

单词 deadhead

Definition of deadhead in English:


  • 1informal A boring or unenterprising person.


    you're just a deadhead
    Example sentencesExamples
    • She seemed perfectly content to sit there and jaw away with this deadhead for the rest of the night if she had to.
    • Weir reminds us of the power of each person: ‘If every deadhead in the state of Florida had voted in the last election, it would be a very different world today.’
    • She was stunned that her layabout deadhead son could produce such sensitive pieces and she was very encouraging.
    • Guess if everything went smoothly all the time we'd all be deadheads like Yevy accused me of being.
    • When I was in high school, the students fell into many different groups: preps, jocks, cheerleaders, punks, deadheads, druggies, geeks, and all the rest.
    • You were a total deadhead in their eyes - and you knew that, too.
    • Maybe a vengeful sibling of some deadhead kid who decided to try and abuse a program I had a hand in?
    • We are left to speculate the girl is just a deadhead, and in her indecision, powers on, deciding to live in the future, never looking back.
    • I've been writing about Wez in my journal lately, the deadhead who lives downstairs from me and Adam.
    • The idea that liberalism is something confined to a few deadheads on the coasts is a shibboleth.
  • 2informal A fan of the rock group the Grateful Dead.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The second disc contains material culled from various shows in 1966, and even the seasoned Deadhead should find something surprising.
    • The Deadhead attachment remains, for the most part, cool.
    • Through the songs and their shared point of view the Deadheads are keeping alive an outlook on how to live life to its fullest.
    • Any fan of the Grateful Dead can be termed a Deadhead.
    • Part of touring for me was meeting fellow Deadheads from around the country.
    • As for the fans, well, I once heard an interviewer ask Jerry Garcia how he felt about all of these Deadheads putting all of their time, energy, and money into the Grateful Dead.
    • It did not take me long to become a true tie-dyed Deadhead, and in fact I have often wondered why I was such a late arrival.
    • I was a Deadhead from the first day Hamilton played them for me in school, and I always will be.
    • There are J. Garcia carpets that my mother would be happy to have in her house, and she's not a Deadhead.
    • Adams designed a course based on attending a series of Grateful Dead concerts, and then having the students conduct a sociological analysis of the Deadheads.
    • If you hang around with Deadheads long enough, eventually you will hear them talk about this book, or you will see it on their bookshelves.
    • There was an especially loud contingent of people down front, who apparently follow him from concert to concert, a la the Grateful Dead's Deadheads.
    • The Deadheads gave the Grateful Dead a steady revenue stream and a safe harbor.
    • The community also became a haven for Deadheads seeking news on the Grateful Dead.
    • The editor is a reference librarian who also coauthored with David Dodd The Grateful Dead and the Deadheads: An Annotated Bibliography.
    • Perhaps the most popular feature of the official Grateful Dead site is ‘DeadNet Central,’ a bulletin board service where Deadheads exchange information and debate about any and all topics.
    • This is not such a stretch, considering Ranaldo's upbringing as a Deadhead who got turned on to alternate tunings through Joni Mitchell and Neil Young records.
    • One of the nicest, friendliest, and most fun concerts I have ever seen, and about as different in atmosphere from a modern Dead show as you could imagine - except, of course, that almost all the audience were Deadheads.
    • Simultaneously, they have become a large demographic, the next generation of the Deadheads.
    • Grateful Dreams will no doubt appeal to Deadheads who have an interest in this man who contributed a few years to the band.
  • 3British A faded flower head.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I showed him how to pick off deadheads to make room for new flowers.
    • During the growing season, remove deadheads to promote continuous blooms.
    • So be sure to cut long stems on both cut flowers and deadheads; that way, the thick canes that sprout from the leaf axil will be strong enough to support the weight of the new flower.
    • I also like to remove deadheads or seed-heads that weigh down the plant's foliage.
    • Research from the Royal National Rose Society has shown that just pulling off the deadheads of roses rather than cutting back leads to more repeat flowering.
  • 4North American A passenger or member of an audience with a free ticket.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I just wanted to let you all know we have announced our deadhead ticket giveaway.
    • He begins traveling all around the country as a "deadhead" -- riding free on competitors' airliners -- passing checks, and working toward a goal more unrealistic than he realizes: he wants to reconcile his parents.
  • 5A sunken or partially submerged log.


