

单词 shelf


nounPlural shelves, Plural shelfs ʃɛlfʃɛlf
  • 1A flat length of wood or rigid material, attached to a wall or forming part of a piece of furniture, that provides a surface for the storage or display of objects.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the adjacent cabinet, glide-out shelves provide pantry storage.
    • These ladies got a team together that catalogued and organised the books and journals from boxes to shelves and they continue their work today as more and more books are donated.
    • Many display shelves were covered by stationery materials, crepe paper, haberdashery, hair conditioner and washing detergent, boot polish and plastic toys.
    • Traditionally, a food bank's shelves are filled haphazardly with whatever goods companies overproduce.
    • The pieces were displayed on shelves, propped against the wall, emphasizing their three-dimensionality.
    • I could stock the shelves with my teenage children at the local food bank.
    • A walk-in pantry with shelves provides extra storage and another door leads to a roomy back hall, toilet and plumbed utility room.
    • On another wall were shelves holding the trophies displayed.
    • Eventually, the stock grew and Bruce put shelves on the wall (behind the counter) to display the movies.
    • You'll find wood storage shelves and crates in pine, oak, redwood, and a variety of other woods, or you can have a wood shop custom make whatever you need.
    • The boy grabbed a lantern off a shelf and lit it, and they continued down the dark hallway.
    • They check that the items are continuously on the shelves and promoted prominently.
    • Free-standing shelves provide excellent storage and can be taken with you when you move.
    • A shelf along one wall provides extra space for smaller plants.
    • Scattered around the perimeter were canvases and dark wood frames and shelves were put seemingly randomly on the walls.
    • The painters, who had promised me two days notice to remove everything from walls, shelves and large pieces of furniture, instead gave me a few hours.
    • Wood or plastic shelves then rest on the brackets.
    • At the back of the restaurant is a grand old-fashioned teak pharmaceutical counter with banks of drawers and shelves full of bottles.
    • The brunette in question merely nodded at my statement and continued rifling through the shelves.
    • The cost of fitted shelves and units can break the bank.
    ledge, bracket, sill, rack
    bookshelf, mantelshelf, mantelpiece
    in a church or monastery predella, retable
  • 2A ledge of rock or protruding strip of land.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I pull the rope bag out and drop it on the ledge in front of my shins, padding the rock shelf so I can lean into it.
    • Beside him on the rock shelf was a small cylindrical shaped object with a whip-thin antenna telescoping from the top.
    • This has been known to occur on the north side of Mavericks where there is no exit from the water, only a rock shelf.
    • Later, he tries another, trickier approach, via an overhanging shelf of rock and ice.
    • Then the fogbank was gone and the ground suddenly appeared, jagged shelves of rock speeding up toward them.
    • I wanted to get a photo of the Gram Parsons BBQ pit from a small shelf in the rock above.
    • As the water went down, one of the aquarists placed some of the eggs that had fallen from the sides of the tank on a rock shelf.
    • Figure 6 shows outcrop Al as a representative example of the shelf to shoreface successions on the footwall of the Jalan Tutong Fault.
    • Each bank has a marginal shelf, which during the summer is covered in lilies.
    • In the Speak-See Ball, huge shelves of land were being uprooted and tossed through the air like confetti.
    • The venue has steep banks with a shelf half way down.
    • An undamaged cluster of two foot long straws hang under a shelf of rock topped with flowstone, and is well worth a visit.
