

单词 memory

Definition of memory in English:


nounPlural memories ˈmɛm(ə)riˈmɛm(ə)ri
  • 1The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

    I've a great memory for faces


    mass noun the brain regions responsible for memory


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We have a tendency to think that we have a perfect memory for things, and often times we find we don't.
    • All creatures do need a memory for basic functioning and survival.
    • His memory for faces, names and incidents and his concern for every individual leaves behind him an indelible impression.
    • Participants were told that they would initially see a list of words and that their memory for these words would be tested.
    • He's helped by a prodigious memory for names and places and a blotting paper ability to absorb ideas from philosophy, literature and pop culture.
    • I astound myself with my memory for useless childhood trivia.
    • Hi - forgive me for asking, but I have a terrible memory for faces - do I know you from somewhere?
    • I've a terrible memory for other folk's arrangements.
    • She still has a great memory for all the old Irish songs and poems.
    • No problem there, I have a terrible memory for names so didn't even remember them five seconds after leaving the room.
    • Thanking her good memory for remembering roughly which way to go, she set of at a jog.
    • Although he has a terrible memory for most things, Barry can always remember a gag or anecdote.
    • Their memory for both items and the associated remember or forget cues was then tested with recall and recognition.
    • As I said, it was a long time ago, and you must forgive me if I've forgotten the exact order; my memory for these things is not what it was.
    • But his biggest advantage is a memory for star patterns which has been likened to that of an autistic savant - which Evans is not.
    • Participants were not informed that they would later be given a test of their memory for the scene.
    • I enjoy the music but wish the presenters would give more information on the pieces played because I have a hopeless memory for music titles.
    • My memory for wild plant names has never been good.
    • I started reading, flipping through the pages, startled at my own memory for the things we both wrote about.
    • Immediately after presentation of the study stimulus subjects had their memory for pairs tested.
    1. 1.1 The mind regarded as a store of things remembered.
      he searched his memory frantically for an answer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And yet as I searched my hazy memory, I felt my brain cloud over, as if I had stood up too quickly.
      • He searched his memory as to who had accompanied him on the day he gave the defendant money for the ticket.
      • I searched my memory quickly, trying to remember who I would have introduced her to.
      • Stagecoach, my memory recalls, first became known for its bargain-fare buses from Perth to London.
      • He searched his memory and suddenly remembered a Sunday evening when he and Cam were seniors at Sacred Heart High School.
      • He searched his memory, sending hot spears of pain through his head.
      • Ilse strained her memory, searching for a glimpse of his face somewhere.
      • I searched my memory, but, as far as I could tell, I had never seen her before.
      • He sifted through his memory, searching for the key that would unlock the knowledge.
      • Williams searched his memory, trying to remember what he did in this situation eleven years ago.
      • I'm searching through my memory to try to figure out why on Earth I'd start to write poetry again.
      • He describes his experience of searching his memory and finds that what comes to mind is not what he intended.
      • Mr Jackson, who is 83 and now lives in Holgate, has dug deep into his memory and recalled some of the names of his schoolmates shown here.
      • I watch the, windows, searching my memory to see if we've been here before.
      • Darren paused, looking like he was searching his memory until he looked at little confused.
      • She blinked and searched her memory, wondering how she'd gotten there.
      • Scully's mind immediately searched through her long memory, calculating.
      • The odd question took Rezo by surprise, but he put a hand under his chin and glanced toward the ceiling as he searched his memory.
      • Searching his memory, he realized with mounting dismay that he didn't remember the phone number.
      • Whenever anyone glanced at him he searched his memory frantically to see if he recognised them.
      ability to remember, powers of recall, recall, powers of retention, retention, mind
  • 2Something remembered from the past.