    most boating accidents begin small, as a disabled engine or a collision with a deadhead
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Another hazard to keep in mind during the pre-spawn is deadheads under the water.
    • Many "deadheads" can be seen sticking out of the water, and some caution needs to be taken to avoid submerged ones if you are paddling close to the shore.
  • 1with object Remove dead flower heads from (a plant)


    deadhead and spray rose bushes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • You need to deadhead for exactly the same reasons you need a good haircut: health and volume.
    • It seems anathema to most gardeners to go against their natural instincts to prune, train, stake, deadhead, divide and generally fuss on the plants in their gardens.
    • Always avoid breaking off any of the small growth buds below the flowers when you are deadheading.
    • In the annual and perennial border it is often enough to just deadhead plants, trim back spent foliage and remove the odd weed to free up your favourites.
    • You'll also want to deadhead all your begonias regularly; removing wilted leaves and flowers encourages them to produce more blooms.
    • Keep the spent clusters deadheaded and this shrub will bloom into the fall.
    • Gardeners require space in the beds so that they can weed, deadhead and prune.
    • To keep annuals blooming at the peak of their ability, deadhead regularly.
    • As you water, weed and deadhead, get to know your plants.
    • Capon deadheads plants once a month, pruning out stray branches and keeping plants compact.
    • But it's definitely high maintenance, with something always needing thinning, pruning, deadheading, dividing, or pampering.
    • The more you pick and deadhead, the longer the plants produce flowers.
    • In addition, deadheading spent blossoms regularly will encourage further blooming.
    • Does the idea of planting some superb container plants that don't require deadheading or pruning sound appealing to you?
    • The colors should be restful, and the plantings should be such that you don't enter the space seeking a rest and then find yourself forever leaping up to pull a weed or deadhead something.
    • Young plants should be deadheaded after flowering so that the energy they would have spent on fruit or seed then goes into more shoots.
    • Pansies are ideal and will flower for many weeks with regular feeding, watering and deadheading.
    • Finally, be sure to deadhead faded or drooping blossoms and leaves.
    • Anything that blooms now gets immediately deadheaded.
    • After the first frost in your area, stop deadheading and cutting flowers (unless they're so spectacular you just can't resist).
  • 2North American informal no object (of a commercial driver) complete a trip in a train or other vehicle with no passengers or cargo.


    they deadhead back to Denver on eastbound trains


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The train deadheaded to Vancouver and I understand the mucky mucks will board in the morning and head south sometime after 08:00 today towards Seattle.
    • He was expressing anger that the deadheading train passed him by.
    • This was our SUNSET LIMITED, deadheading from Sanford and headed somewhere south of Orlando to be wyed.
    • The weekend was a fine one for the spare board, with engines and trains deadheading back and forth making it even better.
    • The train was unique in that Ashland was the last stop, following which the train deadheaded back to Camden.
    • The train was ready after its 5 minute station time but was held another 15 minutes for a deadheading CSX Office Car Special that was pulling into Savannah on another platform track.
    • If you're traveling one way, expect to pay for the empty car to deadhead home.


bedhead, redhead

Definition of deadhead in US English:


  • 1A fan and follower of the rock group the Grateful Dead.


    as modifier the Deadhead hard core shadows the band, selling tie-dyes and beads
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Any fan of the Grateful Dead can be termed a Deadhead.
    • Perhaps the most popular feature of the official Grateful Dead site is ‘DeadNet Central,’ a bulletin board service where Deadheads exchange information and debate about any and all topics.
    • As for the fans, well, I once heard an interviewer ask Jerry Garcia how he felt about all of these Deadheads putting all of their time, energy, and money into the Grateful Dead.
    • I was a Deadhead from the first day Hamilton played them for me in school, and I always will be.
    • Grateful Dreams will no doubt appeal to Deadheads who have an interest in this man who contributed a few years to the band.
    • Simultaneously, they have become a large demographic, the next generation of the Deadheads.
    • Through the songs and their shared point of view the Deadheads are keeping alive an outlook on how to live life to its fullest.
    • Part of touring for me was meeting fellow Deadheads from around the country.
    • Adams designed a course based on attending a series of Grateful Dead concerts, and then having the students conduct a sociological analysis of the Deadheads.
    • If you hang around with Deadheads long enough, eventually you will hear them talk about this book, or you will see it on their bookshelves.
    • The Deadheads gave the Grateful Dead a steady revenue stream and a safe harbor.
    • There was an especially loud contingent of people down front, who apparently follow him from concert to concert, a la the Grateful Dead's Deadheads.
    • The community also became a haven for Deadheads seeking news on the Grateful Dead.
    • The editor is a reference librarian who also coauthored with David Dodd The Grateful Dead and the Deadheads: An Annotated Bibliography.
    • One of the nicest, friendliest, and most fun concerts I have ever seen, and about as different in atmosphere from a modern Dead show as you could imagine - except, of course, that almost all the audience were Deadheads.
    • The Deadhead attachment remains, for the most part, cool.
    • This is not such a stretch, considering Ranaldo's upbringing as a Deadhead who got turned on to alternate tunings through Joni Mitchell and Neil Young records.
    • There are J. Garcia carpets that my mother would be happy to have in her house, and she's not a Deadhead.
    • The second disc contains material culled from various shows in 1966, and even the seasoned Deadhead should find something surprising.
    • It did not take me long to become a true tie-dyed Deadhead, and in fact I have often wondered why I was such a late arrival.
  • 2informal A boring or unenterprising person.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Guess if everything went smoothly all the time we'd all be deadheads like Yevy accused me of being.
    • You were a total deadhead in their eyes - and you knew that, too.
    • She was stunned that her layabout deadhead son could produce such sensitive pieces and she was very encouraging.
    • I've been writing about Wez in my journal lately, the deadhead who lives downstairs from me and Adam.
    • We are left to speculate the girl is just a deadhead, and in her indecision, powers on, deciding to live in the future, never looking back.
    • Weir reminds us of the power of each person: ‘If every deadhead in the state of Florida had voted in the last election, it would be a very different world today.’
    • The idea that liberalism is something confined to a few deadheads on the coasts is a shibboleth.
    • She seemed perfectly content to sit there and jaw away with this deadhead for the rest of the night if she had to.
    • When I was in high school, the students fell into many different groups: preps, jocks, cheerleaders, punks, deadheads, druggies, geeks, and all the rest.
    • Maybe a vengeful sibling of some deadhead kid who decided to try and abuse a program I had a hand in?
  • 3North American A passenger or member of an audience with a free ticket.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He begins traveling all around the country as a "deadhead" -- riding free on competitors' airliners -- passing checks, and working toward a goal more unrealistic than he realizes: he wants to reconcile his parents.
    • I just wanted to let you all know we have announced our deadhead ticket giveaway.
    1. 3.1US informal A commercial carrier with no paying passengers or freight on a trip.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In addition, carriers are playing ‘musical chairs,’ replacing existing customers and lanes with opportunities that minimize deadhead miles and increase overall profitability.
      • Seemingly doomed to playing the sticks, Osius prepared to pack up his eye-goggling togs and catch the deadhead milk-run back to Wisconsin.
      • Passenger miles exclude travel to and from storage facilities, training operations, road tests and deadhead travel, as well as school bus and charter service.
  • 4A sunken or partially submerged log.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Another hazard to keep in mind during the pre-spawn is deadheads under the water.
    • Many "deadheads" can be seen sticking out of the water, and some caution needs to be taken to avoid submerged ones if you are paddling close to the shore.
  • 1North American informal no object (of a commercial driver, etc.) complete a trip without paying passengers or freight.

