

单词 rustic

Definition of rustic in English:


adjective ˈrʌstɪkˈrəstɪk
  • 1Relating to the countryside; rural.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The fireplace really suited the rustic cabin setting.
    • But the idea that it is all about helping rustic smallholders to keep making rare cheeses has very little to do with reality.
    • Unbelievable, though, there is a restaurant here, set in the woods, rustic and jolly, with a view and a children's plastic slide.
    • The rooms are modestly furnished and reflect the rustic charm of traditional Montenegro.
    • There were small wooden houses covered by snow, and everything looked so rustic.
    • Unlike Paul Theroux in his travelogue, The Great Railway Bazaar, the reader does not have to board a train and look at endless stretches of secluded rustic regions.
    • Sheep graze, and cows gaze, over a bucolic, rustic world that their forebearers would recognize at once.
    • Tale, the city-dweller turns rustic, rattling on about the countryside.
    • As cyclists rode through the rustic towns that hug the route, spectators cheered, waved, and took snapshots.
    • The patriarch belongs to the rustic world of Juan Vicente Gomez, who ruled Venezuela from 1908 to 1935.
    • Charcoal advocates like the smoky flavor and the risky rustic adventure of getting the fire just right.
    • Sonntag occasionally populated his landscapes with a lone land hunter, usually near his rustic log cabin.
    • According to Gujral, hearing Sharif's views in rustic Punjabi made the interaction quite memorable.
    • The glances it gets on these rustic streets are more murderous than any it might garner from the fashionistas in Milan.
    • The film starts quite well in the rustic village where Zishe is a humble blacksmith, the beloved son of devout Jewish parents.
    • In Batopilas, try the rustic adobe Hotel Mary for about $10 per person.
    • Camp Verde is less than 20 miles from the rustic retreat outside Sedona where the fatal sweat lodge ceremony was held on Oct. 8.
    • Villagers were in their colourful headgear huddled together in a lurching truck on a rustic road.
    • Finding plain speaking was not so unusual in the rustic heartland of those days.
    • Although much of the traditional agriculture of times past has disappeared - the village threshing floors are now broken and abandoned - there remains a feeling of rustic self-sufficiency.
    1. 1.1 Having a simplicity and charm that is considered typical of the countryside.
      the unblemished charm of rustic life has been a perennial source of inspiration for the painter
      bare plaster walls and terracotta floor give a rustic feel
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Knotty-pine wails, white tablecloths, and a sprinkling of artwork and Western memorabilia create a pleasingly rustic yet romantic ambience.
      • A hard, pre-manufactured material, brick gives a rustic and casual feel to the space.
      • Having been to Costa Rica many times I still love this country with its friendly people and its rustic charm.
      • Now entering its first full season, the Hidden Springs Ranch offers a unique experience that blends rustic charm with spa-caliber amenities.
      • Like all tiny-room experts, they know the benefits of volume, and they're serving up rustic Italian cuisine for a reason.
      • The home that architect David Coleman designed isn't literally a series of outbuildings, but his plan captures that rustic spirit.
      • The idea for upscale rustic cuisine came to him in the most ideal of places - at Louie's Backyard looking out over the ocean in Key West.
      • ‘The furniture of any era should advocate a return to rustic simplicity in the face of creeping industrialisation,’ she opined.
      • Attached to the rustic old country house hotel was a gallery and a deli where we bought a mid-morning feast of focaccia, Persian feta and relish.
      • There are no surprises here: it's rustic Americana and country inflected ballads all the way.
      • The Inn offers rustic charm with all the modern conveniences.
      • We didn't move to Spain to recover some rustic, romantic, agrarian life.
      • It's hard to credit it now, but there was a time within living memory when we tried to lure foreign tourists with romantic images of whitewashed cottages and rustic simplicity.
      • A stay in the renovated stables, just off the main building, completes the Wildean-era rustic romance.
      • The region - best known for its great fortified port wines and some rustic dry reds - appears to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts.
      • The island's only true nudist retreat, it's also the most rustic.
      • The rustic country architecture and furnishings feel very south-of-France.
      • And if you never thought that rustic, preppy and retro chic couldn't be combined, then you may not be ready for what the season has to offer.
      • Meursault is the most rustic, but is astoundingly complex in nearly all its forms.
      • As a contrast to these rustic, earthy dishes, I'm giving you my creme fraiche mousse with pears poached in caramel and wine.
      • This old town Bristol sugar warehouse is warm and rustic but thankfully convincing too.
      rural, country, countryside
      pastoral, bucolic
      agricultural, agrarian
      literary Arcadian, sylvan
      rare georgic, agrestic, exurban
    2. 1.2 Lacking the sophistication of the city; backward and provincial.
      you are a rustic halfwit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I pondered the delicious irony of it all - for all the money and sophistication, Napa still felt, well, rustic.
      • In other poems Marvell describes youths both male and female, both rustic and sophisticated.
      • She cannot help mentally comparing the handsome, strong and apparently sophisticated Pichandi to her rustic, overbearing husband.
      • No avenue was provided for input from the majority of the users of these rustic but sanitary facilities - the tens of thousands of Lower Mainlanders who frequent them throughout the summer months.
      • It did not matter to Amrita Pritam whether she was portraying a rustic woman or a sophisticated urbanite.
      • Colombia was a bit rustic but she was finally able to think of something besides the divorce.
      • But for station hands, managers, support staff and their families, the lifestyle remains rustic and dangerous.
      • This is a vast improvement on the old one, but a bit rustic compared to other new clubhouses.
      • Instead it reminds us that men such as Dabney were hardly rustic provincials.
      • It amused her that he was so rustic and old fashioned.
      • It was a more rustic and northern version of Detroit with escarpments of slag and iron ore.
      • Rather than dismissing their culture and beliefs as rustic and backwards, she seeks to engage with them and understand their form, origin and nature.
      • The tug of war is still considered a rustic sport in the cities.
      • Old stone foundations are visible in the winter, remnants of a time when life was rustic and full of hardship.
      • Ever wonder why Bombayites find other cities pedestrian, rustic?
      unsophisticated, uncultured, unrefined, uncultivated, simple, plain, homely, artless, unassuming, guileless, naive, ingenuous
      coarse, rough, uncouth, graceless, awkward, cloddish, boorish, lumpen
      North American backwoods, hillbilly, hick
      archaic clownish
  • 2Made in a plain and simple fashion.