    one of my earliest memories is of sitting on his knee


    mass noun the mind can bury all memory of traumatic abuse


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I will not be visiting the Glen again; just sticking to past happy memories.
    • A dark memory from his past kept him from doing this, one he wouldn't share with anyone, not even his best friend.
    • And where there aren't flowers there are promises of flowers to come, or memories of flowers past.
    • Eastbrook Hall is a very lively church, and the memory of past association with it is always most pleasant to folk who are now far away.
    • She grimaced at the memory; the past always seemed to hurt her!
    • She took the time to reflect upon her own past too and the memory she dug up wasn't a pleasant one.
    • His memories of the past and thoughts of the future took on a negative spin.
    • There was a younger version of him; it looked as if he was reliving a past memory.
    • It is true that memories and past experiences often have to be reassessed in the light of new situations.
    • Litse sat up confused but the memory of the past eight days flew to the front of her mind.
    • It's easier to bask in the memory of a glorious past than to confront some of the myths we continue to cherish in the present.
    • And she would always whisper something of a past memory, perhaps a name, just before deep slumber.
    • How we all love to reflect on past memories, a crazy trip to Barcelona and all that fun past we shared.
    • I knew almost instantly that the dream had been a memory of a past life and seemed to be of some importance.
    • Imagine groggily waking up in a strange house, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, with not a single memory of the past ten hours.
    • Most of the older people can only think back and sigh about memories of the past, their youth.
    • I have no recollection of my past memories, except periodic flashbacks of my previous life.
    • What happened during that week was just a bad memory in the past.
    • The great cedars that were so much a part of the Quinault past are mostly a memory now.
    • Sinead said all her past memories of the school came flooding back during her visit.
    recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, evocation, reminder, souvenir, echo, impression
    1. 2.1mass noun The remembering or commemoration of a dead person.
      clubs devoted to the memory of Sherlock Holmes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A wife's quest to honour her husband's memory came to fruition on Friday evening when an impressive new Grotto was unveiled in Bangor.
      • We're looking at ways of commemorating his memory in a lasting way in the school and will decide on something definite in the coming weeks.
      • Fellow students wanting to honour Venesha's memory broached the subject of taking on a project in her name.
      • Our challenge may be to honour Robert's memory by doing everything we can to restore those values.
      • Teams want to help keep Joel's memory alive by continuing his work, and the response really has been something else.
      • At the Anderson family's request, family and friends gave money rather than flowers to honour Michelle's memory at her funeral.
      • The cemetery is a sacred place that honours the memory of the beloved dead.
      • At the group's last meeting, sympathy was extended to his wife, Alice, and family and a minute's silence was observed in his memory.
      • Mr Smith said he was pleased that his son's memory could be commemorated in a positive and constructive manner.
      • The memory of dead relatives and cancer survivors will be celebrated with a huge Christmas tree outside Safeways in Wimbledon town centre next month.
      • Burial in monastic ground was valued because of the importance of prayer in sustaining memory of the dead.
      • The memory of the dead is respected, by visitor and host alike.
      • A candlelit vigil took place in Huyton last night, one week after the alleged assault, to honour the dead teenager's memory.
      • They stuck by Healy until his death in 1989 and continued to revere his memory thereafter.
      • There had been victory parades in July 1919-but every hamlet had its dead and their memory in perpetuity.
      • It's no surprise, either, that so many prominent actors and musicians gathered to honour McGrath's memory by performing from his work.
      • Now there are moves to honour Brother Walfrid's memory with a statue outside Parkhead.
      • A protest group will be travelling from Killala to Dublin by bus to highlight the campaign to save her birthplace and honour her memory in a fitting way.
      • The event is a way for Michelle and Mathew to honour their son's memory and give something back to the children's ward where they spent so much time.
      • I've instructed all agencies to honor their memory by treating the dead with the dignity and respect they deserve.
      commemoration, remembrance, honour, tribute, recognition, observance, respect
    2. 2.2mass noun The length of time over which a person or event continues to be remembered.
      the worst slump in recent memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Prices have scarcely risen over the past year, while rents are at their softest in recent memory.
      • Shrek was one of the most widely loved animated movies in recent memory - loved by children, adults and critics alike.
      • A patient with moderate or severe AD is unlikely to sustain memory of an event that occurs while in this stage.
      • Although everything happened in the space of a few seconds, at the time, and in my consequent memory, the events seemed to take a long time to unfold.
      • In recent memory, in the lifetime of our previous dog, an unlikable Sealyham, we had nearly come to blows.
      • Groundsmen were left working overtime enable matches to go ahead as one of the worst summers in recent memory produced another week of heavy rain.
      • With only six games remaining, the Warriors have put together one of the most impressive seasons in recent memory.
      • Mushroom pickers are hailing this autumn's harvests as among the best in recent memory.
      • The Sonics have had one of their most tumultuous seasons in recent memory, including a coaching and ownership change.
      • The baseball writers were calling it one of the most exciting seasons in recent memory, and I could see why.
      • The winter of the fifth year is colder than any other winter in recent memory.
      • Seldom have I seen soccer of such supreme quality in recent memory.
      • After one of the most hectic holiday seasons in recent memory, many of us have settled in for equally hectic work schedules.
      • So here it is: the opening salvo in what looks to be the worst summer-movie season in recent memory.
      • Despite the brightest and most competitive opening to a season in recent memory, crowds watching Premier League games are down.
      • But, even in adults, memory for recent events is transient unless it is refreshed by rehearsal.
      • Exports are expected to plunge 16% this year and business confidence is at its worst in recent memory.
      • They produced one of their worst quarters in recent memory, failing to kick a goal while South got within striking distance of an unlikely victory.
      • How about something to help with your short-term memory while you are continually interrupted?
      • The centre of Kirkby Stephen also flooded for the first time in many residents' memory leaving homes without electricity or running water over the weekend.
  • 3The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • During an initialization phase, an access code is stored in a memory of a computer system.
    • Information on how addresses are translated is kept in a set of page tables stored in main memory.
    • A reconnaissance satellite, placed into orbit years ago, captures the entire scene in its computer memory.
    • Thanks to virtual memory technology, software can use more memory than is physically present.
    • When the light pulse stops, its information is suspended and stored, just as information is stored in the memory of a computer.
    memory bank, store, cache, disk, RAM, ROM
    1. 3.1mass noun A computer's capacity for storing information.
      the module provides 16Mb of memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The latest MP3 technology compresses all superfluous parts of a sound signal to reduce the amount of memory needed to store digital information.
      • Depending on the level, you will have different amounts of system memory in which to store your subroutines.
      • There is a virtual hard drive available in the Internet with plenty of memory to store personal information.
      • The combined system will contain 50 terabytes of memory and two petabytes of disk storage.
      • They don't even have the hard drive space and memory that regular laptops have.