    • They kept to the shadows, slinking along beneath a dusty shelf of rock.
    • To the hole's right lies a broad shelf of rock; to its left, a tower.
    • There were, broadly speaking, three tracts of relevant land: there is the rock shelf, which was tidal…
    • Several minutes later the rock shelf above him disappeared and a steady stream of moonlight cascaded across the path.
    • Sitting on a natural shelf in the rock was a dingy mirror, and Prudence finger-combed her hair in it before smiling through the redness of her nose and eyes.
    • A dusty pile of sheet rock tumbled from one of the high, unsteady shelves and landed beside Barbara.
    • The rock shelf came to an end as the cliff stopped, and at the end was a thirty-foot drop into the lagoon.
    • The children seemed a little disappointed that a ride in the rubber boat was not included in their tour, but they found plenty to interest them in the rock pools in the cave and on the rock shelf.
    1. 2.1 A submarine bank, or a part of the continental shelf.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Limestone deposition will then result by retrogradation from the adjoining shelf during continuous transgression.
      • Sea mounts with dizzying shelves rise from the ocean floor, covered in every form of life which crawls, slides, flickers and oozes through the days and nights of marine existence.
      • Exquisite rock islands cloaked in dense foliage are fringed by the shelves of coral reefs covered in crystal water leading you to precipitous drop-offs.
      • This problem with the sediment trap technique is probably restricted to the continental slope and shelf and will not occur over abyssal depths.
      • Heading up Leck Fell Lane, past the cascade marking the start of the Cigalere, we continued upstream until arriving at the nice flowstone shelf with loads of straws.
      • The Lower and Middle Allochthons comprise shelf and continental rise successions envisaged as indigenous to the Baltoscandian margin.
      • Sheltered from the southeasterly breeze, the reef drops away in a series of shelves down to a large sand gutter at 30m.
      • They prefer the warm environment of coastal waters along continental and insular shelves.
      • Adjacent coastal states have sovereign rights over the seabed mineral resources of the shelf.
      • This is situated on the highest part of the shelf and is bounded on the east by a rubble bank, which can be traced for over 600 m. and on the west by a precipitous natural scarp.
      • Anemone City's sharply angled reef is broken by plateaux and shelves, where dense pinnacles and coral heads tower in a blaze of colour.
      • This depth corresponds to the major change in slope between the shelf and the submarine flanks of the island.
      • It occurs in mudstones that were deposited at outer shelf or bathyal depths and in flysch facies that were deposited at bathyal depths or greater.
      • Zebra sharks are primarily bottom dwellers that live in warm shallow inland waters, of continental and island shelves.
      • From the cave I like to follow the reef up past a shelf at 12m to a window in the rocks at just less than 10m.
      • In 1965, a sudden change occurred; drift ice and polar water covered the north Icelandic shelf during spring.
      • We thank B. Pelletier for fruitful discussions on the origin of the shallow submarine shelf, and G. Wadge and S. J. Day for their careful reviews.
      • Recruitment patterns of these species along the shelf were then used to infer water-mass distributions along the shelf.
      • The reef at once returned to slopes, shelves and indentations, with a host of coral species shrouded in anthias, butterflyfish, angelfish and groupers.
      • The deep-sea species inhabit the ocean shelf around 100 miles off the north-west coast of Scotland.
      sandbank, sandbar, bank, bar, reef, shoal