    rustic pottery
    plain, simple, homely, unsophisticated, homespun
    1. 2.1 Made of untrimmed branches or rough timber.
      a rustic oak bench


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You can buy fantastic rustic style six foot fencing from B&Q cheap enough to encircle the whole garden.
      • The furniture has the rough rustic feel you can only get from hand crafting and is reminiscent of old Morocco.
      • The rustic fence is composed mostly of bitter cherry saplings joined with wood screws.
      • One evening while Fahrquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
      • Other species of wood used include birch, which is made into besom for brooms and horse jumps and oak for rustic furniture.
      • Steven's rustic trellises typically last three or four years before the poles decay, making replacement necessary.
      • The owners painted the ceiling off-white and applied a stain to the rustic beams to make them look like driftwood.
      • The light sisal rug anchors the rustic tables, and the suedelike wall glaze in a caramel shade adds warmth to the knotty pine ceiling.
      • Give furniture a rustic look by finishing it in a distressed, aged way.
      • They build flower boxes, make picture frames from knotholes, and create rustic benches and tables.
      • The lounge is big and homely, and there are rustic breakfast tables in the kitchen, with the option of eating outside in the lovely garden.
      • This large room has a rustic oak floor and pine-panelled ceilings.
      • These treatments often accentuate the natural or rustic look of rough sawn lumber and allow the wood grain and surface texture to show through the finish.
      • The restaurant has rustic farm tables to share and makes fantastic omelets.
    2. 2.2 (of masonry) having a rough-hewn or roughened surface or deeply sunk joints.
      a rustic bridge