  • from memory

    • Without reading or referring to notes.


      each child was required to recite a verse from memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Instead, he went to sit next to her at the table, watched her copying down her notes from memory.
      • Lily and Eric Clarke found him there one day, draped in an old curtain reciting Shakespeare from memory.
      • As the verses flowed from memory, he closed his eyes, concentrating on the words and melody.
      • It is significant that on hearing of the death of Lacy, Bacon should have painted a triptych portrait of the dead man from memory.
      • But I'm only working from memory and it's not something I really want to do an experiment with here at my desk.
      • Rae chuckled and began to recite his shopping list from memory and certain calculations he had made.
      • Whether she was quoting from memory or reading from the open book beside the phone, I was impressed by the trouble she had taken.
      • Briefly stated, here is Bob's argument as I heard it, and set out as faithfully as I can from memory and a few scribbled notes.
      • It is one of the few documents in American history which can be quoted by people from memory.
      • He is able to make several designs from memory and enjoys doing it.
      mechanically, automatically, without thinking, unthinkingly, parrot-fashion, mindlessly
  • in memory of

    • Intended to honour and remind people of (a dead person)


      a prayer in memory of the deceased
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the cool, marble-floored interior women in saris lit hundreds of small oil lamps in memory of the dead.
      • The pub has held a collection and will be planting a memorial tree in front of the building in memory of Philip.
      • In Westhoughton, young children read out the roll of honour and lit candles in memory of those who died.
      • Ceremonies in memory of the dead are held on the seventh and hundredth days after death.
      • Thoughts turned to years gone by and prayers were said in memory of those who had started it all.
      • Also of interest was a monument erected in memory of all those who had died at sea.
      • After the formalities a tree was planted in memory of all the people who had lost their lives in the river.
      • Oak, rowan and birch trees can be bought in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an anniversary or birthday.
      • Hymns and prayers were said in memory of those who died in battle and those who fought and survived.
      • Now a new fisherman's memorial is to be built there in memory of the thousands who never made it home.
      memorial, remembrance, celebratory, celebrative
  • take a trip (or walk) down memory lane

