Earlier in his career, harebrained schemes to sell Indian-made polo sticks to Harrods earned him the name of ‘import-export wallah’ back in Hyderabad.
The batons may originally have been polo sticks.
In particular, the Mameluke deck contained 52 cards comprising four ‘suits’: polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups.
Gracefully dropping from the saddle, the heir to the throne passed the reigns to the waiting stable boy and swung his polo stick across his shoulder.
On top of the stack is a polo video: Harry is an enthusiastic and competitive player, and a polo stick hangs on the wall.
He and the horse fell to the ground, and Walter's arm snapped after being pinned behind his back by his polo stick.
Ramirez swung his polo stick expertly, and a red streak of light flew off into the blue sky.
‘There is a huge growth potential for Cobra within the Indian food sector but also as a brand outside Indian food,’ says Bilimoria, who started the company 10 years ago after an earlier venture importing Indian polo sticks failed.
We don't have a guy on a horse with a polo stick, we don't have a swoosh, a pennant or a sailboat.
According to Ronald Decker, the Muslim sticks represented polo sticks.