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Against a rustic stucco wall, water trickles out of scalloped bowls into a colorful blue fountain bedecked with blazing bougainvillea.
      • However, producing these two rustic finishes creates minute fissures in the stone, thereby increasing its liquid absorption and its retention of dirt and pollutants.
      • A rustic stone wall lined the edge of the overlook.
      • There are no architectural features, with one exception of a roughcast rustic bridge in the left foreground.
      • Inspired by a trip to England, Pat's son Brian built the gate pillars with salvaged bricks and concrete blocks, made rustic with patches of mortar.
    3. 2.3 Denoting freely formed lettering, especially a relatively informal style of handwritten Roman capital letter.
      rustic capitals were much easier to form
      Example sentencesExamples
      • High-grade book scripts were angular square capitals suited to inscriptions and the chisel, more fluid rustic capitals, and rounded uncials suited to the pen.
      • This is a baroque homage to Pablo Ferro that doesn't employ white, condensed, rustic lettering.
noun ˈrʌstɪkˈrəstɪk
  • 1derogatory An unsophisticated country person.


    they paused to watch the rustics dance and carouse
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We rubbed shoulders with the local rustics, but only shoulders.
    • He was thin and unusually refined for a self-educated New York rustic.
    • Finster has often been presented by the mass media as a hillbilly rustic who was ‘discovered’ and promoted to stardom by a few well-placed figures in the art world.
    • It also started a trend which saw the country as the mist-covered heather-clad mountains of home, peopled by well-meaning rustics.
    • In recent weeks, our Government has been trying to distance itself from the horrendous costs of foot and mouth disease, preferring to present the ministry as an innocent victim of greedy rustics.
    • Teniers's distance from the rustics he painted is illustrated by his canvas, in the Brussels Museum of Art, of his visit with his wife to a country fair on his estate, De Drij Toren.
    • As ever, viewers would have concurred that all change originated in the city and not from ‘tradition-bound, passive rustics.’
    • But if you visualise Owen as one of those red-faced rustics going about his business with a straw in his mouth, you are well off track.
    • I was reckless in my ways, dangerous and unpolished to the point of being branded a rustic.
    • In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus.
    • He has remained the affable rustic who enjoyed the company of old friends.
    • Won't the degenerate rustics of Sherston, so clearly in need of protection from themselves, go back to their ancient uncouth ways?
    • Associating contentment with modest circumstances, she visited poor rustics in order to ‘participate’ in their simplicity and tranquillity.
    • It ‘read’ like the old story - that the rustics could be placated by figures and facts, even if many of the facts were ‘projections’ and experience beyond this island.
    • The very nature of the urban renaissance in Bristol was to exclude rustics from participation rather than to transform them into citified wannabes.
    • Still the rustics were at a loss to explain why they continued to consume non-vegetarian food.
    • In Greece, rich aristocrats used gold and silver in life, while poor rustics used wooden vessels.
    • The phrase puts me in mind of pub engravings, of rustics in waistcoats lying full-length in rowing boats, poking at ducks with long muskets.
    • The project's field co-ordinators are no rustics.
    • Now he was like some Steven King rustic, issuing cryptic wisdom from the porch to a tourist who just wants directions to the hotel.
    • As Christian fundamentalism and consumerism subvert local cosmologies and converts castigate traditional practices as satanic or insult animist believers as rustics, few replace shrine objects.
    countryman, countrywoman, peasant, son/daughter of the soil, country bumpkin, bumpkin, yokel, country cousin
    French paysan
    Spanish campesino
    Italian contadino, paisano
    Russian muzhik, kulak
    Egyptian fellah
    Indian ryot
    Irish informal culchie, bogman
    North American informal hillbilly, hayseed, hick, rube
    Australian/New Zealand informal bushy
    Australian/New Zealand dated backblocker
    archaic clown, villein, swain, hind, carl, cottier
    rare bucolic
  • 2A small brownish European moth.


    Several genera and species in the family Noctuidae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some of the greatest declines were suffered by autumn rustic (92 per cent since 1968), ghost moth (73 per cent), and white ermine (77 per cent).


