

单词 deaden

Definition of deaden in English:


verb ˈdɛd(ə)nˈdɛdn
[with object]
  • 1Make (a noise or sensation) less strong or intense.


    ether was used to deaden the pain


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He is certainly successful in this, creating a wonderfully intimate sound with no plush production to deaden the enjoyment.
    • After the drugs used to deaden the pain were leached from his system, Ian woke.
    • The recent fall of snow, laid in a thick carpet, deadened any sound, adding to the tranquillity and pristine feel of the mountains.
    • Corridors are floored with black linoleum, which deadens noise and adds to the devout atmosphere, as if science were some kind of holy order.
    • There could be no doubt that ether, properly applied, rendered the subject wholly unconscious, deadened the pain of operation, and represented little risk to recovery.
    • Tail-coated ushers move them gently along the brown carpet that deadens the footsteps.
    • Close all the curtains and turn on the radio or television to deaden the noise.
    • Additional lighting will be installed at each end of the court and special fencing will be built to deaden the sound.
    • This will help deaden the noise of heavy footfalls and provides a much kinder surface to unhook fish on than hard boards.
    • The absence of a roof deadens the sound; there's none of the ominous rumble that's a trademark of enclosed pools.
    • The microphone had a windscreen and extra foam that deadened the noise of raindrops falling on the microphone.
    • They would wear canvass over their boots to deaden the sound of their feet on the rubble, fearful that any noise would alert the German machine gunners.
    • If there is a criticism to be made, it is that the album is rather unrelenting in its pace, deadening the impact of the later songs.
    • He drank huge quantities of wine in order to deaden the pain.
    • I stuffed tissues into my ears to deaden the sounds of conflict from the other rooms.
    • Yes, it did deaden pain, but it also reduced inhibitions and made a person react with their instincts.
    • Though two girlfriends were at my side for emotional support, I needed something extra to help me relax (and deaden the pain) while I got my first tattoo a few weeks ago.
    • It was at this time he suffered the devastating loss of his parents and he said heroin deadened his pain.
    • For the old and withered Nonna Rosa, he restores her youthful dewiness, awakening all the passion deadened by her long passionless marriage.
    • I carry them with me wherever I go and they help deaden the pain.
    numb, stifle, dull, blunt, suppress
    alleviate, mitigate, moderate, weaken, diminish, reduce, decrease, lessen, palliate, abate, ease, soothe, relieve, assuage, subdue, take the edge off, get rid of, put an end to
    muffle, mute, smother, stifle, dull, damp, damp down, tone down, hush, silence, quieten, soften, cushion, blanket, buffer, absorb
    1. 1.1 Deprive of the power of sensation.
      diabetes can deaden the nerve endings


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As Lester strongly points out, from simple lack of awareness we are deadening our senses by becoming tuned out.
      • Such hyperbole deadens the sensitivity to moral distinctions in public discourse.
      • I settle for a Camembert baguette, a bolet of chilled cider deadening my tongue to the sock aftershock.
      • His mind screamed at him not to, but his nerves were deadened, refusing to respond.
      • Based on its placement, I would bet that it has deadened the nerve, so that you would indeed feel no pain.
      • However, in this situation, like most others, we smokers have a slight advantage; our nasal nerves have long since been deadened with a film of tar.
      • It's a deadening of the nerve cells of the nerve endings in the lower extremities.
      • I asked my oncologist for a tube of cream which deadens the skin so you don't feel the puncture.
      • It is a narcotic that dulls the brain and deadens the nerves.
      • What is this if not a sinister project of deadening the senses, so that destruction of life goes on as naturally as life itself?
      • The tongue is a very delicate piece of equipment, but smoking deadens the taste.
      • Between the water draining, the cool water pouring in, and her skin deadened from sensation, the pain started to become tolerable.
      • At least it's got caffeine, and it deadens my tongue and it's cold as ice.
      • Cantus sighed in relief, relaxing as I deadened his nerves.
      • Tobacco has a deadening and stupefying effect upon the nerves.
      • It also deadens pain receptors at the injury site.
      desensitize, render insensitive, make insensitive, numb, benumb, anaesthetize
      harden, toughen, harden someone's heart
    2. 1.2 Deprive of force or vitality; stultify.
      the syllabus has deadened the teaching process