    trucks deadheading into California to pick up outbound loads
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was expressing anger that the deadheading train passed him by.
    • The train was unique in that Ashland was the last stop, following which the train deadheaded back to Camden.
    • If you're traveling one way, expect to pay for the empty car to deadhead home.
    • The train was ready after its 5 minute station time but was held another 15 minutes for a deadheading CSX Office Car Special that was pulling into Savannah on another platform track.
    • The train deadheaded to Vancouver and I understand the mucky mucks will board in the morning and head south sometime after 08:00 today towards Seattle.
    • This was our SUNSET LIMITED, deadheading from Sanford and headed somewhere south of Orlando to be wyed.
    • The weekend was a fine one for the spare board, with engines and trains deadheading back and forth making it even better.
    1. 1.1US Ride (in a plane or other vehicle) without paying for a ticket.
      he calls his airline and gets a seat on the red-eye to deadhead to Boston
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We often deadhead (fly as passengers) to our next assignment.
      • On Sunday evening, I deadheaded on a flight to Seattle and had a scheduled arrival time of 8:04 PM.
      • So this morning, early, we deadheaded home in a van.
      • That was all right though, cause I didn't have a back haul lined up and I couldn't afford to deadhead back to Pittsburgh.
      • We deadheaded to Russell, where we were relieved.
  • 2with object Remove dead flower heads from (a plant) to encourage further blooming.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Anything that blooms now gets immediately deadheaded.
    • Pansies are ideal and will flower for many weeks with regular feeding, watering and deadheading.
    • You need to deadhead for exactly the same reasons you need a good haircut: health and volume.
    • The more you pick and deadhead, the longer the plants produce flowers.
    • Young plants should be deadheaded after flowering so that the energy they would have spent on fruit or seed then goes into more shoots.
    • Capon deadheads plants once a month, pruning out stray branches and keeping plants compact.
    • It seems anathema to most gardeners to go against their natural instincts to prune, train, stake, deadhead, divide and generally fuss on the plants in their gardens.
    • But it's definitely high maintenance, with something always needing thinning, pruning, deadheading, dividing, or pampering.
    • To keep annuals blooming at the peak of their ability, deadhead regularly.
    • After the first frost in your area, stop deadheading and cutting flowers (unless they're so spectacular you just can't resist).
    • In the annual and perennial border it is often enough to just deadhead plants, trim back spent foliage and remove the odd weed to free up your favourites.
    • As you water, weed and deadhead, get to know your plants.
    • You'll also want to deadhead all your begonias regularly; removing wilted leaves and flowers encourages them to produce more blooms.
    • Does the idea of planting some superb container plants that don't require deadheading or pruning sound appealing to you?
    • Finally, be sure to deadhead faded or drooping blossoms and leaves.
    • Gardeners require space in the beds so that they can weed, deadhead and prune.
    • In addition, deadheading spent blossoms regularly will encourage further blooming.
    • Keep the spent clusters deadheaded and this shrub will bloom into the fall.
    • The colors should be restful, and the plantings should be such that you don't enter the space seeking a rest and then find yourself forever leaping up to pull a weed or deadhead something.
    • Always avoid breaking off any of the small growth buds below the flowers when you are deadheading.




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