  • rustically

  • adverb ˈrʌstɪk(ə)liˈrəstək(ə)li
    • A crossroads pointed the way to innumerable destinations: Honeysuckle Wood, Cowslip Meadow, Dandelion Green, and, less rustically the Suburbs.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The town consists of two rustically elegant cabins, a ranch office, paddocks with shelters, a covered round pen, stables, and at the center of it all, Sniffy's Saloon.
      • In terms of mood, this room is rustically casual, but you'll notice that doesn't mean it's messy or unkempt.
      • Alongside are rustically designed huts and an open-air auditorium.
      • Wood-paneled and rustically refined, it brings to mind the den of a 19th century sportsman of no small means.
  • rusticity

  • noun rʌˈstɪsɪtirəˈstɪsədi
    • The menu, which has recently been updated, neatly balances old-fashioned rusticity with more up-to-date tinkering.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The statues have always been appreciated for their rusticity, joie de vivre, and swagger, but little else.
      • But despite their rusticity, the huts are fitted with all things cosmopolitan - a western-style toilet, a 14-channel TV and fridge with a minibar.
      • This record is a charming companion piece to Williams's most recent release of rusticity, Musings of a Creek Dipper.
      • With its blend of rusticity and sophistication, the 15 th-century coaching inn has been remodelled and is very much a dapper, food-and-wine-centred affair.


Late Middle English (in the sense 'rural'): from Latin rusticus, from rus 'the country'.

  • rural from Late Middle English:

    This comes from late Latin ruralis, from rus ‘country’. In early use little difference exists between rural and rustic (Late Middle English), but later usage shows rural in connection with locality and country scenes, with rustic being reserved for the primitive qualities of country life. The use of rustic for ‘unsophisticated; plain and simple’ dates from the beginning of the 17th century



Definition of rustic in US English:


  • 1Relating to the countryside; rural.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Finding plain speaking was not so unusual in the rustic heartland of those days.
    • Camp Verde is less than 20 miles from the rustic retreat outside Sedona where the fatal sweat lodge ceremony was held on Oct. 8.
    • The fireplace really suited the rustic cabin setting.
    • Sonntag occasionally populated his landscapes with a lone land hunter, usually near his rustic log cabin.
    • In Batopilas, try the rustic adobe Hotel Mary for about $10 per person.
    • The film starts quite well in the rustic village where Zishe is a humble blacksmith, the beloved son of devout Jewish parents.
    • The rooms are modestly furnished and reflect the rustic charm of traditional Montenegro.
    • The glances it gets on these rustic streets are more murderous than any it might garner from the fashionistas in Milan.
    • The patriarch belongs to the rustic world of Juan Vicente Gomez, who ruled Venezuela from 1908 to 1935.
    • Sheep graze, and cows gaze, over a bucolic, rustic world that their forebearers would recognize at once.
    • Unbelievable, though, there is a restaurant here, set in the woods, rustic and jolly, with a view and a children's plastic slide.
    • Although much of the traditional agriculture of times past has disappeared - the village threshing floors are now broken and abandoned - there remains a feeling of rustic self-sufficiency.
    • Charcoal advocates like the smoky flavor and the risky rustic adventure of getting the fire just right.
    • As cyclists rode through the rustic towns that hug the route, spectators cheered, waved, and took snapshots.
    • Villagers were in their colourful headgear huddled together in a lurching truck on a rustic road.
    • Tale, the city-dweller turns rustic, rattling on about the countryside.
    • But the idea that it is all about helping rustic smallholders to keep making rare cheeses has very little to do with reality.
    • Unlike Paul Theroux in his travelogue, The Great Railway Bazaar, the reader does not have to board a train and look at endless stretches of secluded rustic regions.
    • According to Gujral, hearing Sharif's views in rustic Punjabi made the interaction quite memorable.
    • There were small wooden houses covered by snow, and everything looked so rustic.
    1. 1.1 Having a simplicity and charm that is considered typical of the countryside.
      the unblemished charm of rustic life has been a perennial source of inspiration for the painter
      bare plaster walls and a terra-cotta floor give a rustic feel
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Knotty-pine wails, white tablecloths, and a sprinkling of artwork and Western memorabilia create a pleasingly rustic yet romantic ambience.
      • The idea for upscale rustic cuisine came to him in the most ideal of places - at Louie's Backyard looking out over the ocean in Key West.
      • Having been to Costa Rica many times I still love this country with its friendly people and its rustic charm.
      • A stay in the renovated stables, just off the main building, completes the Wildean-era rustic romance.
      • Attached to the rustic old country house hotel was a gallery and a deli where we bought a mid-morning feast of focaccia, Persian feta and relish.
      • There are no surprises here: it's rustic Americana and country inflected ballads all the way.
      • Now entering its first full season, the Hidden Springs Ranch offers a unique experience that blends rustic charm with spa-caliber amenities.
      • Like all tiny-room experts, they know the benefits of volume, and they're serving up rustic Italian cuisine for a reason.
      • It's hard to credit it now, but there was a time within living memory when we tried to lure foreign tourists with romantic images of whitewashed cottages and rustic simplicity.
      • The Inn offers rustic charm with all the modern conveniences.
      • As a contrast to these rustic, earthy dishes, I'm giving you my creme fraiche mousse with pears poached in caramel and wine.
      • A hard, pre-manufactured material, brick gives a rustic and casual feel to the space.
      • The rustic country architecture and furnishings feel very south-of-France.
      • And if you never thought that rustic, preppy and retro chic couldn't be combined, then you may not be ready for what the season has to offer.
      • This old town Bristol sugar warehouse is warm and rustic but thankfully convincing too.
      • We didn't move to Spain to recover some rustic, romantic, agrarian life.
      • ‘The furniture of any era should advocate a return to rustic simplicity in the face of creeping industrialisation,’ she opined.
      • The home that architect David Coleman designed isn't literally a series of outbuildings, but his plan captures that rustic spirit.
      • Meursault is the most rustic, but is astoundingly complex in nearly all its forms.
      • The region - best known for its great fortified port wines and some rustic dry reds - appears to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts.
      • The island's only true nudist retreat, it's also the most rustic.
      rural, country, countryside
    2. 1.2 Lacking the sophistication of the city; backward and provincial.
      you are a rustic halfwit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ever wonder why Bombayites find other cities pedestrian, rustic?
      • No avenue was provided for input from the majority of the users of these rustic but sanitary facilities - the tens of thousands of Lower Mainlanders who frequent them throughout the summer months.
      • It amused her that he was so rustic and old fashioned.
      • Instead it reminds us that men such as Dabney were hardly rustic provincials.
      • She cannot help mentally comparing the handsome, strong and apparently sophisticated Pichandi to her rustic, overbearing husband.
      • Colombia was a bit rustic but she was finally able to think of something besides the divorce.
      • This is a vast improvement on the old one, but a bit rustic compared to other new clubhouses.
      • But for station hands, managers, support staff and their families, the lifestyle remains rustic and dangerous.
      • It was a more rustic and northern version of Detroit with escarpments of slag and iron ore.
      • I pondered the delicious irony of it all - for all the money and sophistication, Napa still felt, well, rustic.
      • It did not matter to Amrita Pritam whether she was portraying a rustic woman or a sophisticated urbanite.
      • The tug of war is still considered a rustic sport in the cities.
      • Old stone foundations are visible in the winter, remnants of a time when life was rustic and full of hardship.
      • In other poems Marvell describes youths both male and female, both rustic and sophisticated.
      • Rather than dismissing their culture and beliefs as rustic and backwards, she seeks to engage with them and understand their form, origin and nature.
      unsophisticated, uncultured, unrefined, uncultivated, simple, plain, homely, artless, unassuming, guileless, naive, ingenuous
  • 2Made in a plain and simple fashion.


    rustic pottery
    plain, simple, homely, unsophisticated, homespun
    1. 2.1 Made of untrimmed branches or rough timber.
      a rustic oak bench


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The furniture has the rough rustic feel you can only get from hand crafting and is reminiscent of old Morocco.
      • You can buy fantastic rustic style six foot fencing from B&Q cheap enough to encircle the whole garden.
      • This large room has a rustic oak floor and pine-panelled ceilings.
      • The lounge is big and homely, and there are rustic breakfast tables in the kitchen, with the option of eating outside in the lovely garden.
      • The rustic fence is composed mostly of bitter cherry saplings joined with wood screws.
      • One evening while Fahrquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
      • The light sisal rug anchors the rustic tables, and the suedelike wall glaze in a caramel shade adds warmth to the knotty pine ceiling.
      • They build flower boxes, make picture frames from knotholes, and create rustic benches and tables.
      • The restaurant has rustic farm tables to share and makes fantastic omelets.
      • Give furniture a rustic look by finishing it in a distressed, aged way.
      • Steven's rustic trellises typically last three or four years before the poles decay, making replacement necessary.
      • These treatments often accentuate the natural or rustic look of rough sawn lumber and allow the wood grain and surface texture to show through the finish.
      • The owners painted the ceiling off-white and applied a stain to the rustic beams to make them look like driftwood.
      • Other species of wood used include birch, which is made into besom for brooms and horse jumps and oak for rustic furniture.
    2. 2.2 With rough-hewn or roughened surface or with deeply sunk joints.
      a rustic bridge