    • Indulge in pleasant or sentimental memories.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The old school bell rang once more as the Taugheen Young at Heart group took a trip down memory lane in a ‘Back to School’ special.
      • Reminiscing about long forgotten names, lost to many in Portlaoise, but not to the Marian Avenue residents, they took a trip down memory lane.
      • As the countdown to Tullow Community School's reunion begins in earnest, it seems everyone is taking a trip down memory lane to rekindle their school days.
      • In the past, the participating cars have been models between the 1914-1962 time frame, giving the audiences not just a chance to see and feel a different time but also take a trip down memory lane.
      • Now a local antiques dealer is helping movie buffs to take a trip down memory lane by making the refreshment room at Carnforth railway station appear just how it did in the 1945 film.
      • A number of visitors to the area over the last few weeks were taking a trip down memory lane by coming back to their original roots.
      • And Laura Mason will be taking a trip down memory lane to show how the pancheon (a coarse earthenware pan) was used as a bread-proving pot in traditional farmhouse kitchens.
      • Former Bradford pupils from around the world took a trip down memory lane with a visit to their old school - 40 years after they left.
      • As she takes a trip down memory lane to tell us how it all began one afternoon in Baramulla, Paro is candid without being outspoken, and beguilingly seems to hold back as much as she shares.
      • Mr. Karunakaran took a trip down memory lane, recalling his early days as an ordinary worker of the Indian National Congress, and then as a trade union leader before reaching the higher echelons of power, both in the State and at the Centre.
      recall, call to mind, recollect, think of


Middle English: from Old French memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor 'mindful, remembering'.

  • English adopted the Latin word memoria twice, first directly from Latin in the Middle Ages as memory, then in the 15th century through French as memoir. The earliest sense of memoir was ‘a memorandum’; people's memoirs, either recording historical events or recounting their own lives, appeared in the 17th century. Latin memoria is formed from memor ‘mindful’, from which memorable (Late Middle English); remember (Middle English); remind (mid 17th century); reminisce (early 19th century); and commemoration (Late Middle English) also come. A 1903 song introduced the world to memory lane, while another song took the same title in 1924. In both lyrics people ‘wandered’, whereas nowadays we take a trip down memory lane when we indulge in pleasant or sentimental memories. In medieval times and later, merchants, lawyers, and diplomats would write memorandum that… at the head of a note of something to be remembered or a record of what had been done. In Latin memorandum means ‘it is to be remembered’, and is a form of memorare, ‘to bring to mind’. Memento (Late Middle English) is also pure Latin. It was at first a prayer of commemoration and is an order to ‘remember!’.



Definition of memory in US English:


  • 1The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

    I've a great memory for faces


    the brain regions responsible for memory


    my grandmother is losing her memory


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She still has a great memory for all the old Irish songs and poems.
    • I started reading, flipping through the pages, startled at my own memory for the things we both wrote about.
    • I've a terrible memory for other folk's arrangements.
    • His memory for faces, names and incidents and his concern for every individual leaves behind him an indelible impression.
    • I astound myself with my memory for useless childhood trivia.
    • But his biggest advantage is a memory for star patterns which has been likened to that of an autistic savant - which Evans is not.
    • Immediately after presentation of the study stimulus subjects had their memory for pairs tested.
    • He's helped by a prodigious memory for names and places and a blotting paper ability to absorb ideas from philosophy, literature and pop culture.
    • I enjoy the music but wish the presenters would give more information on the pieces played because I have a hopeless memory for music titles.
    • Participants were not informed that they would later be given a test of their memory for the scene.
    • No problem there, I have a terrible memory for names so didn't even remember them five seconds after leaving the room.
    • All creatures do need a memory for basic functioning and survival.
    • My memory for wild plant names has never been good.
    • Their memory for both items and the associated remember or forget cues was then tested with recall and recognition.
    • As I said, it was a long time ago, and you must forgive me if I've forgotten the exact order; my memory for these things is not what it was.
    • We have a tendency to think that we have a perfect memory for things, and often times we find we don't.
    • Participants were told that they would initially see a list of words and that their memory for these words would be tested.
    • Hi - forgive me for asking, but I have a terrible memory for faces - do I know you from somewhere?
    • Although he has a terrible memory for most things, Barry can always remember a gag or anecdote.
    • Thanking her good memory for remembering roughly which way to go, she set of at a jog.
    1. 1.1 The mind regarded as a store of things remembered.
      he searched his memory frantically for an answer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He describes his experience of searching his memory and finds that what comes to mind is not what he intended.
      • Mr Jackson, who is 83 and now lives in Holgate, has dug deep into his memory and recalled some of the names of his schoolmates shown here.
      • She blinked and searched her memory, wondering how she'd gotten there.
      • He searched his memory, sending hot spears of pain through his head.
      • I watch the, windows, searching my memory to see if we've been here before.
      • Darren paused, looking like he was searching his memory until he looked at little confused.
      • I'm searching through my memory to try to figure out why on Earth I'd start to write poetry again.
      • I searched my memory, but, as far as I could tell, I had never seen her before.
      • Searching his memory, he realized with mounting dismay that he didn't remember the phone number.
      • Williams searched his memory, trying to remember what he did in this situation eleven years ago.
      • Whenever anyone glanced at him he searched his memory frantically to see if he recognised them.
      • He sifted through his memory, searching for the key that would unlock the knowledge.
      • Ilse strained her memory, searching for a glimpse of his face somewhere.
      • I searched my memory quickly, trying to remember who I would have introduced her to.
      • And yet as I searched my hazy memory, I felt my brain cloud over, as if I had stood up too quickly.
      • He searched his memory as to who had accompanied him on the day he gave the defendant money for the ticket.
      • The odd question took Rezo by surprise, but he put a hand under his chin and glanced toward the ceiling as he searched his memory.
      • Stagecoach, my memory recalls, first became known for its bargain-fare buses from Perth to London.
      • He searched his memory and suddenly remembered a Sunday evening when he and Cam were seniors at Sacred Heart High School.
      • Scully's mind immediately searched through her long memory, calculating.
      ability to remember, powers of recall, recall, powers of retention, retention, mind
  • 2Something remembered from the past; a recollection.