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The biggest complaint you hear these days from country folk is about the sheer, deadening weight of bureaucracy.
      • I strongly recommend the book for anyone who thinks manners are boring, deadening constraints on their individuality.
      • Even if you ignore the health-threatening combination of junk TV and junk food, it's obvious that television deadens children's capacity to develop.
      • Sadly, the supporting non-celebrity players deliver their lines in the same deadened monotone that passes for the industry standard in video game voice acting.
      • He has a bit of a bee in his bonnet about the deadening effect on teaching of a society afraid to take risks.
      • Over the years, his humanity has been submerged through a deadening routine.
      • I push my deadened feet up, forcing them to move, my hands stuck by my side as I turn the corner into the lounge.
      • Her eyes are pained and deadened, but somehow sad and regretting.
      • Then it flew back into my mind with hideous, deadening force.
      • Without wonder, men and women would lapse into deadening routine and little by little would become incapable of a life which is genuinely personal.
      • He and his researchers have explored the archives and newspaper morgues with determination, so that the central events are told with an almost deadening thoroughness.
      • This is not because I am particularly involved or interested in my job, but because the deadening routine is not conducive to creativity or insight.
      • Stale routine can be deadening and it appears to me that you are following a routine here lately, with business and other daily affairs.
      • What had been deadening this country, I think, was not so mysterious.
      • Music deadens the mind with its repetitive noises, movies brainwash us into predictable behavior, and travelling narrows our horizons into a world of tourist traps and sophistry.
      • The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women.
      • Both men understood that powerful aspects of their art were deadened by analysis.
      • Then you start touring and it deadens your mind a bit.
      • I have made it a primary goal to integrate my work with my passionate interests, mostly in order to avoid the mid-life crisis of waking up to a soul-deadening modern job.
      • Life is busier than ever for most couples and it's easy to fall into a routine that deadens your marriage.
    3. 1.3 Make (someone) insensitive to something.
      laughter might deaden us to the moral issue


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He asks us to believe that one infant can change the world not as some sentimental pap which deadens us to the pain around us or as some convenient bandage to slap over profound brokenness.
      • The sex - well, I'm still not getting any, but working sixteen hour days three times a week, and 8 hour days the other three, is deadening me sufficiently that I don't feel this so acutely.
      • You don't let it drown you, or deaden you to the point that you're afraid to feel anything for fear of being hurt.
      • The superficiality, the alienation, the escapism, and the hollowness are a result of a steady bombardment of confusing and deadening messages designed to reduce us to passive consumers.
      • But we should also expect that chemicals and treatments will be developed that deaden the future soldier's sensation of fear.
      • And as a result, you start to build up these thick walls that deaden you.
      • When we treat fish and other animals like little more than a piece of sporting equipment it deadens all of us.
      • The only way you could remain a communist, he said later, was by deadening your conscience, by inducing a moral narcosis.
      • The city deadens us to beauty.
      • As with personal healing, social healing requires us to awaken from the cultural trance that deadens us to what is possible.
      • Twenty years of blockbusters have deadened audiences to the excitement of big armies and lavish effects.
      • While the language of propaganda demonizes whole peoples and deadens us to the effects of policy decisions, poetry wakes us up.
      • In this culture, we are deadened to the effects of our lives on other people, other animals, on natural resources every day.
      • The Christian legalization of belief in Christ has deadened us to the free openness of his life.