  • off the shelf

    • Not designed or made to order but taken from existing stock or supplies.


      off-the-shelf software packages


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is the software you buy shrink-wrapped off the shelf or download from the Internet onto your computer.
      • In Japan and some parts of Scandinavia you can buy a house off the shelf.
      • All cost around £20 and are available off the shelf or next day at the dealer.
      • So in all probability, they took the stadium plans off the shelf.
      • You can buy software specific to an industry and specific to one need, off the shelf, without having to buy a whole package.
      • My busy Lizzies are grown from seed rather than bought in off the shelf but, unfortunately, they never reach the seeding stage.
      • Recruits, knowledge, ideas and even cash could be had off the shelf.
      • You ditch the standard template you grabbed off the shelf when you first started blogging, in favour of a design of your own making.
      • The electronic speed controller which works through a conventional twist grip throttle was bought off the shelf.
      • No one out there is buying off the shelf without some recompense to their own industry or their own workers.
  • on the shelf

    • 1No longer useful or desirable.


      an injury which has kept him on the shelf


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Keep in mind that plans are not something to write and put on the shelf.
      • For the likely and less likely lads still on the shelf there's always tomorrow - at least until the end of the week.
      • These proposals have been on the shelf from six months to a year.
      • Neither of us can afford to put the other on the shelf for a few years.
      • Until people realize this, the bad boys will have to sing their own praises to avoid being left on the shelf.
      • She feels that this puts a lot of otherwise extremely worthwhile contemporary keyboard works on the shelf.
      • Until the court case settled, this IPO is on the shelf, possibly forever.
      • Every budget that I submitted they put on the shelf and said it was dead on arrival.
      • And it is the self-centred ones who tend to get left on the shelf and so are the main frequenters of singles venues.
      • So I put this screenplay on the shelf, and I called my producers who shared the same opinion with me.
    • 2(especially of a woman) past an age when one might expect to have the opportunity to marry.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She is moving as she makes the journey from dysfunctional daughter left on the shelf to mature woman discovering love.
      • Beginning to think you are going to be left on the shelf forever and end up as an elderly spinster dying alone and being eaten by your own cats?
      • And under no circumstances would I fear being past it or left on the shelf.
      • She would have been in her 30s and was effectively on the shelf because of casualties in the first world war.
      • A woman has few options but to find a husband and provider in Georgian England and Bennet is determined that her girls will not be left on the shelf.
      • Be careful - you're heading into that zone where you could be left on the shelf.
      • Shy daughter Kea is left on the shelf for the senior prom until Lieutenant William Calley sweeps her off her feet.
      • In New York, you can have a body like Cindy Crawford's and a high-powered career and still be on the shelf.
      • And she had decided to try to make the best of being left on the shelf.
      unmarried, single, without a partner, without a spouse, without a husband, without a wife, unattached, on one's own


  • shelf-ful

  • nounPlural shelf-fulsˈʃɛlffʊl
    • This enormous book of 552 pages, closely printed, is almost a shelfful of books collected in one volume.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There was not a shelfful of books on, say, how to give a talk in public, as there is now; there was usually none.
      • These things tend to discourage purchase - who wants to have a shelfful of dead ideas?
      • Yet in the midst of all this I also have several shelf-fuls of gifts which he will not use.
      • ‘There are virtually shelf-fuls of compounds capable of acting in an antioxidant fashion,’ says Thies.
      • Almost every one of the shelfful of books he has published since the early 1970s has explored these themes in one way or another.
      • But once started on the path of learning, he rapidly got together quite a respectable shelfful of books, which bore unmistakable proofs of much usage.
      • This section contains a shelf-ful of really good ones, both fiction (by Muslim authors) and nonfiction.
      • I loan out shelf-fuls of DVDs to my friends.
      • For instance, I have a shelf-ful of electronic gizmos - bought and paid-for - that I have never managed to make use of.
  • shelf-like

  • adjective
    • Running a trot line seems a fairly sane way to go about snagging a big fish, but in more shallow runs of the river farther downstream where the limestone has eroded under the bank to form shelf-like caves some guys take the sport a step farther.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The nose contains shelf-like structures called turbinates, which help trap particles entering the nasal passages.
      • It steadily increased in size until it reached its full magnitude in 1885 as an ugly but substantial shelf-like structure.
      • The walls seemed like a large bulletin board, strewn with everything from drawings to pictures of her friends to books, on a shelf-like thing, to movie tickets.
      • Podial basins are closed cup-like or shelf-like depressions shared by sequential ambulacrals or adjacent ambulacrals and adambulacrals.


Middle English: from Middle Low German schelf; related to Old English scylfe 'partition', scylf 'crag'.

  • Shelf is from Middle Low German schelf; related forms are Old English scylfe ‘partition’, scylf ‘crag’. The late 16th-century verb shelve had the sense ‘project like a shelf’, first found in Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona: ‘Her chamber is aloft. And built so shelving, that one cannot climb it’. The form is from shelves, the plural of shelf.


elf, herself, himself, itself, myself, oneself, ourself, self, themself, thyself, yourself


nounPlural shelves, Plural shelfs ʃɛlfʃɛlf
Australian, NZ informal
  • An informer.


verbshelfs ʃɛlfʃɛlf
[with object]Australian, NZ informal
  • Inform on (someone)


    he never shelfed a man in his life


1930s (as a noun): probably from the phrase on the shelf 'out of the way'.