    one of my earliest memories is of sitting on his knee


    the mind can bury all memory of traumatic abuse


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is true that memories and past experiences often have to be reassessed in the light of new situations.
    • It's easier to bask in the memory of a glorious past than to confront some of the myths we continue to cherish in the present.
    • Imagine groggily waking up in a strange house, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, with not a single memory of the past ten hours.
    • I will not be visiting the Glen again; just sticking to past happy memories.
    • There was a younger version of him; it looked as if he was reliving a past memory.
    • What happened during that week was just a bad memory in the past.
    • His memories of the past and thoughts of the future took on a negative spin.
    • The great cedars that were so much a part of the Quinault past are mostly a memory now.
    • She grimaced at the memory; the past always seemed to hurt her!
    • And where there aren't flowers there are promises of flowers to come, or memories of flowers past.
    • And she would always whisper something of a past memory, perhaps a name, just before deep slumber.
    • Litse sat up confused but the memory of the past eight days flew to the front of her mind.
    • I knew almost instantly that the dream had been a memory of a past life and seemed to be of some importance.
    • I have no recollection of my past memories, except periodic flashbacks of my previous life.
    • How we all love to reflect on past memories, a crazy trip to Barcelona and all that fun past we shared.
    • She took the time to reflect upon her own past too and the memory she dug up wasn't a pleasant one.
    • Most of the older people can only think back and sigh about memories of the past, their youth.
    • A dark memory from his past kept him from doing this, one he wouldn't share with anyone, not even his best friend.
    • Eastbrook Hall is a very lively church, and the memory of past association with it is always most pleasant to folk who are now far away.
    • Sinead said all her past memories of the school came flooding back during her visit.
    recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, evocation, reminder, souvenir, echo, impression
    1. 2.1 The remembering or recollection of a dead person, especially one who was popular or respected.
      clubs devoted to the memory of Sherlock Holmes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Burial in monastic ground was valued because of the importance of prayer in sustaining memory of the dead.
      • A protest group will be travelling from Killala to Dublin by bus to highlight the campaign to save her birthplace and honour her memory in a fitting way.
      • It's no surprise, either, that so many prominent actors and musicians gathered to honour McGrath's memory by performing from his work.
      • At the group's last meeting, sympathy was extended to his wife, Alice, and family and a minute's silence was observed in his memory.
      • Now there are moves to honour Brother Walfrid's memory with a statue outside Parkhead.
      • Teams want to help keep Joel's memory alive by continuing his work, and the response really has been something else.
      • Our challenge may be to honour Robert's memory by doing everything we can to restore those values.
      • A candlelit vigil took place in Huyton last night, one week after the alleged assault, to honour the dead teenager's memory.
      • They stuck by Healy until his death in 1989 and continued to revere his memory thereafter.
      • At the Anderson family's request, family and friends gave money rather than flowers to honour Michelle's memory at her funeral.
      • A wife's quest to honour her husband's memory came to fruition on Friday evening when an impressive new Grotto was unveiled in Bangor.
      • The memory of the dead is respected, by visitor and host alike.
      • There had been victory parades in July 1919-but every hamlet had its dead and their memory in perpetuity.
      • We're looking at ways of commemorating his memory in a lasting way in the school and will decide on something definite in the coming weeks.
      • The event is a way for Michelle and Mathew to honour their son's memory and give something back to the children's ward where they spent so much time.
      • The memory of dead relatives and cancer survivors will be celebrated with a huge Christmas tree outside Safeways in Wimbledon town centre next month.
      • Mr Smith said he was pleased that his son's memory could be commemorated in a positive and constructive manner.
      • Fellow students wanting to honour Venesha's memory broached the subject of taking on a project in her name.
      • The cemetery is a sacred place that honours the memory of the beloved dead.
      • I've instructed all agencies to honor their memory by treating the dead with the dignity and respect they deserve.
      commemoration, remembrance, honour, tribute, recognition, observance, respect
    2. 2.2 The length of time over which people continue to remember a person or event.
      the worst slump in recent memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Exports are expected to plunge 16% this year and business confidence is at its worst in recent memory.
      • Despite the brightest and most competitive opening to a season in recent memory, crowds watching Premier League games are down.
      • A patient with moderate or severe AD is unlikely to sustain memory of an event that occurs while in this stage.
      • The centre of Kirkby Stephen also flooded for the first time in many residents' memory leaving homes without electricity or running water over the weekend.
      • With only six games remaining, the Warriors have put together one of the most impressive seasons in recent memory.
      • The baseball writers were calling it one of the most exciting seasons in recent memory, and I could see why.
      • Mushroom pickers are hailing this autumn's harvests as among the best in recent memory.
      • Prices have scarcely risen over the past year, while rents are at their softest in recent memory.
      • Shrek was one of the most widely loved animated movies in recent memory - loved by children, adults and critics alike.
      • So here it is: the opening salvo in what looks to be the worst summer-movie season in recent memory.
      • In recent memory, in the lifetime of our previous dog, an unlikable Sealyham, we had nearly come to blows.
      • The winter of the fifth year is colder than any other winter in recent memory.
      • But, even in adults, memory for recent events is transient unless it is refreshed by rehearsal.
      • Seldom have I seen soccer of such supreme quality in recent memory.
      • They produced one of their worst quarters in recent memory, failing to kick a goal while South got within striking distance of an unlikely victory.
      • Although everything happened in the space of a few seconds, at the time, and in my consequent memory, the events seemed to take a long time to unfold.
      • After one of the most hectic holiday seasons in recent memory, many of us have settled in for equally hectic work schedules.
      • The Sonics have had one of their most tumultuous seasons in recent memory, including a coaching and ownership change.
      • How about something to help with your short-term memory while you are continually interrupted?
      • Groundsmen were left working overtime enable matches to go ahead as one of the worst summers in recent memory produced another week of heavy rain.
  • 3The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • When the light pulse stops, its information is suspended and stored, just as information is stored in the memory of a computer.
    • Information on how addresses are translated is kept in a set of page tables stored in main memory.
    • A reconnaissance satellite, placed into orbit years ago, captures the entire scene in its computer memory.
    • Thanks to virtual memory technology, software can use more memory than is physically present.
    • During an initialization phase, an access code is stored in a memory of a computer system.
    memory bank, store, cache, disk, ram, rom
    1. 3.1 Capacity for storing information on a computer.
      the module provides 16Mb of memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The latest MP3 technology compresses all superfluous parts of a sound signal to reduce the amount of memory needed to store digital information.
      • The combined system will contain 50 terabytes of memory and two petabytes of disk storage.
      • Depending on the level, you will have different amounts of system memory in which to store your subroutines.
      • There is a virtual hard drive available in the Internet with plenty of memory to store personal information.
      • They don't even have the hard drive space and memory that regular laptops have.


