles began when he came back from a holiday towards the end of 2001 and saw a notice to quit.
      • A landlord can normally serve a proper notice to quit, but can he do so for the sole reason that the tenant testified against him in a road accident case?
    2. 1.2informal Resign from (a job)
      she quit her job in a pizza restaurant


      no object he quit as manager of the struggling Third Division team


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That same week she found an apartment in Erie, quit her job, packed her things and moved to Pennsylvania.
      • I always knew that I'd find something better to do after quitting my job.
      • He e-mailed me saying he was quitting the job and going back east, admitting that I had been right.
      • I quit my nine-to-five job and became a professional photographer.
      • I'm quitting the job at the airport at the end of this week.
      • Only four out of 1,000 employees who quit jobs last year retired due to their age, according to the Ministry of Labor.
      • All three quit of their own volition, which probably eased the transition.
      • As a result of the settlement many former strikers took early retirement or quit their jobs.
      • The father-of-three had set himself up in business as a first aid trainer after quitting his job as a college lecturer.
      • He quit his job, packed up his possessions, bought a racing bike and moved out West.
      • I eventually quit the job a year later, packed up my bags and my son and ran away from it all to start all over again.
      • Shortly after their marriage, Billy came home and told her that he was quitting his job.
      • A single mum is quitting her job and going back on benefits so she can afford to raise her two-year-old son.
      • I quit my job as president of a manufacturing company when I turned 58.
      • She would like to start a family in the next year or two and says her husband talks about quitting his job as a driver with a German company to look after the baby, especially if her job pays more than his.
      • In the past, such altruistic new boys have often made little contribution in Parliament and have usually quit after a couple of terms.
      • At 24, I had quit my job, packed up everything I owned into the back of my Volkswagen, and moved 1000 miles away for no good reason.
      • For most workers, quitting a job to take up a better offer doesn't generally require a public explanation.
      • One of the oft-asked questions about this actor is why he does not quit his job as college lecturer and devote himself full-time to films.
      resign (from), leave, hand in one's notice, give notice, stand down (from), give up, bow out, relinquish, depart from, vacate, walk out (on), retire (from), abdicate
      informal chuck, pack in
    3. 1.3North American informal Stop or discontinue (an action or activity)
      quit moaning!


      I want to quit smoking


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If you're still trying to quit the hard way - whether it's cold turkey, or with gum, patches or inhalers - maybe it's time to try something new.
      • Sylvia had a hard life, but never quit speaking out about what she believed, and she'll be sorely missed.
      • And he used to say, if you find yourself in a ditch, quit digging.
      • Since he quit Labour in 1997 he has been working in public relations and will take a significant cut in income to take up the new job.
      • But the second sister made the greatest personal sacrifice for the family, for she quit her studies to make money in order that her siblings can study.
      • But one team member has since quit the project, taking half of the money.
      • So hooray for that and quit fussing over growing older.
      • His mother and teacher had visions of a life as a concert musician, but Harry quit lessons at age 15.
      • Many of the individuals who took out loans defaulted on them or quit their projects.
      • In order to care for the patient, most families had to quit other activities.
      • Dan has been living on the street for ten months now, after he quit a rehabilitation project for ex-prisoners.
      • I hate having to quit a project, leaving it unfinished.
      • Analysis of the data indicated that in the first year, the children who scored in the bottom half in sight reading and playing by ear were much more likely to quit lessons.
      • The farmers soon quit producing, and cocoa exports dropped from 19 percent of gross domestic product to 3 percent.
      • Many people who stopped smoking didn't quit the first time, but they didn't stop trying.
      • I couldn't watch the news and I quit reading newspapers and magazines.
      • She quit her teaching assignment in a school to become a professional singer.
      • Why do you quit your routine when you begin to make progress?
      • This is why I quit drinking - I tried to cut back, and couldn't.
      • I quit dancing three years ago because my ‘friends’ made fun of me during ballet class.
      give up, stop, finish, cease, discontinue, not continue, drop, leave off, break off, abandon, abstain from, renounce, desist (from), refrain (from), eschew, forbear from, avoid, forgo, do without
      call it a day
      informal pack (it) in
  • 2quit oneselfarchaic with adverbial Behave in a specified way.


    quit yourselves like men, and fight


adjective kwɪtkwɪt
quit of
  • Rid of.