  • 1A flat length of wood or rigid material, attached to a wall or forming part of a piece of furniture, that provides a surface for the storage or display of objects.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Free-standing shelves provide excellent storage and can be taken with you when you move.
    • The cost of fitted shelves and units can break the bank.
    • At the back of the restaurant is a grand old-fashioned teak pharmaceutical counter with banks of drawers and shelves full of bottles.
    • A walk-in pantry with shelves provides extra storage and another door leads to a roomy back hall, toilet and plumbed utility room.
    • The brunette in question merely nodded at my statement and continued rifling through the shelves.
    • You'll find wood storage shelves and crates in pine, oak, redwood, and a variety of other woods, or you can have a wood shop custom make whatever you need.
    • Scattered around the perimeter were canvases and dark wood frames and shelves were put seemingly randomly on the walls.
    • The boy grabbed a lantern off a shelf and lit it, and they continued down the dark hallway.
    • In the adjacent cabinet, glide-out shelves provide pantry storage.
    • The painters, who had promised me two days notice to remove everything from walls, shelves and large pieces of furniture, instead gave me a few hours.
    • Many display shelves were covered by stationery materials, crepe paper, haberdashery, hair conditioner and washing detergent, boot polish and plastic toys.
    • The pieces were displayed on shelves, propped against the wall, emphasizing their three-dimensionality.
    • Traditionally, a food bank's shelves are filled haphazardly with whatever goods companies overproduce.
    • A shelf along one wall provides extra space for smaller plants.
    • Wood or plastic shelves then rest on the brackets.
    • I could stock the shelves with my teenage children at the local food bank.
    • Eventually, the stock grew and Bruce put shelves on the wall (behind the counter) to display the movies.
    • On another wall were shelves holding the trophies displayed.
    • These ladies got a team together that catalogued and organised the books and journals from boxes to shelves and they continue their work today as more and more books are donated.
    • They check that the items are continuously on the shelves and promoted prominently.
    ledge, bracket, sill, rack
  • 2A ledge of rock or protruding strip of land.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There were, broadly speaking, three tracts of relevant land: there is the rock shelf, which was tidal…
    • An undamaged cluster of two foot long straws hang under a shelf of rock topped with flowstone, and is well worth a visit.
    • To the hole's right lies a broad shelf of rock; to its left, a tower.
    • Beside him on the rock shelf was a small cylindrical shaped object with a whip-thin antenna telescoping from the top.
    • Several minutes later the rock shelf above him disappeared and a steady stream of moonlight cascaded across the path.
    • As the water went down, one of the aquarists placed some of the eggs that had fallen from the sides of the tank on a rock shelf.
    • The venue has steep banks with a shelf half way down.
    • I wanted to get a photo of the Gram Parsons BBQ pit from a small shelf in the rock above.
    • A dusty pile of sheet rock tumbled from one of the high, unsteady shelves and landed beside Barbara.
    • Then the fogbank was gone and the ground suddenly appeared, jagged shelves of rock speeding up toward them.
    • They kept to the shadows, slinking along beneath a dusty shelf of rock.
    • Later, he tries another, trickier approach, via an overhanging shelf of rock and ice.
    • In the Speak-See Ball, huge shelves of land were being uprooted and tossed through the air like confetti.
    • The rock shelf came to an end as the cliff stopped, and at the end was a thirty-foot drop into the lagoon.
    • This has been known to occur on the north side of Mavericks where there is no exit from the water, only a rock shelf.
    • Figure 6 shows outcrop Al as a representative example of the shelf to shoreface successions on the footwall of the Jalan Tutong Fault.
    • Each bank has a marginal shelf, which during the summer is covered in lilies.
    • I pull the rope bag out and drop it on the ledge in front of my shins, padding the rock shelf so I can lean into it.
    • The children seemed a little disappointed that a ride in the rubber boat was not included in their tour, but they found plenty to interest them in the rock pools in the cave and on the rock shelf.
    • Sitting on a natural shelf in the rock was a dingy mirror, and Prudence finger-combed her hair in it before smiling through the redness of her nose and eyes.
    1. 2.1 A submarine bank, or a part of the continental shelf.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anemone City's sharply angled reef is broken by plateaux and shelves, where dense pinnacles and coral heads tower in a blaze of colour.
      • Exquisite rock islands cloaked in dense foliage are fringed by the shelves of coral reefs covered in crystal water leading you to precipitous drop-offs.
      • The deep-sea species inhabit the ocean shelf around 100 miles off the north-west coast of Scotland.
      • This depth corresponds to the major change in slope between the shelf and the submarine flanks of the island.
      • The reef at once returned to slopes, shelves and indentations, with a host of coral species shrouded in anthias, butterflyfish, angelfish and groupers.
      • From the cave I like to follow the reef up past a shelf at 12m to a window in the rocks at just less than 10m.
      • Adjacent coastal states have sovereign rights over the seabed mineral resources of the shelf.
      • They prefer the warm environment of coastal waters along continental and insular shelves.
      • Sheltered from the southeasterly breeze, the reef drops away in a series of shelves down to a large sand gutter at 30m.
      • Recruitment patterns of these species along the shelf were then used to infer water-mass distributions along the shelf.
      • The Lower and Middle Allochthons comprise shelf and continental rise successions envisaged as indigenous to the Baltoscandian margin.
      • Zebra sharks are primarily bottom dwellers that live in warm shallow inland waters, of continental and island shelves.
      • This problem with the sediment trap technique is probably restricted to the continental slope and shelf and will not occur over abyssal depths.
      • In 1965, a sudden change occurred; drift ice and polar water covered the north Icelandic shelf during spring.
      • It occurs in mudstones that were deposited at outer shelf or bathyal depths and in flysch facies that were deposited at bathyal depths or greater.
      • We thank B. Pelletier for fruitful discussions on the origin of the shallow submarine shelf, and G. Wadge and S. J. Day for their careful reviews.
      • This is situated on the highest part of the shelf and is bounded on the east by a rubble bank, which can be traced for over 600 m. and on the west by a precipitous natural scarp.
      • Sea mounts with dizzying shelves rise from the ocean floor, covered in every form of life which crawls, slides, flickers and oozes through the days and nights of marine existence.
      • Limestone deposition will then result by retrogradation from the adjoining shelf during continuous transgression.
      • Heading up Leck Fell Lane, past the cascade marking the start of the Cigalere, we continued upstream until arriving at the nice flowstone shelf with loads of straws.
      sandbank, sandbar, bank, bar, reef, shoal