  • from memory

    • Without reading or referring to notes.


      each child was required to recite a verse from memory


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the verses flowed from memory, he closed his eyes, concentrating on the words and melody.
      • Lily and Eric Clarke found him there one day, draped in an old curtain reciting Shakespeare from memory.
      • It is significant that on hearing of the death of Lacy, Bacon should have painted a triptych portrait of the dead man from memory.
      • He is able to make several designs from memory and enjoys doing it.
      • Rae chuckled and began to recite his shopping list from memory and certain calculations he had made.
      • Whether she was quoting from memory or reading from the open book beside the phone, I was impressed by the trouble she had taken.
      • Briefly stated, here is Bob's argument as I heard it, and set out as faithfully as I can from memory and a few scribbled notes.
      • It is one of the few documents in American history which can be quoted by people from memory.
      • Instead, he went to sit next to her at the table, watched her copying down her notes from memory.
      • But I'm only working from memory and it's not something I really want to do an experiment with here at my desk.
      mechanically, automatically, without thinking, unthinkingly, parrot-fashion, mindlessly
  • in memory of

    • Intended to remind people of, especially to honor a dead person.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After the formalities a tree was planted in memory of all the people who had lost their lives in the river.
      • In Westhoughton, young children read out the roll of honour and lit candles in memory of those who died.
      • The pub has held a collection and will be planting a memorial tree in front of the building in memory of Philip.
      • Ceremonies in memory of the dead are held on the seventh and hundredth days after death.
      • Hymns and prayers were said in memory of those who died in battle and those who fought and survived.
      • Thoughts turned to years gone by and prayers were said in memory of those who had started it all.
      • Now a new fisherman's memorial is to be built there in memory of the thousands who never made it home.
      • Oak, rowan and birch trees can be bought in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an anniversary or birthday.
      • Also of interest was a monument erected in memory of all those who had died at sea.
      • In the cool, marble-floored interior women in saris lit hundreds of small oil lamps in memory of the dead.
      memorial, remembrance, celebratory, celebrative
  • take a trip (or walk) down memory lane

    • Deliberately recall pleasant or sentimental memories.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And Laura Mason will be taking a trip down memory lane to show how the pancheon (a coarse earthenware pan) was used as a bread-proving pot in traditional farmhouse kitchens.
      • The old school bell rang once more as the Taugheen Young at Heart group took a trip down memory lane in a ‘Back to School’ special.
      • As she takes a trip down memory lane to tell us how it all began one afternoon in Baramulla, Paro is candid without being outspoken, and beguilingly seems to hold back as much as she shares.
      • As the countdown to Tullow Community School's reunion begins in earnest, it seems everyone is taking a trip down memory lane to rekindle their school days.
      • A number of visitors to the area over the last few weeks were taking a trip down memory lane by coming back to their original roots.
      • In the past, the participating cars have been models between the 1914-1962 time frame, giving the audiences not just a chance to see and feel a different time but also take a trip down memory lane.
      • Now a local antiques dealer is helping movie buffs to take a trip down memory lane by making the refreshment room at Carnforth railway station appear just how it did in the 1945 film.
      • Mr. Karunakaran took a trip down memory lane, recalling his early days as an ordinary worker of the Indian National Congress, and then as a trade union leader before reaching the higher echelons of power, both in the State and at the Centre.
      • Reminiscing about long forgotten names, lost to many in Portlaoise, but not to the Marian Avenue residents, they took a trip down memory lane.
      • Former Bradford pupils from around the world took a trip down memory lane with a visit to their old school - 40 years after they left.
      recall, call to mind, recollect, think of


Middle English: from Old French memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor ‘mindful, remembering’.





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