    I want to be quit of him



  • quit hold of

    • archaic Let go of.



Middle English (in the sense 'set free'): from Old French quiter (verb), quite (adjective), from Latin quietus, past participle of quiescere 'be still', from quies 'quiet'.

  • An Old French word from the same root as quiet, Latin quietus ‘quiet, still, resting’. The first meanings of quit were ‘to pay off a debt’, ‘to repay a service or favour’, and ‘to set free’. It also meant ‘to declare a person not guilty’, a meaning for which we would now use the related word acquit. The modern meanings, ‘to leave, go away’, and ‘to stop doing something’, are from the 17th century. To call it quits is to agree that terms are now equal, especially in the settlement of a debt, or to decide to abandon what you are doing in order to cut your losses. It dates back only to the 1890s and is a fairly informal expression, but an earlier version, cry quits, is recorded from the 1630s and comes from the world of officialdom. Church records of accounts from the late 15th century use the word quits to indicate that money owing to someone has been paid in full. Church business was usually conducted in Latin, and so quits probably arose from a scribe's shortening of the medieval Latin word quittus, meaning ‘discharged’, written on receipts to indicate that the goods had been paid for. Quite, found from the Middle Ages in the sense ‘completely, fully’ is probably from quit. The sense ‘fairly’ does not develop until the 19th century.


acquit, admit, backlit, bedsit, befit, bit, Brit, Britt, chit, commit, demit, dit, emit, fit, flit, frit, git, grit, hit, intermit, it, kit, knit, legit, lickety-split, lit, manumit, mishit, mitt, nit, omit, outsit, outwit, permit, pit, Pitt, pretermit, remit, retrofit, sit, skit, slit, snit, spit, split, sprit, squit, submit, transmit, twit, whit, wit, writ, zit


nounPlural quits kwɪtkwɪt
  • in combination Used in names of various small songbirds found in the Caribbean area, e.g. bananaquit, grassquit.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Grassquit resides in small flocks and likes to use empty bananaquit nests for roosting at night.
    • Each time the Grassquit sings, it jumps straight into the air and opens its wings to reveal white patches.


Mid 19th century: probably imitative.


  • 1with object Leave (a place), usually permanently.


    he was ordered to quit the cabin immediately
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He fears that other quality stores will quit the city if its continues to allow more discount stores to trade.
    • The villagers told them to quit the place immediately.
    • A one-time ardent fan of Bangalore, he now wants to quit the city.
    • A pensioner who has lived in Bolton all her life has quit the town vowing never to return after being plagued by thieves.
    • The High Court ordered that the gypsies must quit the site and that order was stayed to allow the planning process to be used to agree or deny use of this piece of farmland for development.
    • Industry has quit our city centres, the air in them is cleaner and high-density urban living is officially good again.
    • A firm employing 50 workers in Witham is quitting the town.
    • A report has revealed that around half of people suffering from serious stress who quit towns and cities for a rural idyll end up more miserable than before.
    • Earlier this week a judge at Southampton County Court ordered that the travellers should quit the site by yesterday.
    • Abdul barks orders, and they quit base camp hastily.
    • Since the town council announced they would be quitting the civic centre, fears have been growing that the City Council will sell the building.
    • A judge has ordered the 30 caravans to quit the county council-owned land near Southampton by Friday.
    • The same month, a beauty salon owner quit the street after 13 years, saying she no longer felt safe.
    • Stores and offices are already quitting the area where widescale demolition is due to take place to make way for the planned shopping scheme.
    • In a half an hour, I quit this place, slip into the ocean, and hassle the local aquatic life with my snorkel and my submersible camera.
    • Like them, I desired to quit the place of my raising.
    • He said he would take first watch and quit his place near the fire.
    • Several industrial estate businesses have threatened to quit the town if the site goes ahead.
    • But yesterday the group announced it was quitting the site following huge opposition from local residents.
    • It is the latest in a line of small independent traders to quit the town.
    leave, go away from, depart from, vacate, evacuate, move out of, exit from, withdraw from, abandon, desert
    1. 1.1informal Resign from (a job)
      she quit her job in a pizza restaurant