  • deadener

  • noun ˈdɛd(ə)nəˈdɛd(ə)nər
    • Proust, who understood the many varieties of snobbery as well as anyone has, called it ‘the greatest sterilizer of inspiration, the greatest deadener of originality, the greatest destroyer of talent.’
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is followed in quick succession by installation of the rear lights and wire harness, sunroof and headliner, sound deadener and carpet.
      • Remember this quote: ‘Habit is the great deadener.’
      • The Health Ministry was, he added, ‘a career deadener.’
      • By the time the next cell is reached, 16 sound deadeners have been added to the wheel wells, floor, and inner door and side panels.


Armageddon, leaden, redden

Definition of deaden in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Make (a noise or sensation) less intense.


    ether was used to deaden the pain


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This will help deaden the noise of heavy footfalls and provides a much kinder surface to unhook fish on than hard boards.
    • Additional lighting will be installed at each end of the court and special fencing will be built to deaden the sound.
    • The recent fall of snow, laid in a thick carpet, deadened any sound, adding to the tranquillity and pristine feel of the mountains.
    • I carry them with me wherever I go and they help deaden the pain.
    • There could be no doubt that ether, properly applied, rendered the subject wholly unconscious, deadened the pain of operation, and represented little risk to recovery.
    • Close all the curtains and turn on the radio or television to deaden the noise.
    • He drank huge quantities of wine in order to deaden the pain.
    • The microphone had a windscreen and extra foam that deadened the noise of raindrops falling on the microphone.
    • The absence of a roof deadens the sound; there's none of the ominous rumble that's a trademark of enclosed pools.
    • Yes, it did deaden pain, but it also reduced inhibitions and made a person react with their instincts.
    • Tail-coated ushers move them gently along the brown carpet that deadens the footsteps.
    • I stuffed tissues into my ears to deaden the sounds of conflict from the other rooms.
    • For the old and withered Nonna Rosa, he restores her youthful dewiness, awakening all the passion deadened by her long passionless marriage.
    • Corridors are floored with black linoleum, which deadens noise and adds to the devout atmosphere, as if science were some kind of holy order.
    • They would wear canvass over their boots to deaden the sound of their feet on the rubble, fearful that any noise would alert the German machine gunners.
    • If there is a criticism to be made, it is that the album is rather unrelenting in its pace, deadening the impact of the later songs.
    • Though two girlfriends were at my side for emotional support, I needed something extra to help me relax (and deaden the pain) while I got my first tattoo a few weeks ago.
    • It was at this time he suffered the devastating loss of his parents and he said heroin deadened his pain.
    • After the drugs used to deaden the pain were leached from his system, Ian woke.
    • He is certainly successful in this, creating a wonderfully intimate sound with no plush production to deaden the enjoyment.
    numb, stifle, dull, blunt, suppress
    muffle, mute, smother, stifle, dull, damp, damp down, tone down, hush, silence, quieten, soften, cushion, blanket, buffer, absorb
    1. 1.1 Deprive of the power of sensation.
      diabetes can deaden the nerve endings


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is a narcotic that dulls the brain and deadens the nerves.
      • His mind screamed at him not to, but his nerves were deadened, refusing to respond.
      • Between the water draining, the cool water pouring in, and her skin deadened from sensation, the pain started to become tolerable.
      • It's a deadening of the nerve cells of the nerve endings in the lower extremities.
      • It also deadens pain receptors at the injury site.
      • I settle for a Camembert baguette, a bolet of chilled cider deadening my tongue to the sock aftershock.
      • Tobacco has a deadening and stupefying effect upon the nerves.
      • Cantus sighed in relief, relaxing as I deadened his nerves.
      • Such hyperbole deadens the sensitivity to moral distinctions in public discourse.
      • However, in this situation, like most others, we smokers have a slight advantage; our nasal nerves have long since been deadened with a film of tar.
      • At least it's got caffeine, and it deadens my tongue and it's cold as ice.
      • What is this if not a sinister project of deadening the senses, so that destruction of life goes on as naturally as life itself?
      • As Lester strongly points out, from simple lack of awareness we are deadening our senses by becoming tuned out.
      • I asked my oncologist for a tube of cream which deadens the skin so you don't feel the puncture.
      • The tongue is a very delicate piece of equipment, but smoking deadens the taste.
      • Based on its placement, I would bet that it has deadened the nerve, so that you would indeed feel no pain.
      desensitize, render insensitive, make insensitive, numb, benumb, anaesthetize
    2. 1.2 Deprive of force or vitality; stultify.
      the syllabus has deadened the teaching process