  • off the shelf

    • Not designed or made to order but taken from existing stock or supplies.


      off-the-shelf software packages


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is the software you buy shrink-wrapped off the shelf or download from the Internet onto your computer.
      • You can buy software specific to an industry and specific to one need, off the shelf, without having to buy a whole package.
      • Recruits, knowledge, ideas and even cash could be had off the shelf.
      • My busy Lizzies are grown from seed rather than bought in off the shelf but, unfortunately, they never reach the seeding stage.
      • The electronic speed controller which works through a conventional twist grip throttle was bought off the shelf.
      • You ditch the standard template you grabbed off the shelf when you first started blogging, in favour of a design of your own making.
      • In Japan and some parts of Scandinavia you can buy a house off the shelf.
      • All cost around £20 and are available off the shelf or next day at the dealer.
      • No one out there is buying off the shelf without some recompense to their own industry or their own workers.
      • So in all probability, they took the stadium plans off the shelf.
  • on the shelf

    • (of people or things) no longer useful or desirable.


      an injury that has kept him on the shelf


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And it is the self-centred ones who tend to get left on the shelf and so are the main frequenters of singles venues.
      • So I put this screenplay on the shelf, and I called my producers who shared the same opinion with me.
      • These proposals have been on the shelf from six months to a year.
      • Every budget that I submitted they put on the shelf and said it was dead on arrival.
      • Keep in mind that plans are not something to write and put on the shelf.
      • Neither of us can afford to put the other on the shelf for a few years.
      • Until the court case settled, this IPO is on the shelf, possibly forever.
      • She feels that this puts a lot of otherwise extremely worthwhile contemporary keyboard works on the shelf.
      • For the likely and less likely lads still on the shelf there's always tomorrow - at least until the end of the week.
      • Until people realize this, the bad boys will have to sing their own praises to avoid being left on the shelf.


Middle English: from Middle Low German schelf; related to Old English scylfe ‘partition’, scylf ‘crag’.


Australian, NZ informal
  • An informer.


[with object]Australian, NZ informal
  • Inform on (someone)


    he never shelfed a man in his life


1930s (as a noun): probably from the phrase on the shelf ‘out of the way’.





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