      no object he quit as manager of struggling Third Division City


      Example sentencesExamples
      • At 24, I had quit my job, packed up everything I owned into the back of my Volkswagen, and moved 1000 miles away for no good reason.
      • Only four out of 1,000 employees who quit jobs last year retired due to their age, according to the Ministry of Labor.
      • I eventually quit the job a year later, packed up my bags and my son and ran away from it all to start all over again.
      • He e-mailed me saying he was quitting the job and going back east, admitting that I had been right.
      • That same week she found an apartment in Erie, quit her job, packed her things and moved to Pennsylvania.
      • I quit my job as president of a manufacturing company when I turned 58.
      • Shortly after their marriage, Billy came home and told her that he was quitting his job.
      • All three quit of their own volition, which probably eased the transition.
      • He quit his job, packed up his possessions, bought a racing bike and moved out West.
      • I quit my nine-to-five job and became a professional photographer.
      • A single mum is quitting her job and going back on benefits so she can afford to raise her two-year-old son.
      • As a result of the settlement many former strikers took early retirement or quit their jobs.
      • In the past, such altruistic new boys have often made little contribution in Parliament and have usually quit after a couple of terms.
      • One of the oft-asked questions about this actor is why he does not quit his job as college lecturer and devote himself full-time to films.
      • For most workers, quitting a job to take up a better offer doesn't generally require a public explanation.
      • I'm quitting the job at the airport at the end of this week.
      • The father-of-three had set himself up in business as a first aid trainer after quitting his job as a college lecturer.
      • I always knew that I'd find something better to do after quitting my job.
      • She would like to start a family in the next year or two and says her husband talks about quitting his job as a driver with a German company to look after the baby, especially if her job pays more than his.
      resign, resign from, leave, hand in one's notice, give notice, stand down, stand down from, give up, bow out, relinquish, depart from, vacate, walk out, walk out on, retire, retire from, abdicate
    2. 1.2North American informal Stop or discontinue (an action or activity)
      quit moaning!


      I want to quit smoking


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But one team member has since quit the project, taking half of the money.
      • And he used to say, if you find yourself in a ditch, quit digging.
      • I quit dancing three years ago because my ‘friends’ made fun of me during ballet class.
      • The farmers soon quit producing, and cocoa exports dropped from 19 percent of gross domestic product to 3 percent.
      • His mother and teacher had visions of a life as a concert musician, but Harry quit lessons at age 15.
      • She quit her teaching assignment in a school to become a professional singer.
      • Many of the individuals who took out loans defaulted on them or quit their projects.
      • Analysis of the data indicated that in the first year, the children who scored in the bottom half in sight reading and playing by ear were much more likely to quit lessons.
      • But the second sister made the greatest personal sacrifice for the family, for she quit her studies to make money in order that her siblings can study.
      • Many people who stopped smoking didn't quit the first time, but they didn't stop trying.
      • I hate having to quit a project, leaving it unfinished.
      • I couldn't watch the news and I quit reading newspapers and magazines.
      • In order to care for the patient, most families had to quit other activities.
      • Dan has been living on the street for ten months now, after he quit a rehabilitation project for ex-prisoners.
      • Why do you quit your routine when you begin to make progress?
      • Sylvia had a hard life, but never quit speaking out about what she believed, and she'll be sorely missed.
      • If you're still trying to quit the hard way - whether it's cold turkey, or with gum, patches or inhalers - maybe it's time to try something new.
      • Since he quit Labour in 1997 he has been working in public relations and will take a significant cut in income to take up the new job.
      • So hooray for that and quit fussing over growing older.
      • This is why I quit drinking - I tried to cut back, and couldn't.
      give up, stop, finish, cease, discontinue, not continue, drop, leave off, break off, abandon, abstain from, renounce, desist, desist from, refrain, refrain from, eschew, forbear from, avoid, forgo, do without
  • 2quit oneselfarchaic with adverbial Behave in a specified way.


    quit yourselves like men, and fight


quit of
  • predicative Rid of.


    I want to be quit of him



  • quit hold of

    • archaic Let go of.



Middle English (in the sense ‘set free’): from Old French quiter (verb), quite (adjective), from Latin quietus, past participle of quiescere ‘be still’, from quies ‘quiet’.


  • in combination Used in names of various small songbirds found in the Caribbean area, e.g. bananaquit, grassquit.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Each time the Grassquit sings, it jumps straight into the air and opens its wings to reveal white patches.
    • The Grassquit resides in small flocks and likes to use empty bananaquit nests for roosting at night.


Mid 19th century: probably imitative.





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