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Music deadens the mind with its repetitive noises, movies brainwash us into predictable behavior, and travelling narrows our horizons into a world of tourist traps and sophistry.
      • Sadly, the supporting non-celebrity players deliver their lines in the same deadened monotone that passes for the industry standard in video game voice acting.
      • Then you start touring and it deadens your mind a bit.
      • He and his researchers have explored the archives and newspaper morgues with determination, so that the central events are told with an almost deadening thoroughness.
      • He has a bit of a bee in his bonnet about the deadening effect on teaching of a society afraid to take risks.
      • I have made it a primary goal to integrate my work with my passionate interests, mostly in order to avoid the mid-life crisis of waking up to a soul-deadening modern job.
      • Her eyes are pained and deadened, but somehow sad and regretting.
      • Both men understood that powerful aspects of their art were deadened by analysis.
      • Over the years, his humanity has been submerged through a deadening routine.
      • I strongly recommend the book for anyone who thinks manners are boring, deadening constraints on their individuality.
      • Then it flew back into my mind with hideous, deadening force.
      • The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women.
      • Stale routine can be deadening and it appears to me that you are following a routine here lately, with business and other daily affairs.
      • Even if you ignore the health-threatening combination of junk TV and junk food, it's obvious that television deadens children's capacity to develop.
      • The biggest complaint you hear these days from country folk is about the sheer, deadening weight of bureaucracy.
      • What had been deadening this country, I think, was not so mysterious.
      • This is not because I am particularly involved or interested in my job, but because the deadening routine is not conducive to creativity or insight.
      • Life is busier than ever for most couples and it's easy to fall into a routine that deadens your marriage.
      • Without wonder, men and women would lapse into deadening routine and little by little would become incapable of a life which is genuinely personal.
      • I push my deadened feet up, forcing them to move, my hands stuck by my side as I turn the corner into the lounge.
    3. 1.3 Make (someone) insensitive to something.
      laughter might deaden us to the moral issue


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Twenty years of blockbusters have deadened audiences to the excitement of big armies and lavish effects.
      • As with personal healing, social healing requires us to awaken from the cultural trance that deadens us to what is possible.
      • And as a result, you start to build up these thick walls that deaden you.
      • While the language of propaganda demonizes whole peoples and deadens us to the effects of policy decisions, poetry wakes us up.
      • But we should also expect that chemicals and treatments will be developed that deaden the future soldier's sensation of fear.
      • When we treat fish and other animals like little more than a piece of sporting equipment it deadens all of us.
      • The superficiality, the alienation, the escapism, and the hollowness are a result of a steady bombardment of confusing and deadening messages designed to reduce us to passive consumers.
      • The sex - well, I'm still not getting any, but working sixteen hour days three times a week, and 8 hour days the other three, is deadening me sufficiently that I don't feel this so acutely.
      • He asks us to believe that one infant can change the world not as some sentimental pap which deadens us to the pain around us or as some convenient bandage to slap over profound brokenness.
      • The Christian legalization of belief in Christ has deadened us to the free openness of his life.
      • The only way you could remain a communist, he said later, was by deadening your conscience, by inducing a moral narcosis.
      • You don't let it drown you, or deaden you to the point that you're afraid to feel anything for fear of being hurt.
      • The city deadens us to beauty.
      • In this culture, we are deadened to the effects of our lives on other people, other animals, on natural resources every day.




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