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A rustic stone wall lined the edge of the overlook.
      • Inspired by a trip to England, Pat's son Brian built the gate pillars with salvaged bricks and concrete blocks, made rustic with patches of mortar.
      • Against a rustic stucco wall, water trickles out of scalloped bowls into a colorful blue fountain bedecked with blazing bougainvillea.
      • However, producing these two rustic finishes creates minute fissures in the stone, thereby increasing its liquid absorption and its retention of dirt and pollutants.
      • There are no architectural features, with one exception of a roughcast rustic bridge in the left foreground.
    3. 2.3 Denoting freely formed lettering, especially a relatively informal style of handwritten Roman capital letter.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • High-grade book scripts were angular square capitals suited to inscriptions and the chisel, more fluid rustic capitals, and rounded uncials suited to the pen.
      • This is a baroque homage to Pablo Ferro that doesn't employ white, condensed, rustic lettering.
  • 1derogatory An unsophisticated country person.


    they paused to watch the rustics dance and carouse
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I was reckless in my ways, dangerous and unpolished to the point of being branded a rustic.
    • As Christian fundamentalism and consumerism subvert local cosmologies and converts castigate traditional practices as satanic or insult animist believers as rustics, few replace shrine objects.
    • It also started a trend which saw the country as the mist-covered heather-clad mountains of home, peopled by well-meaning rustics.
    • The very nature of the urban renaissance in Bristol was to exclude rustics from participation rather than to transform them into citified wannabes.
    • In Greece, rich aristocrats used gold and silver in life, while poor rustics used wooden vessels.
    • The project's field co-ordinators are no rustics.
    • But if you visualise Owen as one of those red-faced rustics going about his business with a straw in his mouth, you are well off track.
    • Finster has often been presented by the mass media as a hillbilly rustic who was ‘discovered’ and promoted to stardom by a few well-placed figures in the art world.
    • The phrase puts me in mind of pub engravings, of rustics in waistcoats lying full-length in rowing boats, poking at ducks with long muskets.
    • Teniers's distance from the rustics he painted is illustrated by his canvas, in the Brussels Museum of Art, of his visit with his wife to a country fair on his estate, De Drij Toren.
    • As ever, viewers would have concurred that all change originated in the city and not from ‘tradition-bound, passive rustics.’
    • He has remained the affable rustic who enjoyed the company of old friends.
    • Still the rustics were at a loss to explain why they continued to consume non-vegetarian food.
    • We rubbed shoulders with the local rustics, but only shoulders.
    • Now he was like some Steven King rustic, issuing cryptic wisdom from the porch to a tourist who just wants directions to the hotel.
    • It ‘read’ like the old story - that the rustics could be placated by figures and facts, even if many of the facts were ‘projections’ and experience beyond this island.
    • He was thin and unusually refined for a self-educated New York rustic.
    • In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus.
    • In recent weeks, our Government has been trying to distance itself from the horrendous costs of foot and mouth disease, preferring to present the ministry as an innocent victim of greedy rustics.
    • Won't the degenerate rustics of Sherston, so clearly in need of protection from themselves, go back to their ancient uncouth ways?
    • Associating contentment with modest circumstances, she visited poor rustics in order to ‘participate’ in their simplicity and tranquillity.
    countryman, countrywoman, peasant, daughter of the soil, son of the soil, country bumpkin, bumpkin, yokel, country cousin
  • 2A small brownish European moth.


    Several genera and species in the family Noctuidae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some of the greatest declines were suffered by autumn rustic (92 per cent since 1968), ghost moth (73 per cent), and white ermine (77 per cent).


Late Middle English (in the sense ‘rural’): from Latin rusticus, from rus ‘the country’.





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